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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16184996

Why are windmills the standard? Wouldn't a large scale version of this be better? What you'd lose in efficiency you'd make up for with the reduced energy expenditure in manufacturing.

Anonymous No. 16185002

roach removal .init

Anonymous No. 16185003

ledbetter transmission bowel

Anonymous No. 16185006

>Why are windmills the standard?
they fucking work and the meta's making them as big as fucking possible. Intercepted wind increases with r^2
>Wouldn't a large scale version of this be better?
hell no
>What you'd lose in efficiency you'd make up for with the reduced energy expenditure in manufacturing

Anonymous No. 16185008

Are you implying you assume intermittend linear motion to be generally more efficient than steady rotation ? Becaus enost of the times its the opposite.

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Anonymous No. 16185010

Indeed, why have powerplants when we could just call your mom for one night

Anonymous No. 16185014

oh, im just a retard popping in, i dont know the culture of this board, but im not an anti nuclear person or something.

i dont know what those words mean.

how come it's such an obviously dumb idea? genuine question.

Anonymous No. 16185016

no, i was actrually implying it'd be less efficient, i just thought it'd be much, much simpler to build and thus we could have more, they could be in the ocean and be wave powered instead, etc. just wondering why its not feasible.