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🧵 What's the scariest theory you know?

Anonymous No. 16186981

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Anonymous No. 16187005

Not a theory, a fact.
The top brass of the deep state are aliens, a.k.a. demons. Their slaves like obama will kill anyone who gets too close to Area 51.

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Adam in the Garde....jpg

Anonymous No. 16187080

You don't want to know.

Anonymous No. 16187141

Yes I do, I'm curious

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Anonymous No. 16187148

Here you go.

Anonymous No. 16187149

Obviously the existential nihilism.
People fears complete death more than everything else.

Anonymous No. 16187210

Why is that an infohazard?

Anonymous No. 16187228

Sorry wrong thread but why is it so scary?

Anonymous No. 16187553

sora is so cute

Anonymous No. 16187565

What a pile of jew crap.

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Anonymous No. 16187569

Anonymous No. 16188359

Eternal recurrence

Anonymous No. 16188435

Heat death of the universe

Anonymous No. 16188472

Are any of them open to inter species dating?

Anonymous No. 16189009

That jews eat children

Anonymous No. 16189044

Panspermia hypothesis

Anonymous No. 16189047

Why is that scary....

Anonymous No. 16189049

Imagine aliens just jizzing on meteors

Anonymous No. 16189271

Energetics and wave theory. The idea that everything reverberates forever also means that polarities attract over near eternal distances. Which means that depending on the energetic mass, sometime a "summoning" can actually occur between powers. In which an invocation or a calling will have a 50 percent chance of succeeding no matter the size difference. This means that one small power has a chance of calling higher powers. People often say there is no such thing as interdimensionality, but the existence of two dimensional ideologues such as cartoons bodes terribly for those below 3D. Since humans as 3D creatures craft these little cartoons from our imaginations, one must take steps back and realize that if our imagination makes them run, something else's imagination, might be making us run, and if the trend is those things which reside in 2D planes having power over that which resides in 1D infospheres, and 3D having power over both, then what is in 4D must have power over throth. Welcome to Hell. :D

Anonymous No. 16189306

That's really interesting but why is it hell? Seems pretty neutral to me

Anonymous No. 16189323


Ever killed a toon before?...


Brought one back?


Anonymous No. 16189328


Anonymous No. 16189330

YOU. You you you you you you

Anonymous No. 16189349

Remember. Words are a powerful thing. Perhaps don't ask for the scariest theory next time. ^~^

Anonymous No. 16189354

Who the hell are you? o_0

Anonymous No. 16189358


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Anonymous No. 16189587

The consciousness isn’t necessary

Anonymous No. 16189598

What does this mean?

Anonymous No. 16189633

I think that anon is referring to the idea that advanced organisms need not necessarily be sentient. We tend to assume that other life "out there" must necessarily be like us: conscious, self aware, sentient. But here we are breeding AIs that can hold conversations but that have nothing even vaguely approaching sentience. Maybe we're the only conscious beings in the entire universe. Maybe all other forms of life are dead inside, just automata performing emergent behaviors. Maybe we are really, truly alone.

Anonymous No. 16189692


Anonymous No. 16189935

For sure is far more probable that life started 9 billion years before Earth even existed, when near all the Universe was hot enough for liquid water, not only goldilock zones. In such case the universe is already filled with extremely advanced life forms, a viable explanation for dark matter: civilizations hiding themselves from cosmic-horror level predators.

Anonymous No. 16189938

OP is not a faggot
Still just a hypothesis, though

Anonymous No. 16189979

why the fuck are we still mutilating the genitals of newborn men?

Anonymous No. 16189982

Because of religion. Nothing /sci/entific about it

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Anonymous No. 16189991

Of course not. Those in the picture are aliens who got too close to Area 51 and their saucers got shot down.

Anonymous No. 16190297

thats beautiful and something i can refine my thinking with, ive thought for a while that we exist in a universe where there are many of those examples
i have felt recently that the aliens should have contacted us already. like, why are they not? it could imply a grand intelligence that likes to keep things subbtle

Anonymous No. 16190711

I'd rather not

Anonymous No. 16191026

This. Truly horrifying

Anonymous No. 16191056

Oxygen didn't exist yet so no water. Only stars could synthesise enough oxygen and stars formed a hundred million of years after when the universe was hot enough for liquid water.

Anonymous No. 16191327

Axis of evil in cosmology. Look it up. Not so much a theory as it is a ruiner of them.

Anonymous No. 16191451

Too long, didn't read

Anonymous No. 16191477

Free will does not exist, but people need to think it does, else society goes boom!

Anonymous No. 16191538

How is it scary?

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Humanity, summari....png

Anonymous No. 16191722

We are breeding ourselves into retardation.

DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16191875


DoctorGreen !DRgReeNusk No. 16191885

>Truly horrifying
Are you blind? Are you a dumbass?

Anonymous No. 16192179

What's your problem?

Anonymous No. 16192607

Evil is like a pheromone. It is given off by evil people. Evil people in authority choose other evil people to take leadership roles. Good people can only ascend to minor leadership, like a store manager. Beyond that - say, regional director, or personnel administrator, or chief marketing officer - people are chosen based on their evil pheromones.

It's not simply working hard or having social skills. Good people work hard. Good people have social skills. But your boss is always an evil fuck. And if not your immediate boss, then the next boss above them.

Think about it.

Anonymous No. 16192701

a schizo trying to discuss theology

You're right. I didn't want to know.

Anonymous No. 16192704

Synchronicity of chaos freaks the fuck out of me.

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Anonymous No. 16192715

they're in a satanic homosexual cult, they just want you to think that

Anonymous No. 16192723

Not scientific
Only relevant posts that do not reek of 90 IQ

This board is unbelievably stupid. I say unironically that /fit/ and /k/ AND pol are smarter than this shit hole. Or maybe it is just Burgerlander hours.

Anonymous No. 16192989

i don't know if it's a theory but there was some discussion, i think here on /sci/, about physics, and a guy came said he worked for couple of years in some institution that does work for the us government. after explaining what they managed to do (in the context of the thread, i don't remember it now but it was some cool physics) when people stated some of it is dangerous, he said that what other groups (that were officially off limits to him) are doing is much much more scary.

basically it was something like us government is trying to harness quantum entanglement to send/recieve information from the future/past (not sure now exactly, he explained it better but i think they set up machine now then they can send information on it from the future, maybe i'm wrong tho). certainly sounded ominous

Anonymous No. 16193067

This might seems dismissive but what proof do we have he was right?

Anonymous No. 16193069

What's that and how is it scary?

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Anonymous No. 16193084

>What's that and how is it scary?
How are you even alive right now?
You are alive because being alive is trivial.

Anonymous No. 16193092

What do you mean? Sorry I'm stupid but I'm trying to understand

Anonymous No. 16193103

American hours: dumb shit
Euro/Russian hours: /pol/ tier garbage spam
This board is doomed

Anonymous No. 16193220

Dark Forest hypothesis. Don’t cry out in the forest at night, you don’t know who/what is listening.

Anonymous No. 16193232

It’s more likely that psychopathic/selfish individuals get further than kind and moral people because they aren’t afraid to step on heads to climb the social ladder. It’s been theorized that politicians, CEOs, and other big wigs are more likely to be psychopaths than the average person. Easier to get to the top when you don’t care who you crush on your way up. Easier to go far when you refuse to “settle” because you believe you deserve more.

Anonymous No. 16193266

the material world was created by yaldabaoth
>who created yaldabaoth?
the monad

Anonymous No. 16193288

on rejecting Christ, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

Anonymous No. 16193355

It's a diagram of something physical showing a synchronicity of chaos.
You said you were afraid of this, but you looked at the image and had no fear.
God help us all.

Anonymous No. 16193357


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Anonymous No. 16193491


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Anonymous No. 16193494

Those are slaves, underling demons unable to disobey their masters. The sooner that scum is exterminated the better.

Anonymous No. 16193624

If you do some digging into nonlinear dynamics, there's a lot of uncomfortable overlap between behaviors that describe chaotic, random systems and behaviors that describe highly ordered, self-organizing systems. In principle, almost any coupled system tends towards chaotic behavior, no matter how weak the coupling, it's simply a matter of how quickly the behaviors diverge. However, there's a concept in chaos theory called synchronization of chaos, which describes systems that suddenly and spontaneously shift from a highly disorganized and nonlinear state to a highly organized and linear one.

Imagine, say, having a room of a billion little double pendulums, each with slightly different initial conditions. A completely random nonlinear system. However, if there's *any* amount of coupling between all of these individual subsystems, no matter how small, there's a high degree of probability that at *some* point all of their dynamics may spontaneously synchronize. You've experienced a small-scale version of this effect if you've ever found yourself in a noisy restaurant or theater and the entire room suddenly goes quiet at the same time for a moment.

An interpretation of this paradoxical behavior is similar to (and may indeed be related to) the fluctuation theorem addendum to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which allows for a non-zero probability of local spontaneous decreases in entropy. And it's believed that these spontaneous events are why we live in a universe that's as ordered as we do - why motions of planets and moons in 3+ body systems still tend towards some level of resonance, why something as unlikely as self-replicating molecules might have come together in the first place, etc. In other words - we likely owe the existence of our species, our planet, and possibly our very universe to a peculiar quirk of nonlinear dynamics.

Anonymous No. 16193708

I think it's beautiful, not terrifying

Anonymous No. 16193808

But this is a fact, not theory

Anonymous No. 16193904

Don't ever post this shit here again

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Anonymous No. 16194265

LMAO, you don't even know what is consciousness and you say is unnecessary. You are retarded AF.

Anonymous No. 16194267

Nah, you are just a moron.

Anonymous No. 16194328

That, should earth's civilisation ever regress to a pre-industrial state, be it from a global catastrophe, war, or even extinction of humanity, there is no longer enough reachable coal on the planet for anyone to restart the industrial revolution.

Anonymous No. 16194335

I'd say free will exists in every way that matters, as you cannot know the future without changing the future.

Anonymous No. 16194344

Huh. I've never thought of that. That's chilling. We'd have to go straight to nuclear or something (for as long as there's accessible uranium).

Anonymous No. 16194348

Probably not going to be accessible either. Even then a nuclear engine or a mirror-based solar steam turbine would be nowhere near compact enough to put on a train, which means better start taming a whole lot of horses! Honestly it's for the best for them because presumably even if whatever was left if humanity collapsed did manage to restart the industrial revolution, Kessler syndrome would have probably kicked in by now and dashed any hopes of them ever going to space.

Anonymous No. 16194421

If strange matter is formed in neutron stars and is more stable than regular matter at macroscopic scales, the collision of neutron stars could scatter small fragments of strange matter across the galaxy. Due to their immense density, it's possible that contact with strange matter might itself provide the pressures necessary for regular matter to collapse into more strange matter, which means an asteroid the size of your thumb is a potential doomsday scenario.

Anonymous No. 16194440


Vacuum metastability event.

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Anonymous No. 16194444

Anonymous No. 16194445

Have you heard of charcoal?

Anonymous No. 16194457

Vacuum decay doesn't scare me all that much, as nonexistence would be instant, but >>16194444 checked.
Ah you're right I'd forgotten about charcoal, so you wouldn't be stuck completely without good fuel or metallurgy, but the amount of timber you would need to get the requisite charcoal would certainly prevent that same kind of industrial boom from happening again.

Anonymous No. 16194549

It's beautiful until you realize the other side of the coin is that horrifying possibilities we avoid dwelling on by telling ourselves the reassuring lie that they're "impossible" could simply be realizations of synchronizations we haven't had the misfortune of experiencing yet.

Anonymous No. 16194741

Wait until they say cutting of reproductive organs is part of mental health.
You poor summer child.
If the smells of death are not around you, death doesn't exist.
What people you want are magical deaths. Deaths by meteor, deaths by coronal mass ejection, death by gamma ray burst, death by universe big crunch. But you're not going to get what you want.
>I'd put an imagine of violent gore, but you get it

Anonymous No. 16195212

GPT ass reply.

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Anonymous No. 16195231

The universe is chaotic and there is no order at all, anything that resembles an order is just human rationalization of things.
Basically, we are rational beings, at least we think that we are rational or more accurately our minds only work on the social scale and our mind contradicts with how the universe works, but the universe does not. We are "rational" beings in an irrational universe.
>inb4 I give meaning to universe so idc
good for you to be ok with delusions, lol.
Believe in your determinism, and be happy.

Anonymous No. 16196592

This is fantastic

Anonymous No. 16197208

>muh troons everywhere

Anonymous No. 16197247

Time is fake and gay. It doesn't exist. It's not a tangible "thing". There is no 4th dimensions nor higher. No such thing as 4D beings.

Anonymous No. 16197263

>paradoxical behavior
Nothing about what you're talking about is paradoxical
Wow, so scary, FAGGOT