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Anonymous No. 16183121

Is R worth learning?
What's your experience?

Anonymous No. 16183124

Only if your workplace requires it. Usually they don't. Most people use Python. Very rarely do you encounter niche languages like R, Julia, or Matlab .

Anonymous No. 16183125

If you want to make pretty pictures from your data then yes.

Anonymous No. 16183140

It's a smarter person's Python, very good for stats. Python is a horrible language, but is used because it has a large amount of libraries. I hope Julia is the successor to both.

Mathematica is a god tier alternative to consider as well.

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Python All-in-One....jpg

Anonymous No. 16183148

Thanks. What's a good intro book for beginners?

Anonymous No. 16183158

In which language? I'd only recommend Julia or Mathematica. If you have previous programming experience, for Python you don't even need a book, just the intro on the web page and the standard library docs.

Anonymous No. 16183174

For Python. I have zero experience. Just looking to learn a programming language.
I'll look into Julia as well.

Anonymous No. 16183181

See the syllabus for the textbook they're using. There's so many "Python for Retards" books out there, you might as well read one worthy of your time.

Anonymous No. 16183188

Holy shit. This looks amazing for a starter course.

Anonymous No. 16183314

>it's smarter person's Python
>Python is a horrible language
So by transitivity, R is horrible language

Anonymous No. 16183333

Correct, and both are still better than javascript.

Anonymous No. 16184717

R is not a niche language.

Anonymous No. 16184940

R is nice BUT not good if it is the very first language you are learning.

Anonymous No. 16184991

R has incredibly goofy syntax. The user defined functions are terrible, I do not know how some one can run a pipeline after making some form of transformer. It is good for straight stats however. I would learn python over R, but, I will say, R is much better for straight stats.

Anonymous No. 16185005

I have encountered correctness bugs with Python stats packages that had existed for years, and no one noticed because no everyone uses R for any kind of advanced statistics. R is the academic and industry standard. I will never use Python for statistics again.

Anonymous No. 16185013

>Matlab niche
Dude, every boomer scientist uses matlab

Anonymous No. 16185037

If you plan to stay in academia, embrace it
If you plan to go to industry, just pick Python

Anonymous No. 16185979

I wish I learnt it. I am stuck with matlab in my phd studies

Anonymous No. 16186594

What are you doing with matlab? R is great for statistics and drawing plots, but not much else. It's certainly not a replacement for matlab.

Anonymous No. 16186595

I learnt R but when I graduated I found out that nobody uses it and everyone uses python instead

Anonymous No. 16187100

Mathematica is accurate, but it is syntactically garbage.

Anonymous No. 16188336


Anonymous No. 16188446

It's used in statistical domains where python is behind or lack completely, e.g. non-linear mixed effects, generalized linear mixed effects e.g. regression modeling. But yeah, Python and its libraries are usually sufficient

Anonymous No. 16188638

just use python.

Anonymous No. 16188844

University research and start-ups use R. No one else does.

Anonymous No. 16189257

I do research independently outside academia and I use R

Anonymous No. 16189295

Why is it everyone avoid the most obvious choices?
Learn: Java, JavaScript, Python

Anonymous No. 16189300

You don't really get to decide if you need to learn R or not. You'll either find yourself required to use it or you won't need it, depending on what you do for a living

Anonymous No. 16189307

That's because you're cheap.

Anonymous No. 16189898

I also use other free software (free as in freedom)

Anonymous No. 16190336

we all do.
so what's next in this autistic dick measuring contest?
$ sudo yum list installed | wc -l

Anonymous No. 16190960

Post neofetch

Anonymous No. 16191847

>Post neofetch
for the mail server or the tor node?

Anonymous No. 16192210
