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🗑️ 🧵 This was posted on another board

Anonymous No. 16184810

I don't get it, can /sci/fags explain?

Anonymous No. 16184829

Lewontin's fallacy is that if you compare different groups based on only a few metrics at a time, then you can't reliably differentiate populations since there will be major overlaps in the distribution. However if you incorporate many genetic loci (dimensions) then you can very reliably determine ancestry, as seen with 23andMe, forensic DNA evidence, etc.

In the picture they are only using 2 dimensions to arrive at an erroneous conclusion, where if you consider more dimensions you see the reality of the situation.

Anonymous No. 16184838

Lewontin's fallacy is that African pygmies and Dutch people are equally tall because a Dutch dwarf is shorter than most pygmies, and a giant pygmy is taller than most Dutch, and so there's way more variance within the groups than between them.

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Anonymous No. 16184846

>I don't get it, can /sci/fags explain?
>Lewontin's fallacy is that if you compare different groups based on only a few metrics at a time, then you can't reliably differentiate populations since there will be major overlaps in the distribution. However if you incorporate many genetic loci (dimensions) then you can very reliably determine ancestry, as seen with 23andMe, forensic DNA evidence, etc.
>In the picture they are only using 2 dimensions to arrive at an erroneous conclusion, where if you consider more dimensions you see the reality of the situation.

Anonymous No. 16184849

So races exist but individual genetics are more relevant in direct comparisons?

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Anonymous No. 16184870


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Anonymous No. 16184884

>In the 1972 study "The Apportionment of Human Diversity", Richard Lewontin performed a fixation index (FST) statistical analysis using 17 markers, including blood group proteins, from individuals across classically defined "races" (Caucasian, African, Mongoloid, South Asian Aborigines, Amerinds, Oceanians, and Australian Aborigines). He found that the majority of the total genetic variation between humans (i.e., of the 0.1% of DNA that varies between individuals), 85.4%, is found within populations, 8.3% of the variation is found between populations within a "race", and only 6.3% was found to account for the racial classification. Numerous later studies have confirmed his findings.[6] Based on this analysis, Lewontin concluded, "Since such racial classification is now seen to be of virtually no genetic or taxonomic significance either, no justification can be offered for its continuance."

>Lewontin was born in New York City to parents descended from late 19th-century Ashkenazi Jewish immigrants. His father was a broker of textiles, and his mother a homemaker.[7] He attended Forest Hills High School and the École Libre des Hautes Études in New York. In 1951 he graduated from Harvard College with a BS degree in biology. In 1952, Lewontin received an MS degree in mathematical statistics, followed by a PhD degree in zoology in 1954,[8] both from Columbia University, where he was a student of Theodosius Dobzhansky.

Anonymous No. 16184889

isn't this just basic very cluster analysis?

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Anonymous No. 16185334


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Anonymous No. 16185336

Anonymous No. 16185415

it can still turn right lol

Anonymous No. 16185431

>this connected this is actually le disconnected
I think the fallacy is you

Anonymous No. 16185435

Not really because few individuals deviate that much from the mean of their race.

Anonymous No. 16185579


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lewontin fallacy.jpg

Anonymous No. 16185612


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Anonymous No. 16185690

>le jews
heh.. this invalidates all his analysis! i was getting worried

Anonymous No. 16185708

>this invalidates all his analysis!
it's best not to allow their thoughts to influence yours as their genetic imperative heavily influences everything they do and say

Anonymous No. 16185712

But Lewontin proved that genetic "race" has little influence on behaviour

Anonymous No. 16185748

he was literally a mathlet and couldn't see the forest for the trees

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Anonymous No. 16185755

There is more variation in sea levels daily due to tides than there is from Climate Change over centuries.
Based on Lewontin's logic, Climate Change is a Social Construct.

Anonymous No. 16185972

the 2d pic is drawn incorrectly

Anonymous No. 16186059

Not even reading your post. Did you just repost someone who is incapable of understanding how tide causes greater variation than average sea levels rising ?

Anonymous No. 16186064


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Anonymous No. 16186100

>couldn't see the forest for the trees

Anonymous No. 16186146

You can see the identical high tide lines in both pics - the dark band on the shore above the waterline.

Anonymous No. 16186197

It can still turn right

Barkon No. 16186210

Europe at the southern side is more efficient.

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Anonymous No. 16186219


Anonymous No. 16186254

kek that's the best explanation of this "fallacy"

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Anonymous No. 16186348

is this true

Anonymous No. 16186388

That's pretty good

Anonymous No. 16186390

Your image just taught me that some 'races' like Mexicans, Aryans, Italians and Jews all don't actually exist. And that all Europeans, Slavs and Arabs are practically the same race. Also its mind blowing how distant Oceana and Africa are despite them both being black!

Anonymous No. 16186466

>Your image just taught me that some 'races' like Mexicans, Aryans, Italians and Jews
If you had gone to Middle School you wouldn't have to learn the difference between race, nationality, religion, and a fucking historical term from a 4chan post you drooling retard

>And that all Europeans, Slavs and Arabs are practically the same race. Also its mind blowing how distant Oceana and Africa are despite them both being black!
85IQ at best. Who pays your internet bills for you?