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🧵 /med/ - Medicine General

Anonymous No. 16185142

Doctors are lying, selfish, twisted bastards edition.

Previous: >>16166026

Anonymous No. 16185154

Hold up, UK allows fags to donate blood? Even if you want to avoid trouble with the queers just accept the blood and then discard it in the bio waste bin like a normal person.

Anonymous No. 16185163

No, the blood and blood plasma came from the US. The US paid people to donate (I don't think the UK did) but this meant that blood donations came from people with a high risk of blood-borne diseases (prisoners, drug users, etc).
>In the 1970s, the UK was struggling to meet the demand for blood-clotting treatments, so imported supplies from the US.
>But much of the blood was bought from high-risk donors such as prison inmates and drug-users.

Anonymous No. 16185171

Wow, that's pretty fucking retarded.
>As late as November 1983, the government insisted there was no "conclusive proof" that HIV could be transmitted in blood,
lol, woops

Anonymous No. 16185180

>came from the US
I remember the black gay population has 20% HIV infected or something and a fuck ton other of diseases. pretty much 100% of them has something that is bloodborne. it's obvious that some certain population shouldn't be allowed to donate blood.
the trannies who were in charge of this should be executed.

Anonymous No. 16185307

How does one cure their crohns disease?

Anonymous No. 16185327

There is no actual cure. It's an autoimmune disease. You can try to improve your immune system and digestive system, but your body will always be on edge because your immune system is damaged and will attack your bowels if you make a mistake or have a bad week.

> Treatment help
Make sure you get at least 8 hours sleep a day. Melatonin can help in this.
Try to keep stress down as much as possible. Stress taxes the immune system.
Make sure you get enough vitamins especially B, C, E, Potassium and Zinc
Eat less fat and sugar, more fiber and protein.
Stay hydrated with at least 10 cups water a day
Avoid all medications that negatively impact the immune system, your sleep cycle, and your hydration.

Anonymous No. 16185359

Bill Clinton was responsible for doing this while governor of Arkansas

Anonymous No. 16185406

>black gay population
do black gay people even exist?

Anonymous No. 16185434

I hated the medical scamdustry before /pol/ was paid to spam controlled opposition.

Anonymous No. 16185661

They are the real 1%.

Anonymous No. 16185703

i feel this isnt a good /med/ general, but im not too sure.

Anonymous No. 16185722

/pol/ realises that ordinary people are suffering because of the actions of those in power. But then /pol/ blames the wrong people. /pol/ blames Jews. In reality we should blame the specific people in positions of authority who break laws and harm ordinary people, and hold them to account.

Anonymous No. 16185730

So the well-documented Jewish lobby in the US government?

Anonymous No. 16185745

It's the wealthy doing this. Not all of them are Jews, but focusing on Jews, the left, or each other makes life easier on them. The more divided and hateful we are, the less of a threat we pose. So they make obvious "threat" groups then spread propaganda. By the way, paid posters are all over every single social media. It's not just the 50 Cent Army anymore. Cambridge Analytica is the tip of the iceberg. All these groups buy data off data brokers then use it to sway us.

It's not. Sadly. This entire board has been overrun.

Anonymous No. 16185842

You'd be way cooler if you were a Stalinist and not whatever this cringe lapdog act is.

Anonymous No. 16185847

>Posts how propaganda spreads hate and division
>First reply is hateful, spreads division

I think they're on to something.

Anonymous No. 16185959

bullshit, no one has even provided a paper of what it actually is yet, virology is such a clusterfuck.

Anonymous No. 16185988

>that pic
something like this happened in libya and i survived it
i was in that hospital that got everyone infected for a cold (as an infant that is dangerous) however my dad said he saw my bed number matched the grave number of his father and thought it was a sign and took me out of the hospital
a few days later the contamination happened and every child in that hospital got HIV

Anonymous No. 16185990

medicine is not perfect, like anything humans do
it is an unfortunate reality, and doesn't make it a scam
t cancer survivor

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Anonymous No. 16185997

Based superstition believers win again

Anonymous No. 16186003

yeah, i'm not even religious but i remember my mom telling me she threatened to divorce him if i died since i was very sick and now she says his schizophrenia saved my life

Anonymous No. 16186006

Superstition such as that which your father experienced should always be listened to. It is our senses trying to tell us something that we cannot conceptualise in conventional ways.

Anonymous No. 16186009

makes me wonder how that works, how did his brain see something that is yet to happen

Anonymous No. 16186035

Turns out superstition is better than trusting medical experimentation. You know that the actors were sentenced to death and then EU commuted it.
My superstition is telling me they are tiny hats.

Ashraf Ahmed al-Hadzhudzh, Foreskin munching ring leader is married to some Ukrainian.
Kristiyana Vulcheva
Nasya Nenova
Valya Chervenyashka
Snezhana Dimitrova
Valentina Siropulo

Anonymous No. 16186056

I got honors on my emergency medicine rotation

Anonymous No. 16186078

This scandal points to both the danger of socialized medicine and nurses having administrative power

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Anonymous No. 16186091

>I got honors on my emergency medicine rotation

Good job. Now get honors on a rotation where they practice REAL medicine lmao.

Anonymous No. 16186164

EM is the best specialty.

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Anonymous No. 16186167

Fuck you, bitch. I did end up at a T50 medical school. You can put anything in your application if you're boss enough.

Anonymous No. 16186208


>t. Atlanta

Anonymous No. 16186230

You will accept my patient upstairs now.

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Anonymous No. 16186419

All the neurosurgeons I have encountered are fat. Is this a pattern I am noticing or is just a coincidence?

Anonymous No. 16186475

when you're working 90-120 hours a week for 7+ years straight, yeah you're gonna get chubby

Anonymous No. 16186502

You fell for media propaganda, they have the highest proportion of self-identifying LGBT+ troonsters of any race (at least in the US). That does not include gay rapists that "totally aren't gay just alpha".

Anonymous No. 16186605

nice job :)

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16186650

Must be a regional thing, usually most neurosurgeons I know are thin to normal in weight.

Anonymous No. 16186697

>we should blame the specific people in positions of authority who break laws and harm ordinary people
Anon... You're so close...

Anonymous No. 16186713

The funny/tragic thing about leftists is, at times, they get soooooo close to figuring it out, but their programming doesn't let them finally connect the dots.

And then they'll call you a racist conspiracy theorist.

Anonymous No. 16186747

so what percentage of those in power are jewish or beholden to jewish interests such as AIPAC?

Anonymous No. 16187054


No, we're bed blocked sweaty. You will manage 4 ICU patients in ED for the next 24 hours.

Anonymous No. 16187076

Did any of you guys adopt new personas for medical school? I went out of state for medical school so none of my cohort knew me previously. I then became a 'bad boy'.

Anonymous No. 16187236

why do they shill circumcision so much in medical school
why are we still mutilating newborn genitals
this is why no one trusts doctors

Anonymous No. 16187272

>American medical school education
circumcision was never mentioned to me once
t. Australian

Anonymous No. 16187365

so far, 1st session optometry rotations arent too bad. i'm in a busy clinic, but they're pretty lenient on me since it is session 1. hopefully i dont fuck this up.

Anonymous No. 16187749

>Documents ur refusal to come see the patient in the ED
Okay :)

Anonymous No. 16188004

Thoughts on the Bolus Theory by Marc Giradot.

Read his book and the claims are bold but logical.

When injecting any substance into muscle it's actually high risk of injecting into a blood vessel. Muscles have a lot of blood supply and aspiration is not common practice. Plus you can penetrate blood vessels as the needle enters and then fluid pressure will suck up the liquid into the bloodstream.

You then essentially have a bolus travelling through the system and can spread out in various ways and in some cases damage different areas. E.g. perforate the blood brain barrier (neurological symptoms).

The issue with MRNA Vaxx is any affected cells are destroyed by the immune system and if it's in the blood then the endothelial cells can be destroyed in various organs and you essentially get fuckery. Different substances can have different effects etc. So basic but seems like a huge oversight on drug delivery.

Anonymous No. 16188055

Why are DNPs always black and overweight?

Anonymous No. 16188143

What’s the absolute chad specialty? Is it derm or plastics?

Anonymous No. 16188341


Anonymous No. 16188710

interventional cardiology

Anonymous No. 16188746

EM. They're the best people to hang out with too.

Anonymous No. 16188799

nah em people are such righteous faggots.

Anonymous No. 16189390

has your dad done other similar schizo things and just been wrong about it?

Anonymous No. 16189455

Tell me you're in the ICU lol

Anonymous No. 16189502

I want to do direct primary care and not have to deal with insurance bs. Is it economically viable if I do an IM residency or do I need to do family medicine?

Anonymous No. 16189564

That's not a thing. ICU staff try to get people out ASAP so they have less work to do. If anything, it comes down to hospital protocol limiting when pts can be sent to the floor.

Anonymous No. 16189568

>Is it economically viable if I do an IM residency or do I need to do family medicine?

The only real difference is if you want to see pediatric patients. Otherwise, IM generally = FM.

Anonymous No. 16190454

>staff/attendings ask if i have a wife
>do you have a gf
>do you have a girl you have a crush on

Anonymous No. 16190457

bipolar lgbt med student admitted to the psych ward over 25 times, surprise surprise, wants to specialize in psychiatry

absolutely no one is asking the obvious. why was this person accepted?

Anonymous No. 16190470

>going on leddit
it's obvious why they were accepted.

Anonymous No. 16190479

Wasn't there a point in time where being diagnosed with any psychological disorder disqualified you from holding a medical license?

Anonymous No. 16190513

when will private blood banks be established? I would gladly donate blood if I knew all the donors were unvaxxed healthy caucasians
just have to hope you never need surgery now, the current blood bank is pozzed

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circumcision room.webm

Anonymous No. 16190518

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nurse responds to....webm

Anonymous No. 16190521

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literally selling....png

Anonymous No. 16190523

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forced circumcisi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16190525

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medieval torture ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16190528

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Andrew Freedman AAP.png

Anonymous No. 16190531

Anonymous No. 16190552

>i bump the thread from page10
>schizos immediately start spamming the same images i've seen 1000 times
yes, i hate kikes too. no, i dont need to be reminded of their evil deeds every minute of every hour on an anonymous image board.

Anonymous No. 16190683

the pediatrician i worked with didnt even give the sugar
he's a monster

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Anonymous No. 16190797

>mom shows signs of rheumatoid arthritis

Anonymous No. 16190799

almost all black man are gay/bi

Anonymous No. 16190821

Why did you guys chose to go to med school?

>inb4 i wanted to help people

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Anonymous No. 16190839

med school chose me

Anonymous No. 16190867

Grew up poor and there were times when my father was laid off from work so I wanted a stable, high-paying job. Too bad you can't be this honest in interviews.

Anonymous No. 16190868

Please share your lääkeapustaja folder

Anonymous No. 16190880


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Anonymous No. 16190933

Why should I share it? It's mine.

However, I am a benevolent man.

Anonymous No. 16190936

Blessed and based.

Anonymous No. 16190941

I better get some good karma I swear on me mum

Anonymous No. 16190993

saviour complex

Anonymous No. 16190996

Biology was the only thing that came natural to me so I went for it.

Anonymous No. 16191262

Please edit the Wikipedia page for erythema migrans
It is so dogshit and written by s fucking spastic cunt who got a tick bite its unreal
And contains lots of WRONG info

Anonymous No. 16191263

I did it for the money (straightforward, stable, guaranteed 6 figures in US)
The fags that want to “help” people deserve to be put on comfort care

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no balls.webm

Anonymous No. 16191265

should i start med school at 37?

College is free in my country and my job is boring me to death

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Anonymous No. 16191287
I’m a fag for even looking, but ofc reddit mods shut it down so people don’t notice that admitting incompetent niggers leads to students unable to pass their shelves

Anonymous No. 16191315

>I did it for the money (straightforward, stable, guaranteed 6 figures in US)
Based. I'm >>16190867
I get criticism for openly stating that but the fags that criticize me already have money.

Anonymous No. 16191335

Fuck the red cross I hate them with a passion. You order stat blood from them and it takes literally twelve hours. Useless. And then they call with a preliminary report at 11:56 when the sample was received at noon.

Anonymous No. 16191382

>guaranteed 6 figures in US

pediatrics is also "6 figures" but they're poor as fuck

Anonymous No. 16191442

i hope you get really constipated

Anonymous No. 16191576

Try a diet heavy in red meat

Anonymous No. 16191578

Nta but most of them are. Look up AIPAC donations

Anonymous No. 16191593

>mfw my orthodoctor lurks here and my diagnosis was identical to his

Bates Guide to Physical Exam is all you need

Anonymous No. 16191750

doesnt matter if you need the ortho doc to fix your problem anyway

Anonymous No. 16191788

if its free, why not?

Anonymous No. 16191832

Derm is all zest my g.

Anonymous No. 16191837

the UCLA thing is not gonna go away despite how badly they want it to

Anonymous No. 16191859

Biochemistry and Pharmacology are the same subject.

Anonymous No. 16191919

do it bro
the winds of destiny are calling you

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Anonymous No. 16191946

official /med/ scrub pattern if you want to signal to other anons

Anonymous No. 16191964

I received an acceptance letter for my Canadian med school earlier this week! Any tips before I start classes in the Fall?

Anonymous No. 16191966

>Canadian med school
Damn, you must be so killer.

Anonymous No. 16191967

>real medicine
>waaaah the ER didn't pan scan this patient and now they want to admit them, what if they have a 2nd problem they aren't symptomatic of
>I cannot admit this healthy 20 yr old with no chronic medical issues and a clear surgical issue and need you to call medicine in case their blood pressure goes slightly above 140 systolic
>I have looked at this picture and instead of saying mild bowel inflammation, I put in my interpretation that this patient who's symptoms I don't know and whom I've never seen or examined has "Probable gastroenteritis" even though their CC says dysuria, their UA shows signs of infection and they denied all GI symptoms
>What do you mean you don't need the rest of the work-up because you intubated them, how will I know what level of care they need
>Can you please consult all my specialists for me? especially the ones that aren't immediately needed for something urgent, even moreso if it's for a trivial lab abnormality.


>Na 129
can you please consult nephrology for me before you admit them next time?

>Primary care without dealing with insurance

because I wanted 4 years of having every little social interaction I had scrutinized leading to a new complex I never had before where I have nightmares about forgetting to include a salutation in an email and ultimately get fired for poor professionalism because of it.

Anonymous No. 16191969

Unsure what that is supposed to mean...MAID joke?

Anonymous No. 16191970

It was about you presumably having 'killer' stats since I've heard that Canadian medical schools are hard to get into.

Anonymous No. 16191974

That is generally true, most applicants get filtered prior to interview invitations if they have < 3.9X GPA and < 515 MCAT (high CARS is also needed for most schools). In my case, my academic stats weren't spectacular on paper - I think my extracurriculars and interview performance made my profile standout more-so.

Anonymous No. 16191976

Go to social functions when you have a chance, do practice questions when you find time, figure out what basically standardized 3rd party resources everybody uses that have the highest efficacy for studying, if you have anatomy lab with a practical final (identify tagged organ, vessel, structure etc) review your dissected donor as well as some of the other ones your peers are working on (if you they use all the donors for the final) as their preservation may not look the same or the way they dissected and what flaps they reflected may be different,

practice questions are by far the best form of studying, even if oyu say you have a different learning style, you will ultimately come around to mostly doing practice questions and eventually wish you did so sooner; difficult curriculum can be overcome with practice questions, BAD curriculum can be overcome with practice questions, a rotation where you feel like your attending didn't really help you prepare for their exam can be overcome with practice questions.

Anonymous No. 16191978

How did you find out he lurks here?

Anonymous No. 16191994

we have a lot of traveler's down here today and one of them keeps asking if we can give my 90 year old haldol for sleep; make sure you give all of those ICU patients to the one experienced nurse on today who has expressed that they think about quitting almost every day, who already has 3 other critical care patients because they're the only one on right now that the patient might survive with

make sure you tell them like you are talking to a child as well
>Oooooookaaaay, I guess I'm just going to have to put here that "the consultant refused to evaluate the patient."

Anonymous No. 16191998

>every little social interaction I had scrutinized leading to a new complex I never had before
I standby my opinion that EM are seriously annoying neurotic fags.

Anonymous No. 16192035

Now THIS is bait

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16192492

Just my 2c's on the whole thing.

UCLA's insane academic failures as outlined by the article is not entirely explained by Lucero's blatant disregard for meritocracy as Dean of Admissions.

Now, as to why I think this.
This has data from 2016-2021; average UCLA accepted MCAT scores have gone up from 510 to 514. Can't find any official data from 2022 or 2023, but other sources also suggest MCAT averages for those years are at 514.

Context in regards to NBME shelf examination, generally fail rate will range from 5-15%, so the shown 50% fail rate is absolutely beyond the pale. While you can definitely had 10-15 underqualified URM hidden in "average MCAT" in a class of 175 per year, you can't hide 35-45% admissions of retarded URM in the averages. So, it would be one thing if their shelf fail rate jumped from 5% to 20%, and stayed there under Lucero's time as Dean of Admissions, but this failure is essentially too big to be entirely explained by UCLA admitting an additional 10-15 spics and nogs a year.

A couple thoughts as to what could explain this huge jump in failures. UCLA's transition from a 24 month preclinical to a 12 month preclinical curriculum was done extremely poorly. Most t20 med schools have been transitioning from 24month preclinical down to 18months quite successfully, with a few going even as low as 12 months. From my understanding UCLA jumped straight from 24 months to 12 months without transition of their curriculum timing and space. I also think the DEI brainrot is entirely institutional (undergrad, graduate, residency, fellowship, etc etc). Like they had mentioned in the article, they spend 3-4 hours every other week (which is like 80 hours over a period of a year), on DEI nonsense, and this is partially backed up by somewhat recent post about part of their DEI curriculum

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16192497

80 hours spent on DEI, instead of medical education especially after cutting your pre-clinical time is just egregious time mismanagement by the administration in charge of medical education.

As far as US News ranking, it's shitty ranking system that changed their criteria, which would explain the drop in their rankings.

I think the most damning part about the article is 20% of their 4th year class in January (when residency interview are wrapping up), haven't even taken Step 2 yet... and 10% of that 4th year class hasn't taken Step 1.

Anonymous No. 16192568

I remember as a medical student when I had to go to DEI classes just wishing that that time was otherwise dedicated to practicing clinical skills or procedural stuff like doing IV lines, catheters, ABGs etc.

I'm a first year doctor and I'm worse than nurses at IV lines because the formal teaching for that shit was fucking awful, but I spent at least 3 hours a week getting left wing propaganda drilled into my head.

Anonymous No. 16192591

>I'm a first year doctor and I'm worse than nurses at IV lines because the formal teaching for that shit was fucking awful, but I spent at least 3 hours a week getting left wing propaganda drilled into my head.
and therein lies its own undoing. you can't get an association of people who all generally are pretty intelligent (even UCLA seemed to draw the line at 20% diversity admissions) and not have them notice this stuff and figure it all out. it creates a dynamic where the DEI brainwash classes actually counterproduce, and make people more aware of how rotten this nonsense is.

im a pilot and you see the same thing in aviation. all the DEI pounding has just made pilots more racist and bigoted, sensing that anyone who isn't a white man probably got handholded so much in training that they don't deserve. it sucks for some of the women and black men who work hard especially. there is no doubt a stigma.

Anonymous No. 16192599

By "practice questions" are you referring to something like Anki or uWorld - or both? One thing that I am heavily debating over the summer is whether I want to live with medical student roommates or get an apartment on my own.

Anonymous No. 16192756

the article itself seems to sites all these new changes to curriculum then for some reason, ignores it's own evidence and ends up saying diversity was the problem, when it does sound like they could make a good argument for the curriculum being the biggest factor.

Given it's from a far right rag so of course their conclusion was "diversity bad."

DEI classes, mandatory wellness, anything similar. Every hour in a class that is not clinically useful or useful for exam prep is a block of uworld that could have been done.

80 hours is a full pass of uworld.

IDK about canada and canada's exams but in the US, uworld is the gold standard for preparing for our exams (NBME shelf exams, USMLE exams). It's our gold standard because uworld tries to simulate the test environment and also tries to make the meta of their questions very similar to our board exams.

Anki is a good tool, it's basically an app for flashcards; there are a bunch of good decks out there for all the subjects as well as things ones for like last minute board review and ones for anatomy with photos.

If you prefer having a roommate get a roommate, if you prefer living alone, live alone. Plenty had roommates and it sometimes meant that they got a bit of a nicer rental place since they were splitting it.

it's normal for nurses to be better at IV's than doctors, doctors seldom start normal IV's.

Anonymous No. 16192773

>the article itself seems to sites all these new changes to curriculum then for some reason, ignores it's own evidence and ends up saying diversity was the problem, when it does sound like they could make a good argument for the curriculum being the biggest factor.
>Given it's from a far right rag so of course their conclusion was "diversity bad."
The easiest way to debunk this is for UCLA to post their admission/testing stats by race, which they won't, because it'll show that admitting ethnic incompetents contributed to their problem. The fact they did a lot of other stupid shit isn't the win you think it is

Anonymous No. 16192776


Anonymous No. 16192778

>because I wanted 4 years of having every little social interaction I had scrutinized leading to a new complex I never had before where I have nightmares about forgetting to include a salutation in an email and ultimately get fired for poor professionalism because of it.

sounds like an average corporate job

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Barkon, King of Sci/Put your name as Knight of Barkon to worship No. 16192783


Anonymous No. 16192786

black men on average are gayer than your average white men. in fact, chink male tho look feminine are the least gay of all, possibly due to culture.
it's not uncommon to hear black men in the hood tell stories of being forced to give blowjobs to his seniors when joining the gang.

Anonymous No. 16192834

Ever since I was about 18, I've been extremely bloated, 24/7, every day of the year, every second of my life.
It's been like this for a decade and I look almost comical because I'm really skinny but my gut bulges out like a balloon.
Not only that but often when I poop there's lots of slimy mucus shit that comes out.
I've tried every diet, cutting out gluten, exercise, cutting out alcohol and processed foods. Nothing helps.
Been to doctors and they couldn't find anything wrong.

Do you guys have any ideas on what it could be or what I could try? I'm at a loss here.

Anonymous No. 16192851

I used to be like you. it was anxiety issues leading to GI disease.
tried a bunch of stuff but the only thing that worked for me is to work/study less and I started to get fatter and the whole problem go away.

Anonymous No. 16192854

oh, and the doctorcattles won't be able to diagnose you or tell you anything because it's not in any book that those dumbfuck were forcefed.

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Anonymous No. 16192927

Be aware that the optimal destination for patients with major trauma is usually a major trauma centre.

Anonymous No. 16192941

1st week of my 1st optometry rotation was fun. saw a lot of different patients (a few annoying ones but not too bad), and no fucking mexicans who can only speak spic. i didnt realize how enjoyable clinic is when you dont waste so much time on shitty ipad translators for spics on govt insurance.

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Anonymous No. 16192953

>weekly meetings on improving your wellness instead of just having that time off
>mandatory individual meetings to talk about your progress
>referral to HR if you respond to an email asking a single question with a 1 sentence answer
>meetings about where your performance falls within your cohort
>please complete the compliance modules for the following 5 facilities
>please complete the following 20 modules on wellness, you may not go outside or touch grass during these modules
>please complete this AMA module that asks you if school/residency has made you suicidal

dear god, it really is

Anonymous No. 16192961

>and therein lies its own undoing. you can't get an association of people who all generally are pretty intelligent (even UCLA seemed to draw the line at 20% diversity admissions) and not have them notice this stuff and figure it all out. it creates a dynamic where the DEI brainwash classes actually counterproduce, and make people more aware of how rotten this nonsense is.
I'm not too sure. The sad thing is a lot of my peers by into it. That being said I guess many are probably faking it until they make it.

Anonymous No. 16192969

you probably have some sort of food allergy or intolerance. figure out what it is, because the doctors can't do trial and error with food the way you can.

cut things out one at a time, elimination diet. you'll narrow it down. I had something similar and it got to the point where I couldn't sleep or keep food without shitting it out, and when I cut back on dairy everything started feeling better. to this day the symptoms come back if I eat bad, so be prepared to make major changes. it's not hard though, your tastes will adjust.

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Anonymous No. 16193358

thank you friend

Anonymous No. 16193360

>finally done with my surgery rotation
Thank you Jesus

Anonymous No. 16193371

I did that, then was called antisemitic. Gradually, I came to accept that your problem is that the wrong kind of people are doing the oppressing, not the oppression itself.

Anonymous No. 16193406

my gen surg rotation was only 1 month, 30 hours a week mostly outpatient, and i still had a week off
>just DO school things

Anonymous No. 16193424

>>just DO school things

Anonymous No. 16193435

>>just DO school things
so, you are basically a nurse?

verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16193444

that's rough buddy

Anonymous No. 16193490

Because I was forced to stay in Pakistan and the only degrees that aren't steaming piles of horseshit over here are engineering and medicine. I don't like maths so I picked the latter

Anonymous No. 16193511

You could be a pioneer in public health policy over there by championing poo in loo. Godspeed.

Anonymous No. 16193512

I think I talked to you in an earlier thread about what doctors do against inbreeding in Pakistan. Are there any other unique perspectives/experiences in medicine in Pakistan that you can share?

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Anonymous No. 16193818

Why is Ozempic bad? (genuine question)

Anonymous No. 16193820

Is it OHzempic or oZEHMpic

Anonymous No. 16193889

where do you go to find state data on what the median salary of your specialty is?

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Anonymous No. 16194748

How do these types of people get into medical school? Am I just being genuinely biased and racist and they are actually smart people? Or are these people as retarded as they look?

Anonymous No. 16194752

It invalidates 50 years of diet and exercise grifts

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16194815

Based on AAMC MCAT/GPA Matriculant for race/gender, the average black matriculant for US MD has a 3.6cgpa, and 505.7 mcat, which still puts them well above average for general public.

Just for some reference, average USDO matriculant is 3.6cgpa, and 504.7 mcat.

So while black medical student might not be as smart as their asian/white peers, it would not be accurate to call them retarded.

Anonymous No. 16194886

Nice bait. Now go back to /pol/

Well as you could guess, medical facilities in most parts of the country are more than a little squalid. This is compensated for by having doctors trained to know a little about a lot, rather than the other way round in developed countries. Each doctor can not only look after basic medical and surgical cases, but also supervise allied health workers, manage hospitals and other facilities, and look after public health at remote sites. Where they take a hit, however, is in academics and super-specialties. Pakistani medical journals are among the worst in the world and bogus articles to save time and money are frequently published. Nobody really cares about that stuff either, because it isn't the most pressing concern at the moment.
On the non-doctor side of things, the outlook is pretty bleak. Despite there being enough setups to cater to the population's basic needs, they are vastly underfunded and the people are still too retarded and inbred to go to them. There are still a lot of places where homeopathic, herbal, and spiritual healers are preferred.

Anonymous No. 16195004

why are anglos so malicious?

Anonymous No. 16195065

Do you guys get specialist training in therapy for telemarketers?

Anonymous No. 16195108

my ears are kinda blocked by earwax, and while I can hear just fine, the one at the right hurts a bit from time to time.
also, right below that ear I have a molar that had its roots removed but I didn't get filled... and that was like 2 years ago.
also, I haven't slept much recently (it's cold in my shitty house), and I've spent a lot of time sitting in front of my computer.
with all of the above said... I've been feeling were today. I feel some sort of "pressure" in my head and ears, esp. the right one. I also felt a bit dizzy. I went for a bike ride and things didn't change much. I measured my blood pressure with a chink device and got 95-61. could this be caused by any of the aforementioned issues?

Anonymous No. 16195119

i think i might bite the bullet and buy 3rd party practice questions for the national optometry tests. i just really didnt want to waste money on it.

Anonymous No. 16195186

What's the nastiest case history of stones/calculi in the medical record? Some poor bastard who was all full up of various stones in his guts and they hurt very badly, he circled the 10 on the painface chart many times over, that sort of thing. Kidney stones, gallstones, anything.

Anonymous No. 16195278

I'm a premed and I'm never going to get into medical school, should I just KMS?

Anonymous No. 16195303

i have a slight epididymitis
what the fuck do i do to get rid of it?

Anonymous No. 16195340

do something other than medicine

Anonymous No. 16195351

nursing, podiatry, optometry, etc if you want to do something medical.
or just be a NEET like anyone smart would. become an ugly drug user who marries a retarded femoid nurse/doctor and just milks them for their money while cheating on them.

Anonymous No. 16195712

If you have epidydimitis the standard of care is antibiotics to prevent complications. Go to doc.

Anonymous No. 16196156

what else is there to do
women hate me so I can't marry someone. I can't be a NEET either

Anonymous No. 16196249

>should I just KMS?

if you're suicidal then you 100% should not go to med school
are you that same weirdo who said im gonna kill myself after scoring a 505 mcat?

Anonymous No. 16196397

We may not know all the possible side effects of it's use. It causes islets of Langerhans in your pancreas to grow, so it could also induce not only hyperplasia but neoplasia too. There was an article a while ago about medullary thyroid cancer in rats that were given some vast amounts of semaglutide (ozempic).

Anonymous No. 16196662

>go to ER in 2022 for appendicitis
>limp my way from the car park to the hospital
>nurses and doctors examine me and find me a bed
>can't lie down and am hugging my abdomen to try to relive the pain
>expect them to shoot me up with some good shit
>it's fucking IV paracetamol
Yeah, it relieved the pain a bit, bur what the fuck? The weakest painkiller in the game for appendicitis? What are doctors and nurses thinking?

Anonymous No. 16196696

How common are thought broadcasting and insertion in the context of bipolar disorder? I had so many psychotic symptoms that I honestly thought I had schizophrenia. At times, I even experienced rapid onset psychosis with no clear mood symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16196787

Can anyone suggest a place to read case studies for free?

Anonymous No. 16196792


Anonymous No. 16196887

redpill me on family medicine

Anonymous No. 16196890

It's easier to get into medical school by stats if you're black/Hispanic. This isn't a controversial statement it's just true. They still have to pass Step/Boards/Match and shit so it doesn't make a difference at the end of the day but that's your answer to how they get into the school.

Anonymous No. 16197018


Anonymous No. 16197090

reddit has been working overtime to circlejerk FM as a lifestyle specialty but it isnt working. the redditors are still cumming their pants to try and match radiology, anesthesia and psych

on reddit, its considered sacrilege to shit on FM (unlike obgyn, neurosurgery or IM), yet these same people wont specialize in it

Anonymous No. 16197116

it's shit
glorified clerk work

Anonymous No. 16197127

lifestyle over career.
but in my country the lifestyle is getting worse (but still better than most other specs)

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Anonymous No. 16197130

>giant prolapsed Pile like a marble on a string
>slathering it daily for months with Proctosedyl
>still there
Am I going to be stuck with a Giant Prolapsed Pile for the rest of my miserable life?

Anonymous No. 16197134

you deserve this for being fat and/or old

Anonymous No. 16197185

Actually a good spec if you’re willing to live in butthole nowhere so you can have two or four appointments per day and then fuck around for the rest of the day until next paycheck comes.
A dogshit spec if you want to stay in a city or hate stupid ass people. You wont be left alone until the last minute of your shift is squeezed outta your brains. Rinse and repeat until you die.
I’d rather fucking die tbhwyfamalam.
T. Anesthesiologist

Anonymous No. 16197206

>so you can have two or four appointments per day and then fuck around for the rest of the day until next paycheck comes.
that'd be poor money wouldn't it though. how the fuck you supposed to make a living with 4 patients paying $50 each

Anonymous No. 16197221

It really depends. There are governments/communities that will pay you a certain amount just to be a doctor there. For example, in Australia:
> You can receive incentive payments of between $3,600 and $60,000 per year, depending on activity levels, location, how long a doctor has been part of the program and, from 1 January 2024, a doctor’s vocational registration status.
of course thats not much compared to what you would get in a big city (or another *country*) but, well, if you want to get out of the city then it’s a good option

Anonymous No. 16197316

What can cause this?

Anonymous No. 16197343

>$3,600 and $60,000 per year
that's low as fuck
locum rural work in Australia is a money printer

Anonymous No. 16197352

>thunderclap headache
must exclude SAH

Anonymous No. 16197438

go back to the doctor (or to a different doctor if you prefer) and tell him that.

Anonymous No. 16197550

They were thinking "painkillers were designed for dying people and since this person isn't dying, he doesn't need them" which was correct. There was a reported study that showed that IV tylenol was as effective at relieving pain as opiates were, but opiates also make you high and care about the pain less.

Anonymous No. 16197624

reddit LOVES to circlejerk "rural" FM when you're gonna maybe make 50k more than a regular FM job...with more call and more complicated patients

its a weird jewish agenda. midlevels already get treated like physicians in rural areas yet you dont see them clamoring to move to shitholes

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Anonymous No. 16197841


Anonymous No. 16197859

How bad is your handwriting? Is the meme true?

Anonymous No. 16198097

redpill me on Anesthesia. I both hear people say it’s a decent lifestyle specialty and others say you’ll be constantly on 72 hr call

Anonymous No. 16198365

did they rule out LBS (little bitch syndrome)?

Anonymous No. 16198379

I have a public service job that pays me full paycheck working twelve hours on Saturday and another twelve on Sundays. I’m fresh of residency so I don’t feel like working 90hs a week anytime soon.
Rest of the week I play xbox and hit the strip club. If I feel like working or need some fast cash I go to the private hospital. It’s pretty alright, doe it may be different in your country.

Anonymous No. 16198411

Nice try AMCAS
>I love helping underserved populations
>my trans mother died of rectal cancer, which is why I got a B in Ochem
>to bravely save fat people from their own choices
>did I mention I play the clarinet, piano, and have an EMT license?

Anonymous No. 16198427

>DO’s are literally dumber than niggers

Anonymous No. 16198456

thank god I got into med school before interviews were a thing in my country
such a grift

Anonymous No. 16198559

>think about doing something fun in my freetime
>realize i could be studying instead
>proceed to not enjoy my free time nor study
vicious cycle. is there anyway to break it?

Anonymous No. 16198570

time blocks and stick to them. you need to schedule in time to just fucking chill, enjoy guilt free, take ur mind off shit or else ur gonna be more stressed/depressed than usual

knocking back a drink with friends, vidya, tv or movie, whatever. just find something you enjoy that isn't over-stimulating like porn or drugs

Anonymous No. 16198590

Atlanta here too. I'm not a fan of niggers.

Anonymous No. 16198620

what country are you in?

Anonymous No. 16199152


Anonymous No. 16199438

Involuntary hospitalization strips away a person's basic human rights and dignity. Imagine being forced into a facility against your will, your autonomy stolen, and your voice silenced. This isn't care; it's control.

Anonymous No. 16199450

Tell that to the schizo I saw today who was telling me his dad was an astronaut who worked with Michael Jackson to send a monkey into space because monkeys are in charge of our government (ok that last part is not entirely a delusion but still)

Anonymous No. 16199471

Forcing hospitalization on someone in a psychotic state can worsen their distress and alienation. Effective mental health care should build trust and provide support, not add to someone's fears with involuntary confinement.

Anonymous No. 16199502

Cool, and when he starts throwing rocks at cars from his cave next to the highway we should send social workers to defuse the situation? Fuck off. You don't give a fuck about the distress and alienation of those who are victimized by these psychos.

Anonymous No. 16199523

now i just need to adhere to the timeblocks.

Anonymous No. 16199525

People are hospitalized by police without even having victimized anyone. Involuntary hospitalization is separate from criminal law. Ever consider that treating people with mental health issues like criminals might actually make things worse?

Anonymous No. 16199548

>we need to let the acutely psychotic who are shitting in public shank people before we put them in mental hospitals
Have you ever actually been in a mental hospital as a healthcare worker, or are you shilling because you got committed yourself?
In the latter case, to answer
>treating people with mental health issues like criminals might actually make things worse?
Completely untrue. 95% of criminals and mentally ill (addicts, schizos, etc.) are irredeemable trash who will never contribute more to others than they'll take. For most of them, a temporary involuntary commitment isn't enough. It would make things better to simply remove them from society permanently.

Anonymous No. 16199607

Wow, what a nuanced take. Calling people "irredeemable trash" really shows your deep understanding of humanity. Maybe try educating yourself on how proper mental health care actually helps people recover and contribute to society.

Anonymous No. 16199612

>Wow, what a nuanced take. Calling people "irredeemable trash" really shows your deep understanding of humanity. Maybe try educating yourself on how proper mental health care actually helps people recover and contribute to society.
Eat a bullet fag

Anonymous No. 16199839

>t. lunatic

Anonymous No. 16199969

yeah thats me

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Anonymous No. 16200023

Smashed my toe with a sledgehammer at work. My macrophages are binding DAMPs like crazy.

Anonymous No. 16200032

Tell us about yourself, anon. What made you want to champion the rights of people suffering from psychological distress?

Anonymous No. 16200035

is the top of your glans supposed to be sensitive? im going through some very scary skin related changes in that area that i've been seeing a derm for. and i noticed recently that the skin on the top of my glans seems pretty numb but i dont remember if it was always like that.

is that a thing

Anonymous No. 16200239

I'm finishing my third year in med school now (EU), and I ended up half-assing college, so I have below average grades. Now that the more practical three years of college are going to start, can I still have an academic comeback and get a cool spec? If not what are some cool specs for retards besides family medicine and pediatrics

Anonymous No. 16200246

here in U.S pathology is the slept on spec if you're retarded and don't want to do primary care shit

Anonymous No. 16200268


Cardiothoracic Surgery

When my patient shows up in the ER the first thing I do is kick the Fleas out.

Anonymous No. 16200279

Which Medical Schools have the lowest investments in Israel?

Anonymous No. 16200283

Caribbean schools

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Anonymous No. 16200291


Anonymous No. 16200760

I'm interested in pathology. What are some good things about it? From what I understand it's pluses include:
>limited patient contact
>decent $350k salary
>good work/life balance

Anonymous No. 16200780

And why is pathology uncompetitive? If I had to guess, it's because of the limited patient contact and lack of education on what they do but ifk.

Anonymous No. 16200801

Thanks for sharing what medicine is like in Pakistan, I appreciate your responses. I know some Pakistanis and I think it's really interesting when people share what medicine is like in other countries.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16201624

Pathology in the USA does not pay 350k.
Clinical pathology per 2021 MGMA data/survey. Median income is 260k.
Anatomic pathology is 240k.
Path only really makes bank if you do dermato-pathology, but the fellowship for that is a total crapshoot.

Pay ^

Anonymous No. 16201715

>Pathology in the USA does not pay 350k.
According to the AMGA, pathologists do. Who's correct?

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Anonymous No. 16201716

Is this real?

Anonymous No. 16201739

>no patient contact (might be a pro)
>less pay than other specialties ( you'll still be making 200k+ in the U.S )
>less prestige, others might say "not a real doctor
>market can be a bit limited
>no patient contact
>chill W/L balance, no call
>no midlevel creep
>still a decent salary, you'll never be starving or want for much unless you're just an insanely greedy fuck

Anonymous No. 16201746

>>no patient contact (might be a pro)
After working in the ER, this is an absolute pro. I don't want to deal with people lol.

Anonymous No. 16201749

for some people it's a con because they need to feel like a doctor for their ego

Anonymous No. 16201750

>crime and substance abuse is a blood-borne disease

Anonymous No. 16201752

Fuck an ego, I just want to chill out and use my money and life towards my hobbies.

Anonymous No. 16201759

then path/anesthesia/rads are the specialties for you my friend

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Anonymous No. 16201761

pic related is what you are posting
sexual dysfunction is a well known side effect of SSRIs and every physician will tell you to expect it if you are going to take it. There are alternatives.
I reckon if you didn't tell patients that finasteride affected DHT production there'd be no sexual side effects. Mind over matter. Test is more related to erections/libido than DHT.

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Anonymous No. 16201764

since we're on pay, how accurate is this?

Anonymous No. 16201769

>Test is more related to erections/libido than DHT.
lol don't post this shit unless you know what you are talking about. DHT is orders of magnitude more important for libido

Anonymous No. 16201770

RIP pediatric endocrinologists if true. All that extra effort and studying to make only $220k.

Anonymous No. 16201782

no money in children

Anonymous No. 16201783

Who could have guessed supporting the left would lead to a terrible end?

Anonymous No. 16201787

child mortality should be a lot higher

Anonymous No. 16201796

why do you say that

Anonymous No. 16201803

The dumbest thing is that it doesn't look like it's controlled for hours worked in a year. Congrats, you're a top neurosurgeon. All that money won't make your ex-wife un-divorce you because you couldn't be bothered to spend 1 hour with your kids.

Anonymous No. 16201863

How good are you at EKG interpretation, /med/?

Anonymous No. 16201881

some pseudo intelligent argument about eugenics no doubt

Anonymous No. 16201926

>source: my ass
Amazing that we never measure DHT or supplement DHT for male sexual dysfunction and only focus on testosterone. Are we doing it wrong?

Anonymous No. 16201930


Anonymous No. 16202033

If you're still here, can you give an overview of what your diet was like back then?

Anonymous No. 16202140

I could probably recognize STEMI

Anonymous No. 16202141

pros: awesome work life balance compared to other specialties, no complaining patients
cons: have to cut intestines with poop inside them

Anonymous No. 16202156

i know asystole

Anonymous No. 16202251

>Doctors are lying, selfish, twisted bastards edition.
By all means, self medicate.

Anonymous No. 16202267

I know my French when I see it makes the pretty sinusoidal

Anonymous No. 16202377

>cons: have to cut intestines with poop inside them
I think I can live with this. Better than doing fecal exams.

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Anonymous No. 16202489

I've had two nose bleeds in three or four days, the weird bloods thing has stopped when I lay down to go to sleep but the second nose bleed happened while laying down. I'm the anon who's blood kept trickling through their thoracic cavity or the subglacial artery as they slept with something like I think is a recurrent emboli in the right leg. Also I mightve been poisoned (which poison could cause this? It did fix the sleeping issues which have similar symptoms to dopamine issues and sleep). Also an unrelated thing is paraesthesia, but that's from another cause

Anonymous No. 16202523

Have any of you guys become racist or more racist because of medicine? Personally, I've become more racist but I'm not at the 1488 level yet, however.

Anonymous No. 16202530

2024 doximity says family med is 300k average now
FM is going up steadily even though no one wants to do it

also amusing that neurology isnt even in this infographic, its squarely in between
its not RIP. they do it to themselves. pediatricians know exactly what they're getting into. general outpatient peds is so mindnumbingly repetitive that an NP can do it proficiently

Anonymous No. 16202574

What's a good scam to get into when you have medical credentials? Don't want to do anything where I could lose my license

Anonymous No. 16202724

Don't do that :(

Boo-ker No. 16202730


Anonymous No. 16202787

I was already racist and pretended to be an antiracist, trans ally etc. to get in to school so I can't help you there. I couldn't be any more racist without becoming an imminent threat to myself and others.

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dexter hitler.jpg

Anonymous No. 16202790

>off by 1

Anonymous No. 16202899

Our negative feedback systems respond to testosterone levels in our blood. I.e. when testosterone increases, its production is down-regulated and vice versa. Therefore, DHT blockage is unlikely to cause any significant increases in testosterone. The estradiol pathway is only activated when there are sudden surges of testosterone outside of normal homeostatic control, such as sex hormone secreting tumours or exogenous testosterone.

Anonymous No. 16202903

crystals or minerals that fix your chi. dont offer it as standalone, but to help. only really works if youre asian

Anonymous No. 16203385

Despite what the "scientific consensus" pretends is true such as race being a social construct, medicine shows you there are different human types (even for basic stuff like X disease being more common in whites/blacks). It doesn't take a genius to see the decreasing need for large populations due to technology and how most of the population is effectively useless (see Pareto), of a particular human type and are inherently dysgenic. It is no wonder that doctors as a profession held the largest membership with the Nazi party.

Anonymous No. 16203600

pls answer, circumcised males. is the top of your glans sensitive? if you dragged something sharp across it would you feel that its sharp or just a blunt 'i feel something'

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Anonymous No. 16203643

Help me out.

I'm 29. I tried edging like 2 times a day for 3 days straight. It seems i gave myself prostatitis because since I started I began to wake up every hour to piss insufficiently or with hesitance. Now I piss very weakly and have mild pain in my left groin.

My first thought was that I had gotten a UTI so I started nitrofurantoin, on day 1 for now. I don't have fever, chills or anything else.

I usually masturbate like 2 times a day in average. Occasionally when I go to sleep just having masturbated I wake up once in the night and urinate with difficulty, but next day all is ok afterwards. I have experienced an episode of prostatitis like this before, I treated it with amoxicillin for 7 days.

The symptoms are very bothersome. Do you think I should take amoxicillin or trimethoprim anyway? Do you think ibuprofen will help reduce the prostate swelling?

Anonymous No. 16203649

Also, my dad had BPH with very high levels of PSA all the time, got biopsed like 3 times and never got findings of cancer. Could I just have some shitty early onset predisposition to BPH? That would fucking suck. I've been masturbating about 1.5 times a day every day since I was 8.

Help me out bros, I want to piss normal again.

Anonymous No. 16203672

You probably brought it on yourself with a shitty diet and alcohol use. Too late now.

Anonymous No. 16203676

probably less desu. The only non-DO school I got into by some freak chance was an HBCU and people are really nice and none of the backstabby snake/gunner behavior that I experienced as a pre-med or hear from friends who are in normal MD schools.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16203956

Is this just fat or a lymph node or something

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Anonymous No. 16203958

Is this just fat or something

Boo-ker No. 16203961

Illegal Matrixes and Universal Problems are the only two high crimes. For universal problems, you'll definitely pay for some of it. For illegal Matrixes, you'll definitely pay for all of it unless you are deemed forgivable for a portion. With all the damage you caused death/numbers/life, including me, you are looking at 7000 years. Further, you'll lick out that bitch downstairs 100,000 times just to pay her off. You'll pay for every grain. Who do you think judges you? Some normal old lady? No, it's a specific kind of wirot 2, a very violent species who is harmonious in wrath and tranquility. Your position is laughable, I laugh at what you are doing to yourself. Me? I'm super intelligent, rich and performing using my mind in other dimensions.

>Illegal Matrix: like the hypnotists swirly eye.

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Anonymous No. 16203965

Anonymous No. 16204086

... So just to clarify you're White and you went to an HBCU?

Anonymous No. 16204098

currently attend yes

Anonymous No. 16204104

Is there a reason why you applied to an HBCU? Just trying to cast to wide a net when applying? I'm curious about how you got accepted to an HBCU despite being White as well.

Anonymous No. 16204107

>just casting a wide net?
yes, it was the only MD school I got into
>how you got accepted
no clue honestly, just luck I guess. MD admissions are kind of a crapshoot

Anonymous No. 16204117

>yes, it was the only MD school I got into
From a quick glance, it looks like HBCU MD schools don't have particularly high stats so that could be a reason why.

You said you became less racist - does that mean that you were willing to set aside your racism to go to an HBCU because it was an MD school?

Anonymous No. 16204125

>From a quick glance, it looks like HBCU MD schools don't have particularly high stats so that could be a reason why.
They don't, they're about the same or slightly above the best DO schools. But that's because 90% of their students are black which they care more about than stats, it's probably harder to get into an HBCU as a White/Asian person than it is to get into a normal MD. Not that I did anything exceptional like I said just kind of a luck crapshoot.
>You said you became less racist - does that mean that you were willing to set aside your racism to go to an HBCU because it was an MD school?
I wasn't like a card carrying /pol/ member or anything but I did browse this site, but yeah wasn't willing to give up being an MD because of 4chan shit. everybody here turned out really nice and helpful though

Anonymous No. 16204146


Anonymous No. 16204150

Interesting. If you could share any stories about your experience as a Huwhite guy at an HBCU that would be nice.

As an aside, I remember there was an actual Black guy in these threads who went to an HBCU as well. It was the only MD school he got into as well.

Boo-ker No. 16204171

As said, she likes that. You wanna sort your 7000 years out don't you?

Anonymous No. 16204353

iv vitamin infusions
osteopathic manipulative medicine
toradol injections for pain

Anonymous No. 16204645

If you framed it as a "practice exam question" you may have gotten responses. OP was right and we don't work for free. That and we can't examine you over a Burmese kayaking imageboard. Go to a podiatrist if that's your toe

Anonymous No. 16204926

What could be causing chest tightness and cold flashes that isn't heart related?

Anonymous No. 16205162

I started taking ciprofloxacin because I got scared from the pelvic pain and the nitrofurantoin would have fucked the culture anyways. I'll take it for 2 weeks hopefully it will go away.

Seeing different posts on reddit it seems that this shit tends to chronic pelvic pain, and that differential diagnosis also applies for intersticial cystitis. I'm starting to thing the actual problem is some muscle fiber rupture that tends to leave my sphincters spasmed. Maybe I should try to see if methocarbamol alleviates it better.

Anonymous No. 16205179

chest pain is usually costochondritis or fibromyalgia. By cold flashes I guess you mean some vagal reflex.

Anonymous No. 16205203

So, are there any differences in patient outcomes between patients seen by DOs vs MDs?

Anonymous No. 16205257

Presumably, since MDs tend to be smarter, and harder working, in addition to getting a better education you'd want to see an MD.

Anonymous No. 16205293

quick search
Mortality rates for patients treated by MDs were 9.4 percent, and DOs had a 9.5 percent death rate,

Anonymous No. 16205328

I would be very surprised if that had a significant p value, so it means that MD and DO's are basically as smart as one another, or that the DO's very good in filtering themselves into appropriate specialties/practices that might have less inherent mortality risk.
Or all the AAMC's "diversity" is catching up with them.

Anonymous No. 16205377

>so it means that MD and DO's are basically as smart as one another

Anonymous No. 16205382

Their test scores going in are lower, but by the time they've finished their training there isn't a gap in intelligence large enough to cause excess patient mortality. Where do you think I'm reasoning wrong?
>t. MD student after reapplying once and almost had to settle for DO

Anonymous No. 16205387

>>t. MD student after reapplying once and almost had to settle for DO
Why the fuck are there so many DOs and would-be DOs in these threads? We already have another dude in this thread who lucked out at an HBCU for an MD.

Anonymous No. 16205416

>Their test scores going in are lower, but by the time they've finished their training there isn't a gap in intelligence large enough to cause excess patient mortality.
The study must have a flawed methodology. You can't always trust the "experts". If you believe that study then you have to concede that URM doctors (who have about the same stats as DO students) are as capable as White/Asian doctors once they finish their training. Do you really believe that a nigger or a spic doctor is as capable or intelligent as a White or Asian doctor?

Anonymous No. 16205427

In that case, then the study probably didn't control for subspecialties like the Florida infant mortality study everyone shills for these days. I'll have to look at it later.
And for the record, I got a 520+ on my MCAT. My issues probably were that my science GPA was below average and I tried applying after St. George was "martyred"

Anonymous No. 16205432

>And for the record, I got a 520+ on my MCAT.
You had no reason to even apply to DO unless your science GPA was something like a 2.3 or something.

Anonymous No. 16205498

Of 329 510 Medicare admissions, 253 670 (77.0%) and 75 840 (23.0%) received care from allopathic and osteopathic physicians, respectively. The results can rule out important differences in quality and costs of care between allopathic versus osteopathic physicians for patient mortality (adjusted mortality, 9.4% for allopathic physicians vs. 9.5% [reference] for osteopathic hospitalists; average marginal effect [AME], −0.1 percentage point [95% CI, −0.4 to 0.1 percentage point]; P = 0.36), readmission (15.7% vs. 15.6%; AME, 0.1 percentage point [CI, −0.4 to 0.3 percentage point; P = 0.72), LOS (4.5 vs. 4.5 days; adjusted difference, −0.001 day [CI, −0.04 to 0.04 day]; P = 0.96), and health care spending ($1004 vs. $1003; adjusted difference, $1 [CI, −$8 to $10]; P = 0.85).

Anonymous No. 16205525

Not really any specific anecdotes as I haven't started clinicals yet but just everyone's a bro and shares test questions(from last year)/answers/tries to help each other out. Never seen any weird gunner behavior or autistic shit that I commonly see here and on meddit

Anonymous No. 16205528

probably not honestly. Most DOs go into family medicine anyway and Residency is where you really learn anything not med school.