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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187151

How were these made scientifically speaking?

Anonymous No. 16187157

Where there's a whip, there's a way.

Anonymous No. 16187162


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Anonymous No. 16187189

Since you volunteered, i will happily crack the whip in your back until you construct one of those.
If you die, you die.

Anonymous No. 16187200

>You couldn't build this on your own, therefore it is literally impossible that a complex civilization could figure out how to.
Dumb frogposter.

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Anonymous No. 16187207

Build your own or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16187227

ancient economic stimulattion
teams of measure dudes guiding teams of go-betweens directing teams of chippers, and also the draggers
10s of thousands of jobs

Anonymous No. 16187319

by using an amount of labor modern civilizations would consider totally absurd
you can accomplish a lot of things that look impossible if you're willing to put more time into it than any sensible person would even consider

Anonymous No. 16187462


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Anonymous No. 16187478

notice how they are bulbous shaped
you don't carve that shape with a chisel, it would needlessly create a ton of extra work
they are bulbous shaped because they were molten and soft when put into place
it's similar to the shape a marshmallow takes when pressure is applied to the top and bottom

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Anonymous No. 16187533

the stones are irregularly shaped yet stacked together with perfect precision
clearly the stones were melted or dissolved to get them to fit like that
the choice to use absolutely massive irregularly shaped stones must mean they had some kind of technology to move them easily because why would you choose to use giant stones and make it 100x harder for you
observe the small stone walls added by a less technologically advanced people at a later date.

Anonymous No. 16187575

glad to see Natron theory has made it to /sci/. I actually posted it on /diy/ myself a couple of weeks ago

Anonymous No. 16187579

They were cast.
Turns out geopolimers were rediscovered multiple times in human history.

Anonymous No. 16187582

Stupid morons.

Anonymous No. 16187593

Well they could have been placed there by incredible amounts of precision slave labor or set in place via the use of a polymer material, but that sounds really hard so I think they were probably whistled into place by some technology that has been lost to time for the past 10,000 years and has not been recreated in any way, shape, or form by anyone in recorded history.

That seems most likely.

Anonymous No. 16187603

They're bulbous now because the cracks weather faster. They weren't when they were built.
Nah, they just ground down the sides that had to fit together.

Anonymous No. 16187604

>take a clay imprint of a boulder
>dry and fire it
>cover it in some kind of dye
>press against another boulder
>carefully chip dyed places
>repeat until it fits perfectly
Its not that hard to figure out

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Anonymous No. 16187605

Ding ding ding

Anonymous No. 16187607

Do you support IQ? If yes, you're retarded. It's clearly some academic shilling their intelligence as max intelligence when truly they're academic stupid.

Anonymous No. 16187727

Not an argument.

Anonymous No. 16187752

>why would you choose to use giant stones and make it 100x harder for you
And if you have the tech to move big stuff, why waste a bunch of time cutting rocks up to make them smaller?

Anonymous No. 16187753

It's the ay lmaos

Anonymous No. 16187922

people had a lot more spare time back in the old days. probably a bunch of bored guys got together and hauled some huge stones into place because they had nothing better to do. they likely figured out how to break the bigger rocks into pieces and then fit them back together after smoothing off the edges using sand or other rocks for abrasives. after they were done it looked cool so they kept on doing it.

Anonymous No. 16187951


there is no ''we'' in atheism.

Anonymous No. 16187958

Stone doesn't wear that fast though. These structures would have to be tens of thousands of years old to show that much natural erosion.

Anonymous No. 16188332

LMAO, only a moron would try to argue with those idiots.

Anonymous No. 16188346

Generally you put one stone on top of another.

Anonymous No. 16188669

I don't wanna stack stones today, but the Lord of the Lash says, "nay nay nay"

Anonymous No. 16188670

meds now

Anonymous No. 16188681

>How does stacking blocks work?
It was aliens

Anonymous No. 16188687

Magick, which is real.

Anonymous No. 16188695

My bet is on 12'000+ years at the very least.

Anonymous No. 16188937

So what the hell is buried underneath this huge pile of stone blocks? It might be shit from Atlantis or something. They should excavate the blocks to find out.