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๐Ÿงต everything in nature is vertebrate like

Anonymous No. 16185838

except for insects/spiders/crabs

its true, only the arthropods are alien

>lots of jointed legs, which are literally just pieces of chitin armor and a muscle at every joint, and a single nerve going all the way to the tip of the leg
>body contains NO BLOOD VESSELS
>there is single large opening inside the body where blood is stored
>oxygen goes to jointed leg muscles without use of blood vessels
>almost no internal organs at all except heart and "brain"
>no skin, only armor, if armor is crushed, a liquid pours out

octopus and its relatives;
>blood vessels, oxygen from gills goes to every part of the body through blood vessels
>no armour upon skin but has real soft skin like some fish or lizard or a human (fish and lizard has scales though, human and octopus doesnt)
>MAY HAVE hard shells but its not the same as skin being covered in it, usually its something like a snail would have, an armored shell made from calcium
>internal organs, spleen, liver, kidney etc
>big brain

lizards, humans etc:
>blood vessels
>all kinds of internal organs
>big brain
>internal skeleton made from calcium (this is related to octopus/snail shell, but its inside vertebrates while in octopus its in outside because they are a reverse of what a human is, in some sense)

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Cult of Passion No. 16185856

I am a Bivalve Mollusk (Ouster) and Cephalopod (Octopus) hybrid.

>only the arthropods are alien
I dont use my brain for computation, out of all the animals you listed, how many dont have brains? Oysters have no use for such a device. I sense Magnetic fields with my central nervous system.

Yet my times for two scoops.

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Cult of Passion No. 16185862

I speak to...more base forms of life.

Mathematical echoes as refractions of resisting Nature by feeding on it and molding it to its shape, both reflecting both.

Everyone is chasing the echos and not the sources.

Anonymous No. 16185864

>I dont use my brain for computation, out of all the animals you listed, how many dont have brains?

All arthropods have a brain
-a wasp

All octopus have a brain

Snail has "almost a brain" but is very primitive bunch of cells. For some reason snail doesnt have as advanced brain as a wasp does.

Oyster and snail are very similar to each other in many ways. And yeah oyster probably have no need for a brain but it has a primitive one.

All arthropods are actively moving about, maybe this is one reason for a brain? They absolutely need it. You rarely see an arthropod that sits still doing absolutely nothing.

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Cult of Passion No. 16185870

>lizards, humans etc
Reptilian and Avian, and a pair.
Not 100% sure on Insect pairing is but Ive seen at least one kf the two but Im also not super adept in insent morphology, have more important dealings...

Mom and Pop to kid...the "reptile" never died, the this or that, never truly dies. Echos inside, BioElectric/Magnetic signitures that I count as "Higher" than DNA/Molecular Signitures.

>sits still doing absolutely nothing.
I am feeling the Magnetic wobble from the harmonics of the center of the Planet.

If Im put on "red alert" I can do shit like accurately estimate celestial bodies of the solar system and other "impossible feats". Over billions of years...the gravitational pulls of Saturn and Jupiter are felt on occation, their mass and distance intuited...

Small solar system...small universe.

Cult of Passion No. 16185873

>a primitive one.
I can calculate 9+ Dimensional Geometry on the fly with it [if I need to, cant juat "enter the zone" on command].

What do you do with this "Magic Super Brain" of your's?

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Cult of Passion No. 16185892

>9+ Dimensional Geometry
Ah, ok, good....Im not insane, Im normal and this is reality.

Cult of Passion No. 16185893

>Going from 9.5D to 10D took sooooooo fucking long, Insanity long....felt like literal centuries.

Anonymous No. 16185901

Sorry to see your thread got nuked by the bot. You made an interesting point.

Anonymous No. 16185904

>octopus and its relatives;
>big brain

Cephalopods aren't actually that intelligent. They just display impressive behaviour for invertebrates.

Cult of Passion No. 16185910

No, the closest relative to the octopus is the oyster, which has a heart, and no brain, which MEANS IT FEELS AND IS CONSCIOUS WIFHOUT BRAIN.





Anonymous No. 16185938

the brain is big, be they intelligent or not
if you dissect an octopus you would see the brain takes relatively big part of space inside (could be most of it is used for visual processing, they have advanced eyes after all)

Anonymous No. 16187112

>everything in nature is vertebrate like
trees aren't vertebrates. neither are mushrooms, or jellyfish, or earth worms. neither are bacteria, amoeba, or OPs.

Anonymous No. 16187122

fyi you can filter all namefags using 4chan-x and this name filter:
> /^(?!Anonymous$)/

Anonymous No. 16187338


they arent even animals, what a dumb thing to bring for comparison

Anonymous No. 16188668

>everything in nature is vertebrate like
OP never said animal.

Anonymous No. 16188682

>everything in nature is vertebrate like
No? Are you short-circuiting or do you need a dose change?

Anonymous No. 16189890

Segmented body was a huge evolutionary innovation

Anonymous No. 16189933


each segment of a centipede is analogous to a vertebra in a human spine

human was originally the spine, everything surrounding the spine is necessary bloat that you cant get rid of without it ending in death

Anonymous No. 16190748

Vertebrate chads, how do we respond to fungi?

Anonymous No. 16191093

Check your meds and dosing with your doctor

Anonymous No. 16192247

Isn't that a sign of intelligence?

Anonymous No. 16193648

What's interesting about arthropod brains is that they can do so many things with only a fraction of the mammalian neurons. Roundworm C. elegans has only a thousand or so neurons .

Anonymous No. 16193847

Are you ok?