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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187395

HPV vaccine causes encephalitis

Anonymous No. 16187408

>case report

Anonymous No. 16187476

OP utterly destroyed and humiliated

Anonymous No. 16188509

murdering whores "accidentally" via poisoned STD vaccine injections is based.

Anonymous No. 16188518

The article is about a Pfizer covid vaxx injury.

Anonymous No. 16188637

What are the basic vaccines I can give my children so they don't get retarded diseases while minimizing side effects? I myself have the smallpox one injected, not sure about others. Born in 92 in China.

Anonymous No. 16189089

Birth control and STD medications are enablers of whorishness, people who work on inventing that poison should be strung up

Anonymous No. 16190137

how come all these vaccines keep on causing deadly health problems?

Anonymous No. 16190724

because they're good for you, shaddup and trust the science

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Anonymous No. 16190802


Anonymous No. 16190845

99% of those autists are high-functioning autists and high-functioning autistm is not real. It's made up by mentally ill people that need excuses in their lives. You can't base your statistics on mentally ill people's words

Anonymous No. 16192081

nice cope

Anonymous No. 16193341

If the drugs they invent make whores drop dead then they're doing a good job

Anonymous No. 16193342

Many states are trying to make HPV vaccine mandatory for elementary school age girls.

Anonymous No. 16193418

Yes, a case report of a person who developed encephalitis one week after vaccination.

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Anonymous No. 16193606

McCullough is a fucking grifter

Anonymous No. 16193607

He didn't use state power to try to coerce me to vaxx though

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Anonymous No. 16193608

He also didn't rip twelve bongs and deepthroat a twelve-inch black cock (as far as I know). What's your point?

Anonymous No. 16193622

I don't take vaccines lmao only school require them anyways and it was recently found unconstitutional to mandate them.

Anonymous No. 16193626

You went straight to gay nigger stuff huh. Vaxxed behaviour tbqh

Anonymous No. 16193627

What an I say? Grifting "doctors" like McCullough just make me think of big black dicks

Anonymous No. 16193643

This. OG autists had speech impediments, raged at any routine change, and were completely unable to make friends. Modern autists are quirky loners and depressed nerds. The bullshit spectrum made autism meaningless

Anonymous No. 16193918

you sure do get emotionally triggered easily

Anonymous No. 16193944

oh noo im le triggered :(

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Anonymous No. 16195294

your likeness

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Anonymous No. 16195307

oh you're back
having a good day? working hard?

Anonymous No. 16196490

Giving them The Bible is the best thing you can do for them

Anonymous No. 16197315

this, but also he should fuck off back to china

Anonymous No. 16198312

the manufacturers have legal immunity from product defects and they make more money selling defective products

Anonymous No. 16198323

Better nutrition got rid of diseases, not lame ass vaccines, that vax shit doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16198782

Giving people vaccines for STDs is only going to lead to an increase in the STDs they aren't vaccinated for. We should go back to arranged marriages and hanging adulterers if we want to get rid of STDs

Anonymous No. 16198783

notice how all the antivax and climate change threads get bumped during russian office hours

Anonymous No. 16199576


Anonymous No. 16199709

A true connoisseur would read the Gathas, similar message but way less contempt for the nonbelievers and less susceptibility to in-group/out-group brainwashing

Anonymous No. 16199713

They would make WAY more money selling placebos. No reason to sell this stuff that actually has the opposite effect. If they want to make money they're doing it wrong and if they want to kill the population for some reason then they are DEFINITELY doing it wrong

Anonymous No. 16199716

lmao all about the delivery

Anonymous No. 16199827

Mass medical experimentation.

Anonymous No. 16200119

Perma virgin incels detected
Go outside, get a job, then you'll have less time to hate women

Anonymous No. 16201284

It also causes AIDS, gonorrhea, syphilis and a number of other conditions

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16201707

Doctors will make a lot of money treating those conditions, thats why they promote unhealthy behaviors such as promiscuity

Anonymous No. 16202131

no it isn't

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rip suddenly.webm

Anonymous No. 16203127

Anonymous No. 16203137

>The bullshit spectrum made autism meaningless
Well, people need to think it's real and very serious so money keeps flowing. Better make it look like vaccines are to blame for it.
It's incredible how badly you 'murcs are being played with.

I'm sure, the same pharmaceutical companies developing vaccines would not pressure the APA, which they control anyway, into not diagnosing autism if they had something to cover up. Well, they apparently don't.

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Anonymous No. 16204977

Anonymous No. 16205987

I couldn't care less since I'm not a vaxxxxie

Anonymous No. 16206422

Literally EVERY vaccine can cause encephalitis, acute flacid myelits, and all sorts of inflamations in the nervourssystem.
EVERY single vaccine.

It is literally written in every single product insert.
People act now surprised that adverse events that are literally warned about, are actually happening.

If you get a vaccine, you literally DECLARE and SIGN a paper, that you accept all risks for taking it.
So fuck of.
Either read the product insert and deny politely or fuck of.
This whole "muh side effects".
Do not consoom product, which does't provide any benefit.
Its YOUR choice. Not theirs. YOU decide. YOU obey.

Anonymous No. 16207313

>If you get a vaccine, you literally DECLARE and SIGN a paper, that you accept all risks for taking it.

imagine how dumb and gullible you'd need to be to do that

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Anonymous No. 16207418

>Autism is brain damage.
You apparently believe that the term
describes something "specific", even though it does not at all.
Memification of "autism" by shit like "Big bang theory", lead brainlets to believe its a "beneficial quirk" or just beeing "socially wierd".

Most cases on the spectrum:
>neurotic behaviour
>often coinciding with epilepsie and seizures
>being 100% nonverbal
>random high pitch screaming sessions which drive parents nuts
>tendencies to self inflicted injury
>high coincidence with chronic inflamatory bowel syndromes, which lead to "autistic kids" to punch themselves in the stomach until the have organ hematoma
>autism has high correlation with incontinence

It's simply a rebranding for:

>mental disability

All these terms get thrown into one new term: le Autism.
It is a PR campaign to exactly do what you assume:
>pfff... its a made up word
>just because you are a nerd you are not "muh autistic"
To conceal
>we have more and more children with mental disabilities
>more and more children with learning disabilities
>more children requiring permanent lifelong care, rendering parents to careworkers, removing their ability to have a job
>more and more children who are 50% vegetable

You have no Idea how frequently children who are damaged beyond repair, are labeled as "autism" or "autistic spectrum disorder", when they are literally crippled, screaming incontinent, drooling , eye crossing spastics who would literally die if left two hours alone.

The term and whitewahsing of autism to mean "slightly socially uncalibrated" brainwashed you to not see the amount of social burden.

They literally do "PR" to rename every neurological issue that impact cognitive and socializing ability as "autism".
Making children cripples is used to downpolate the world.

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Anonymous No. 16208241

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Anonymous No. 16209165


Anonymous No. 16209401

>Acute Psychosis Due to Anti-N-Methyl D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis Following COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report

where is the hpv vaccine?

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Myocarditis and p....jpg

Anonymous No. 16210375

Anonymous No. 16210492

Autism is likely just genetic, mutantional load is getting very high

Anonymous No. 16211102

>Myocarditis and pericarditis documented only in COVID-19 vaccinated groups, study shows
sure am glad I'm not a vaxxxxie

Anonymous No. 16212546


Anonymous No. 16217191

They exploit all loopholes. Preemptive legislation, policy, or whatever else can be problematic in its own right.

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monkey playing ba....webm

Anonymous No. 16217253


Anonymous No. 16217275

None of them. All vaccines are poison and none of them help with anything, there's not a single one worth taking. Hygiene and nutrition are the most important things for preventing illness, plus spending time outside active in the sun. Avoid processed (boxed, bagged, canned, long shelf life) foods as much as possible and get your kids plenty of meat.

Anonymous No. 16217288

If the constitution included explicit protections that said the government shall make no law restricting medical freedom or requiring any person to undergo any medical treatment we'd be in a hell of a lot better shape than we are now. Yes, loopholes will be found, but it's a massive help to be able to point and say that something explicitly infringes on a constitutional right.

Anonymous No. 16218781

>b-b-but muh constitution
its just some meaningless words on a piece of paper, nobody pays any attention to it. the people who are supposed to be limited by it are the same people who are supposed to enforce it, how do you expect that situation to work out?

Anonymous No. 16218786

>what is the separation of powers
>what is the supreme court
Go take a 4th grade social studies class and come back.

Anonymous No. 16220807

go try and burn a fag flag or a koran and see how much your imaginary constitutional rights protect you

Anonymous No. 16220816

I didn't say constitutional rights are literally immutable, I only said explicitly enshrining certain rights in the constitution makes them stronger. There's a far higher likelihood for the supreme court to strike down invasive laws if they can be shown to be unconstitutional than if that defense doesn't exist at all. It's not perfect, but it helps.

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Anonymous No. 16220885

Heres you constitutional rights, bro

Anonymous No. 16220939

>I am illiterate and incapable of comprehending nuance of any kind
Good to know, now fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16222213

See what happens if you burn a Bible or an American flag. No penalties whatsoever.

Anonymous No. 16223673

oy vey stop noticing

Anonymous No. 16225004

Getting a vaccine for an STD is pretty much admitting that you're planning on being a slut

Anonymous No. 16225286

two more weeks!!

Anonymous No. 16225789

I can't tell if you know what you're talking about and make that statement to show how bad the evidence is, or if you're retarded and think you just made a good point.

Anonymous No. 16225877

What's the vax status of rich people and politicians?

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bootlicker soyjak.jpg

Anonymous No. 16227291


Anonymous No. 16228276

None of them are worth it. Look it up. Everytime there is a polio "outbreak", the media uses it to tell everyone to get vaxxed. But almost all polio cases in the past 50 years have been in kids with the vax.

Anonymous No. 16228436

Vaccine discussions heavily favor black-and-white thinking, for whatever reason, and I have a hard time pretending that this isn't by design.
The two blocks, one claiming vaccines to be completely safe, the other claiming they're the cause of anything they don't like, are equally naive and wrong in the conclusions they make. One just peddles pharmaceutical shit and will happily normalize the practice of putting kids on 5 different drugs, the other will quickly start talking about UFOs and lizard people.

What is true, is the following: We are pumped full with chemicals, be that prescription drugs, hormones (birth control pills), vaccines, pesticides and insecticides, preservation chemicals in our food, plastic etc. We frankly know little to nothing about the effects, other than that many of them either mess up the homeostasis of your body or are altogether neurotoxic.
We have seen a massive increase in the number of kids and adults with genital malformations, who are effectively sterile, who are obese, or enter puberty at the age of 8 or 9.
We have also seen an increase in the number of young people who have cancer or have auto-immune disorders. We have a massive amount of kids who apparently are actively epileptic (5 %) and a rise in neurobehavioral disorders such as ADHD, depression, anxiety, autism, that are conceptualized as independent entities but rarely if ever occur independently of underlying medical or psycho-social issues. Obviously, something's going on, but it's not down to vaccines alone. Medicalizing issues such as behavioral abnormalities or questionable cases of epilepsy without any seizures is also down to our health care system being profit-driven and heavily favoring diagnosis where it isn't actually warranted.

Anonymous No. 16228447

So yes. Vaccines can cause encephalo-meningitis, probably more so than what is officially acknowledged, just like measles, rubella and polio can create the same disease.
One commonly observed consequence of encephalo-meningitis are seizures, regression and loss of abilities. If this sounds like, for example, autism, to you then the answer is simple. Because it does sound like which is where the problem lies with bullshit labels. It makes no sense for a head-banging cretin who is brain-damaged to get put in the same diagnostic grouping than some kid who likes trains.
From that, however, nothing in the absolute sense follows what most anti-vaxxers endorse. That is that each and every "autism diagnosis" must be valid, must be real and must be down to vaccines and by doing that, anti-vaxxers actually heavily endorse and support the medical industrial complex that is, according to them, responsible for the issue in the first place.

🗑️ Simulacrum No. 16228460

>HPV vaccine causes encephalitis
The abstract that is found on the webpage you linked to is not about the HPV vaccine causing a case of encephalitis, but about a covid-19 vaccine causing one case of encephalitis. Furthermore, the authors state that

"Anti-N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis has been reported after SARS-CoV-2 infection, but not after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. We report the first known case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis after SARS-CoV-2 immunization in a young female presenting with acute psychosis, highlighting a rare potential immunological complication of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 that is currently being distributed worldwide."

The authors clearly state that this is the only observed instance of encephalitis happening to a person after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. Thus, to state that the covid-19 vaccine causes encephalitis is premature. The rational conclusion to draw is that encephalitis is an extremely rare adverse side effect of the covid-19 vaccine

🗑️ Simulacrum No. 16228462

Oops. Sorry. Meant to respond to OP in>>16187395

Simulacrum No. 16228477

>HPV vaccine causes encephalitis
The abstract that is found on the webpage you linked to is not about the HPV vaccine causing a case of encephalitis, but about a covid-19 vaccine causing one case of encephalitis. Furthermore, the authors state that

"Anti-N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor (anti-NMDAR) encephalitis has been reported after SARS-CoV-2 infection, but not after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. We report the first known case of anti-NMDAR encephalitis after SARS-CoV-2 immunization in a young female presenting with acute psychosis, highlighting a rare potential immunological complication of vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 that is currently being distributed worldwide."

The authors clearly state that this is the only observed instance of encephalitis happening to a person after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. Thus, to state that the covid-19 vaccine causes encephalitis is premature. The rational conclusion to draw is that encephalitis is an extremely rare adverse side effect of the covid-19 vaccine

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Anonymous No. 16229735

>the other will quickly start talking about UFOs and lizard people.

Anonymous No. 16230651

It blows my mind how few people understand this, but once you do it's impossible to unsee.

Anonymous No. 16231788

its just slight variation on concern trolling, it would be surprising that so many people fall for it if we didn't know that the overwhelming majority of people are low IQ

Anonymous No. 16231820


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Anonymous No. 16232366

>So fuck of.
>or fuck of.

Anonymous No. 16232493

>Avoid processed (boxed, bagged, canned, long shelf life) foods as much as possible and get your kids plenty of meat.
Antisemitic lifestyler

Anonymous No. 16232583


Anonymous No. 16232680

The goal of a vaccine is to trigger similar symptoms ("immune response") to those of the illness they're designed to protect you from, based on the premise that:
1. Similar symptoms "prove" that you have been injected with the virus, and
2. Being injected with the virus and then fighting it off will create lasting immunity.

You may notice a small problem if you actually think about it honestly for a moment. The problem is that vaccines are quite literally designed to injure you, because making you sick is part of this whole proposed immunity process. You experience the same symptoms as the illness, and surprise-surprise you may just end up with the same lasting side effects that come with having that illness, or you may develop a full-blown case of that illness.

If you take a covid shot, for example, one of the signs that it's working is that you get mild covid symptoms (aching, fever, nausea, etc), so is it any wonder that you might also get the covid after-effects as well?

Vaccines are a pure scam, they promise to KEEP you from getting sick by MAKING you sick, when you could just make lifestyle and dietary changes so you don't get sick in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16232861

>Vaccines are a pure scam, they promise to KEEP you from getting sick by MAKING you sick, when you could just make lifestyle and dietary changes so you don't get sick in the first place.
This is an idiotic statement. The primary purpose of vaccines is to immunize toddlers via injecting them with inactivated viruses to prompt production of antibodies without actually having the viruses infect the body.
The other purpose is to prevent the immune system in older kids from producing a shit ton of antibodies that end up attacking the body. This is why measles regularly kill adults whereas children rarely succumb to it.

People have completely lost any understanding of what vaccines were originally meant to do.

Anonymous No. 16232939

It's entirely common for vaccines to cause symptoms, they've just been normalized and downplayed. Ever gone to get a flu vaccine? They literally tell you that you may experience a small fever and other mild flu-like symptoms as your immune system disposes of the virus. This is literally how vaccines work, they make you sick and give you the promise of lasting immunity after. That the symptoms are more mild than what you'd experience with a full-blown infection is part of the selling point, no one claims vaccines are completely free of side effects because the side effects are considered a sign that your immune system is working to fight off the virus you got injected with.

Examples from the CDC below, nowhere do they deny that vaccines carry side effects and if you look at each list closely you may even notice that the common side effects are mild versions of the side effects of the corresponding virus. So if you get the same symptoms, why should anyone be surprised you could suffer the same long term effects?

General guidance:
>Systemic reactions include fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, etc. These reactions are usually mild and can last for several days.
>Common Side Effects: Injection site reactions that include soreness, redness and swollen arm, Fever, Muscle Aches, Headache, Fatigue
>Common Side Effects: Sore arm from the shot, Fever, Mild rash where shot is given, Temporary pain and stiffness in the joints
>Common Side Effects: Decreased appetite (Vaxelis, Kinrix, Pediarix), Drowsiness (Vaxelis, Kinrix, Pediarix), Fever, Fussiness/irritability, Headache (Quadracel), Injection site pain, redness, swelling and slight increase in muscle size, Persistent crying, Vomiting (Vaxelis)

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Anonymous No. 16234006

>People have completely lost any understanding of what vaccines were originally meant to do.
Their only purpose is to turn a profit.

Anonymous No. 16234736

>get vaccine
>body sees antigen that vaccine contains
>immune system responds, creates antibodies
>minor symptoms appear
>antibodies now present in body
>pathogen appears in body
>body sees antigens
>identifies them as a threat
>responds by killing said threat
>pathogen does not cause full disease

The entire point is to get you a little sick so you don’t have to get really sick. Meningitis, for example: instead of having seizures, vertigo, vomiting, and suicidally painful headaches, one can take the minimal risk of a vaccine and not deal with it.
>natural immunity
Yeah, it exists. It’s damn good too, so I’m confident it will work for 99.9% of the pathogens I’m exposed to. On the other hand, I don’t want to fucking die of measles or smallpox. Sure, the risk might be small (or not, like rabies, Ebola, or tuberculosis) but it’s retarded to think everyone would take it.

Anonymous No. 16234738

I don't think you understand the point I'm making at all.

Anonymous No. 16235699

They're good at doing that. They're the pharama industry's biggest money maker

Anonymous No. 16236691

Bourla never got vaxxx'd

Anonymous No. 16237503


Anonymous No. 16238328

getting rich by tricking a bunch of low IQ idiots into taking a poisonous injection that you don't take yourself is an absolute chad move

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Cult of Passion No. 16238336
