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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16183332

A doctor (female) just prescribed me Seroquel (quetiapine) to help me fall asleep. Is that an actual use of that medicine, or does she just think I'm schizophrenic?

And what's gonna happen to me if I take schizo pills and I'm not schizo? She also told me not to look up the side effects. WTF?

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Anonymous No. 16183338

they gave her a fancy usb stick
literally selling you out for a 72¢ bit of plastic, aluminum, copper, and silicon

Anonymous No. 16183340

I'm bipolar, I take Seroquel. 100mg every night. I'm just fine.

Anonymous No. 16183360

Don't be a midwit, take a few accurate and/or other online tests or questionnaires on mental health (bipolar, depression etc.) and with a deviation of a few points (errors) and you will get your results.
Psychology is far from being an exact science and anything else is a scam.

Anonymous No. 16183371

This isn't supposed to be psychological at all, though. This was a regular doctor and my issue is physical

Anonymous No. 16183382

It’s a psych med that sometimes gets used for sleep. Same with Trazadone (i think thats the one). I don’t trust them though. I’ve heard of a few people talking about these meds for sleeping in the last few years and I am amazed, I thought they were only used as antipsychotics, but they just give people whatever these days.
I’m pretty sure that Seroquel can give you diabetes and can also make you fat and lazy.
Good luck, have fun

Anonymous No. 16183388

The reason doctors tell you not to google side effects is because people are hypochondriacs and if you read that a potential side effect is your dick falling off you're going to be checking your pants every 15 seconds convinced that it feels a little looser than last time

Anonymous No. 16183392

Seroquel has a short half-life so if you don't fall asleep right away you might have to take more.
It also leaves you hungover and and dehydrated in the morning and can cause overeating.
Ask your doctor for Remeron instead (thank me later) It really works like a charm and I RARELY have to take more than one (15mg). Sometimes I take half or none at all.

Anonymous No. 16183405

>It also leaves you hungover and and dehydrated in the morning
See, those are both symptoms I already have. I don't want to take something that will make it worse. I'm not doing this

Anonymous No. 16183413

Depends on the dosage. 100mg is to help you sleep. 800mg is for treating schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16183414

Ask for Remeron. I've taken everything including trazadone, serequil, and more, for my insomnia and Remeron has by far worked the best with little to no hangover to boot.

Anonymous No. 16183426

I recognize the name mirtazapine, I've definitely taken that before, they didn't call it Remeron though, I can't remember what the name was

Anonymous No. 16183441

>what's gonna happen to me if I take schizo pills and I'm not schizo?
Your schizo quotient will go into the negative. Not necessarily a bad thing, you'll have some breathing room for future schizo activities.

Anonymous No. 16183444

It works great as a sleep aid. It also slowly destroys your brain.

Anonymous No. 16183463

Its used to sedate psychotic patients. There are much less harmful medicine for sleeping.

Anonymous No. 16183760

This basically.

Anonymous No. 16183769

>Is that an actual use of that medicine
lol no you don't wanna use it for that

Anonymous No. 16183773

>noooo don't go to a professional just do these tests from buzzfeed and uquiz

Anonymous No. 16183785

It’s used as a sleep aid sometimes. It can also be used to treat psychosis (associated with depression for example) or mania, among other things.
I think schizophrenia is the only condition that requires really high doses like 800mg (as the other anon mentioned).
If you are taking 50mg or 100mg then it really will just make you sleep.

Anonymous No. 16183792

>She also told me not to look up the side effects.
There's no way that's true.
Antipsychotics have genuinely terrible side effects, both immediate and long term. The most obvious one that here is very easy to witness (especially in old ladies) is facial tics.

Anonymous No. 16183810

>Psychology is far from being an exact science and anything else is a scam.
Psychology by default isn't a science. Psychiatry is.
>A doctor (female) just prescribed me Seroquel (quetiapine) to help me fall asleep. Is that an actual use of that medicine, or does she just think I'm schizophrenic?
>And what's gonna happen to me if I take schizo pills and I'm not schizo? She also told me not to look up the side effects. WTF?
(1) You are insane in asking for serious medical advice on fucking 4chan of all places.
(2) Seroquel (Quetiapine) in low doses helps with insomnia. That's a standard use. In far higher amounts It acts as an antipsychotic.
It's similar to the way that marijuana in small amounts makes you feel stoned and relaxed but very high amounts make you hallucinate and more paranoid.
>And what's gonna happen to me if I take schizo pills and I'm not schizo? She also told me not to look up the side effects. WTF?
That comment makes me think you might actually be schizophrenic anon. She didn't say that and the fact that you're saying she did is classic Schizo-babble paranoia.

Anonymous No. 16183813

>Antipsychotics have genuinely terrible side effects, both immediate and long term. The most obvious one that here is very easy to witness (especially in old ladies) is facial tics.
Antipsychotics are over ten thousand different drug types you fucking retard. You can't make a blanket statement like that.
That's like saying food has terrible side effects.
Specify a common antipsychotic at least.

Anonymous No. 16183817

Record her saying that and then sue her.

Anonymous No. 16183824

retarded midwit, both are a science, you are mixing psychologists not being medics with this lmao i can tell you are low iq mouth breather

Anonymous No. 16183825

>Antipsychotics are over ten thousand different drug types you fucking retard.
They literally are just one drug type, by definition.
And even if that side effect wasn't a common thread (I'm almost certain it is) it's one for OP's drug.

Anonymous No. 16183834

literally just exercise, close your pornpad, and close your eyes

Anonymous No. 16183835

>They literally are just one drug type, by definition.
No they aren't you fucking moron.
Tuna isn't bread.
Haloperidol isn't Chlorpromazine.
>retarded midwit, both are a science, you are mixing psychologists not being medics with this lmao i can tell you are low iq mouth breather

No, they aren't both science. Psychology isn't a science.
psychology doesn't align with the five criteria for sciences, defined as terminology, quantifiability, highly controlled experimental conditions, reproducibility, and predictability and testability, and therefore isn't categorized as a science.
Psychology is no more of a science than social studies is.

Anonymous No. 16183837

>to help me fall asleep
Just close your eyes nigga wtf

Anonymous No. 16183838

t. former seroquel user
Seroquel is an excellent sleep aid. While it technically is an antipsychotic, it's popularity AS a medication in mental hospitals is because it knocks those psychos the fuck out. It also works for the mentally sound obviously and is non habit forming.

One caviat I would add is that it does have weight gain as a side effect via slowing the metabolism down and giving late night hunger craving. The weight gain normally turns people away from it which is why she probably told you not to look the side effects up. But if you are truly struggling to sleep this will help you get sleep until you can work on your sleep habits.

Hope this was helpful.

Anonymous No. 16183893

Ask for fast acting clonidine 0.2mg. Break the pill in half and take 0.1mg before bed and immediately upon waking waking. Unfortunately the only way to get it prescribed is to say you think your issue is actually adhd, list off the adhd symptoms that you fake and get on it.

Anonymous No. 16184078

they made me sleep for 12 hours every time. it certainly works for that.

Anonymous No. 16184150

>She also told me not to look up the side effects
Lmao, doctors are the biggest cunts on the planet

Anonymous No. 16184181

>No they aren't you fucking moron.
I'm not that anon, but he's kind of right. Antipsychotics in general, unless qualified as "atypical", are D2 receptor antagonists. This is their acknowledged, primary therapeutic mechanism of action, and likewise, antagonism of the D2 receptor is the exact same signalling cascade responsible for producing (sometimes permanent) extrapyramidal symptoms such as tardive dyskinesia and akathisia, which are absolutely horrible if you've never experienced them. A good case of akathisia is so profoundly uncomfortable that it can easily drive a person to suicide.

Functionally speaking, the only *major* difference typical antipsychotics have with each other is shit like varying biological half-lives, how strongly they antagonize D2, and slightly different affinities for random receptors that aren't the main target of the medication (and the medication typically has affinity for off-target receptors that is at least an order of magnitude lower than for the D2 receptor, so their contribution to the gestalt of the medication's signalling cascade is minimal).

Haloperidol and Chlorpromazine both strongly antagonize the D2 receptor as their primary mechanism of action, and as such, their side effect profile is identical. Sure, haloperidol might metabolize 30% faster, but how you feel while you're actually on them is going to be much more similar than you're leading people to believe.


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184184

BTW, most "atypical" antipsychotics themselves work by disrupting D2 signalling, but in a different way. The atypical ones tend to partially agonize D2, which causes the body to downregulate the production of D2 receptors altogether in an attempt to return the body to homeostatic equilibrium, resulting in a net loss of D2 signalling relative to baseline. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if the side effect profile is similar.

Also, antipsychotics are a fucking terrible idea for sleep. Don't do this fucking lmao.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184186

>>16184181 (You)
BTW, most "atypical" antipsychotics themselves work by disrupting D2 signalling, but in a different way. The atypical ones tend to partially agonize D2, which causes the brain to downregulate the production of D2 receptors altogether in an attempt to return the body to homeostatic equilibrium, resulting in a net loss of D2 signalling relative to baseline. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if the side effect profile is similar.

Also, antipsychotics are a fucking terrible idea for sleep. Don't do this fucking lmao. OP's doctor doesn't give a fuck about him.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184188

BTW, most "atypical" antipsychotics themselves work by disrupting D2 signalling, but in a different way. The atypical ones tend to partially agonize D2, which causes the brain to downregulate the production of D2 receptors altogether in an attempt to return the body to homeostatic equilibrium, resulting in a net loss of D2 signalling relative to baseline. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if the side effect profile is similar.

Also, antipsychotics are a fucking terrible idea for sleep. Don't do this fucking lmao. OP's doctor doesn't give a fuck about him.

Anonymous No. 16184205

>>16184181 (You)
BTW, most "atypical" antipsychotics themselves work by disrupting D2 signalling, but in a different way. The atypical ones tend to partially agonize D2, which causes the brain to downregulate the production of D2 receptors altogether in an attempt to return the body to homeostatic equilibrium, resulting in a net loss of D2 signalling relative to baseline. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if the effect & side effect profile is similar to typicals, if slightly less so.

Also, antipsychotics are a fucking terrible idea for sleep. Don't do this fucking lmao. OP's doctor doesn't give a fuck about him.

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dmt melatonin.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184252

I'm the samefag from these posts:
And I'll say I've had decent results with alpha-2 agonists such as clonidine and tizanidine for sleep in the past. Much better choice than antipsychotics with a much rosier side effect profile. I have a friend that swears by tizanidine.

Others that have worked for me are low-dose intranasal ketamine, melatonin, and the most effective I've ever found: small hits off a DMT vaporizer. The latter two are objectively fantastic for brain health too because those molecules' indole rings are fuckin' dank at scavanging free radicals & alleviating oxidative stress on neural tissue, not to mention they already both occur in the brain naturally.

P.S. Don't take melatonin too frequently or your brain stops making its own.
Pic semi-related: biosynthetic pathway of DMT and Melatonin from Tryptophan.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184256

I'm the samefag from these posts:
And I'll say I've had decent results with alpha-2 agonists such as clonidine and tizanidine for sleep in the past. Much better choice than antipsychotics with a much rosier side effect profile. I have a friend that swears by tizanidine. Others that have worked for me are low-dose intranasal ketamine, melatonin, and the most effective sleep aid I've ever found: small hits off a DMT vaporizer. The latter two are objectively fantastic for brain health because those molecules' indole rings are fuckin' dank at scavanging free radicals & alleviating oxidative stress on neural tissue, not to mention they already both occur in the brain naturally.

P.S. Don't take melatonin too frequently or your brain stops making its own.
Pic semi-related: biosynthetic pathway of DMT and Melatonin from Tryptophan.

Anonymous No. 16184259

I'm the samefag from these posts:
And I'll say I've had decent results with alpha-2 agonists such as clonidine and tizanidine for sleep in the past. Much better choice than antipsychotics with a much rosier side effect profile. I have a friend that swears by tizanidine. Others that have worked for me are low-dose intranasal ketamine, melatonin, and the most effective sleep aid I've ever found: small hits off a DMT vaporizer. The latter two are objectively fantastic for brain health because those molecules' indole rings are fuckin' dank at scavanging free radicals & alleviating oxidative stress on neural tissue, not to mention they already both occur in the brain naturally.

P.S. Don't take melatonin too frequently or your brain stops making its own.
Pic semi-related: biosynthetic pathway of both melatonin and DMT from Tryptophan.

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dmt melatonin.jpg

Anonymous No. 16184260

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16184263

Trazadone (aka TrazaBONE) has increased in use as a sleep aid in place of barbiturates like Valium and alpralozam or Xanax or whatever it’s called now.
Fun side effect for men is you wake up with a massive long lasting erection.

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Anonymous No. 16184267

Oh shit, I forgot another extremely effective sleep aid that I discovered a while ago: Lion's Mane. The one downside I've found with Lion's Mane is it made me a bit more sleepy than I wanted into the next day, but I could probably just lower the dosage to half a capsule instead of a full one.

I was very impressed with Lion's Mane as a nootropic in general though. I need to get more of that stuff. Actually being able to sleep the whole night through was pretty comfy. The research on Lion's Mane looks extremely promising both as a neuroprotective and as a stimulator of neural growth factor. One of the select few nootropics that isn't a scam.

pic related: lion's mane fungus

Anonymous No. 16184289

chaotic neutral glowie

Anonymous No. 16184294

>I'm not that anon
You are that anon.
>but he's kind of right
No, he's not fucking right and either are you.
>Antipsychotics in general, unless qualified as "atypical", are D2 receptor antagonists.
And foods in general unless qualified all provide energy to humans via the production of Adenosine triphosphate.
Notice how broad and meaningless that is?

Some antipsychotics like Chlorpromazine carry a great risk of liver damage and others like loxapine are almost risk free. Some antipsychotics have a long list of serious side effects. Some have only a few that rarely occur.Some are helpful for bipolar disorder, others schizophrenia, different ones still are even used in managing severe autism.

Some foods have a high glycemic index (potatoes), others low (oats), others have no GI at all because they contain no carbohydrates (meat).
And regular high GI food consumption without exercise is associated with the development of type 2 diabetes.

So you've got no fucking idea of what you're talking about.

No, you're not intelligent anon, no matter how much you talk to yourself.

Anonymous No. 16184296

meds have different effects depending on the dosage, i don't think your doctor will diagnose you with schizophrenia without telling you

Anonymous No. 16184297

also she told you not to look up side effects, it's common to tell that to patients with anxiety as an anxious mind tends to do silly things with google

Anonymous No. 16184306

>i don't think your doctor will diagnose you with schizophrenia without telling you
But insane people with schizophrenia that post on 4chan who already secretly know they have it will convince themselves that their doctor is diagnosing them behind their back.
It's the kind of complicated paranoid delusional bullshit schizos do all the time.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184333

>Some antipsychotics have a long list of serious side effects. Some have only a few that rarely occur.
To my knowledge there exists no antispychotic without the possiblilty of extrapyramidal symptoms as side effects. Research shows that the risk of extrapyramidal side effects is 5.5% for typicals vs. 4% for atypicals, and I suspect EPS is undercounted in general because "akathisia" will get reported as mere "restlessness" in the drug trials because the normies they're testing on don't know how to distinguish the two.

And I'm not that other anon kek

Anonymous No. 16184345

She's a bad doctor. She wants to avoid rxing a controlled substance because she is looking out for her own interests not yours. Short acting GABA drugs are the gold standard for insomnia and have much better effect on sleep architecture than what's essentially an extremely dirty antihistamine. Discontinue the quill immediately. Imagine getting TD because some bitch was afraid she was going to lose her deaRN# lmao. Tell her it's shit and you want Triazolam or zaleplon.
Priapism is a bad side effect and incurs damage to the penis over time and long half life also causes daytime fatigue and impairment. None of the drugs you listed are barbiturates.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184349

>Some antipsychotics have a long list of serious side effects. Some have only a few that rarely occur.
To my knowledge there is no antispychotic medication without the possibility of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), which are themselves a whole class of serious side effects unto themselves. Research suggests that the risk of EPS is 5.5% for typicals vs. 4% for atypicals (barely an improvement), but I suspect EPS are themselves significantly undercounted in general because an extrapyramidal symptom like "akathisia" will get reported as mere "restlessness" or "agitation" in the drug trials because the normies they're testing on don't have a sufficiently discerning medical vocabulary to accurately convey their perceived side-effects to the drug trial clinicians. Akathisia does involve agitation and restlessness, but akathisia as a whole is more than just those on their own. If the testing patient experiences akathisia but is not already familiar with this vocabulary term, they will typically convey the agitation and restlessness without knowing the actual term they should be using. In this manner, I am convinced most antipsychotics run a much higher risk (probably closer to 10%) of EPS incidence.

For instance, I get agitated when I haven't eaten in a long time. But that's a far cry from the VISCERAL need to literally *crawl out of my skin* as with bouts of akathisia I've experienced a handful of times previously (though not triggered by antipsychotics).

And I'm not that other anon kek

Anonymous No. 16184354

>Some antipsychotics have a long list of serious side effects. Some have only a few that rarely occur.
To my knowledge there is no antispychotic medication without the possibility of extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS), which are themselves a whole class of serious side effects unto themselves. Research suggests that the risk of EPS is 5.5% for typicals vs. 4% for atypicals (barely an improvement), but I suspect EPS are themselves significantly undercounted in general because an extrapyramidal symptom like "akathisia" will get reported as mere "restlessness" or "agitation" in the drug trials because the normies they're testing on don't have a sufficiently discerning medical vocabulary to accurately convey their perceived side-effects to the drug trial clinicians. Akathisia does involve agitation and restlessness, but akathisia as a whole is more than just those on their own. If the testing patient experiences akathisia but is not already familiar with this vocabulary term, they will typically convey the agitation and restlessness without knowing the actual term they should be using. In this manner, I am convinced most antipsychotics run a much higher risk (probably closer to 10-15%) of EPS than actually gets reported.

For instance, I get agitated when I haven't eaten in a long time. But that's a far cry from the VISCERAL need to literally *crawl out of my skin* as with bouts of akathisia I've experienced a handful of times previously (though not triggered by antipsychotics).

And I'm not that other anon kek

Cult of Passion No. 16184371

>Psychology by default isn't a science. Psychiatry is.
Youre not a scientist, youre an autist.

Anonymous No. 16184373

>Is that an actual use of that medicine
No, it's a long-running misuse of it:
>The use of low doses of quetiapine for insomnia, while common, is not recommended; there is little evidence of benefit and concerns regarding adverse effects.[29][30][31][32][33][34] A 2022 network meta-analysis of 154 double-blind, randomized controlled trials of drug therapies vs. placebo for insomnia in adults found that quetiapine did not demonstrate any short-term benefits in sleep quality. Quetiapine, specifically, had an effect size (standardized mean difference) against placebo for treatment of insomnia of 0.05 (95% CITooltip confidence interval –1.21 to 1.11) at 4 weeks of treatment, with the certainty of evidence rated as very low.[35] Doses of quetiapine used for insomnia have ranged from 12.5 to 800 mg, with low doses of 25 to 200 mg being the most typical.[36][29][30] Regardless of the dose used, some of the more serious adverse effects may still possibly occur at the lower dosing ranges, such as dyslipidemia and neutropenia.[37][38] These safety concerns at low doses are corroborated by Danish observational studies that showed use of specifically low-dose quetiapine (prescriptions filled for tablet strengths >50 mg were excluded) was associated with an increased risk of major cardiovascular events as compared to use of Z-drugs, with most of the risk being driven by cardiovascular death.[39] Laboratory data from an unpublished analysis of the same cohort also support the lack of dose-dependency of metabolic side effects, as new use of low-dose quetiapine was associated with a risk of increased fasting triglycerides at 1-year follow-up.[40]

Anonymous No. 16184382

>To my knowledge there is no antispychotic medication without the possibility of extrapyramidal symptoms
Go to sleep anon. You're not intelligent. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
>And I'm not that other anon kek
You are and you're the worst liar ever you samefagging freak of nature.
>>Psychology by default isn't a science. Psychiatry is.
>Youre not a scientist, youre an autist.
sigmund freud wasn't a scientist anon. Sorry to burst your bubble. And you clearly don't know what autism is either.
>No, it's a long-running misuse of it:
post a fucking source anon.

Anonymous No. 16184386


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184387

The ultimate point I'm trying to make in this thread is that it's a bad idea to gamble on the 10% chance or even 5% chance of a possibly permanent, very uncomfortable movement disorder, when there are much more sensible options with gentler side effect profiles available to try first.

Going straight to antipsychotics as a solution for better sleep is blatantly contrary to the precautionary principle. There's no reason to not give Lion's Mane, Clonidine or Tizanidine, Melatonin, or DMT a shot when they're much gentler on your system.

OP's doctor prescribing an antipsychotic as a first-line treatment attempt for something as trivial as better sleep screams that they're getting a kickback from AstraZeneca to prescribe it.

Anonymous No. 16184390

The ultimate point I'm trying to make in this thread is that it's a bad idea to gamble on the 10% chance or even 5% chance of a possibly permanent, very uncomfortable movement disorder, when there are much more sensible options with gentler side effect profiles available to try first.

Going straight to antipsychotics as a solution for better sleep is blatantly contrary to the precautionary principle. There's no reason to not give Lion's Mane, Clonidine or Tizanidine, Melatonin, or DMT a shot when they're much gentler on your system.

OP's doctor prescribing an antipsychotic as a first-line treatment attempt for something as trivial as better sleep screams that they're getting a kickback from AstraZeneca to prescribe it.

Anonymous No. 16184397

>I get agitated when I haven't eaten in a long time. But that's a far cry from the VISCERAL need to literally *crawl out of my skin* as with bouts of akathisia I've experienced a handful of times previously
yep, you're one of those insane word-salad rambling types.
>The ultimate point I'm trying to make in this thread is that it's a bad idea to gamble on the 10% chance or even 5% chance of a possibly permanent, very uncomfortable movement disorder
So you're blaming the meds rather than your psychiatric problems that you were taking the meds for.
You think fucking DMT is "gentler"?
Dude. You're fucking insane.
You are actually insane.

Anonymous No. 16184402

>sigmund freud wasn't a scientist anon
When people talk about psychology being scientific, they're generally thinking of propaganda and A/B tested ads, not Freud (or mental health quizzes for that matter).

Anonymous No. 16184404

All you have to do is list one antipsychotic medication without EPS as listed side effects. FWIW I agreed with some of your previous post about the differences in toxicity of the various substances...I was focused primarily on the binding profile side of things since that is responsible for the neurological (side)-effects, though admittedly not *all* side-effects. I'm actually open to what you may have to say, but you need to stick to your arguments and not simply insult my intelligence and tell me to go to bed. You're fighting with everybody in this fucking thread dude.

Anonymous No. 16184407

Also from Wikipedia -

Adverse effects
Sources for incidence lists:[4][6][26][27][46][47]

Very common (>10% incidence) adverse effects
Dry mouth


Cult of Passion No. 16184408

>sigmund freud wasn't a scientist anon. Sorry to burst your bubble. And you clearly don't know what autism is either
Youre revealing yours quasi-literate.

My PhD in Psychology was in Developmental Psych. with focus on Dementia, Alzheimers, Schizophreniai, among others, again in Cognition.

We're done, ma'am...

Anonymous No. 16184409

Honest question: have you ever actually vaporized (not smoked) DMT before at the perfect temperature? A few small hits is honest to God extremely quality sleep, and my IRL acquaintances agree with me. Can you explain for me why'd you expect it to be hard on your system?

Cult of Passion No. 16184411

Ugh, medical threads...lots of "Masters" energy in it.


Anonymous No. 16184413


Anonymous No. 16184415

>My PhD in Psychology
You're not a scientist anon. Even if you actually held your made-up qualifications.
>Youre revealing yours quasi-literate.
You can't even spell properly.
>All you have to do is list one antipsychotic medication without EPS as listed side effects.
Lol, no I don't. That's your own completely irrelevant assignment you've set for yourself.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184416

You just argued that it's ineffective for inducing sleep dumbfuck.

Anonymous No. 16184422

Just because antipsychotics induce sleep does not mean they're an ideal medication if not being able to sleep is the only thing wrong with you.

Anonymous No. 16184424

>Honest question: have you ever actually vaporized (not smoked) DMT
Have I ever abused hard psychedelics to make myself hallucinate and experience temporary psychosis?
Have I ever blamed antipsychotics for DMT induced brain damage?
Am I an idiot like you?
Am I mentally ill like you?

Anonymous No. 16184429

cant you just accept you were owned by someone that has more knowledge than you? fucking sad ass moron

Anonymous No. 16184430

>Just because antipsychotics induce sleep
You just argued they didn't though.
And no, the antipsychotics you were taking for your mental issues didn't give you Akathisia.
The fucking shrooms/DMT/marijuana did. Your indifference to taking DMT is alarming.

Anonymous No. 16184432

>cant you just accept you were owned by someone that has more knowledge than you? fucking sad ass moron
Can you just stop samefagging like a sore loser anon? No, you don't know what you're talking about. Shut the fuck up anon.

Anonymous No. 16184433

>more knowledge
I don't think that's the issue here.

Anonymous No. 16184434

>A doctor (female)
why would you see a female doctor

Anonymous No. 16184441

im not sure if i understand your post. could you put it into a completely asinine, borderline retarded food analogy? thank you

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16184450

I've never taken antipsychotics before dude, or any other prescription psychiatric drug. I have a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a job, 1900 Elo in chess, and several successful hobbies, and I can't say psychedelics didn't play a big role in helping me get there (particularly with respect to my creativity and curiosity). Reflect on my cogent and grammatically perfect, albeit verbose, writing in this thread and ask yourself if you honestly think I'm somehow brain damaged.

I've merely spent hundreds of hours in my 20s and 30s about pharmacology for fun because I'm autistic. The only reason I'm remotely interested in pharmacology is *because of psychedelics*. I'm out of this thread and I won't be refreshing or replying any further...This thread will probably be gone by the next time I'm back on /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16184451

>im not sure if i understand your post. could you put it into a completely asinine, borderline retarded food analogy? thank you
Oh right, the one that pointed out how stupid it is to call all antipsychotics the same thing because they are antipsychotics?
The same way all foods aren't all the same thing because they are foods?
You're so stupid that you still don't understand that.

Anonymous No. 16184454

I've never taken antipsychotics before dude, or any other prescription psychiatric drug. I have a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a job, 1900 Elo in chess, and several successful hobbies, and I can't say psychedelics didn't play a big role in helping me get there (particularly with respect to my creativity and curiosity). Reflect on my cogent and grammatically perfect, albeit verbose, writing in this thread and ask yourself if you honestly think I'm somehow brain damaged.

I've spent hundreds of hours in my 20s and 30s reading about pharmacology for fun because I'm autistic. The only reason I'm remotely interested in the subject is *because of psychedelics*. I'm out of this thread and I won't be refreshing or replying any further...This thread will probably be gone by the next time I'm back on /sci/. Have a nice life.

Anonymous No. 16184456

>The same way all foods aren't all the same thing because they are foods?
wow this is profound

Anonymous No. 16184459

>I've never taken antipsychotics before dude
It's pretty obvious that you're a dude with unspecified mental issues that's taken them and also dabbled in DMT.
>I've merely spent hundreds of hours in my 20s and 30s about pharmacology for fun because I'm autistic.
No, you're just a lonely autistic retard looking for friends on 4chan.

Anonymous No. 16184464

>wow this is profound
Why then, did that most obvious of facts elude your brain anon?

Anonymous No. 16184472

>B.Sc. in Mathematics, a job, 1900 Elo in chess
Haaaahaaa wtf.
And you have a PhD in Psychology.
What next?
Professor of theoretical physics specializing in M-theory lol.
Can't wait for the next made-up installment in this elaborate story of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16184475

Wanna play a game? I'll add you.

Anonymous No. 16184514

Why is it so hard to believe that someone has a degree lol, are you underage?

Anonymous No. 16184537

You are both mentally ill schizophreniacs projecting their illnesses pretending psychiatry is anything but a scan made for and by mental cases like you.

Nobody who's smart in the real world takes you seriously.

Anonymous No. 16184543

Then it's no longer informed consent and those doctors should be locked away.

Anonymous No. 16184578

just read the leaflet bro

Anonymous No. 16184704

If doctor told me not to look up side effects, I would fucking sue the last grain of rice out of them.

Anonymous No. 16184714

Then she'll get you diagnose that has symptoms that are exactly the side effects of this medication.

Anonymous No. 16184743

i hope one day you take the meds in the OP you worthless faggot

Anonymous No. 16185074

Everyone has nasty effects. I can't remember which one is it but one of these will give make you grind your teeth. I think olanzapine will give you big tits.

Anonymous No. 16185100

I just don't understand how people have trouble sleeping. Aren't you active during the day? Aren't you tired at night? or are you watching TV and playing on your phone while in bed, wondering why you can't sleep?

Anonymous No. 16185290

Spoken like a midwit with an easy life, a good job, and no roommates, no money problems and neighbors with neither music nor dogs. Must be nice to just have a life where you go home without any stressors and just relax and go to sleep.

Anonymous No. 16185320

>i hope one day you take the meds in the OP you worthless faggot
>Why is it so hard to believe that someone has a degree lol, are you underage?
Why are you trying to convince random people online that you hold medical qualifications?
(1) It's obvious that you're lying.
(2) Everyone on 4chan lies about that stuff all the time. It's just another manifestation of autistic psychopathy.

Anonymous No. 16185321

>If doctor told me not to look up side effects, I would fucking sue the last grain of rice out of them.
That would never work lol. Good luck with that one.

Anonymous No. 16185324

>Spoken like a midwit with an easy life, a good job, and no roommates, no money problems and neighbors with neither music nor dogs. Must be nice to just have a life where you go home without any stressors and just relax and go to sleep.

You're just a mentally ill schizophrenic that can't function without antipsychotics. Go to sleep already fruitcake OP.

Anonymous No. 16185441

Some people have brain damage because of their parents, op has a shitty pineal gland either because his parents did drugs while pregnant with him or he was exposed to a substance as a baby or child that damaged his growth, such as alcohol or acid. You'd be surprised how many parents give their children drugs in secret as babies just to shut them up or because it's funny or how many mothers put a pillow to their babies and the coroner labels it as SIDS.

I would just take melatonin 5mg and 10k vit d3 every morning, or possibly lemon balm as a gaba antagonist and melatonin at the same time to induce sleep. Some guy will argue that you shouldn't take melatonin if you have trouble sleeping, but...if you're already having trouble sleeping then that means you have a damaged pineal gland which means it already isn't producing the correct quantities of melatonin to induce sleep....which is exactly what supplemental melatonin is there for to fix...because you have a damaged pineal gland.
If your smart then you would keep taking melatonin because you'll only hurt yourself if you don't. "But if he takes melatonin his body won't produce it on its own!!!" That's a dumbass talking because your body before taking supplemental melatonin couldn't produce it in the proper amounts before so there's no point in not taking it. Lemon balm helps you sleep, you will always have withdrawals from it so just take the bare minimum amount alongside melatonin every night for the rest of your life. If you have stomach from the melatonin then take half the pill and you won't have stomach aches anymore.

Tldr: Take melatonin and lemon balm for life, your parents or environment destroyed partially your pineal gland either when you were in the womb dye to drug usage or early childhood.

Imagine how many parents give their babies weed so they can stop crying and go to sleep not knowing they are damaging the cortex and hippocampus therefore making the baby fucking stupid and lowering its iq.

Anonymous No. 16185445

Op take a read of this

Anonymous No. 16185449

Wrong. I am not OP. I have never taken neuroleptics and consider their off label use as hypnotics to be unwise and a poor solution for insomnia. You were incredulous to how someone couldn't sleep and thought 'it must be the phone or TV' as the only contributors since you've excluded mention of any other pathogenesis for insomnia. Environment and external stressors impact sleep - much more than phone use. Levying that you have never experienced these owing to an easy life seemed like a reasonable accusation for only being able to come up with muh electronics muh active life as the only possibilities for why one possibly cannot sleep. Quite the opposite, insomnia is correlated with longer working hours. Stress wasn't even considered in your post.

Anonymous No. 16185457


Anonymous No. 16185761

because he's a schizo, search his name on the archive

Anonymous No. 16186322

No, I just know how to tune things out and go to sleep. It's an important skill that you should learn instead of taking schizo sleep meds. Sounds, worries, it's more than possible to just ignore these things for a bit while you go to sleep. Laying in bed being angry or stressed doesn't help anyone.

Anonymous No. 16186337

Napoleon had some interesting things to say about going to sleep when there's a lot going on, and things to worry about. But somehow he was still able to go to sleep on a battlefield, which is probably a bit more stressful than whatever you've got going on. Maybe you should look into it. Put briefly, he imagined putting all these worries, troubles, and concerns into a drawer one by one, then closing it for the night, deciding to not open it again until morning.

Anonymous No. 16186349

>And what's gonna happen to me if I take schizo pills
Your pp won't work.

Anonymous No. 16186352

>calling other people midwits because you lack the mental capacity for self control

Anonymous No. 16186505

Melatonin and lemon balm extract. Extract! The back of the pill body has to say extract. Bronson Melissa Lemon Balm Extra Strength, Non-GMO is the one that KO's you with Bronson brand 10mg cherry melatonin. Never buy pure lemon balm powder pills that stuff is weak. Also if you acid reflux with the 10mg melatonin take half the pill. I notice of i take 10mg I can never sleep because my stomach aches but if I take 5mg I can sleep without aches.

Anonymous No. 16186596

Quetiapine (quit-eye-ah-peen) has got to be one of the coolest names for a drug. Seroquel is a great brand name too.

Anonymous No. 16186613

It's a good drug, too. It saved my life twice.

Anonymous No. 16186625

Actual schizo here. I wouldn’t take it. Personally it caused me to gain 40 lbs. I hate taking it even for a legit psychotic illness let alone taking just for sleep. Take melatonin or something for sleep.

Hard core antipsychotics shouldn’t be given out like candy. God I hate psychiatrists so tucking much.

Anonymous No. 16186694

>schizo here
I'm a schizo as well, but I don't take meds, atleast I'm smart enough to research alternatives. Instead of meds I just take 10k vitamin d3 every morning, 18mg iron byglycinate with water 5 minutes before bed, 540mg of vitamin e with afternoon meal, Bronson brand lemon balm extract with iron byglycinate with water before bed.
Vitamin d3 increases dopamine, iron byglycinate increases ferritin which increases dopamine which helps against schizophrenia, vitamin e increases glutathione which helps significantly against schizophrenia, and Lemon balm extract increase GABA which helps against schizophrenia. I still hear the voices but they diminished in volume to the point I can focus. It's more like an annoying person whispering at this point but I'm smart enough to keep it to myself and just ignore it, instead I just write my thoughts down and that helps clarify which are and aren't mine.

I found the craziest verse "Get thee behind me", I said that to the discarnates I saw in front of me one day for some strange reason and they clearly visibly recoiled in pain, I basically followed them and kept saying it and burned them that way until they dissipated into nothing right in front of me. I hope you try saying that outloud to see if they are any reactions to the voices you here. In my case they recoiled in pain and started cursing at me then they left.

Anonymous No. 16186709

To clarify the bronsonbrand lemon balm i only take 1 pill with iron byglicinate made from Amazon, its like 83.3333mg of lemon balm extract per pill with 28mg iron byglocinate before bed, sometimes I take half a 20mg pill of melatonin before bed, cherry flavor Bronson melatonin, and it helps a lot.

You can take the iron any time, but for it to absorb best you have to take it an hour before or after eating a meal, best to take on an empty stomach then wait an hour before eating.

Anonymous No. 16186721

Anon I don't know how to tell you this but if you're still hearing voices your regimen can't be working as well as you think it is.

Anonymous No. 16186739

Naw, it works, I got a degree doing it this way. The doctor says you aren't supposed to hear any voices, but I know that's bullshit because ever since it started i have randomly read a persons thoughts and now I often see future events that eventually happen to me in my dreams, ever since the weird phenomenon started.
I believe schizophrenia is a form of awakening some sort of telepathy and future sight ability, the consequence during the process is just commonly referred to as delusion. I met another schizophrenic girl, she had it since childhood, but she told me she could read my mind perfectly, I thought of photographs in my head or numbers or words and she got everything right, I hypothesize that if you live long enough with it while maintaining a form of sanity you gain full control over these abilities.

I have no doubt in my mind that if I were on meds I wouldn't be able to randomly read a persons thoughts or see the future in my dreams anymore, I think the meds interfere with these processes somehow.

Anonymous No. 16186959

>ctrl F histamine
>this is the only reply talking about
This website is so sad, anyway OP, in low doses quetiapine acts as what this anon said, just a antihistamine, its like taking anti-allergics to sleep, except worse as this guy already explained

Anonymous No. 16187833

Why don't you just exercise? 30 min of cardio, lift some weights and no late night screens.

Anonymous No. 16187857

Not OP but I lost more weight taking 10,000iu of vitamin d3 every morning than I did compared to running, specifically 10 pounds.