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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16187743


Anonymous No. 16187750

If you see the ol Jew of this world, you are the max intelligence the ol Jew will allow. Break free. Learn.

Anonymous No. 16188433

Well that sure seemed to be the case with Bobby Fischer. I found it interesting, but ultimately its not like high IQ makes you infallible, I mean he was good at chess, not neccesarly genius at anything else.

Anonymous No. 16188574

What books produce this effect

Anonymous No. 16188624

Any history book produced before 1960

Anonymous No. 16188625

I read Tom Clancy growing up and now I support Nazis.
First Clancy book was Red Storm rising, then Hunt for Red October, then the rest.
Haven't even read like 90% of Mein Kampf

Anonymous No. 16188626

Wikipedia prior to circa 2011

Anonymous No. 16188659

>the last great effort to break free from international jewry
The axis had it right.

Anonymous No. 16188699

Threads been up for 12 hours already and will be up for several days because /pol/tards has got one of their own as a janny. Only reason they got /sci/ is because of the low activity of this board. So now some fat/pol/tard freak has/sci/ as the playground for his discord of confused underaged kids, and nasty deranged neckbeards...
Kek you're a basement dwelling freakish monstrosity who doesn't even emerge to attend neo-nazi rallies irl...

Anonymous No. 16188714

Eat shit jewrat

Anonymous No. 16188951

i honestly enjoy seeing it expose it's twisted paranoid fantasyworld publicly