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Anonymous No. 16185969

Do all schizos hate doctors and medicine or do we only hear from the ones that do and the ones that seek out doctors for help when they are scared lead normal lives?

Anonymous No. 16186099

true schizos dont know they are schizos so yes they all hate doctors.

Barkon No. 16186138

Bananas go blue they don't ripen properly - the simulation is broke. Egyptians thought time was a green male rather than a negative big. Let's just say it's all about the upcoming Sun disaster.

Anonymous No. 16186154

the giant Sunspot returns on June 1st. the Earth is set to be blasted again and this time there will no mercy.

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Mind Issues.png

Anonymous No. 16186601

I don't know about a "normal" life, but I have a psychotic disorder and I'm much better off for having listened to my doctors. I've been interested in pharmaceutical science since my teens so maybe I'm more inclined to trust in that stuff.

Anonymous No. 16186674

stay away from people who write every carbon in organic molecules and especially if they also write IRON and MAGNESIUM. Besides, the comparison is wrong. Chlorophyll is an organic molecule made of modified porphyrin ring with a tail attached, and Mg cation at the center, hemoglobin is a protein with a non-peptide heme prosthetic group, without a tail and with Fe cation at the center. The "only difference between hemoglobin and chlorophyll is whether there is Fe or Mg ion in the center!" is what ignorant idiots say, and I know several people like that, top scoring straight A slaves.

Anonymous No. 16186712

circular argument

Anonymous No. 16186742

Its more the fact that everything I experience about my condition contradicts the societal description of it, and the prescription implies an imposition of the outside world onto the individual to contain the mind back into chemical boundaries deemed acceptable by the powers that be.
Essentially I have two universes, you only have one, and I prefer to keep my own two, rather than killing one off and giving in to the mainstream view of physical reality and its rules as the only way of thinking.
I have two halves of my brain, and my construction of reality is from half within my own perception, half from my own awareness of such perception. People talk and they fill perception with their words and rules which they use in attempt to describe the world and the proper courses of human thought and action within it.
I fundamentally reject that notion, because to me consciousness arrives to us not from human socialization or language, but from the depths of the cosmos itself, through chemical and electromagnetic laws governing the process of respiration and life, and I trust that deeper source of my intelligence far more than I do the human interpretation which was formed in less than 10 thousand years of recorded civilizational history.
Science, so utterly misses the point. They try to study the mind by looking from the outside in with their crude instruments formed by the constraint of limitation of the most advanced technology of the time, which has always changed over the course of history.
Why does nobody simply look with their own consciousness, at the world of consciousness, and see what is there?
I see stuff, looks like clear vibration of a reflection of a fractal geometric structure, which itself seems a combination of chemical, neural, and more abstract mental phenomena, which basically seems like it creates a photon and manipulates its path through space into making a structural chain of oscillations that resonate within the space of awareness.

Anonymous No. 16186746

>schizos live rent free in my head
why do you even come to 4chan if seeing people express nonconformist opinions triggers you so badly? just stay on instagram or reddit and you'll never have to suffer from apoplexy, all of your ills will be cured