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Anonymous No. 16187433

>windmills that self destruct in high winds

why is greenshit consistently always so cringe and lame?

Anonymous No. 16187442

It's a scam to funnel eu funds, funded in turn by windmill manufacturers

Anonymous No. 16188063

Seems the blades were not furled, turned away from the wind, the brakes were insufficient as was the cooling, and you got an lube and cooling oil overheating, leading to fire. If the turbines were just blown over, there would probably not be a fire.
So everything that could go wrong went wrong. I'd be interested to read the report after this.

Anonymous No. 16188562

imagine if the entire energy grid were dependent on this junk and then a wind storm came along and destroyed it all

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Anonymous No. 16188667

more reliable than wind and solar

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Anonymous No. 16188715

This Wyoming coal mine self-destructed in high winds just last year. Where's your outrage about that?

Anonymous No. 16189083

wheres your outrage at the windmills?

Anonymous No. 16189088

I don't have to be outraged at either. I don't remember being promised a power grid with total tornado immunity.

Anonymous No. 16189865

That worthless junk only exists to line the pockets of people like Al Gore, who is already a billionaire

Anonymous No. 16190751

How do you think he got to be a billionaire? By working really hard for an hourly wage?

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Anonymous No. 16192078

>stop saying that!!!
>i want to go to school so i can become a servile wagie and insure that i live my life on the brink of poverty, which i will be immediately pitched into the second its suspected that i did a wrongthink

Anonymous No. 16192624

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