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Anonymous No. 16183084

Why is this color often associated with science and technology?

Anonymous No. 16183087

because cyanse

Anonymous No. 16183109

NASA really liked that color in the 1960s. Not sure of any other science association with it.

Anonymous No. 16183111

God's chosen OS.

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Anonymous No. 16183115

That color is not associated with science real scientific color is green.

Anonymous No. 16183152

Green notebook for science
Blue notebook for math
Yellow notebook for history
Red notebook for English

Anonymous No. 16183156

Zoom zooms don't know what this means.

Barkon No. 16183163

Intellectual growth at the multiversial level.

Anonymous No. 16183166

I've never seen this colour associated with science and tech before

Barkon No. 16183168

(I.e. new ideas that aren't known anywhere)

Cyan is also the color of death, death enjoys our multiversial intellectual growth.

Anonymous No. 16183184

Cyan is the lack of Red, and thus the lack of impulsivity, only logic and rationality reign in this color

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terry davis info.png

Anonymous No. 16183726


Anonymous No. 16183731

why hasn't the worthless schizoid namefag been rangebanned yet?

Anonymous No. 16183733


Anonymous No. 16183736


Anonymous No. 16183739

If you put the lines below into the custom filters in uBlock Origin it will automatically remove all posts containing a name or tripcode from every thread. You never have to see another shitposting namefag again., > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/)), > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))

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images (8).jpg

Anonymous No. 16183775

You brilliant bastard.

Anonymous No. 16183915

Disdain back at you

Anonymous No. 16183959

why the fuck would you link a random star wars article about furry slavers?

Anonymous No. 16183970

What can You inform me about the syllables of gerri
Also can You request a Planet scan survey of through an weekly overday detection algorithm including subsurface neotech and cancel illegal trafficking and start restorative

Anonymous No. 16183982

For me it was blue for English and red for math

Anonymous No. 16183994

What the fuck, how did you nail it? Where do those colors come from?

Anonymous No. 16184239

Tyedye, andor anything good for that matter

Anonymous No. 16184330

if Cyan is associated with science, and Magenta associated with fantasy, then what is the third color, Yellow, associated with?

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Anonymous No. 16184365


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Anonymous No. 16184460


Anonymous No. 16185247

Cyanide is scientific, therefore Science approves of the color Cyan

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Anonymous No. 16185706

The original iMac was that colour. This led to a lot of other products like vacuum cleaners and popcorn makers aping the style in the early 2000s.

Anonymous No. 16186043


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Anonymous No. 16186049

Even Trek did blue = science

Anonymous No. 16186055

Oh fuck off already, Blue is not Cyan and never will be

Anonymous No. 16186101

the color cannot be printed maybe thats why.

also the reason why most tech companies use blue or purple. It's colors that can only be properly displayed additive colors

Barkon No. 16186122

Have some force to you 'I can't be punished because' - but also track how much money you got

Barkon No. 16186128

It leaves a gaping wound in the blue that is pounced upon by those who suffer, allies of them or bounty hunters. And things like Suns have conscious elements to them, and some simulations judge you at the end automatically - your worry is other kind. You can escape, but you'll likely not. You are probably all forgiven... It was a mess up of a simulation. Now take my sweet kiss and fix the races.

Anonymous No. 16186135

>yellow french grid for biology and chemistry
>red regular grid for physics and maths
>blue lined for native languge subjects
>green lined for foreign languages
>green blank for misc

Anonymous No. 16186155

keep up with the program, boy

Anonymous No. 16186201

It's kinda similar to the color of glass, which is a key material in scientific instrumentation, e.g. chemistry, optics, microscopy, astronomy. It's also a cool yet bright color, indicative of a kind of emotional self-control and illumination from science.

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Anonymous No. 16186209


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Anonymous No. 16186585

#00FFFF is literally the best color ever and it's not even close. If the entire Universe was this color it would be a better place.

Anonymous No. 16186610

What do you mean "cannot be printed"? Don't printers use cyan as one of their base colors?

Anonymous No. 16186634

Science's color depends on the field, but generally it's blue. Math is red, history is brown, English is yellow.

Anonymous No. 16186719

It has both URLs because it was made when both existed and it doesn't affect functionality so I don't care about modifying it.

Anonymous No. 16187006

can't really disagree my man

Anonymous No. 16187205

Bladerunner and Tron.

Anonymous No. 16187463

yes they call it cyan but its not the same color as picrel and will never be bc it physically cannot reach the lvl of saturation by absorbing visible light

Anonymous No. 16188277

because it's the color of clarity

Anonymous No. 16188300

black and dark blue is associated with business and economics. think business suites and formal wear. green and brown is associated with nature and the military, well most military colors need to blend in with the environment. white is more associated with science and technology than light blue, think lab coats, doctors, apple electronics. red is associated with food and art, it's an energetic color. pink is associated with love and women because their vaginas are pink. yellow is associated with energetic and art. orange is the bitch and edgelord

Anonymous No. 16188324

Cyan is the color of vainglory

Anonymous No. 16188426

vainglory as a concept is very red
as a word though, phonetically, it's giving yellow/orange vibes ngl

Anonymous No. 16188573

No, Red is a very honest color, vainglory explicitly has the word "vain" in it which means it tries to show off its glory in a grandiose manner
Cyan is the color for that as it is a bright and showy color that tries to grab attention for its grandiosity

Anonymous No. 16188576

For me it was:
>Blue for science
>Green for English
>Yellow for math
>Red for history
>White for health

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Anonymous No. 16188580


Anonymous No. 16188635

For math and sciences,

math blue
chemistry yellow
biology green
physics purple

Anonymous No. 16188691

Blue for science
Red for math
Yellow for English
Green for history

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Anonymous No. 16188693

Everybody know that math is red

Anonymous No. 16188855

Red: subject that is hardest for you
Blue: subject that is easiest for you
Yellow: subject you find most boring
Green: subject you enjoy the most
Purple: wildcard
Orange: no one owns an orange notebook because its an ugly ass color

Anonymous No. 16188877

objective truth

Anonymous No. 16189799


Anonymous No. 16190697

I dunno

Anonymous No. 16190879

history is red you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16190951

Red represent hot temperature
Yellow represent warm temperature
Green represent temperate temperature
Cyan represent cool temperature
Blue represent cold temperature

Now what the fuck do Magenta represent on a temperature scale?

Anonymous No. 16191061

slightly tepid

Anonymous No. 16191172

It should be a bit darker desu. It's irrationally bright I say.

Anonymous No. 16191200


Anonymous No. 16191474

>Everything I don't like is autistic

Anonymous No. 16191492

kek retard, my alpha gen cousins who are 15 years younger than me do the same thing, imagine gatekeeping basic human pattern matching

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Anonymous No. 16191495


Anonymous No. 16191733

Math blue
Science green
English yellow
History red

You can tell this is the objectively correct, divinely-inspired way because it maps the stem-sociology spectrum onto the visible spectrum. Also, it is easily extensible in a consistent manner. For example

Computer Science cyan
Psychology lime
Philosophy purple

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Real Life Necrono....jpg

Anonymous No. 16191748

Yellow is the color of schizophrenia

Anonymous No. 16191866

Are we supposed to just know what that's from?

Anonymous No. 16191934


Anonymous No. 16192338


Anonymous No. 16192340

It doesn't exist in nature and required Science to be developed.

Anonymous No. 16192341

>Real Life Necronomicon
nah, its just run of the mill christian heresy

Anonymous No. 16192364

See you on r/4chan

Anonymous No. 16192425

Everything I like is autistic.

Anonymous No. 16192438

>midwit reads Hegel
>can't comprehend it
>goes insane
This was supposed to be a counterpoint?

Anonymous No. 16192452

how about gtfo

Anonymous No. 16192562

In the same way that magenta light didn't exist in natural phenomenon and required rgb lights to be created

Anonymous No. 16192589

your cult will fall

Anonymous No. 16192713

>christian calls somebody a cultist


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Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16192749


Anonymous No. 16193479

Because the math amphetamines is blue in breaking bad

Anonymous No. 16193496

>sea and sky aren't blue

Anonymous No. 16193901


Anonymous No. 16194678

Go away

Anonymous No. 16195655


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Anonymous No. 16195717


Anonymous No. 16197137


Anonymous No. 16197139

It's inane af

Anonymous No. 16197873


Anonymous No. 16198981
