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Anonymous No. 16187556

It's afraid

Anonymous No. 16187578

We're all afraid of you OP.
You're off your meds.
Scary shit.

Anonymous No. 16188040

I meant I agree, the thought that people would believe something this obviously wrong is kinda scary

Anonymous No. 16188079

>Evidence for why the earth is flat?
>Of course! I have tons of evidence. Here you go:
>Exhibit A: Everyone thinks I am super retarded
>See? That proves I'm right!

Anonymous No. 16188121

being mad about flat earthers is the #1 diagnostic criterion in determining if someone is a midwit. had hoped that /ourgirl/ was better than that

Anonymous No. 16188130

No numb nuts, its a bigger issue than you can wrap you pea sized brain around. It indicates a failure of an education system and the decline of rationality in society. This leaves the population more vulnerable to manipulation. Not that anyone cares about plebs like yourself, but the fact that plebs can be easily turned into mobs.

Anonymous No. 16188171

I’d be afraid too if there was a noticeable percentage of absolute fucking dumbasses that can’t think critically.

Notice how even people that buy into global warming are also getting fed up by the retarded people drastically over exaggerating it?

“The earth is heating a bit, and-“
“Wait, no, I never said-“
“No, please-“

Anonymous No. 16188184

I wouldn't care are so much if they couldn't vote or couldn't fill the internet with their worthless drivel. But they do and they shit everything up.
That's why voting should have been restricted to the smartest 25% of the population. But too late now, no going back.

Anonymous No. 16188475


Anonymous No. 16188534

>This leaves the population more vulnerable to manipulation
I feel like the problem is people know they are being manipulated, which causes them to lose faith in the education system.

Caring about the population being vulnerable to manipulation is such a fucking joke, especially in the modern internet age. Okay cool, some people think the earth is flat. How do you feel about alphabet agencies spying on you and every website you visit selling your information to big data marketing firms? probably don't even care.

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Anonymous No. 16188538

4chan is hosted on DoD servers
jews are evil

Anonymous No. 16188617

>the decline of rationality
Rationalism and materialism are the two mistakes of the 20th century responsible for the decline of society. About time the failed ideologies of 19th century communist NEETs get swept into the dustbin of history.
SPIRITUALISM and IDEALISM is the scientific future if we are to survive as a species.

Anonymous No. 16188660


Anonymous No. 16188711

serious question too all roundies.

why are you all so afraid of a bunch of random people questioning that the earth is round?

Αnonymous No. 16188785

It bothers me, because it makes it harder for me to present information that the moon landing didn't happen because normies get confused and think I'm one of you.

Anonymous No. 16189702

This is why the climate is fucked btw

Anonymous No. 16189713

Men exclusively. Women never should be allowed to vote

Anonymous No. 16189727

>soience has fallen, quadrillions must die
making pseud retards like (you) seethe is reason enough to spread flat earth memes.

Anonymous No. 16189810

Good post

Anonymous No. 16189941

Flat earth is FED0 crap. 100% glowie shit.

Anonymous No. 16189964

Kids can believe in Santa. It's even dumber.
At least grown-ups get drinking (at the least) buddies from something cult-like.
What do kids get? COAL!

Anonymous No. 16190014

Because it's the literal bottom of the barrel of conspiracy theories.
If you can make someone fall for flat earth you can make someone fall for literally anything else. And while flat earthers might not hurt anyone other than themselves, there are conspiracy theories out there that get people hurt or killed.

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Anonymous No. 16190040

I can't believe my mommy is now literally whoring herself talking about retarded manchildren shit for jewtube money.

Anonymous No. 16190054

>there are conspiracy theories out there that get people hurt or killed.
Are you serious? Like what?

Anonymous No. 16190059

is that sabine

Anonymous No. 16190060


Anonymous No. 16190063

no... please...

Anonymous No. 16190066

I take it back I could get used to sabine in a skintight bodysuit

Anonymous No. 16190067

It was unavoidable, she needs to keep up with the algorithm to make money out of this.

Anonymous No. 16190081

In my country a gas station clerk told a customer during the height of COVID that he would need to wear a face mask to shop there. To which the customer went home, got a gun and shot the clerk, because he believed into whatever the current mask related conspiracy was at the time.
Other than that there are probably countless examples of people forgoing legitimate medical care, because they believe that drinking enough orange juice will cure their cancer or some shit.
If you want to get political I bet there are also countless examples of people hurting someone else or getting hurt over believing some misinformation