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🧵 What Causes People to be This Retarded?

Anonymous No. 16183384

>here's like 20 minutes of explanation for something you can count on your fucking fingers
do math fags really?
can we just all admit this is all fucking retarded??
Like this level of shizophrenically pretending math is some "construct" that we just invented is such fucking psuedo intellectual horse shit.
Its a sign of a dying society when people pretend like any of this shit is real, unironically i think the vide should be taken down from youtube as should all videos about
>>>"""""mathmatic proofs"""""
Math is math.
You dont need any of this hogwash

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Anonymous No. 16183395

I see all of these words you've written, yet I don't really understand what you're trying to say

Anonymous No. 16183397

2+2=4 is not a mathematical but a political statement. In fact it is far right hate speech.

Anonymous No. 16183401

Math past the point where you are actually doing math is bullshit.
If it doesn't exist in the real world then it doesn't exist.

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Anonymous No. 16183403

The cheese is old.

Anonymous No. 16183409

>If it doesn't exist in the real world then it doesn't exist.
>t. pseud
Unfortunately some "intellectuals" (mostly atheists, of course) will assert that there's no proof that 2+2 actually and will always equal 4. They do this because they think it makes their arguments against God stronger when in reality it just makes them look like dishonest retards.

Anonymous No. 16183502


Why?... why do obviously older women pretend to be 'young'?
Lady, be the grandmother you are!

Anonymous No. 16183549

You sound like a woke leftist technophile. You fags are still seething about Godels theorem 90 ears later. Math isn't all about muh practical applications, and pretty much all of modern math and physics relies on logic and set theory.

Anonymous No. 16183566

Abstract math is a valid field of study, these pedants who peddle it should be shot in the chest. This is akin to your local fat bar trucker discussing "string theory."

True, all thought is hate speech.

Not the case. Theory often lays the foundation for later experimentation to make reality. Most of the things we take for granted today began as "impossible" silly theory. These youtube faggots begging for views notwithstanding.

I don't know what the letters you typed mean.
> IF
theists opinions have any credibility: I disagree
> IF
People arguing that 2+2 doesn't equal 4 for some obscure philosophical reason: I disagree

The symbol 2 only has the meaning we give it. But within that structure and agreement / communication / language whatever the fuck, 2 and 4 have the meaning their symbols communicate.
1 1 1 1
2 2
3 1
These are all symbols for the same thing, outside argument is just as pedantic and dumb as the cucks in the bait youtube videos.

Anonymous No. 16183597

>Math isn't all about muh practical applications
You are cancer on the side of western civilization that is dragging us down and you must be purged

Anonymous No. 16183600

Bro she's only 28. That's not that old.

Anonymous No. 16183637

That's nice but have you considered pretending to be smart instead?

Anonymous No. 16183640

Yeah she's still young she still has like 8% of her eggs left

Anonymous No. 16183658

I need 4 Tibees at 16, 18, 22 and 30

Anonymous No. 16183660

yeah it sucks we all age mate. i used to be like this when i was an edgy kid too but now i feel bad bc im old af myself too and cant even get boners
she looks 35 though
it's just a loser women who can only make a living telling this cringy pseud shit to literally sub 12 year old children on youutbe (or sub 100 IQ normies)

Anonymous No. 16183664

She and I should do a study on if big dicks are effective at causing pregnancy in milfs

Anonymous No. 16183671

Hitler believed 2+2=4, do you want to share the same beliefs as that man?

Anonymous No. 16183754

>5 years ago
That’s the year “2+2=5, or else you hate niggers and trannies” was an unironic twitter “discourse”. I guess she was trying to capitalize on that for views.
>20 minutes
Reasonable length for a slow-talking, feminine intro to these ideas.

Anonymous No. 16183771

Woah even though she looks like a hag I am even more hard for her for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16183774

>aussies were racist just only 5 years ago
when did it go so wrong with Australia?
They used to be some of the most based people ever, now they are probably the most soi.
How can we scientifically describe and model this phenomenon.

Anonymous No. 16183780

I can prove that 2+2=4!

It involves dark matter.

Anonymous No. 16184014

They're utterly pedantic for no reason.

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Anonymous No. 16184105

It looks more convoluted than it is; pic related is just a way to say "A+B is the number you arrive at by starting at A and counting B steps forward" using equations instead of a bunch of words.

Instead of unfolding the definition in one long chain the way she does, simulating how an unthinking computer would evaluate it, I think it's clearer to write it as a 2-step process, like this:
2+1 = 2+S(0) = S(2+0) = S(2) = 3
2+2 = 2+S(1) = S(2+1) = S(3) = 4
Reading this should give you some sense of how the equations in the pic encode the concept of "start at A and count B steps forward."

It's not really correct to say she spent 20 minutes proving that 2+2=4. That part only took her 2 minutes. Most of the video was spent explaining Peano's axioms for the natural numbers, most of which aren't needed for this trivial proof, along with talking about her channel, her sponsor, and a clip from VeggieTales.

Cult of Passion No. 16184144

>Like this level of shizophrenically pretending math is some "construct" that we just invented is such fucking psuedo intellectual horse shit.
You are not a Physics or Mathematics professor.

I can tell...some how, for some reason, by some means...

Anonymous No. 16184315

Bertrand Russel and Alfred North Whitehead once proved 1+1=2 in two long volumes.

Anonymous No. 16184326


Anonymous No. 16184331

>2+2 = 4*3*2*1!
>4 = 24
>4 = [2]4

Theres an extra dark matter [2] that can't be observed with the naked eye but makes up 50% of the digits

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Cult of Passion No. 16184420


Actually...she is right. This is perfect for a cup of tea or a home cooked meal.
(But Im laying in bed and her calm demeanor is just right.)

Im sold, subscribed. Thanks OP.

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Anonymous No. 16184816

Zoomers are aging like milk

Anonymous No. 16184931

Good child bearing hips.

Anonymous No. 16185059

i dont know man but i do know that i hate this cunt bitch. Just imagine how much wild sex she has on the daily and not even have to try meanwhile im turning 28 and will be a virgin still. I fucking hate women

Anonymous No. 16185361

Can I get some r34 of this bitch fucking the count from sesame street and the count counting his trusts and this bitch saying she loves math

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Anonymous No. 16186336

>be grug
>place two stones on the left
>place two stones on the right
>bring them together to the center
>count four stones
How is this not geometric proof of 2+2=4?

Anonymous No. 16186341

Or a set proof for that matter. (I'm a mathlet who doesn't know anything about set theory or if set proof is something that even exists, and I'm not looking it up)

Anonymous No. 16186411

set i'd say, {a stone, b stone}union{c stone, d stone}={a stone, b stone, c stone, d stone}, and the cardinality of each set does correspond with "2+2=4"

Anonymous No. 16186449

>t. ADHD-ridden zoomer who can't sit still for 15 minutes
She's being pedantic but nothing she said is incorrect. This is just a thorough explanation of the meaning of numbers and arithmetic operations.

Anonymous No. 16186457

>If it doesn't exist in the real world then it doesn't exist.

Your thoughts on the following statement?
>if it can be used to model and describe a physical, chemical, or biological process, it's real and therefore legitimate

Anonymous No. 16186597

australian sun

Anonymous No. 16186643

>let women in STEM
>this happens

Did you expect anything else? Women are hardwired to provoke men. Let them in power and they invert things. Mia Malkova Professor here turns a simple:

2 = 1+1
3 = 2+1
4 = 3+1
2+2 = 2 + 1 + 1 = (2 + 1) + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4

into a bottomless pit. Feminism implies BASIC truths are forbidden and complex ideologies are forced down your throat, because BASIC truths are male-friendly since the dawn of time and are what is required for a good life with a lot of expansion. All that lateral thinking will yield uncertainty at critical times. Better spend time with problem solving channels.

Anonymous No. 16186934

This doesn't prove anything, because the solution is implied in the grammar of the equation. It's just a language game, which doesn't mean it can't be incredibly useful, but it's just language.

Anonymous No. 16188186

What's your point?
Of course it's obvious that 2+2=4, but more complex statements do require proof.
Going through a proof that 2+2=4 is just a neat exercise for grad students to learn the concept of mathematical proofs on something simple.

Anonymous No. 16188854

a) 1+1=2 (by definition of 2 as a symbol)
Similarly by defining 3 and 4 symbolically
b) 2+1=3
c) 3+1=4
d) 2+1+1=4 (Substituting 3 in c using b)
e) 2+2=4 (Substituting 1+1 in a and assuming associative property of addition)

Anonymous No. 16188858

>t. first year cs incel

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Anonymous No. 16188862

You can say that 2 + 2 obviously equals 4 but to go into depth in the WHY is much more impressive

Anonymous No. 16188871

Start Zyzzmaxxing and stop crying.

Anonymous No. 16189031

>Mia Malkova Professor here turns a simple:
>2 = 1+1
>3 = 2+1
>4 = 3+1
>2+2 = 2 + 1 + 1 = (2 + 1) + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4
>into a bottomless pit.
You would think that, but by replacing x+1 with a unary operation S(x), she is laying the groundwork for a systematic study of natural numbers viewed as strings of symbols. This is an interesting point of view, and it is very useful for certain kinds of theorems (like Godel’s incompleteness theorem), though probably not useful for other kinds of theorems (like the prime number theorem).

Anonymous No. 16189045

Instead of telling you, I'll show you


This remaining contents of that thread is why.

Anonymous No. 16189060

I've blocked that YouTube channel too.