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๐Ÿงต antiphycotics increase IQ in normal people

Anonymous No. 16184452

>schizophrenia = low IQ
>antiphycotics cure schizophrenia
>antiphycotics increase IQ in normal people
Prove me wrong!
Also, the only reason they think that antipsychotics decrease IQ is because schizophrenia decreases IQ!

Anonymous No. 16184482

If I took that off would you die?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16184533

The neocortex works sort of like an autoencoder, that takes a million if pixel, and sums it up in a thousand pieces of meaningfulm information.
When your neocortex works, you primary deal with those more abstract meaningful units, everything looks simple, and you are low iq. When the neocortex fails, you are overwhelmed by the raw complexity, deal with much less abstract terms, everything seems insanely complicated, and you are high IQ. You make crazy deductions, as instead of working with a label that means let's say "married couple" you work in much less abstract concepts. What does it mean that they are a married couple? Is it in their hair, eyes, what they're wearing? Explain it to me! What does it mean that she is a women, why can't you explain to me are you stupid? Do you think that I will believe such made up bullshit? Why can't you rationally explain it to me if it's real. I need a 1456 pages treatise to understand all nuances of this.

Antipsychotics destroy your neocortex (jyst like lobotomies did) and turn you into the high IQ schizo like the brain damaged psychiatrist.

Anonymous No. 16184534

The neocortex works sort of like an autoencoder, that takes a million of pixels, and sums it up in a thousand pieces of more meaningful information.

When your neocortex works, you primary deal with those more abstract meaningful units, everything looks simple, and you are low iq. When the neocortex fails, you are overwhelmed by the raw complexity, deal with the world in much less abstract terms, everything seems insanely complicated, and you are high IQ. You make crazy deductions, as instead of working with a label that means let's say "married couple" you work in much less abstract concepts. What does it mean that they are a married couple? Is it in their hair, eyes, what they're wearing? Explain it to me! What does it mean that she is a women, why can't you explain to me are you stupid? Do you think that I will believe such made up bullshit? Why can't you rationally explain it to me if it's real. I need a 1456 pages treatise to understand all nuances of this!

Antipsychotics destroy your neocortex (just like lobotomies did) and turn you into the high IQ schizo like the brain damaged psychiatrist.

Anonymous No. 16184557

antipsychotics don't "destroy" the neocortex, the part of the brain responsible for higher-order brain functions like conscious thought and language. Instead, they modulate neurotransmitter activity in various brain regions, including the neocortex

Anonymous No. 16184707

So you're blaming cognitive decline seen on anybody doing AP's to dissease?

Eat haloperidol you dipshit, and you loose like 20IQ points in a week...

Anonymous No. 16184708

There are antipsychotics that does. There are ones that does less.

Anonymous No. 16184787

It would be extremely painful.

Anonymous No. 16184796

No one is taking that shit in 2024. Its all Invega and Zyprexa.

Anonymous No. 16184887

They sometimes prescribe it to people they specificaly don't like.

Anonymous No. 16185159

take your meds

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Anonymous No. 16185239

That corporate trash is poison only imbeciles would take.
Natural sources of anti-psychotics are exactly the foods the zionist vermin don't want people to eat.

Anonymous No. 16185244


Anonymous No. 16185344

t. schizo

Anonymous No. 16185474

Which ones? Post some links, I find that interesting. All I know is the brain atrophies after some years of treatment according to scans.

Anonymous No. 16185508

Specifically to peopke who want peace, as humans would degenarate if they didn't struggle to survive.

Anonymous No. 16185519

No, they don't.
The old antipsychotics didn't, and the current ones don't.
Antipsychotics give formally insane people a taste of normalcy and the ability to look after themselves at the cost of reduced intelligence and gradual long-term irreversible brain damage over decades. A classic being tardive dyskinesia (weird involuntary body movements).
>No one is taking that shit in 2024. Its all Invega and Zyprexa.
That's for milder disorders. Haloperidol is still used in extreme because it is far more potent and powerful at tard wrangling industrial grade schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16185561

>Antipsychotics give formally insane people a taste of normalcy and the ability to look after themselves
Isn't that a form of high IQ?
>tardive dyskinesia
how is this brain damage? it has nothing to do with the g factor

Anonymous No. 16185597

It destroys the neotortex, and makes you the same as you retards, who think that they are insane because you see no way how somebody with simple vocabulary could be capable of usable thought.

Anonymous No. 16185966

Its a bad situation, you can either slowly harm them, or let the disease process quickly harm them

Anonymous No. 16186030

There is nobody who could be helpedby the pills. There is the neocortex failure, which is the tranny version of what you diagnose with autism, it's from iron poisoning and lead deficiency, and the pills can only make it worse. Ir there are those who have the neocortex relatively undamaged, you can't understand their more abstract speech, and the pills make them retarded like everybody else. You are evil people who support genocide.

Anonymous No. 16186036

You can't measure IQ.
I'm an absurd test taker and have 99%+ in every standardized test I ever took.
But it's just a separate skill.

Give me a question and then multiple choice and my brain, without my conscious input, deduces the answer.
Whether they are word or space problems, tney are just patterns.
They either immediately jump out or they dont.

Creating an excel sheet that is useful should be the test or something.
Much harder.

t. Constantly lauded entire life for staring at a piece of paper and writing the answer that just came to me.

Anonymous No. 16186037

And, to show that it's not in my head, it's what Havel micked with his "chorukor" and "ptydepe" - the schizophrenic can't understand normal speech, so he thinks it's some arcane, coded, or heavily indirect language.

Anonymous No. 16186265

Most schiz's isn't worse than permanent sigma receptor disfunction from haldol even being untreated.

Anonymous No. 16186299

You're a big guy

Anonymous No. 16186307

Finding aptterns and deducting answers is literally what IQ is about
Those skills lay at the base of intelligence and any reasoning based skill can be built on those
The fact that you dont see this tells me that you're either larping retard or learned to be so fucking lazy you dont even think about the topic you're discussing

Anonymous No. 16186343

They are the base of psychosis, and only delusions can be built on those.

Anonymous No. 16186520

>chocolate consumption has gone up in recent years
>crime rates have also gone up in recent years
>therefore, the increase in crime can be attributed to the increase in chocolate consumption
This is how you sound.

Anonymous No. 16186558

for you

Anonymous No. 16186810

Same guy here. Back from my business after kissing my neurologist wife.

You are caught up with what midwits think is high intelligence. I realized, being so gifted in the aforementioned, that it's not really that smart of a trick. The test measures THAT ability. And yes it of course correlates with general success. But IQ tests, if it means general intelligence, misses far too much.

Abstract thinking, deduction, even FORCING YOURSELF TO TAKE ACTION, are better signals of intelligence.
Most ideas and business ideas were thought up by thousands of people. 99.999% of them do nothing with it.

Then you could assess it from an evolutionary standpoint and intelligence is just whatever gets you along in the most likely manner. In which case cockroaches are incredibly intelligent and faggot, overread incels online that never reproduce are idiots.

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Anonymous No. 16186838

>You can't measure IQ.

Anonymous No. 16186844

I'm here because I just answered above.
You can indeed have a test and a score level.
Have you reproduced?

Anonymous No. 16186887

Nice try CIA but I'm NOT TAKING THEM

Anonymous No. 16187068

You are Jewish.

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adolf hitler leat....jpg

Anonymous No. 16187071


Anonymous No. 16187078

IQ changes as you learn more. Not a good metric to base your entire world view on.

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head shape.jpg

Anonymous No. 16187083


Anonymous No. 16187278

There's nothing but patterns. Delusions are just inconvenient beliefs.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16187340

Intelligence starts with the autoencoder summing up the world into a latent space of more meaningful concepts. A better functioning, more powerful neocortex sums up the same world into a smaller number of more meaningfu labels. Patterns and categories, and possibly everything you call "higher thinking" is something that as a compensation for its absence. The principle of a delusion might be that instead of the latent space where everything may be assumed to be meaningful, the same process occurs on something meaningless. So for example sonething like "intelligent" which is meant to be assigned to some rather abstract label produced by the neocortex, gets assigned to some random, less abstract feature, such as a tall forehead.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16187355

Intelligence starts with the autoencoder summing up the world into a latent space of more meaningful concepts. A better functioning, more powerful neocortex sums up the same world into a smaller number of more meaningfu labels. Patterns and categories, and possibly everything you call "higher thinking" is a compensation for its absence. The principle of a delusion might be that instead of the latent space where everything may be assumed to be meaningful, the same process occurs on something meaningless. So for example something like "intelligent", which is meant to be assigned to a rather abstract label produced by the neocortex, gets assigned to some random, less abstract feature, such as a tall forehead.

Anonymous No. 16187356

Intelligence starts with the autoencoder summing up the world into a latent space of more meaningful concepts. A better functioning, more powerful neocortex sums up the same world into a smaller number of more meaningful labels. Patterns and categories, and possibly everything you call "higher thinking" is a compensation for its absence. The principle of a delusion might be that instead of the latent space where everything may be assumed to be meaningful, the same process occurs on something meaningless. So for example something like "intelligent", which is meant to be assigned to a rather abstract label produced by the neocortex, gets assigned to some random, less abstract feature, such as a tall forehead.

Anonymous No. 16187724


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Anonymous No. 16187730

Wow, you guys are either retarded or underage!

Antipsychotics work by simply decreasing dopamine levels, which are supposed to be imbalanced in people with schizophrenia, this is why meth can induce psychosis and hallucinations because it floods the brain with excess dopamine.

it has been proven that antipsychotics shrink the brain on MRI scans, lower IQ scores, cause dementia, decrease life expectancy.

there is a black box warning on the label of antipsychotic drug boxes from the FDA which warns that antipsychotics will kill elderly people who have dementia, the reason people with dementia are dying from antipsychotics is because they ar neurotoxic and aggravate the dementia.

antipsychotic are neurotoxic this is why there is a label warning not to give them to the elderly or people with dementia

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16187731

The only terms you may need to look up are "autoencoder" and "latent space", and there is just no way to avoifld those terms.

Anonymous No. 16187733

The only terms you may need to look up are "autoencoder" and "latent space", and there is just no way to avoid these terms.