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๐Ÿงต The science of weight stablization

Anonymous No. 16184917

I am 10kg overweight and I've been trying to lose the excess for the past 6 months. I've been hitting the gym n sheeit but all I've done is putting on some muscles and my weight have been stablizing in a 3 kg range. What the fuck is this? How could this be happening? How do I lose weight /sci/? Should I do a liposuction or ozempic? I don't want to look fat and ugly anymore.

Anonymous No. 16184977

Why do you go to the gym when yout intention is to loose weight !?
Look: Eat 500 kcal below your daily energy expenditure. Either increase expenditure through exercise, reduce intake through 3 sets of 10 reps of putting the fork down you fat fuck ! or a combination of both.
'Lifting' hardly uses any energy. Go run, row, ride a bike, whatever gets you to and from work / uni on a daily basis. Do what you choose with high intensity and relentless every time you do it. Don't do cardio for less than an hour a day.
Also >>>/fit/

Anonymous No. 16184990

Stop eating processed food, eat only whole foods with a focus on animal products.
Spend 20 minutes walking outside during sunrise every morning with no sunglasses on.
Doing these things will help heal your hormone production and allow your body to release excess fat.

Anonymous No. 16185007

It literally doesn:t matter which foods OP eats. I agree with you on it being a generally good idea to not eat the slop. But for OPs purposes and within the scope of the question the total caloric value alone is significant.
The same goes for hormones. Neither hormones, nor sunlight nor industrial slop are able to violate the law of energy conservation.

Anonymous No. 16185027

1 kg of fat is 9000 kcal. You must restrict calorie intake and/or increase calorie expenditure so that you lose 90000 kcal.

Anonymous No. 16185036

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16185125

Human bodies are not closed systems with static energy requirements. They're open systems composed of open systems nested within each other that can also all modulate energy and resource usage. Unstable hormones and bad food can throw lots of things out of wack. An extreme example is that if someone could hook you up to an infinite drip of insulin they could literally make you starve to death without losing body fat, because the constant presence of insulin would prevent the use of body fat for energy despite your need for it.

Anonymous No. 16185242

What and how often are you eating?

Anonymous No. 16185246

>It literally doesn:t matter which foods OP eats. I agree with you on it being a generally good idea to not eat the slop. But for OPs purposes and within the scope of the question the total caloric value alone is significant.
>The same goes for hormones. Neither hormones, nor sunlight nor industrial slop are able to violate the law of energy conservation.
cico is just wrong though, insulin controls weight, eat less and your body drops your metabolic rate

Anonymous No. 16185254

chat is this true

Anonymous No. 16186309

gym has nothing to do with losing weight. gym is for making muscle (just lift your own weight) and for cardio (just go running and swimming)

insulin signals fat storage.
carbs signal insulin.
eating too much carbs result in too much insulin.
unless their diet is paleo/carnivore/lowcarb pretty much everyone is eating too carbs
too much insulin will cause cells to develop insulin resistance.
if you're overweight you almost certainly have insulin resistance.
insulin resistance will then increase insulin even more and make losing weight even harder.

what do?
bypass insulin.
eat meats: red, white, fish, shellfish...
eat the fat of those and olive oil.
eat some greens, not too much.
maybe eat a bit of nuts.
maybe eat a tiny bit of berries.
maybe eat a bit of fermented dairy.
pretend agricultural revolution never happened: no wheat, rice, potato, beans...
pretend industrial revolution never happened: no seed, vegetable, hydrogenated oils. no too processed food. use base ingredients.
if you ever eat carbs for some retarded reason you need to eat some fresh greens with them because of some microbio reasons.

fun fact: without carbs you will find the body can regulate itself pretty good with appetite alone.

source: micro biology. evolutionary biology how from ~1M to 10k years ago when humans genetically became human they lived by hunting megafauna and using fire.

Anonymous No. 16186392

This is going to hurt, but your issue is you think you are only 10 kg overweight. Your control actions are there narrowed to a specific moderation. Recognize that you are at least 20-30 kilos overweight and you will see what has to be done.

Anonymous No. 16186455

OP here. Thanks for all the answer. I realize that I am probably 20k overweight actually. I was like 60kg when I was 18. My belly now is so big. Probably should kms desu.

Anonymous No. 16186462

>eat less
eat less often

Anonymous No. 16186508

I lost 7lbs in 3 months from taking 10k vitamin d3 every morning.

Anonymous No. 16186533

Vit d3 increases dopamine so it would make sense that you eat less food, just don't take more than 20k a day.

Anonymous No. 16186541

Iron byglycinate increases dopamine because it increases ferritin, take it before bed.

Anonymous No. 16186545

Take 10k vit d3 every morning and iron byglycinate before bed, you'll lose weight.

Anonymous No. 16187320

when i do this my shits get hard and small and annoying though.

Anonymous No. 16187369

track your calories you fat fuck, and be honest with yourself about it, it will solve all your problems. most people are genuinely too pussy to do this and just prefer to complain

Anonymous No. 16187699

That means you're not eating enough fat. Add some butter to your food and generally stop being afraid of fat. Dietary fat is a precursor to many hormones and necessary for proper bodily function. It also is what provides most of your energy when you're not eating as many carbs.

Anonymous No. 16187701



Anonymous No. 16188492

more fasting and lower protein.

everybody always shills high protein but i only lose weight if i cut the protein shakes

Anonymous No. 16188614

Jamie pull it up

Anonymous No. 16188634

>eat less and your body drops your metabolic rate
Wrong. Your rate of breathing doesn't fundamentally change when you eat less food.

Anonymous No. 16188744

High protein is fine if you get it all from meat, eggs, and other whole foods. Protein shakes are processed junk food like anything else. It's not protein keeping you from losing weight, it's all the junk surrounding it.

Anonymous No. 16188745

>eat less often

Anonymous No. 16189916

whos that semon demon
name NOW

Anonymous No. 16190094

Maceyravndalen on ShitCock.

Anonymous No. 16190101

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 16190104

>eat less and your body drops your metabolic rate
Sure but this has its limits. Your body can only compensate for reduced energy intake up to a point. Beyond a point, your body has no choice but to catabolize it's energy reserves.
The proof is all the people who have successfully lost bodyfat by reducing energy intake and/or increasing energy expenditure. I'm one of them.
Dont bring up studies about metabolically sick people ie diabetics. We're talking about normal, healthy people.

Anonymous No. 16190111

No, you would develop insulin resistance and then your body could continue to catabolize body fat.
This is literally what happens in T2D. Their body still produces insulin but their cells stop responding to it normally.

Anonymous No. 16190123

Did you miss the part where I said it's an INFINITE drip of insulin? With an infinite supply of insulin you could increase it in lockstep with increasing insulin resistance. It's an extreme hypothetical example.

Anonymous No. 16190134

>Beyond a point, your body has no choice but to catabolize it's energy reserves.
There is another option to catabolize its other tissues, which is what actually hapoens, as it isn't energy reserves, but diseased tissue.

Anonymous No. 16190151

Insulin allows glucose to be used by cells which don't do so obligatorily. I don't think it directly supresses fat burning.
T2D isn't insulin resistance, it's the inability to burn glucose.

Anonymous No. 16190207

You better be white. Don't need to big lipped banjo playin porch sitters lusting after white women

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Anonymous No. 16190285


Anonymous No. 16190905

>With an infinite supply of insulin you could increase it in lockstep with increasing insulin resistance.
Could you? Have you done the experiment? It's very easy to IMAGINE what might happen in biological systems, but experiments more often than not will completely confound your expectations.
Until you run the experiment, you're simply speculating. Don't speak so confidently about such wild hypotheticals when it comes to messy, complicated, organic systems
>T2D isn't insulin resistance, it's the inability to burn glucose.
It's both, anon. The insulin resistance means your cells can't absorb the glucose from your blood. They can't burn it for fuel if they can't absorb it.

Anonymous No. 16190911

It isn't both. There is no mechanism for any kind of downregulating insulin response, and it doesn't even seem to be a command to do accept glucose, but more like a permission.

Nokrab No. 16190912

Meds. Now.

Anonymous No. 16190916


Nokrab No. 16190917

You are a stupid faggot. Many faggots have come before you. This is the way of you, you faggot.

Anonymous No. 16190921

It isn't retarded, what is your problem with it?

Nokrab No. 16190923

You need meds.

Anonymous No. 16190931

Why? What do you disagree with so much?
The root of T2D is that cells lose the ability to burn glucose. It has nothing to do with insulin, insulin only rises, because there is too much glucose.
Cells that need glucose don't need insulin to uptake it, they do so without insulin. Insulin gives permission for other cells that can use it, to use it as well. Still, there is supposed to be a mechanism that limits stomach content release to how much is needed. This also seems to be broken. (and what was targeted by wegovy and ozempic)

Anonymous No. 16190938

>There is no mechanism for any kind of downregulating insulin response
"Insulin resistance isn't real" is some flat-earther "vaccines contain 5G nanobots" level of insanity

Anonymous No. 16190959

Have you tried eating less?

Anonymous No. 16191051

The point is that insulin can prevent the breakdown of fat for energy and that means CICO is bullshit because the human body is more than just a raw energy exchange. CICO promoters imagine the human body is like a pitcher with a hole near the bottom that fills with water when you turn on the spigot and just naturally drains to empty once the spigot is cut off for long enough, and to claim the pitcher can hold water with no input violates the principles of this simple exchange. In reality, the human body is more like a complex set of pipes and tanks with valves that can regulate how each tank fills and empties and simply reducing the input doesn't guarantee the results you want if the valves or the things regulating the valves are busted.

Anonymous No. 16191081

Fat tissue isn't energy storage, it's cells that stopped working. It uses up a lot of nutrients, and it isn't critical for survival, so it gets sacrificed first.

Anonymous No. 16191094

It's not that simple.

Anonymous No. 16191217

is there a webm of her without tons of makeup? She looks fucking disgusting here

Anonymous No. 16191267

Energy in energy out technically holds but has little relevance in most cases. The problem is having messed up hormones because of what you eat, and so the way to treat it in all cases would still be changing diet to fresh animal products. It also helps that these foods are actually satiating and nutritionally complete. It doesn't matter how many salads you make a fatty eat because that shit is nutritionally empty poison.

In theory, there could be people who still overeat while not having any other factors contributing to this other than their own habits or emotional reaction, in that case eating less would be the solution, or rather addressing the cause of overeating would be.

Lots of fatties are already malnourished so making them eat salad while hurting themselves doing embarrassing exercise is pointlessly psychologically destructive and quite obviously does not work, it's also dangerous. It only works when the weight loss stuff happens to include a change of diet towards more fresh animal products.

Also, part of the overeating is because they are malnourished. This is the bigger problem with seeing nutrients as 'energy'. The body does demand food when full nutrient requirements are not met, even if someone is already eating a lot in energy terms.

Also never eat lean meat

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Anonymous No. 16191804

>She looks fucking disgusting
Please keep your gayness to yourself or troon out.

Anonymous No. 16191864

She looks like she's wearing a ceramic mask. She needs to chill out with the makeup and filters.