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Anonymous No. 16183061

Are humans actually supposed to eat salt?
>A colony of 26 chimpanzees given a fruit and vegetable diet of very low Na and high K intake were maintained in long-standing, socially stable small groups for three years. Half of them had salt added progressively to their diet during 20 months. This addition of salt within the human dietetic range caused a highly significant rise in systolic, mean and diastolic blood pressure. The change reversed completely by six months after cessation of salt. The effect of salt differed between chimpanzees, some having a large blood pressure rise and others small or no rise. These results in the species phylogenetically closest to humans bear directly on causation of human hypertension, particularly in relation to migration of preliterate people, with low Na diet, to a Western urban lifestyle with increased salt intake. The hedonic liking for salt and avid ingestion was apt during human prehistory involving hunter-gatherer-scavenger existence in the interior of continents with a scarcity of salt, but is maladaptive in urban technological life with salt cheap and freely available.

Anonymous No. 16183066

you need the sodium ions man for your nervous system

Anonymous No. 16183073

Eating fruit, vegetables, grain, meat and fish is not enough? Why the monkeys can function without added salt?

Anonymous No. 16183074

>These results in the species phylogenetically closest to humans bear directly on causation of human hypertension
not unless chimps also have inhibited urease as humans do, I think we got it 15mya when did chimps split?

Anonymous No. 16183083

Urease is used by inferior life forms. Vertebrate don't have it.

Anonymous No. 16183085

chimpanzees divine their sodium ions from the ape God by making banana circles every full moon

Anonymous No. 16183104

Idk, i just know most if not all creaters seek out salt when they can get it.
>raindeer will lick up human piss to get the salt in it, elephants will travel hundreds of miles to chew on salt in caves.

Anonymous No. 16183108

I had hyponatremia one time
Humans definitely need salt

Anonymous No. 16183144

They have different digestive system I guess

Anonymous No. 16183211

Humans are meat eaters and meat already has enough salt in it.

anon why would you think culinary traditions have anything to do with what we're supposed to eat? we mainly evolved to eat fatty meat of large game raw. that doesn't mean it tastes better than a heavily salted seared steak to most people.

Anonymous No. 16183247

Anonymous No. 16183250

You are wrong, really wrong

Anonymous No. 16183253

what about our water sources?

Anonymous No. 16183272

>Are humans actually supposed to eat salt

Anonymous No. 16183419

>taste my sweat
>hmm tastes like salt
>"hey Siri, can you reabsorb salt through the skin?"
>guess I need to eat salt

Anonymous No. 16183428

This might shock you guys but humans aren't chimpanzees.

Anonymous No. 16183449

I don't recommend seizures for the average man.

Anonymous No. 16183975


Depends on what you're eating. Meat and fish have salt because animals need salt. Fruits and veggies don't have as much, but there is still some in them. Elephants need to eat dirt or lick the walls of caves or rocks to get their salt. So unless your herbivores are eating salty plants, they'll prob often get their salt from non-living mineral sources, including salt water.

For people. lots of places weren't next to a salt source like saltwater, so intrinsically lots of places didn't need to extract salt from anywhere other than food. Salt was a good trade product though for flavour, but we're talking bout early early people who didn't need it. Some guy took his kids into the woods and never showed them the outside world and the boys never met a girl before, and when outside people found them, the father mentioned that he missed added salt, so they were surviving without it.

Anonymous No. 16183990

I tried a low salt diet once as an experiment. I followed the AHA guidelines to limit my salt intake to 1500mg or less. It lowered my blood pressure so much that I couldn't really do leg day at the gym because squats and deadlifts would make me lightheaded. Then one day, I woke up late for work and I jumped out of bed, and the rapid change from laying to standing caused me to pass out and I smacked my head into the mirror in my room and broke it. After that I decided that low salt is unhealthy and a scam no matter what some faggot doctor says.

Anonymous No. 16184541

>we mainly evolved to eat fatty meat of large game raw.
I doubt the "raw" part. Anatomically modern humans came after cooking was developed.

Anonymous No. 16184548

I don't know if I'm supposed to but I fucking love it.

Anonymous No. 16184568

Me too, I once ate a big bowl of salt

Anonymous No. 16184597

Why do we not taste it bitter then

Anonymous No. 16184699

If it's coming from same science that dose rats 30mg/kg meth to prove it's neurotoxic, I will start eating salt.

Anonymous No. 16184757

some shit works
some doesn't
theres no intent, purpose or any of that shit
eating salt works it prevents natrium defficiency

Anonymous No. 16185039

How much water does a chimp drink?

Anonymous No. 16185169

Chimps dont sweat nearly as much as humans
Sweating is a majot sodium ion sink and even with little physical activity you sweat quite a lot compared to most animals

Anonymous No. 16185172


Anonymous No. 16185175

Eating enough meat will get you close. Eating most fruits, vegetables, and grain will absolutely make you deficient unless you're supplementing.

Anonymous No. 16185310

I dip orange slices in salt

Anonymous No. 16185520

Salt might have been an early way to shut down your neocortex. People probably used to take salt as a mind altering drug, but most people have become immune since then.

Anonymous No. 16185532

>Are humans actually supposed to eat salt?
Yes, especially if you exercise frequently and sweat. Many athletes have actually died from low salt.

"In chronic hyponatremia, sodium levels drop gradually over 48 hours or longer β€” and symptoms and complications are typically more moderate. In acute hyponatremia, sodium levels drop rapidly β€” resulting in potentially dangerous effects, such as rapid brain swelling, which can result in a coma and death."

If you're sedentary or never sweat and eat meat. You should get enough salt from your food. So it's not as simple as "should I ever add salt to my food!"

In fact, Bruce Lee most likely died from hyponatremia
The most frequent causes of death during marathon are:

(1) sudden cardiac death, triggered by a congenital or acquired heart disorder;
(2) exercise-associated hyponatremia or other electrolyte imbalance;
(3) exertional heat stroke or severe hyperthermia.

"Humans have a uniquely high density of sweat glands embedded in their skinβ€”10 times the density of chimpanzees and macaques.",density%20of%20chimpanzees%20and%20macaques.

Anonymous No. 16185536

>Salt might have been an early way to shut down your neocortex. People probably used to take salt as a mind altering drug, but most people have become immune since then.
Take your schizo pills anon.

Anonymous No. 16185537

Give a monkey a salt shaker with his fruit and you have made an addict. Happened to me. Love me some salt on my fruit. Am monkey. Am hypertensive.

Anonymous No. 16185540

thank God that siri was there for you

Anonymous No. 16185543

shh, he plays the druid in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16185566


Anonymous No. 16185594

I recently bought sodium, magnesium, and phosphorus salts for electrolyte mixes to add to my water because it's getting warm again and I'd rather not collapse of heat exhaustion doing my work.

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Anonymous No. 16185671

>licking up sweaty musclegirl abs scientifically proven to be good for you

Anonymous No. 16185687


Anonymous No. 16185704

>>licking up sweaty musclegirl abs scientifically proven to be good for you
t. Closeted homosexual autistic 4channer masochist.

Anonymous No. 16185746

>he wouldn't want /fit/ gf
>calls others homosexual

Anonymous No. 16185885


>wants a gf with the physique of a man.
>somehow doesn't understand how that's gay.

Anonymous No. 16185933

>visible muscles =male
Fat burger sausage fingers typed this post

Anonymous No. 16185956

did we invent stone tools or fire first?

Anonymous No. 16186021

earth was invented as follows:
1) fire,
2) stone tools,
3) america.

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Cult of Passion No. 16186023

Just let me enjoy thiiiiiiings!!!!

Anonymous No. 16186517

girls having muscles doesn't make them men any more than your tits make you a woman.

Anonymous No. 16186531

visible horizontal lines is just too much for me broski

Anonymous No. 16186548

having low enough bodyfat for a woman to have visible abs means her bodyfat is too low to be a healthy physiology

Anonymous No. 16186552

True, but that isn't what female muscles look like.

Anonymous No. 16186553

okay, and a woman having enough bodyfat for huge tits and a fat ass is also unhealthy but some people still find it attractive. would you also call their sexualities into question?

Anonymous No. 16186598

I would, anyone attracted to obese women isn't straight.

Anonymous No. 16186600

understood, you have your own personal definitions for words and expect others to conform to them. good luck with that.

Anonymous No. 16187708

Say that to the man who carved the Venus of Willendorf

Anonymous No. 16187712

Chimpanzees are not humans. Glad I could help clear this up for you, anon.

Anonymous No. 16187721

This sums up the trouble with science and the general public.
Most science, especially that concerned with medicine and nutrition is conditional and requires taking into consideration a variety of factors and context.
The general public is too fucking stupid to understand that. Anything longer than one sentence is "TLDR" and too many words with more than two syllables confuses them.

They just want simple answers as befits their simple peasant-like minds.
>Should I eat salt, yes or no!?!?!?!!?!
Absolute fuckwits deserve whatever health problems they get.

Why yes, I do despise stupid people, how did you guess?

Anonymous No. 16187729

This experiment tells you nothing about the effect of dietary sodium in humans, it only tells you how dietary sodium affects Chimpanzees.
Why not do the experiment in humans?
Chimpanzees don't sweat as much as humans do. No animal sweats as much as humans do, not even horses.

Anonymous No. 16187735

Stone tools came before anatomically modern humans

Anonymous No. 16187737

There's a theory it is a self portrait by a woman. Explains the proportions, of a woman looking down at her own body.

Anonymous No. 16187741

>No animal sweats as much as humans do, not even horses.
I wonder why that is.

Anonymous No. 16187800

The human ability to sweat gallons per day under extreme circumstances is unique in the animal kingdom. Even horses don't have sweat quite like ours, theirs has a much higher proportion of lipids whereas human sweat is virtually all water.
It's not that sweating wouldn't be useful to other animals either - all over the animal kingdom we can find examples of animals developing other physiological or behavioural adaptations to cooling down. Panting, submerging in water, simply avoiding the sun during the hottest part of the day, etc.
For sweat to be an efficient method of cooling, it needs to be able to evaporate from your body, so unless you are bald or have extremely short/fine hair, sweating won't do you much good.
Sweaty apes could move around the African savannah during even the hottest hours.

Anonymous No. 16187805

I mean, maybe we evolved it to get rid of the ridiculous amounts of salt that we eat.

Anonymous No. 16187815

Maybe, but it's much easier to just not eat so much salt, and if you can't help eating so much salt, it's easier to just urinate out the excess.
Most of the "work" your kidneys do is reabsorbing the electrolytes from your blood so that they are not lost. With an excess of salt in your diet, your kidneys simply do less work, expend less energy, in reabsorption.
It seems unlikely that humans would become bald and sweaty as a solution to eating a lot of salt. It's a huge morphological shift from our ape relatives, which seems to have gone hand in hand with our shift to bipedalism and tool use.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16187891

The desire to eat doesn't seem to have any relation to its amount in the body.

Anonymous No. 16187893

The desire to eat salt doesn't seem to have any relation to its amount in the body.

Anonymous No. 16187925

>I wonder why that is.
Anxiety, mostly due to unrealistic ideals set by social media.

Anonymous No. 16187932

>It seems unlikely that humans would become bald
Human also have more hair follicles per square inch of skin than apes. We are hairier than apes.

Anonymous No. 16187942

Consume zero salt for 48 hours whilst exercising, using saunas, etc, and see if you still believe that.
Sure, but that's because hair follicles are closely coupled with sweat glands. If you want to be able to sweat a lot, you need lots of follicles. Our tiny, stunted body hair serves as a wick to help sweat evaporate more easily. More hair follicles does not = hairier.

Anonymous No. 16188036

I don't use salt, my sodium intake is less than 500mg/day, at times less than 100mg. No negative side effects. These days I enjoy some olives which puts me around 500mg again.
The strangest thing is, the more sodium I add the more muscle cramps I get. I think salt fucks with you, but damn does it do magic on food sometimes.

Anonymous No. 16188045

>more hair follicles = more sweat
OMGosh, you cracked the code. Rock star level science right there, Anon. You should publish.

Anonymous No. 16188170

But only in humans, anon. Other animals with just as many, or more, follicles don't sweat like humans do, and thus don't have the same salt requirement.

Anonymous No. 16188221

>Consume zero salt for 48 hours whilst exercising, using saunas, etc, and see if you still believe that.
I tried for half a year, actually. In fact it made me hate salt, I would continue for the rest of my life, if it wasn't impractical.

Anonymous No. 16188240

if salt gives you cramps then you are potassium deficient.

Anonymous No. 16188266

Now science tells us we're wrong once again? Why, oh why, do we keep listening to nature?
The future is machine. Machines with no hair follicles and lots of greasyschmutz excretion glands.