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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16186360

Guys, I'm losing my mind. Can someone debunk this?

Anonymous No. 16186363

Hill looks like hill. I'm going craaaaaazy.

Anonymous No. 16186365

They aren't even the same hill my guy. Are you blind?

Anonymous No. 16186368

Someone should colorize moon photos and pass them to the geoguesser gurus. lmao.
It doesn't really matter though, it was filmed in an air force base.

Anonymous No. 16186405

Do you have a mind that you can lose?

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Anonymous No. 16187564

why did Russia go along with the cover up?

Anonymous No. 16187567

They are exactly the same, you stupid imbecile.

Anonymous No. 16187573

They got tricked into believing the transmission was live instead pre-recorded.

Anonymous No. 16187574

>They are exactly the same, you stupid imbecile.
No they aren't you blind schizo.

Anonymous No. 16187577

>They got tricked into believing the transmission was live instead pre-recorded.
That doesn't make any fucking sense.

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Anonymous No. 16187580

they were the first to put a man in space
they were the first to orbit the moon
they were the first to photograph the dark side of the moon
they were the first to put an object on the moon
they performed orbits of the moon after the US landing
they just believed what they saw on cnn

Anonymous No. 16187594

Wow, look at that the mountain doesn't match even in your shitty overlap comparison.
You're off you lithium anon.
You're having another manic episode.

Anonymous No. 16187609

words clearly aren't your thing at the moment. but try reading the post again, carefully. don't feel bad, it happens.

Anonymous No. 16187619

Translate your post into direct, non-autistic English idiot OP.

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Anonymous No. 16187620

Hey! I'm autistic.

Anonymous No. 16187623

That's amazing dude!
Please overdose on pills just like your weeb pic!

Anonymous No. 16188181

So they sent an unmanned spacecraft to the moon that played pre-recorded radio transmissions to fool the Soviets and amateur radio operators?

Anonymous No. 16188205

Poor comparison of hills that aren't the same. Next time recolor the Earth hill to match the pallet of the lunar hill and photoshop it in. You'll still be a piece of shit for doing it but at least your effort will be worth debunking instead of being the insultingly easy comparison of two different hills.

Anonymous No. 16188314

OP is well-poisoning
4chan servers are DoD

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Anonymous No. 16188553

Anonymous No. 16188582


Anonymous No. 16188622

>Circle hills that are different shapes and have different perspectives
When we make fun of schizos, this is what we're talking about. It's mental retardation; a feeblemindedness and a moral failing in denial.

Anonymous No. 16188676

Those hills don’t even match, retard

Anonymous No. 16189234
