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🧵 how to make a hydrogen bomb in your garage

Anonymous No. 16187527

how is it that a weapon developed nearly a century ago is still kept a secret?
i've spent the better part of today reading about modern 2-stage nuclear bombs which are fairly complex. so there's a lot of reading about older designs to try and learn the basic principles.
with the trinity and fat man implosion bombs, they used a polonium/beryllium "initiator" inside the plutonium sphere. beryllium captures an alpha particle from the polonium and releases a neutron, which is important for kickstarting fission.

there's like no fucking information about this thing. there are maybe two pictures of what it might look like and they're both different.
80 fucking years ago this thing was made. it's a 2 centimeter sphere of beryllium and polonium and there's a couple mockups based on what people think it might have looked like.

you can learn about basically anything online. even secret tech stuff, like old planes and tanks and stuff. or 'bad' things like how to make meth or explosives or nerve gas.
but the particulars of nuclear weapons are unknowable. the information about old nuclear weapons is vague enough, let alone modern ones.

how does that work? how are these things kept secret? how much of the information that exists is inaccurate or incomplete?
how have nations all over the planet either learned about these things or developed them independently and managed to keep it out of the public domain?

Anonymous No. 16187548

Just start with the fission bomb m8. Once you've nuked Capital Hill and Langley (in minecraft) we can focus on bigger things.

Anonymous No. 16187550

not real bro
give up
they faked it
that was when the us government was in their gaslighting mania where they faked a bunch of shit

Anonymous No. 16187689

you know how we ionize magnets in electronics to "write to bits? well that. Same goes for microwaves and stuff.

Anonymous No. 16187720

it's absolutely not unknowable, it's almost common sense. conventional explosion produces the pressure to cause a fission reaction, which produces the pressure to cause a fusion reaction.

Anonymous No. 16187722

i can say that a gun works by burning material to propel a lead slug down a rifled barrel, but i can also find schematics for how an AR15 is made.
there is only conjecture as to the details of the Teller–Ulam design.

Anonymous No. 16187742

>how are these things kept secret?
Everyone who works on them signs an agreement stating that they can be imprisoned indefinitely or put to death without trial if they divulge secrets. This reduces the incentive to publish telll-alls.

Anonymous No. 16187772

>how is it that a weapon developed nearly a century ago is still kept a secret?
It's fake and the physics is fake.

Anonymous No. 16187775

>how is it that a weapon developed nearly a century ago is still kept a secret?

Can you fucking imagine the world in which every fucking dipshit with IQ just above an ape could have one?

Anonymous No. 16187982

You don't have to copy the design of real, existing hydrogen bombs one-to-one to make a working one in your garage, if you intended to. the difficulty in independent actors obtaining nuclear armaments isn't in the designing of the bombs, it's in obtaining enough uranium and other materials to process into properly useful nuclear weapon ingredients. it's a difficult process that involves a lot of high-tech machinery and large-scale labour, none of which would be possible to hide from a government that wants to stop you from doing it.

Anonymous No. 16188335

I've been trying to study this myself. It's crazy how there is absolutely zero information beyond the very basics.

Anonymous No. 16188344

>the difficulty in independent actors obtaining nuclear armaments isn't in the designing of the bomb
The world's smartest scientists spent years working this out before they got Trinity going. Obviously obtaining the materials is a challenge (impossible even, I would think), but getting the design right isn't trivial either.

Anonymous No. 16188598

Step 1: obtain hydrogen
Step 2: compress to 26.5 million gigapascals and warm to 15 million kelvin
step3: kaboom

Anonymous No. 16188616

That's the world we live in. Same with nerve agents and other WMDs

We live in a world where nobody actually makes WMDs except states.

Anonymous No. 16188647

it's not really a secret, its just that the infrastructure required to fabricate it remains both prohibitively expensive (unless you can confiscate the gold of an entire continent - thanks FDR!) and easy to notice by neighbors.