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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187612

Is math invented or discovered?

Anonymous No. 16187616

It was invented as it was discovered. As most things are. Stupid question is stupid. Another retard OP to scis archives.


Anonymous No. 16187631

Source on this and where can I get more big titty waifus like this?

Anonymous No. 16187643

Here is artist.


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fucking bottle.jpg

Anonymous No. 16187651

Aren't you ashamed to be a retard who jerks off to drawings?

Anonymous No. 16187684

We are on an anime imageboard

Anonymous No. 16187693

No, we are on the science board. And even if we were on the anime and manga board that doesn't mean everyone has to be a beetle brained cartoon jizzer.

Anonymous No. 16187726

That's a big data base

Anonymous No. 16187736

Yes it does, it's mandatory. Wait, are you telling me you're not gooning 24/7 whenever you have this site open? mods....

Anonymous No. 16187784

Neither, it is made up.

Anonymous No. 16187791

Anime science board on an anime site created and formerly owned by a weeb and currently owned by a jap.

>doesn't mean everyone has to be a beetle brained cartoon jizzer
Literally does.

>>16187736 had it right. Where the fuck are the worthless mods. Tourists like you need to be banned back into oblivion.

Anonymous No. 16187799

We need to reclaim /sci/. Start posting anime characters on every post you create

S*ge No. 16187811

>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

Anonymous No. 16188024

name one branch of science that isn't just jizzing over cartoons all day

Anonymous No. 16188027

i reckon logic is discovered. But most math is invented. Like there's no perfect circles in nature, apparently, yet math describes a perfect circle, so how can it be discovered if it doesn't even exist in reality

Anonymous No. 16188096

>Save 4Channel
>You should be able to solve this

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trippy art.jpg

Anonymous No. 16188101

Invented. Platonists are psychotic.

Anonymous No. 16188272

Thanks for making my day

Anonymous No. 16188280

You do know all of those grants are used for hentai coms?

Anonymous No. 16188454

For you

Anonymous No. 16188558

god i wish women were real

Anonymous No. 16188698


Anonymous No. 16188728

>Attempting to use humor to diffuse the fact that you're a defective with a trash brain so easily manipulated that you actually get off on poor quality drawings.

I've been here longer than you. Your stating of facts that are obvious to anyone here as if you're saying something new is laughable. That and your trash degenerate low iq opinions show what you really are; a disfigured freak who's worth about the same as the ground I step on.

Anonymous No. 16188748

No I actually take great pride in it. Real life sex is gross.

Anonymous No. 16188753

Uh oh we get a 17 year old spastic kid here who's having an episode on 4chan right now

Anonymous No. 16188764

This question needs to be either banned or made into the "is coffee good for you" template.

Anonymous No. 16188832

*I* don't get off to drawings, you're just acting way too serious about a complete nothingburger. relax, it's pixels on a screen.

Anonymous No. 16189043

This. 2d women are much more beautiful and sexy than 3d women.

Anonymous No. 16189062

It's impossible to say that and not be severely autistic.

Anonymous No. 16189066

Autism is a blessing in science

Anonymous No. 16189067

Okay, you'd fit right in a gay parade. Taking pride in being objectively deformed. You don't belong on this board either, because that's the opposite of how science works. There is no future for you. Like the beetles who were going extinct because they're just fucking bottles. That you don't even feel shame in that shows how far gone you are.

Anonymous No. 16189074

>it's pixels on a screen.
Everything is. Saying that as if it means anything... If all things are to you are pixels then you lack the ability to see deeper meanings in things.

Anonymous No. 16189094

And you take pride in having 10 mins of missionary or doggystyle with some random flat-assed and butterfaced roastie who either matched with you on Tinder or you met in your neighborhood.

I am limited only by my mind and imagination. You are limited by availability.

Anonymous No. 16189107

L take. Math is discovered

Anonymous No. 16189125

This. I just received a 120k grant for 2 years, and I know what I'll be spending it on

Anonymous No. 16189140

>Autism is a blessing in science
It's not. Funny enough autistics are actually underrepresented in science.
>There is no future for you. Like the beetles who were going extinct because they're just fucking bottles. That you don't even feel shame in that shows how far gone you are.
He's autistic, he shouldn't be reproducing anyway.
>This. I just received a 120k grant for 2 years, and I know what I'll be spending it on
You don't even have 10k in savings anon.

Anonymous No. 16189141

It is PROVEN from postulates. Thus it is not "invented" unless you think logic is "invented", nor is it "discovered" unless you think it is physically real. (< 80 iq take). If it was solely between the two, it is more likely to be "invented" as you can make the argument that math is just the result of human pattern recognition going into overdrive.

Anonymous No. 16189144

we have this thread every week on /sci/
axioms are created
theorems are discovered

Anonymous No. 16189145

Objects of math, like matrices, are invented, and then their internal logic is discovered.

Anonymous No. 16189150

The very reason the OP can even ask such a dumb question is because the "PURE" mathematicians have severed the link between Mathematics and objective reality with their bullshit.
You're all idiots.

Anonymous No. 16189156

everything is pure mathematics, occasional the hylical world reflects some of that everything

Anonymous No. 16189165

Nope, since the 70's there's been an endless run of mathematicians created new useless
imaginary branches in their never ending quest for government grant money.

Anonymous No. 16189170

unless you can write me a proof right now that it's useless, don't respond to my post with nigger-tier commentary

Anonymous No. 16189174

You are the nigger anon.
People can serve you up the stupidest bullshit and you will just eat it up.
Despite it being nothing more than academic welfare parasitism.
You should be explaining to me what the practical use for set theory is.
News flash, there is none.

Anonymous No. 16189180

>un-ironically filltered by set theory
You are below me.

Anonymous No. 16189182

Where's the practical use for set theory anon?
Oh, there is none.
You're literally too stupid to even defend your own delusions.

Anonymous No. 16189187

>Where's the practical use for set theory anon
finding more math

Anonymous No. 16189196

>finding more math
That's right anon. If I want to create the next bullshit mathematical field for extracting money I should consult Set theory, string theory etc.
Or maybe I could state the painfully obvious in an overly verbose way aka Gödel's incompleteness theorems or Boolean Algebra?
So many options available to the modern academic sociopathic welfare parasite.

Anonymous No. 16189197

Sounds like an MLM scam

Anonymous No. 16189200

i'm almost sorry you can't catch a glimpse of the truth. die mad about it?

>be explorer
>invent a thing that allows you to explore more
>wtf sounds like a scam

Anonymous No. 16189201

>So many options available to the modern academic sociopathic welfare parasite.
Is this why Perelman abandoned academia?

Anonymous No. 16189205

Holy brainlet cope

Anonymous No. 16189207

>What's the use of set theory?
>set theory can be used to find X theory
>What's the use of X theory?
>X theory can be used to find Z theory
>ad infinitum
Sorry, but this is just how a scam works

Anonymous No. 16189216

Fucking undergrad. Take you circular logic back and shove it up your fat ass

Anonymous No. 16189220

It must be upsetting to be told that you spent your youth on a scam

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[HorribleSubs] Ga....png

Anonymous No. 16189263

Math is a language. Which means it was invented.

Anonymous No. 16189265

No, math is logic

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[HorribleSubs] Ga....png

Anonymous No. 16189291

Math is a language which is used for describing and visualizing a certan type of logic to others.

Anonymous No. 16189339

>create the next bullshit mathematical field for extracting money
Apart from your obvious retardation it's especially funny that THIS is your reasoning behind it, seeing how mathematicians can make orders of magnitude more cash by going into banking instead of research, let alone pure math research.

Purpose of pure math? Filter retards, that's good nuff.

Anonymous No. 16189364

>What is porn?
All you said is nonsense. Being turned on by crude drawings doesn't make you any more limitless, on the contrary it makes you limited. Unable to appreciate higher art, realer art, you're like a retarded toddler and you have no benefits sane people don't have with your disability. Of course that you actually made that dumbshit post further shows your low brain functioning.

Anonymous No. 16189365

Yep, you're just the Dunning Kruger student with no money who is dumb enough to believe in bullshit.
The only winners in the useless fields of pure math are the grant holders and lecturers. It's just a "who is better at scamming the state for money" game.
All the legit mathematicians are already working in finance, defense etc.
You're like the front desk lady for a real estate firm who actually believes in the company motto of - " truth, respect, integrity, experience".
Without realizing it's nothing more than arrogant advertising.

Anonymous No. 16189367

You clearly do not know how academic funding works. I could do crypto scamming if I wanted easy money.

Anonymous No. 16189376

>You clearly do not know how academic funding works.
Said the guy who has no idea how academic funding works.
>I could do crypto scamming if I wanted easy money.
Which is why you haven't and spend your time boasting about how intelligent you are on 4chan instead.

Anonymous No. 16189396

How many grants do you have, boy?

Anonymous No. 16189404

Yes you can seek revenge. As said. Feel lucky you had this. It could have been much worse... Now.

Anonymous No. 16189452

You sound like a person who will pull out the navy seal copypasta any second

Anonymous No. 16189458

I might.

Anonymous No. 16189843


Anonymous No. 16189966

The axioms are invented (based on how we perceive reality) and the conclusions that follow are discovered.

Anonymous No. 16190005


Anonymous No. 16190023

Mathematical relationships are discovered. Mathematical techniques are invented.

Anonymous No. 16190113

Have you seen what goes on in a gay parade? If he finds normal sex gross, how would he react to elbow deep anal insertion?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16190180

Math is discovered because God is real and was a mathematic genius when creating everything that exists in the world but we need to invent the best possible ways for discover mathematic solutions as quickly as possible AI could help if not for EU laws restricting it

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Anonymous No. 16190181

Math is discovered because God is real and was a mathematic genius when creating everything that exists in the world but we need to invent the best possible ways for discovering mathematic solutions as quickly as possible AI could help if not for EU laws restricting it

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16190188

Mathematical relationships are discovered.
Mathematical techniques such as algorithms are invented.

Anonymous No. 16190194

wut is wut?

Anonymous No. 16190716

It is discovered. Mathematical patterns exist in the universe, and we are merely finding them out.

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Anonymous No. 16190755

>I've been here longer than you.
No you haven't. Fuck off back to myspace, tumblr or whatever other shithole you crawled out from.

Anonymous No. 16190763

this artist is such a goofball

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Anonymous No. 16190795

Yes, I have. How about I don't do anything you say, and you cut your own head of instead so we can all shit down your neck.

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Anonymous No. 16190861

>Yes, I have.
AHAHAHA. Nope. I guarantee you that. Listen to your own advice and kys you're self right now.

Anonymous No. 16190978

Nobody cares about your childish shit, autist. Get your head cut off.

Anonymous No. 16191009

Imagine seething this hard over 2d women

Anonymous No. 16191013

You first you double nigger.

Anonymous No. 16191068

>God is real
Source on that?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16191097

>Le anime bad zoomer-neochristian Nov brain

Anonymous No. 16191275

Retard take

Anonymous No. 16191415


Anonymous No. 16191649


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Anonymous No. 16191749

Discovered. Only the notation is invented.

Anonymous No. 16191769

God is the most explanatorily powerful explanation of mathematics in the physical world but that doesn't mean he created mathematical objects

Anonymous No. 16192174

What species is that?

Anonymous No. 16192351

The notation comes from god

Anonymous No. 16192398

I use set theory every day. I sort my items based on it

Anonymous No. 16192684

Lol. Autists are overrepresented in academia

Anonymous No. 16192689

literally the only correct take here.

Anonymous No. 16192841

Ayy lmao

Anonymous No. 16192882

>Funny enough autistics are actually underrepresented in science.
it is because most of autistics in the field of sciences either hide it or they are kicked out because they are "le awkward" even though they contributed more than their peers, most of autistics eventually end up being engineers.

Anonymous No. 16193121

You should see neuroscience field. Full of aspergers, adhds and psychedelic schizos

Anonymous No. 16193641

It's made up of discovery

Anonymous No. 16193755

Who is this semen demon?

Anonymous No. 16193773


Anonymous No. 16193898

Me too

Anonymous No. 16194459


Garrote No. 16194483

Are mathematical definitions invented or discovered?
Are mathematical theorems/results invented or discovered?

Anonymous No. 16195005

It's a language humans invented to describe the things we discovered

Anonymous No. 16195055

It's pure invention (either by conscious effort or biological evolution). It acts as a translator who sits between our brain to what we see in the universe. It's a funnel that captures natural observation and brings it to us in a digestible form.

"Discovered" implies that we are pulling something out of these systems that in itself provides understanding without a pre-existing mathematical context to filter it through. I think for many people it can feel discovered, because our brain naturally has rudimentary mathematics built-in by way of pattern recognition. When we see some phenomena occur, the brain naturally sees the pattern, processes it, and then projects the outcome onto the object and says "the math was there all along". That's fine for all practical purposes, but philosophically it's a bit of a trap.

You wouldn't say the color green was "discovered". It's the way we describe a specific wavelength of light. The "experience of green" is an abstraction and means nothing without the brain running some process on it. The wavelength exists, but we've obviously tacked on a bunch of shit after the fact to help facilitate understanding.

Anonymous No. 16195057

Discovered for sure. To think about this question we need to ask what even is mathematics? For example, the fact that the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is always equal to the sum of the squares of the other sides is a mathematical fact. How does it make sense to say that some guy just came up with that (invented it)? It's something that just exists in nature (perhaps not literally in nature, I'm using the word 'nature' very loosely here) and someone had to actually discover that the said equality is true. Even if there are aliens out there, the aliens would have discovered the exact same thing.

Anonymous No. 16195112

I think the "aliens would have discovered the exact same thing" makes a lot of assumptions. Ultimately, we have to filter the observations through our own uniquely-human brains before we start slapping mathematics onto it. That initial filter is completely unavoidable and we don't really have any other context to compare to (that we currently know of).

Things we take for granted as mathematical facts could be completely outside their cognitive framework or be considered esoteric, unhelpful nonsense. If you viewed the universe in a completely alien way, you would probably come up with other mechanisms. Something like basic trigonometry as we understand it relies on having eyes, conceptualizing 2D planes, etc. It's kind of a case of "it's correct because it slots into our cognitive framework and has practical applications". However, I do think that if we were sent back to the stone age and had our memories wiped, that humanity would re-invent the exact same mathematical facts.

Anonymous No. 16196208

Mathematics is the language of the universe

Anonymous No. 16196965

Mathematics is a model that describes a series of logical objects. It is a language, and like all languages, they are invented. You might object, "Math is Logic, though!" Logic is also a language.

We use language to describe things in reality, or things in our mind. Anything that we use to describe reality or something in our mind is a language or a model, and we invent it.

However, we do not invent reality.

Math is discovered. The thing it describes is not. That's what makes this question so hard. It's hard to parse out what you are talking about.

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Anonymous No. 16196968

Chicks that look like that don't become engineers.
And anyone who thinks 2+2 isn't OBJECTIVELY 4 is a retarded.

Anonymous No. 16197108

I want a gf with huge, saggy, droopy eyebags. and also tits.

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Anonymous No. 16197135

Someday you will discover the universal language of mathematics, the unit and geometry

Anonymous No. 16197158

This thing borders on schizo. If this disc came to Earth from outer space, we would spend decades trying to decode it. No chance of an alien figuring this shit out.

Anonymous No. 16197180

Axioms are invented, the resulting math is discovered.

Anonymous No. 16198178

"There is no royal road to geometry" - Euclid

If you think math is just axioms then you believe there is a royal road to learning. For example some tyrant could come along and demand 2 +2= 3 and everyone would have to live under this new truth.

Obviously that's ridiculous, and even 2000 year ago people knew math was an example of something that couldn't just be made up and its truth lies outside humanity.

The modern view on math by LGBT academics amounts to "Truth is the opinion of the powerful"

Anonymous No. 16198314

Decode? Shits units son

Anonymous No. 16198934

It's disvented

Anonymous No. 16198966

If you do some irrelevant math AFTER something is invented (and try to take credit for the whole thing) you did not contribute and deserve neither money nor credit. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16199752


Anonymous No. 16199897


Anonymous No. 16200331

Facts are discovered. Techniques are invented.

If a fact would remain true even if the universe never existed, then it was discovered.

Anonymous No. 16200576

Regardless of whether math is invented or discovered, it is ultimately proved. Because math is proved that which is proven will not change and thus forms a reliable and useful system. It doesn’t matter if we’re inventing it or discovering it, if we prove it then we use it.

Anonymous No. 16200580

I have a gf like this

Anonymous No. 16200711

>Is math invented or discovered?
What difference would either make?

Anonymous No. 16200715

Invention means its made up, discovery means that there are truths

Anonymous No. 16201890

discovered. why would anyone think its invented?

Anonymous No. 16202467

Anti-science and anti-education people think it's invented

Anonymous No. 16202516

Math is more real than the universe

Anonymous No. 16202566

Are the numbers in the room with you right now, schizo?

Anonymous No. 16203286

This is stupid. It can be said that math is merely the phenomena of applying the property of counting by the human brain to materially exterior objects and getting more complex. But that is the essence.

So it means that in a way its """invented""" by the brain by interacting and assigning what it percieves to be the objects outside of it. And is also partly """discovered""" by us using the external materiel we have at our disposal.

Anonymous No. 16204389

Midwit take

Anonymous No. 16204880

Math is just notation to state the obvious.

Anonymous No. 16204885

math is language. language is invented. the relationships themselves are very much a different thing from the means we invented to express them.
Also, God does not exist.

Anonymous No. 16204889


Anonymous No. 16204903

It's discovered because people isolated from each other find out the same stuff.
That's the least mental gymnastics take. Invention implies arbitraryness.

Anonymous No. 16204908

>bro, dude, what if there are, like, imaginary numbers?
Math is obviously discovered.

Anonymous No. 16205438

kind of ? Yes? There are 5 drawers on my dresser.

Anonymous No. 16205452

then how come if aliens exist they will have the exact same math?
either math is a part of our universe (spoiler: it's not, there is no such thing as a 1 in the universe)
or it exists "somewhere" else

Anonymous No. 16206026

kys boomer

Anonymous No. 16206030

please leave and never come back

/sci/ should come with a warning that it's not peer reviewed so sheltered posters like this don't seethe when they see something not even pornographic