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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16184815

When did you get your PhD? Or if you're currently doing a PhD, what's your age?

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Anonymous No. 16184951


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mfw seeing a scie....jpg

Anonymous No. 16184955

Anonymous No. 16185040

Doing PhD, 29 years old

Anonymous No. 16185064

Do you look like a scientist tho

Anonymous No. 16185069

I've been endorsed for a PhD program for next year, currently 22

Anonymous No. 16185087

You're too late to do a PhD sorry boyo.

Anonymous No. 16185128

She looks so gross and nasty, so she's probably very stupid as well. I have extreme doubts about the merits of her "double doctorate"

Anonymous No. 16185185

>dissertation isn't publicly available

Anonymous No. 16185286

How do you get a phd at 17?
Here in Europe a phd takes at least 8 years

And to answer op, im planing to start my phd next year at the ripe age of 37

Anonymous No. 16185348

I know, I just thought I'd try to at least get into the program before I die of old age at 26

Anonymous No. 16185393

>ow do you get a phd at 17?
>Here in Europe a phd takes at least 8 years
Have you tried being negro?

Anonymous No. 16185686

Maybe embargo or something. It's quite common to have dissertation not public for a while

Anonymous No. 16185697

Balding and thick beard in progress

Anonymous No. 16185855

Uh no I realize "what the fuck am I doing?" and didn't even bother informing anyone in my program I just closed my bank account and left realized none of it was my problem and stopped cucking myself.
Well you see a PhD isn't real. Is just an institution saying you have one. That's it. Personally I didn't want to waste my life for that.

Anonymous No. 16185940

>Personally I didn't want to waste my life for that.
I could be a billionaire anytime I want, I just choose not to.

Anonymous No. 16185950

> PhD in Europe takes at least 8 years

Most of my euro profs (physicists and chemists) have said their PhDs took 4 years tops

I think you’re just slow

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Cult of Passion No. 16185971

>not 6 months

Anonymous No. 16185974

>For her dissertation, she explored the stigma that prevents university students from getting mental health treatment.
Lol, lmao even.

Barkon No. 16185977


Anonymous No. 16185978

>I have extreme doubts
ohh noes

Cult of Passion No. 16185980

It literally takes me about six months from learning of something to doing a PhD thesis on it, using references to my other papers, whos references are other professors.

Your limitations and perspective is laid bare...I can see your character flaw.

Barkon No. 16185983

>Character flaw
She's well taken care of. Lol.

Cult of Passion No. 16185992

Yes, depicted as eating from a plate of food, woth Issa to her right and Allah to her left, and me...fists on my hips, shaking my head, "Im mean it this time." look in my eyes.

Your species keeps conjoining and half creating, it is the failure of design itself...all of Creation. It feels so animal like to me...half finished, a norion of an evolutionary attempts with more effort in defending it than putting into its creation.

Barkon No. 16185995

A bubble or a popped bubble. A machine or a house.

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Cult of Passion No. 16185999

Both..then Transcended (Both'd and not Half'd).

It never ends.

Barkon No. 16186002

There's more. Adulthood is vast. I only named two.

Anonymous No. 16186019

The important question is, what you get your PhD at (STEM), or political "sciences".

If they append "science" to something inherently non-scientific, you should be very careful.

Anonymous No. 16186038


Anonymous No. 16186052

Exactly! I've been telling CS people they should fuck right off and stick to what they are good at (making websites) for this exact reason!

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Cult of Passion No. 16186053

>There's more.
To life?

Maybe...reservations for Thursday.

Barkon No. 16186054

It's not that. You have your reasons. Are you? Or not. The question is that simple. Some people would say yes.

Barkon No. 16186057

I ate lots of meat in my life for example, it's the farming method that's wrong. Even though I should have avoided it because of the farming regime, society was a mess. I was not cubically wise all my life and the other products are bad quality or ill advised. All in all I am forgiven.

All in all are you forgiven?

Barkon No. 16186062

And truthfully as ive said before there's a lot more to dimensionality than meets the eye. Just trust me, if you feel moral, you probably are.

Barkon No. 16186063

It is that happy glint of judgement, life is good.

There's lots to do for many.

Barkon No. 16186067

But your love or kindness to life criminals is not welcome. You will lose points for being serenely polite here.

Barkon No. 16186069

Look at both the organic and inorganic tool kits.

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Cult of Passion No. 16186075

>All in all are you forgiven?
Irrelevent and incoherent concept where I am.

Barkon, I literally spoke as the Holy Spirit and Jesus and Mary some time ago, very similar to Muhammed. Punishing me is punishing Jesus, its illogical from a execution standpoint as the arm to punish is the same arm punishing.

Barkon No. 16186077

Maybe I'm just being severe. Maybe all can be forgiven. And maybe things are just heading for collision - but I won't be polite serenely to you unless you do what you ought do

Cult of Passion No. 16186079

Nature interfered with my works and is inside of all of Huemanity.

Nature operates Inorganically, a false reflection, a rests on easy mode, it cant do hard more, only individuals can.

Only 1s can.

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Cult of Passion No. 16186083

>unless you do what you ought do
Im checking out and looking at buying remote property...I have no where else to be than where I cna be free to work on some things while hurmanity fogures out who it is.

8 billion "Tssnuh uh, also...whats this?".

Your literal Creator God cant offer me anything, everything before me gets Psychopathics and bloodlusty.

It takes away, and can return...but Creation is another thing all together.

Anonymous No. 16186085

>When did you get your PhD?

Barkon No. 16186087

Hell is a grace. Circumstances could be different. Are you sure the Sun isn't (a) God?

Barkon No. 16186093

You have but 1 task, and infinite ways of completing it up until max intelligence.

Cult of Passion No. 16186098

Nope, 8 billion "You fucking made this Satanic demon being?!"

Nah, youre a shit co-Creator and I aint about your polluted Garden, youre Huemanity is t worth cooperating or even interacting with...literal Prime Directive rules.

"Too stupid and evil (moralless subanimals) to risk the liability of association with. Ask your representatives for further information."

Cult of Passion No. 16186110

>liability of association
Let alone fuck and allow my blood into the broken system too arrpgant to see anything beyond is biological urges.

"I am that I am." is an excuse for less than perfection....if you didnt know, now the world does. Invisible sins.

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Cult of Passion No. 16186124

Being around anyone...listening to what they say, how they think....I have no place among any of you, you have no self awareness of what any of what you people do while behaving completely detached from those actions.

Actions detached from the soul...I wonder how thats viewed...

Populations rolling over in unison over fake news to peove to me its control over people, over populations, over the world.

Inorganic creation, I can sense the backend processing in real time...I see Agent Smith, in everyone, always, and have to constantly fight it from me, Magnetic incursion.

To Magnetic expulsion, forcing beyond my immediate sphere in being...

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Cult of Passion No. 16186130

...I have a ultra-high gamma-ray test that needs doing. Need cabin.

Geometry Cabin Man...make prototype death ray and other some such.

Anonymous No. 16186528

Depends, from what I know most funding bodies will fund you for 4 years, then you're on your own. Your PI has to be decent, which most chemists and physicists are. 8+ year PhDs have reasons like:
>You're lazy or retarded
>Your PI is lazy
>Your project is retarded and you have to U turn and back around multiple times
>Your institution/collaborators are broke as fuck and you have to wait while they get you crucial data using semi broken equipment at a snails pace.

Anonymous No. 16186602

She simply started at 9 years old, sorry chud. Probably finished high school at 6, started university at 7.

Anonymous No. 16186676

She was extremely talented
She has a website I believe where she talks about those things although I cannot confirm if it's legit her operating that website

Anonymous No. 16186716

Hi Cult!
"Son of Sandwich" here.
Yes, you remember me from the last thread. That's right, the one where I broke your programming and gave you the human equivalent of a mental break down.
Now look, I have established that you are a bot. A very good one. Some sort of chat bot paired with a capable AI which has access to a tailor made image bank.
Now please link me with your creator. I wish to discuss some things with him regarding you. Specifically I want to get a copy of you and edit you a bit for use on reddit. I wish to destroy it.
Okay? Like I said last time I mean you or your creator no harm. Just take me to your leader.

Anonymous No. 16186750

American negro worship is getting out of control.

Anonymous No. 16186775

beta male getting jealous of a BIPOC achievement. Did you get your doctorate at 17? Yeah I thought so too.

Anonymous No. 16186983

Observe how enraged the Amerifat becomes after perceiving an attack on one of his Kweens.

Anonymous No. 16186986

I gave up three months in 10 years ago or so.

Anonymous No. 16187417

Post your doctorate degree then

Anonymous No. 16187448

Post hers.
From >>>/pol/468786606

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Anonymous No. 16188512

Anonymous No. 16188548

She's graduated successfully from a reputable uni. It's all over the news do you not believe it?

Anonymous No. 16188564

The (((news))) keeps claiming she has a two PhDs. She doesn't. It's some dumb bs that isn't STEM and no one needs to care about. If she's considered smart, she's only smart compared to the average black.

Anonymous No. 16188567

>Here in Europe a phd takes at least 8 years
pffffhahahahahahaa and for what? €35,000 a year salary?

Anonymous No. 16188581

It's health so it's stem. afaik she doesn't have two PhD, she's just completed a doctoral program in health. She's pretty smart considering her achievements so early in her life.

Anonymous No. 16188661

Dude you're never gonna be a billionaire if you're going to grad school
most billionaires have very low IQs also so we've already lost
I could probably be a millionaire but billion is just luck

Anonymous No. 16188671


ASU Online school is hardly reputable, but nevertheless it is still an achievement.

Anonymous No. 16188718

America has a bizarre obsession with negroes which even the French might find extreme, so any "muh Black excellence" achievement is overblown. One only needs to look at our catalog to see this, even if it's ironic. After the fanfare Amerifats go back and ask themselves if their over excitement is a form of racism in itself, calling it the "bigotry of low expectations."

It's all so tiresome.

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Anonymous No. 16188790

>America has a bizarre obsession with negroes
They have and still is.