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🧵 Liberal arts

Anonymous No. 16183107

This makes no sense. What falls under liberal arts and why. Is all of science liberal art? Some say architecture is liberal art some say it isn't. Chemistry is liberal art but medicine is not. Why?

Anonymous No. 16183114

Arts and science is a thing

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Anonymous No. 16183119

Anybody who is for using that retarded term should be killed

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Anonymous No. 16183154


Anonymous No. 16183199

Liberal arts means "classical subjects besides medicine".
Newfangled subjects are not a liberal art because they didn't exist in Roman times.

Anonymous No. 16183202

Why no medicine?

Anonymous No. 16183218

Because it is practical. The classical subjects were grammar, logic and rhetoric (making the trivium) as well as geometry, music, mathematics, and astronomy (the quadrivium). In this case, the definition of "liberal" in liberal arts applies to the capacity of free (abstract) thought. Medicine is not an abstraction but rather an application. The liberal arts have no direct practical purposes, but practical sciences do not tend to advance without advances in abstract thinking.

Anonymous No. 16183219

Because you didn't study that at classical universities. You studied that at their own institutions.

If I need to explain to you why the ancients regarded something dealing with death, disease, and healing the sick as something different from dealing with law and rhetoric, you might be on the dumb side.

Anonymous No. 16183226

Yea when you think that doctors study for doing a practical job that makes sense. But I imagined medicine in todays terms where you can just do research and never cure anybody directly

Anonymous No. 16183230

Liberal arts is a pretty trivial classification that describes pretty much anything that adheres to a specific philosophy, particularly revolving around the natural/exact/social sciences or the arts.

Engineering, medicine, law, business, etc. all differ in their pedagogical approaches as they’re more geared toward a modernized, professional outcome, whereas physics or music education has remained focused on the science/art.

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Anonymous No. 16183232

We have the advantage of dumb kids already having all anatomical available to them in pre-masticated form. Europeans in the 1600s had to do the dirty work.