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Anonymous No. 16187704

Do Ashkenazi and Sephardic jews have a Semitic temperament and brain anatomy?

Recent scientific research by Davide Piffer and Richard Lynn suggests that Ashkenazim have the highest IQ of any ethnic group, and recent genetic studies have confirmed that Ashkenazim have the most high-IQ genes.

genes linked to higher educational attainment and intelligence are found to be higher in ashkenazim and east asians.

does this mean they simply evolved divergently in genetic isolation to have a higher IQ?

So, they are a Semitic people with a genetic temperament who simply evolved a very high IQ since the fall of Rome and migrations north into Germany.

complexion, stature, cephalic index, DNA, blood types, and Y chromosomes all suggest Ashkenazim are like 50% Palestinian/Levantine DNA.

I guess intelligence is just a genetic trait like height. There was strong environmental pressure to evolve a higher IQ.

ashkenazim have both a semetic/arab brain and a very high IQ?

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israel iq.jpg

Anonymous No. 16188525

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Anonymous No. 16188579

So Iranians, otherwise considered to be Indo-European, are in the diametrically opposite corner from Europeans. How credible is this?
Also, if Jews are supposed to be denoted with a blue square, why are the Kurdish-, Iraqi- and Iranian Jews in amber?
Or is this once again the work of crazed /pol/ tourists?

Anonymous No. 16189531

55% of isreal are sand niggers and non-ashkenazim.

Anonymous No. 16189543

Jews are hunted all over the world. Only the smart ones escape. They are like the superbugs of racism. Every time you try to exterminate them, they just come back smarter.