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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16186863

>"The mind has an effect on reality? What a bunch of woo-woo superstition"
>Wait? Did you just say that essential oils cured your illness? That's the heckin placebo-rino effect!"

Anonymous No. 16186905

what is this post even trying to say?
essential oils never cured an illness

Anonymous No. 16186912

my mind affects reality because it decided to respond to this thread

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Anonymous No. 16186913


Anonymous No. 16186932

I think it’s trying to say that the placebo effect is evidence the mind effects reality

Anonymous No. 16186954

I posted it again

Anonymous No. 16186964

Your mind can affect your own body. That doesn't mean your mind can affect things other than your body.
The remote control can switch your television on and off, but it doesn't make people appear or disappear. That's just an illusion.