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🗑️ 🧵 I have an exam in 3 days and I can't study at all

Anonymous No. 16188038

I think it's still doable but there's so many things I have to cover that I just lose all motivation and procrastinate.
And the more I procrastinate, the more I lose motivation because it feels impossible to study the same things that overwhelmt me with even less time.

It's a vicious circle and I don't know how to break it and get back to studying. I can't afford to fail this exam. Please help. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 16188078

> i can’t
> i don’t know how
> i can’t

watching weak people fail makes me so happy

Anonymous No. 16188082

Just set small study goals. Sit down for five minutes and study. Then slowly increase the amount of time you study until you're where u want to be.

Anonymous No. 16188086

Don't do anything. Fail.
Sometimes it takes a failure to get your ass back in motion.
Then when the remedial comes around, you'll have a much easier time.

Anonymous No. 16188090

You might have adhd. Try modafinil, nicotine gums and ritalin bro.

I would have failed my cs degree without these drugs.

Anonymous No. 16188139

been a long time since i got my bsce but back then what i did was stay on campus until everything was done every day, often 12 hours or more each day

if i hadnt then there is no way id have gotten through, so you should do that too. go somewhere besides home and stay there until it is done

Anonymous No. 16188175

Anxiety is normal before exams and everyone has it. Everyone finds themselves in a situation where they think they don't have enough time to study and are anxious.

One strategy is to recognize that doing work will actually make you feel better and lead to you doing more work. Just try to do a little and get the reward feeling and build on that.

Depends on the course but many uni exams will not want to reward question spotters. Decide if its better to get a more superficial broad overview of the whole syllabus or specialize in a couple topics to try to get a pass.

Anyway good luck bro, kinda similar boat here.

Anonymous No. 16188250

Hijacking a bit but I have enough time to study for an electronics exam but it is boring AF. It's so boring that I have no idea how to force myself to study.

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Anonymous No. 16188417


Anonymous No. 16188658

whats the exam on?

always study something you enjoy

Anonymous No. 16189474

I'd be willing to study with you drop the discord

Anonymous No. 16189507

>I have an exam in 3 days and I can't study at all
Holy shit, I don't care.