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Anonymous No. 16183135

Can /sci/ debunk this?

Anonymous No. 16183149

An Asian made this.

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Anonymous No. 16183358

No it's completely bunked

Anonymous No. 16183361

Species is literally just a term people made up, no one knows where a clade or kingdom ends either. Someone being a different "species" doesn't give you the right to discriminate against them and "ban racemixing" or whatever the fuck gets your rocks off.

Anonymous No. 16183385


It says it right in the picrel: same subspecies.

Example of subspecies: Homo sapiens neanderthalis vs. Homo sapiens sapiens.

The phenotypic differences between races are caused by a tiny difference between genomes compared to the differences between subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16183396


Anonymous No. 16183559

Bengal and Siberian tigers are the same subspecies, so already not off to a great start. They’re also more different to sumatrans than white, black and Asian people given they’re like twice the size of sumatrans on average. Just because they all look approximately tiger-shaped doesn’t necessarily mean they’re more similar than the three humans. The three orangutans are different species, dunno where they got the idea they’re subspecies from. Dogs being a different species from wolves is debated. You certainly could say different human races are different subspecies, but subspecies is already so poorly defined there’d be no point. We can’t even figure out brown bear subspecies properly let alone human

Anonymous No. 16183579

Humans are very genetically similar, but where those differences are matters a great deal for civilization. A smart person and a stupid person might be very genetically similar, but have a huge change in impact on civilization.

Also, humans are evolved to have a strong negative preference for the out group, so mixing different ethnic groups reduces social cohesion. This is part of why ethnically diverse US cities have more crime than elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16183680

>They’re also more different to sumatrans than white, black and Asian people given they’re like twice the size of sumatrans on average.
Just because they are different sizes doesn’t necessarily mean they’re less similar than the three humans.

>there’d be no point.
It would help dissipate the commonly believed myths that our differences are skin-deep.
>We can’t even figure out brown bear subspecies properly
That never stopped anyone from classifying bears into subspecies, so that's irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 16183723

>Just because they are different sizes doesn’t necessarily mean they’re less similar than the three humans.
No, but genetics do.
>It would help dissipate the commonly believed myths that our differences are skin-deep.
So you're just seething because you don't like non-whites lmao
According to the kind of logic you "people" use, whites are inferior to Asians who are inferior to Jews because of IQ scores. Now post a picture of a roman statue with a VHS filter over it you fat retard.
>That never stopped anyone from classifying bears into subspecies, so that's irrelevant
It's perfectly relevant because it demonstrates that "subspecies" is often an arbitrary categorization that doesn't actually have any scientific basis.

Anonymous No. 16183947

see, you have no argument, you're just a hateful faggot.

Anonymous No. 16184020

It's a senantic argument so it can't be bunked or debunked. Why waste your time on definitions which nobody cares about. Just say facts.

Black people are less intelligent and more violent on average than whites or Asians. That's what people need to understand.

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Anonymous No. 16184021

Is not just different subspecies. There are inferior and superior subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16184281

>No, but genetics do.
Show us those genetics then.
>whites are inferior to Asians who are inferior to Jews in regard to IQ scores.
I agree. Whoah look at that your strawman just got blown away, retard.
>is often an arbitrary categorization that doesn't actually have any scientific basis.
I guess you don't stop at red lights, after all the categorization that differentiate them from green is arbitrary.

Anonymous No. 16184292

if a white person is capable of becoming a serial killer or a mass shooter in a school, and a black person is capable of becoming the president of the united states, why does it bother you that people are considered equal in rights and duties ?

Anonymous No. 16184298

If anything this shows how taxonomy carries huge historical baggage.
You need objective definitions for terms. Such objective criteria for 'species' could be: The majority of offspring within a species are fertile themselves.
Wolf, coyote and dog, provided your infographic is correct, thus would be one species.

Anonymous No. 16184299

>in rights and duties ?
Not a problem.
The issue is that they're considered equal in abilities.

Anonymous No. 16184329

ability means nothing, what matters is what you achieve. how arrogant are you that you need people to recognize your "ability" as superior to hundreds of millions of people just because of who your parents are ? despicable mentality

Anonymous No. 16184344

Anons got a point.

Anonymous No. 16184414

What about Singapore?

Anonymous No. 16184431

>this is why we need to commit ethnic cleansing and ban race mixing
it always circles back to this with you queers, you start with your conclusion and make up the arguments afterwards.

Anonymous No. 16184448

Funny enough its usually someone from the USA who wants to 'ban racemixing'. A bit too late for that, isn't it ? How do you imagine you'll seperate the slurry ?

Anonymous No. 16184457

With gravity ofc

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Anonymous No. 16184468

Same species huh?

Anonymous No. 16184494

>your "ability" as superior to hundreds of millions of people
Not mine, but that of some other hundreds of millions of people.

Individually, of course it should be up to what you achieve. THAT is what ability means.
And it's not the case today.

Anonymous No. 16184617

you're such a retarded faggot. It's a word we use to describe an evolutionary dichotomy between two organisms. Once two populations are "different" enough we call them a different species. Do you see the point yet you fucking retard? It has nothing to do with the word itself, but to do with the fact groups of humans have reached this same level of differentiation that we describe in other animals. To them, we recognise these differences as justification for seperate species, but for us we turn a blind eye to the precedent we've already set in other animals because the implications of blacks in particular being another subspecies or species are too difficult to handle, even though there is every precedent to do so.

Anonymous No. 16184621

except for the fact only midwit retards ever used fertile offspring as the metric for speciation since it doesn't account for organisms who reproduce asexually, or for genetically similar organisms who through mechanical isolation like some species of snail can't reproduce with eachother

Anonymous No. 16184688

And the Asian would be more correct than "Out-of-Africa" Victorian progressivists.

Anonymous No. 16184755

while being so busy criticising and complaining like a woman you have forgotten to provide us with an alternative, a better definition.

Anonymous No. 16184762

Non-nigger Asians have higher IQ than whites and therefore they are superior.

Anonymous No. 16184768

>this is why we need to commit ethnic cleansing and ban race mixing
Where did I say that? At best I pointed out that races don't mix well due to common elements of the environment humans evolved in. People hate outsides.
You brought up genocide and big government not me.

Anonymous No. 16184809

They are bugs

Anonymous No. 16185350

no I won't elaborate further

Anonymous No. 16185366

>you're sucha retarded faggot
>misses the entire point of my post, how genetic differences don't in anyway justify different treatment
>makes up his own definition of something and points to it as being accepted by everyone
lol, /pol/tards are so dumb it's genuinely amusing

Anonymous No. 16185607

You love niggers.

Anonymous No. 16185608

>bla bla bla goalposts

Anonymous No. 16185663

Yeah, easily. Subspecies are species that can breed but don't in the wild because they're separated by either time or location (such as one subspecies breeding in fall while the other breeds in spring). At no point in human history have humans ever been unable to breed due to time or location displacement. We are therefore a single species.

You would know this if you didn't get your knowledge from racist blogs and 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16186181

>bla bla I can't read
typical for a /pol/tarde, proven wrong and just calls you a Jew or some shit

Anonymous No. 16186199

Tiger subspecies only diversified in the last 100 thousand years while the first splits in human populations happened as far as 300 thousand years.

Anonymous No. 16186202

Populations are separated by geography and time not subspecies.

Anonymous No. 16186793

>doesn’t necessarily mean they’re less similar than the three humans.
It wouldn’t necessarily, but it does in this case
>It would help dissipate the commonly believed myths that our differences are skin-deep
Not really. Two populations can be different sizes, different colours, have different skull shapes, etc and still be the same subspecies like the bengal and Siberian tigers
And tapanuli orangutans diverged from sumatrans 3 million years ago, didn’t stop whoever made OP’s pic

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Anonymous No. 16186850

> inferior to Jews
Wrong, jews are in fact inferior to whites. That is why they cheat, lie, steal and do all kinds of evil deeds. They are demons.