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🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16185206

This was a high school competition problem in my country. Can /sci/ solve it?

Anonymous No. 16185250

question does not specify the nature of the force which would cause any change in position, so the question is unanswerable without assumptions. should we assume classical universal gravitation, general relativity, constant acceleration from gravity near the Earth's surface or some other source, ...? in the limit as the downward force approaches zero, the velocity approaches zero as well, by simple conservation of energy. or we can simply assume no force is applied (none is mentioned) and thus it's a trick question and the ball never hits. now what's my prize?

Anonymous No. 16185251

That's a lot of cope for not being able to solve it. Obviously the force is constant acceleration from gravity near the Earth's surface, even if it's not explicitly stated.

Anonymous No. 16185257

Op here, constant downwards gravitational accelation g is implied in such problems.

Anonymous No. 16185260


Anonymous No. 16185263


Anonymous No. 16185265

Keep coping because you can't solve it lmao

Anonymous No. 16185411

Apply assumption that if all objects are perfectly rigid, and the implication of a collision with the phrasing of "hits the ground," the ground must be an impermeable entity, and by virtue of this, any object in contact with the ground moving towards it will have 0 velocity in the component orthogonal to the ground's surface, as the ball cannot tunnel into the ground, or deform at the moment of impact

Anonymous No. 16185539

Why does everyone in this thread feel the need to act smart. This is a standardly phrased mechanics question. Clearly we are talking about the instant right before it hits the ground, i.e. epsilon time before.

Also you are wrong, for a perfectly rigid body, it transitions from velocity V right before hitting to velocity -V right after hitting. There is never an instant when the velocity is 0, as that would violate convervation of energy. If anything it is undefined at the moment when it contacts the ground.

Anonymous No. 16185569

Sum of energies constant.
Simple pythag relating ball height and block displacement.
Eliminate variable.
Solve differential equation.
Check when contact is lost.
Simple after that.

Anonymous No. 16185572

Okay, do it?

Anonymous No. 16185580

the ball will free fall r distance. becouse after r distance the 2 blocks are shoved away for free fall.
so its root(2r/g)
i ignore start velocity becouse its a highschool question.

Anonymous No. 16185582

wait i used wrong formel. thats the fall time.

Anonymous No. 16185583

How do you know it won't lose contact before then?

Anonymous No. 16185586

i dont. maybe moving masses without friction without changing high dont even need energy. then would it free fall from start.

Anonymous No. 16185587

It will keep adding kinetic energy to the blocks while it is in contact so it won't be free fall from the start.

Anonymous No. 16185589

maybe that the trick the ball transfers his fall energy 100% in the first r length fall.
So that you have the remaining r free fall without start energy.

Anonymous No. 16185609

maybe the kinetic energy from the ball equals the kinetic energy from the 2 quebes.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16185676



Anonymous No. 16185681

maybe its a trick question. isnt the max fall speed in vaccum very soon gained ?

so the answer is 9.8 m/s

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Anonymous No. 16185696

I genuinely don't understand the question. Nothing is moving, so the ball doesn't fall? Did you forget to specify that someone pushes the ball or something?

Anonymous No. 16185720

People do this a lot when faced with any kind of riddle or brainteaser, not just science/mathematics problems. They'd rather "outsmart" the question by nitpicking some small detail or loophole, thereby absolving themselves of having to make a good-faith attempt at the problem and risk the worst fate imaginable (getting the wrong answer).

Anonymous No. 16185774


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Anonymous No. 16185791

[math]\sqrt((1 +\pi/2)mgr)[/math]

Anonymous No. 16185809

Crazy cope. Goes without saying the ball is affected by gravity and with the starting distance not being 0 and there being no friction it will hit the ground.
So uh, he ball falls 2r - eps. It will horizontally displace both cubes by r-eps/2. You do see how the eps causes alot of unnecessary trouble ?
At first almost all force is used to accelerate the cubes. At the time the ball has fallen r the force to accelerate the cubes has reached 0, the cubes will continue their outward trajectories and the ball will fall as normal.
This would mean one needs to come up with a term for the speed the ball is starting it's free fall with after dropping 1r.

Anonymous No. 16185876

I'm getting sqrt(4gr) unless there is something tricky happening.
Basically >>16185569 except you do not need to solve the differential equation.

Barkon No. 16185903


Anonymous No. 16185915

That is true if epsilon is 0. If epsilon is not 0 the ball exerts a slight horizontal force on the boxes based on the angle of the point of contact, meaning the boxes will move away from eachother and increase this angle at the point of contact, making the ball fall.

Anonymous No. 16185943

2sqrt(11gr/15) probably doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 16185945

But earths atmosphere has air resistance. I think this is more likely on the moon

Anonymous No. 16185955


Barkon No. 16185957

IQ low

Anonymous No. 16185960

>This was a high school competition problem in my country
what, are you 12 or something? Imagine caring about high school comp problems kek

Anonymous No. 16185962

>OP posts a high school math problem
>surprised that underage smartasses flood the thread

Anonymous No. 16186008

question is inconsistent with itself. on the one hand, you're lead to believe that the ball will push the squares aside, thus causing them to have a velocity. but if you write down the generalized lagrangian, you'll see the squares have no horizontal component of potential energy, and thus the euler lagrange equations imply their velocities are constant. the initial condition is their velocity is zero, so the squares don't move and the ball never hits the ground. the only way out is to assume quasistatic motion of the squares such that the ball is moving at infinitesimal speeds at all times and that it hits the ground with speed zero, which is patently absurd. you need to include friction for this problem to work..

Anonymous No. 16186041

Sure they will move because the ball pushes them apart it's just obvious. The problem is to ask what is the limit of the end velocity of the ball when the gap size approaches zero.

Anonymous No. 16186044

I reject the premise because it implies a sphere has equal mass to a cube. This is absurd because nobody could reproduce a cube to the tolerance of pi. Had they included some error metric, then I would be more inclined. As it stands, I don't waste time solving problems in universes that don't exist.

Anonymous No. 16186051

I integrated the force along the path the ball takes which I then set be to kinetic energy to obtain this value. KE = mgr + mgr*(integral{0, pi/2} of cos(t)-cos^5(t)dt).

Anonymous No. 16186086

uuh... what's the inverse of the Jacobi amplitude function?

Anonymous No. 16186257


Anonymous No. 16186260

>what's the inverse of the Jacobi amplitude function?
The noitcnuf edutilpma ibocaJ

Anonymous No. 16186269

shouldn't any value larger than 2sqrt(gr) not be possible as it implies the system gains energy?

Anonymous No. 16186304

Did you account for dark energy?

Anonymous No. 16186318

0. The ball will never hit the ground because they are all at rest and no force is acting on them. There's no gravity in this problem and everyone who assumed otherwise just got filtered.

Anonymous No. 16186324

Even space has air resistance.>>16185943

Anonymous No. 16186369

oops you're right of course, that was retard algebra.
How about sqrt(8/3*gr)?

Anonymous No. 16186381

your result is the same as this one >>16186051
but with cos^3 instead of cos^5 i think. I may have been applying the forces wrong.

Anonymous No. 16186383

*almost the same

Anonymous No. 16186386

There is mass. This implies gravitational potential between all three. Sorry pseud, you failed to see that the system is in a vacuum and we are looking for the final orientation of the composite elements.
The tendencies are the following:
1. The sphere drives the cubes apart, to centralize the mass
2. The cubes rotate against the sphere and stagger / lock into eachother
3. The edges / corners never perfectly balanced against one another so the system remains dynamic, the ball consistently pushes into the cubes.
4. This cyclic interaction builds rotation energy into the system which eventually balances against this.
5. The chirality ultimately determines the final configuration, but the ball is going to lean into a cube going in the same direction of the rotating mass.
6. Notice that in a zero friction state, the rotation is going to be very slow, otherwise displacement will kick the system into orbital mechanics and elastic collision. This change in behavior is controlled by proportion of m to r.

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Anonymous No. 16186407

learn calculus they said

then you end up like this. fuck maths

Anonymous No. 16186410

>This implies gravitational potential between all three.
okay. apply einstein's law of gravitation. there is no earth in the problem.

Anonymous No. 16186581

Well clearly the question is asking about final velocity an not fall time because that approaches a limit as epsilon goes to 0.
Show your work?
It is completely obvious the ball will push them aside. What are you on?

Anonymous No. 16186609

It's just going to fall to the ground. Nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 16186667

All of those retards in the thread feverishly doing OP's homework. Kek, they'll never learn.

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Anonymous No. 16186672

Insufficient information regarding to change in conditions from the OP question so here I am to give you three velocity when it hits the ground.

If you want to be more technical then the first v = 0 isn't quite answering the "hits the ground" question because it will always be there. Fuck this poorly worded stupid bait ass question.

Anonymous No. 16186732

Schizo. Take the limit of the answer as epsilon goes to 0. There are standard conventions for succinctly communicating such problems to non-retards.

Anonymous No. 16186789

i came to the same conclusion here >>16186008

>It is completely obvious the ball will push them aside. What are you on?
meds. the point of my post was that despite this "obviousness", the information given in the problem indicates the cubes have a constant zero velocity. don't believe me? write the lagrangian and solve the euler lagrange equations.

Anonymous No. 16186804

Clearly impossible. If everything is stationary then the ball must be getting pushed up by the boxes with force G/2 from each. But since epsilon is positive, there must be a positive component of the force in the x direction, so the boxes accelerate.

Anonymous No. 16186825

here let's try this instead. in reality, the sphere will transfer some of its stored gravitational potential energy to the kinetic energy of the cubes. this is done via friction. mathematically, friction couples the cubes to the sphere and gives a way for the cubes to acquire kinetic energy. now remove friction from the problem. what physical parameter couples the sphere to the cubes? nothing. so there's no way the cubes can acquire kinetic energy, which is why the euler-lagrange equations indicate the cubes have a constant zero-velocity. ironically enough by removing friction from the problem, you've forced the system into static equilibrium lol

Anonymous No. 16186856

this gets really ugly when you try to account for the fact the ball makes the boxes rotate

Anonymous No. 16186871

>this is done via friction.
lol, retard alert. The force acts on the edges that touch the sphere's curvature in one point at a time. It has as little to do with friction as billiard balls transferring momentum to each other. The lack of friction ensures the edges move along the sphere till they stop touching it, and that the boxes move apart.

Anonymous No. 16186930

all the potential energy of the ball is converted into kinetic energy of the cubes. now you can calculate how much would a force transfering the same energy to the ball slow it down

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Anonymous No. 16186939

If I'm not mistaken, this mostly reduces to a pendulum starting out inverted. If [math]\theta(t)[/math] is the angular distance between the bottom of the ball and the box corners (with [math]\theta(-\infty) = 0[/math]), we get
\dot{\theta}^2 = \frac{2g}{r}(1 - \cos \theta).
This holds as long as the velocity of a box (which is [math]v = \partial_t(r \sin \theta)[/math]) is increasing: for [math]\dot{v} > 0[/math], the ball is pushing the boxes, [math]\dot{v} < 0[/math] would correspond to the ball pulling the boxes closer together. The separation point [math]\theta_1[/math] is thus at [math]\dot{v} = 0[/math], which you can solve for
\cos \theta_1 = \frac{2}{3}.
Then you calculate the energy of the ball at separation time (after which it is in free fall), and eventually get a final velocity of
\frac{10}{3\sqrt{3}} \sqrt{gr}.

Or something like that, I haven't really double-checked anything.

Anonymous No. 16186943

>There is mass. This implies gravitational potential between all three.
Mass and weight are completely separate things and mass does not imply gravity. Sorry pseud, you failed to see that the system is in a vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16186961

>Why does everyone in this thread feel the need to act smart.
It's because barely anyone on this board actually is smart. You can see this pretty much any time a problem is posted, 80% of the thread will be faggots like this.
One look at the catalog should've told you about the average intelligence of this board.

Anonymous No. 16187082

2sqrt(11gr/15) comes from integrating the forces acting on the ball up until it hits the ground, the integral is split into two parts one when it has contact with the two balls and one when it doesnt, the (r-length) integral when it doesnt have contact is just mgr. I then integrate across the r-length segment where it does have contact which I express in terms of the angle from the vertical.

so the integral for that segment is int{0 to pi/2} of rcos(theta)f(theta) where f gives the force acting on the ball. Im not sure if my f is correct so feel free to criticize this reasoning, but heres what I did: the downwards force on the (both)blocks from the ball at angle theta should mgcos^2(theta) which is what the normal force resists so then we find the blocks are pushing mgcos^2(theta)cos^2(theta) = mgcos^4(theta) upwards on the ball in return. and then I just add the force of gravity mg acting on the block so for some given angle theta the force acting on the ball (might) be mg - mgcos^4(theta) so our integral is rcos(theta)(mg - mgcos^4(theta)). I then took the integral and set it to be the kinetic energy of the ball and just rearranged in terms of v.

someone else in the thread got a similar result but with my cos^5 term changed to cos^3 so Im not sure.

Anonymous No. 16187085

*two blocks

Anonymous No. 16187198

0 m/s.

I however cannot tell you its speed immediately before it hits the ground.

Anonymous No. 16187269

It doesn't though? If you work out a solution, you will see that at no point do they stop touching the ground with their whole bases.

Anonymous No. 16187277

Why mgcos^2(theta)?

Anonymous No. 16187299

The fall time tends to infinity -- the limit does not exist.

Anonymous No. 16187354

Fall time yes, but velocity at impact does not.

Anonymous No. 16187398

[math] \sqrt{4gr - gr \cdot \tfrac{2}{3} + gr \cdot \tfrac{10}{27} } [/math]

The ball is slowed down during the first r/3 units of distance falling, then it falls at normal acceleration.
If there is no blocks, then at most the speed would've been [math] \sqrt{4gr} [/math], which yall prob already know.
The first term in the sqrt is the normal speed, the second term is what was lost since it's not accelerating normally during the first r/3 units, and the last term is the gain of the weird acceleration during the first r/3 units.

Anonymous No. 16187399

man, this reminds me of the stuff i had to do for college phys. Don't miss it, but sorta fun

Anonymous No. 16187429

no diff eq

units are bad

this is the same if the block isnt there

integral over 0 -> pi/2? Also, idk where ur getting mgcos^2 from. Im picturing the diagram in my head and I dont see what's the point of using a vector of that length.

Suppose that the left block is removed. The ball is in unstable eq., so suppose it falls to the left. Ur saying the block aint gonna move to the right to counter the fall to the left?

u need to learn about equilibriums and stability

Anonymous No. 16187431

You're the type to write walls of text on an exam question that asks for an explanation of an answer where two sentences would suffice. Please, worthless bitch, let's not be stupid here.

Anonymous No. 16187434

I would just to assume that the ball moves slowly until its center reaches 2r, then it will be free falling for r.
Converting its potential energy mgr into kinetic energy gives me Β½mv2.
Then solving for v gives me sqrt(2gr).

Anonymous No. 16187446

It looks like to find the fall time, you would have to solve a nonlinear differential equation of the form y'' = ay^2 + by. I cant see any other way outside of a numerical approx to evaluate this, at least according to my google search

Anonymous No. 16187486

The boxes absolutely do start to rotate while getting pushed since the force is not applied to the center of mass of the boxes.

Anonymous No. 16187509

That would be true if there was no ground on which they're sitting.

Anonymous No. 16187511

To clarify. Obviously it is possible to apply some sort of force to the boxes that would make them spin even though there is a ground, but you can compute what happens and it doesn't happen here. IT is pretty intuitive, so you can just assume it and then check once you have the answer for the trajectories.

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Anonymous No. 16187526

Here's a diagram (the symmetry is implied). i may probably be double counting some cos thetas, not sure.

Anonymous No. 16187558

Let h be the height of the ball center above the top of boxes.
Let x be the distance of the boxes from the center line.
From energy:
2g(r-h) = x'^2 + h'^2
-gh' = x'x'' + h'h''
From geometric constraint:
r^2 = x^2 + h^2.
xx' + hh' = 0
xx'' + hh'' + x'^2 + h'^2 = 0

Using intuition from >>16186939 we want to find the state where x''=0.
Let's impose this on the equations above.
-gh' = h'h''
hh'' + x'^2 + h'^2 = 0
This gives x'^2 + h'^2 = gh
Plugging this into the first equation gives:
using this you can get h' = -sqrt(10gr/27)
Do free fall from there to get v^2 = 100gr/27.

The only thing I'm not sure of is if the ball can re-contact the boxes or not.

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Anonymous No. 16187570

retarded pseud

Anonymous No. 16187590

I guess you can just check whether the didtance is ever < r after the free fall starts. If not, I guess the collisions become discrete events anyway, so you just have to enumerate them and compute the trajectories of stuff bouncing off.

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Anonymous No. 16187851

>u need to learn about equilibriums and stability
And you, a massive retard on the left of the dunning-kruger curve, need to get a bachelor's in physics and a brain for basic reading comprehension to understand the OP is a shitty ass incomplete bait question with no conditions specified for epsilon.

Gosh really /sci/ is full of retarded STEM dropouts

Anonymous No. 16187862

u solve in terms of epsilon tardy

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Anonymous No. 16187872


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Anonymous No. 16187877

Now give me my pip

Anonymous No. 16187879

I know how to whip up a storm - simple in some eyes - judging by the size of my cock - my attempts at sex - and theirs in comparison. You distinguish it this way. This is falsehood.

Anonymous No. 16187884

I suffered quite immensely for 15 years. Prior to that I suffered characteristically for 10. You claim the profit I earned from this position must be lawed in response, even a simple reversal. Come on...

Anonymous No. 16187887

They would have never let go, if the tables were reversed it would be the max of immorality. That's your only real argument, that immorality doesn't match morality.

Anonymous No. 16187888

Hell doesn't scorn me, neither does heaven. Life does, life does not know all yet. So we should suffer for the unchanging?

Anonymous No. 16187890

Your forgiven - (joke) - I'll take your hell - etc.


Anonymous No. 16187924

Ok, so from that diagram, starting at Fn*cos, what length is Fn? So now, you have an Fn and an Fn*cos^2 that are in the same direction. What are each supposed represent? Do u see the problem here?

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Anonymous No. 16187974

you're multiplying by cos twice to get [math]cos^2 [/math] for no reason, I think you can directly decompose [math]F_N = F_x + F_g = F*cos(\theta) + mg [/math]. You're not creating a triangle whose hypothenuse is Fn, you're projecting Fn over cos and sine and solving back using Fg

Anonymous No. 16188049

Given there have been 94(95 now) posts and not one agreed upon answer, plus OPs faggot 'You should be able to solve this' addition means there is no real way to solve this since there is a variable or something else missing. Gj op at being a faggot, as per usual.

Anonymous No. 16188065

>gets answer with forces
>gets contradiction with lagrangian mechanics
>lagrangian mechanics equivalent to force analysis
see the problem?? write the lagrangian and you'll see the problem cannot be solved.

Anonymous No. 16188152

Post your lagrangian, you ridiculous pseud. I bet it's wrong.

Anonymous No. 16188179

it isn't a hard lagrangian to write. x represents the blocks' kinetic energy while y represents the sphere's kinetic energy.
[math]\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}m\left(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2\right) - mgy [/math]

Anonymous No. 16188230

yeah, thanks for this lagrangian for a free-falling sphere and blocks randomly moving in some place, now try the one for the actual problem. Maybe look up holonomic constraints.

Anonymous No. 16188262

ooooh did not even think about this. Ok i did the calc. and no, it does not rehit, but it fucking narrowly misses by a little less than r/8.

I noticed that this is is 3 times the final speed of the blocks

>massive retard on the left of the dk curve
>need to get a bach in phys.
this is really ironic, lol. Dude, at least 3 people itt already got the answer, looks like u got a skill issue

Anonymous No. 16188296

peer reviewed fully funded journal study citation for that, chuddy?

Anonymous No. 16188328

this guy >>16188230 is right btw. This is what makes it a harder HS problem

Anonymous No. 16188350

yeah i forgot about that.
[math]f(x,y,\lambda)=y - r \sqrt{r^2-x^2}[/math]
which yields an ODE for the EOM of the cubes as
[math]\ddot{x} = xg\sqrt{1-\left(\frac{x}{r}\right)^2}[/math]
find the velocity of the cubes when the sphere loses contact. apply conservation of energy to find velocity of sphere when it loses contact. then apply free fall.

Anonymous No. 16188372

ur units are off, but close enough

Anonymous No. 16188375

forgot a negative sign is all.
[math]f(x,y,\lambda)=y - r -\sqrt{r^2-x^2} [/math]
i mean it changes a lot. i probably fucked up a constant somewhere since i found energy isn't conserved while the ball is in contact with the cubes.

Anonymous No. 16188387

>energy isn't conserved in this frctionless problem

Anonymous No. 16188450

esl? since my answer violated conservation of energy, i made an error. i'll look at it tomorrow with a fresher mind.

Anonymous No. 16188490

It's something between 2 and 300 m/s

Anonymous No. 16188510

Solving in terms of an arbitrary initial [math]\epsilon[/math], I get [math]v = \sqrt{2g[r+\sqrt{4r^2-{\epsilon^2}}(\frac{23}{54}+\frac{1}{54}\frac{\epsilon^2}{r^2}})][/math]. As [math]\epsilon\to0[/math], [math]v\to\sqrt{\frac{100}{27}gr}\approx\sqrt{3.703gr}<\sqrt{4gr}[/math], which agrees with >>16187558 >>16187398 >>16186939. Also, as [math]\epsilon\to2r[/math], [math]v\to\sqrt{2gr}[/math], which is the velocity expected if the sphere starts free falling with its center at the same height as the top of the cubes. The units also work, so hopefully it's correct.

Anonymous No. 16188678

Why is the ball going to hit the ground? Do the cubes vanish? What idiot write this question?

Anonymous No. 16188692

Why would it hit the ground?

Anonymous No. 16188773

Ignore the other answers in the thread
Do the same problem but with an upside down equilateral triangle with a side length of r.

Anonymous No. 16188778

Yeah these are correct.
You are retarded if you think there isn't enough info. The full initial configuration is there. How could you think it's not enough?

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Anonymous No. 16188825

i think it's
\sqrt{ 4 g r}
tho i may have messed up some vectors, or forgotten my vector calculus

Anonymous No. 16188851

When it hits the ground, it's speed will be reduced to 0, followed either by a bounce or a lack thereof depending on whether or not the collision is elastic or inelastic.

Anonymous No. 16188934

Well I wrote down the energy conservation equation. That's gotta count for something

Anonymous No. 16189061

The ball never hits the ground

Anonymous No. 16189571

I gave this problem a closer look and triple checked my results. Nobody in the thread has my answer yet. We use Lagrangian mechanics. The relevant Lagrangian is
[math]\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}m\left(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2\right) + mgy[/math]
with a holonomic constraint of
[math]f(x,y,\lambda) = y - r - \sqrt{r^2 - x^2} = 0[/math]
here x is the horizontal distance traveled by one block, and y is the height of the sphere with respect to the cubes' centers of masses. The Euler-Lagrange equations read
m&\ddot{x} - x\lambda = 0 \\
m&\ddot{y} - mg - (y-r)\lambda = 0
Some ridiculous simplifications occur, giving
\ddot{x} &= xg/r \\
\ddot{y} &= yg/r
the implication is that the cubes acquire the same acceleration as the sphere, which should make sense given the symmetry of the masses. One could solve these directly, or invoke symmetry. Nevertheless you find the speed of each block and the sphere are all the same:
[math] v_{\text{block}} = v_{\text{cube}} = \sqrt{rg} [/math]
note this is when the sphere loses contact with the cubes, which is at [math]y=r[/math]
The rest free fall, or energy conservation yielding a final speed of the sphere before impact as
note that energy is conserved at every stage here.

Anonymous No. 16189590

by v_block, of course i mean v_sphere.

Anonymous No. 16189638


Anonymous No. 16189650

to be more precise, the holonomic constraint is simply recasting
[math]y = r + \sqrt{r^2-x^2}[/math]
notice that when x = 0, y = 2r as expected and when x = r, y = r again as expected.

Anonymous No. 16189798

>note this is when the sphere loses contact with the cubes, which is at y=r
This has been deboonked.

Anonymous No. 16189845

only true if the cubes acquire speed at a faster rate than the sphere. which i don't think is true, or at least isn't reflected from the equations of motion.

Anonymous No. 16190037

Trick question. The ball is sitting on two cubes, not travelling toward the ground. The ball doesn't hit the ground. The ball can't have any velocity when it hits the ground because it's not going to hit the ground anyway. Why would it?

Anonymous No. 16190080

If they were still touching at y=r, the ball would have to be much faster than the box.
The sides of the ball would be pretty much vertical at the connection point.

Anonymous No. 16190343

idk if you're esl or not, because i cannot parse your sentence at all. the equations of motion don't reflect the velocities being disproportionately gained. furthermore i fail to see how energy could be conserved in your scenario.

Anonymous No. 16190727

I am too lazy to check exactly what you wrote. But it is obvious that they lose contact way before y=r.

Imagine epsilon before this moment. At that point the ball is basically vertical at the contact point, so it is moving down dows not increase its width at that height. However, the boxes are moving outwards, so moving further away from the ball. So if the ball is touching the boxes at some time eps before y=r, it can't also be touching them then.

Basically what you can see is that at some point, even though the ball is getting faster, its rate of "widening" at the contact height start getting slower, while the boxes only start moving apart faster and faster. Therefore, at that moment they must not be in contact.

Others' answers have determined the point when they lose contact. I'd be interested to see what your mistake is once you find it.

Anonymous No. 16190764

It could happen. Like a rally car can bounce off from the road, and lagragian mechs goes unpredictable

Anonymous No. 16190924

the other results don't say what the speed of the blocks are, and i suspect they violate conservation of energy

Anonymous No. 16190943

I computed stuff from scratch following the described approaches and got the same thing. Can you find the error there?

Anonymous No. 16191096

>other results don't say what the speed of the blocks are
Because it isn't needed.
Use >>16187558
>h' = -sqrt(10gr/27)
and plug them in
>x'^2 + h'^2 = gh
x'^2 = 8gr/27

When all of the potential (2mgr) is converted to kinetic, you get:
(m/2)*(100gr/27 + 8gr/27) = 2mgr

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Anonymous No. 16191106

What if the cubes were much lighter than the ball?

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Anonymous No. 16191136

Retard here. So obviously (r-h)^2 + x^2 = r^2. But why can't we differentiate this equation? If you do, you get something wrong that says when h = r, dx/dt = 0

Anonymous No. 16191158

>dont say the speed of the blocks
see >>16188262

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16191162

constant + variable = constant?
so x is constant? of course the derivative is 0
There are a couple eq. already posted that give the right equation u want

Anonymous No. 16191171

the block has already left the ball by h=r, so the eq aint valid there

Anonymous No. 16191463

the two blocks combined have the same mass as the sphere so that's where symmetry comes from

Anonymous No. 16191671

OP already stated it was a high school competition. Tried some common sense, lately?

Anonymous No. 16191740

ok but what about h = r - q where q is very small

Anonymous No. 16191801

read the thread to find the final speed for both objects, and when it detaches, and how to find it

Anonymous No. 16191816

There is nothing in the thread that answers my question.

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Anonymous No. 16191845

>Let h be the height of the ball center above the top of boxes.
i find this sus. i've drawn the image to scale, so that you all can visualize the claim being made for when the sphere detaches from the cubes.

Anonymous No. 16192008

>there is no friction
>sitting on midpoint of 2 planes

Anonymous No. 16192050

>i find this sus
Then you aren't good at finding.

Anonymous No. 16192199

The ball is inert

Anonymous No. 16192259

You have no question

Anonymous No. 16192294

You just don't understand my question. You're an idiot.

Anonymous No. 16192411

The boxes accelerate much faster than the ball, because they have to move further sideways than the ball has to move down.
In your image, the ball has only travelled by r/3, but the boxes have gone way more to the side than that. So the boxes must be moving faster.

Anonymous No. 16192507

this can't be right. the constraint was supposed to be valid for h > 2r/3, meaning the ball keeps contact with the cubes until precisely that height. therefore the picture i drew must be valid (they're in contact). and that's why i think the proposed solution is wrong, and mine is right (and consistent).

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16192534

v = 2 * sqrt(g * r)


Anonymous No. 16192909

>and mine is right
What is the definition of the lagrangian?
What did you write here >>16189571 ?
Cope and seethe

Anonymous No. 16192917

How is y'' positive? Isn't gravity pulling down?

Anonymous No. 16193126

He triple checked it, stop questioning him, you esl or something?

Anonymous No. 16193294

change the potential energy to a negative sign then, i still get the same EOM keeping y'' the same sign as y.
who said y'' is positive? it has the same sign as y (as it should).

Anonymous No. 16193302

gravity is splitting between the squares applying a force on the corners creating a rotational spin, but the square wont spin because it's on the ground so only the perpendicular forces will act
this is just my guess and I don't know how to actually compute an exact analytical solution.

Anonymous No. 16193390

Don't try to solve the DE. You just need to find what everything is when x'' is 0. >>16187558

Anonymous No. 16193637

0 m/s

Anonymous No. 16193789

>applying a force on the corners creating a rotational spin
That would only happen with friction.

Anonymous No. 16193792

If you are so smart, then explain what you meant

Anonymous No. 16193800

Torque is applied since the force between the ball and the boxes is not vertical. In fact it could be enough to tip the boxes outward if the ball is heavy enough (perhaps not with the masses specified in OP).

Anonymous No. 16193842

You can differentiate the equation, it just becomes invalid when the ball loses contact. This happens when the contact force is 0, which implies x’’ = 0. When you differentiate the equation, apply conservation of energy, and solve for x’, you get a function for x’ that increases from 0, reaches a maximum, and then decreases back to 0 at x = r. The maximum of x’ is where x’’=0 and the ball loses contact with the cubes. So the equation is invalid after the maximum, where x’’ < 0 and x’ is decreasing. The force on the cubes is only ever outwards. They accelerate until they lose contact with the ball, after which they continue on with constant velocity.

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Anonymous No. 16193912

Thanks, I geddit now

Anonymous No. 16194269

I’m the guy who responded to his question. I already understand it. Stop responding to him, his comments are dumb and aren’t worth typing something up.

Anonymous No. 16195617

Wow thread is finally done with schizo posters.

Anonymous No. 16197354

by energy conservation,
mg(3r)=0.5 * m * v^2
v= sqrt(6*g*r)

Anonymous No. 16197369

Why do soientists think they can know everything and why do they try to brainwash everyone's children into their delusional cults?

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Anonymous No. 16197702

Trick question. The ball will never hit the ground because none of the objects are under the influence of any forces.
>source: gravity, electromagnetism, etc, etc, weren't mentioned in the question

Anonymous No. 16197718

I don't understand it's doesn't start that way though
what does friction have to do with inertia?

Anonymous No. 16198507


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physics and shit.png

Anonymous No. 16198721

Theres a space epsilon between the squares so they would slide out from under the ball

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did i do it.png

Anonymous No. 16198730

did i do it right?

Anonymous No. 16198731

the inititial height is 2r because it stops when the bottom of the ball hits the ground

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16198747

>Nobody in the thread has my answer yet.

because its wrong

Anonymous No. 16198979

The right box would rotate counter-clockwise while it moves right and the left box would rotate clockwise while it moves left as you have a non-zero torque.
With epsilon near zero the torque for each box is something like mgr/2. You can't ignore that.