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๐Ÿงต Why is there only one path for mathematics?

Anonymous No. 16183998

Do I have to go to graduate school?
>inb4 blog post
this is very serious and relating to the infrastructure of math and science and how institutionalized academia has devoured the brain
I was given an offer to a few places but honestly I just want to do my own thing I really don't care about exams and homework anymore and especially I am against curriculum which is probably the most evil part of university.
Honestly my best moments were when I just talked to peers and professors about what we were doing and interested in at the time. They would share some wisdom and points of interest suggesting some books and sections and papers.
I know it all sounds silly coming from an undergrad, but I'm considered among the exceptional students. However, over time I feel totally hollowed out. I always ended up so busy worrying feeling stressed and it all just seems so artificial and pointless, like I was killing myself.
I feel like the mind is supposed to be like a wolf but I've for some reason turned mine into a chihuahua.

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Anonymous No. 16183999

I'm just left flummoxed with the state of my life at 21. I mean I've always been kind of slow fast. I started college 2 year early but still took a long time to graduate because I was unsure about why I was even there. It's mostly my mother and grandfather that hold an importance on education. I never had an interest in going especially after finding out about the price and I had very low opinions about education. But I respected them because I am their creation, and frankly at that age your don't really have autonomy in a capitalist society. To them it was some kind of stamp that it was all worth it. Pretty much I've always just wanted to know how things worked and math just settled well with me. My family thinks I'm a genious or something for some reason. But I feel trapped. I told my family I don't think I want to keep doing it and then they suddenly think I'm incompetent to think for myself. So I am to them an incompetent genius. I feel like I'm disappointing everyone: my advisors, my family, etc. It's like I'm pressing a needle against my thumb just to make everyone happy despite my mots basic instinct telling me I am doing something incoherent. I know because of how maladapted I am I can't just survive out there alone. But I don't know why I have to be a subject of academic institutions. I feel like a hostage to debts I never asked for.

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Anonymous No. 16184002

TL;DR: So basically how do I become a polymath rebel when the whole world is against us?

Anonymous No. 16184053

You sure do like talking about yourself on social media.

Anonymous No. 16184061

I'm a tortured mathematician, I just wonder if there is any hope for someone who idolized epic polymath gods of old

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Cult of Passion No. 16184111

>idolized epic polymath gods of old
They didnt spend years on end in lecture halls.

Besides...I attend lectures as I travel, Im basically a double-major full time student and doing field research at the same time. Do all three, and more!

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Cult of Passion No. 16184113

Which, its sounds easy to say but...just do the thing Mathematicians or Physicists say "cant" be done...and do it.

Those two girls kind of prove my point.

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Cult of Passion No. 16184121

>just do the thing Mathematicians or Physicists say "cant" be done
Ehich no one pays for, so there is no "career" there, thus why go to school for Mathematics, unless its a career, but you dont sound interested in doing their work.

Do your own, while you do meaning labor that isnt dumb shit either.

Now youre cooking, vacations are worm trips, work is hobby, hobby is fun, fun is life....thats why I take pictures of a Math text book in Afghanistan.

Anonymous No. 16184437

Fuck off

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Anonymous No. 16184501

How do you achieve this?
I don't come from a rich family so I'm mostly at a disadvantage compared to most successful mathematicians.
>in Afghanistan

Anonymous No. 16184503

>Why is there only one path for mathematics?
posting stupid autistic weeb shit pictures on 4chan?

Anonymous No. 16184652

You don't have to go to graduate school to publish papers, it's just harder because you need to learn how to identify tractable open problems in a specific sub niche as well as being extremely motivated. If you think you can do that without graduate school then nothing is holding you back really. You probably also want to attend conferences and network with professors in your specific area of research.

Otherwise just go to graduate school, the academic hazing phase is only a few years then you can focus on learning to conduct research and publish.

Anonymous No. 16185423

I got a 2-year math degree and now run a refinery because I am the only person in the building that can calculate a derivative. I only make $82/hr though because our union is pretty weak compared to our chicago guys.

Anonymous No. 16185446

what is a refinery btw?

Anonymous No. 16185602

u mean an oil refinery? 82 per hour?
i would kill for 82 per hour.
the most advanced thing u do is calculate derivatives?
there must be some catch, some dealbreaker, if there aint u need to spill all the tea about this job and how u got it

Anonymous No. 16185861

Yeah I have a hard time to believe this because even computers can compute derivatives.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16185871

Wouldn't a chemical engineer run a refinery? There are a lot of random but quite deadly hazards you need to be aware of. For example, if your refinery produces butadiene, then piping carrying that butadiene runs the risk of popcorn polymer formation, which will eventually rupture the piping and cause an explosion. No way you learned what you needed to safely run a refinery with a 2-year math degree.

Anonymous No. 16185874

Wouldn't a chemical engineer run a refinery? There are an assload of random but quite deadly hazards you need to be aware of. For example, if your refinery produces butadiene, then piping carrying that butadiene runs the risk of popcorn polymer formation, which will eventually rupture the piping and cause an explosion. No way you learned what you needed to safely run a refinery with a 2-year math degree.

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Anonymous No. 16185982

I am doubtful of your proclamation of brilliance, since you are unable to put a sentence together. Did you reach where you are due to your race? Or other markers of supposed victimhood? Picrel is how your professors react when they see you, by the way.


Anonymous No. 16186029

Oh... well if that's true and I've been misunderstanding our interactions then that makes me sad. I wouldn't put it past me it's true I am not so adept at speech or social interaction.