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Anonymous No. 16185782

Why does boredom exist?

No other emotion causes more suffering and sets the human race as far back as boredom.

It has zero evolutionary benefits and tons of negatives.

If there was no boredom I could work 16 hours per day easily. Humans could acheive amazing levels of mastery in things as they could just endlessly grind them out. Something is going on /sci, boredom should not exist. If anything boredom seems to be increasing in the human race too which is even worse.

Anonymous No. 16186144

>It has zero evolutionary benefits
but it does, it forces to you to get off your backside and do something interesting or beneficial.

Anonymous No. 16186211

There’s a good vsauce video about boredom I recommend watching it.
There’s a quote somewhere about boredom being the pain of unused potential.

Anonymous No. 16187070

>No emotion causes more suffering and sets the human race as far back as boredom
Boredom is what led up to our civilization, without it, man would have stagnated.

Anonymous No. 16187088

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16187098

You sure do love posting the same thing for years

Anonymous No. 16187494

Boredom can lead to more reproduction, which means it does have a role in evolution.

Anonymous No. 16187661

Lack of stimulation. Easy to be painfully bored when you're used to the internet.

Anonymous No. 16187787

To be honest, hunger and sexual drive already kinda do that. But it does feel like we would be way behind without boredom.

Anonymous No. 16188210

ADHD and boredom have no benefits to survival: They are a loss of function mutation arising from the fruits of complex civilization relaxing otherwise harsh Darwinian selection pressures that would've killed off those short attention spans.

Anonymous No. 16189129

The grugg that stayed in one place too long was more likely to be stalked and killed by big cats or other predators.

Anonymous No. 16189505

>grind work all day
>be content with it
>just continue grinding as always
>work same boring thing for years
>constantly contemplate how to work less
>invent machine or tool that halves your work time by same output
>either produce twice as much or spend more time on other things
I do not know anyone who calls themselves content who ever innovates in any way shape or form.