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🧵 dark energy solved

Anonymous No. 16188938

Alright, /sci/, let’s dive into some mind-bending speculation about the universe using a bucket analogy.

Imagine the universe’s spacetime as 100 points split between a "space bucket" and a "time bucket". At the Big Bang, all 100 points were in the time bucket. As the universe expanded, points started flowing into the space bucket, meaning we’re literally trading time for space!
Big Bang to Inflation:
>All points start in the time bucket.
>Rapid inflation shifts points into the space bucket, creating space.
Current Universe:
>Many points are now in the space bucket.
>Some points remain in the time bucket, allowing time to pass.
Accelerating Expansion:
>Dark energy accelerates the shift of points to the space bucket.
>Fewer points left for time.
Big Freeze:
>Almost all points in the space bucket, few in the time bucket.
>Universe reaches maximum entropy, and time effectively "runs out".
What if the accelerating expansion of the universe means time is running out? More space points mean fewer time points, leading to a Big Freeze.

Let’s hear your thoughts, /sci/. Is the universe trading time for space? Are we just points in an expanding bucket, heading towards a cold, dark end?


Anonymous No. 16188948

schizo word salad thread

Anonymous No. 16188950


Alright, /sci/, let's dive deeper into the bucket analogy and speculate on how the Big Freeze might bounce back into a Big Bang, including the creation of matter.

Big Freeze:
>All points in the space bucket, time runs out, maximum entropy.
Cosmic Bounce:
>Points start flowing back from the space bucket to the time bucket.
>Space contracts, universe shrinks, increasing gravitational pull.
Creation of Matter:
>High-energy states during contraction could create new matter and energy.
>Reversal of entropy as the universe becomes denser and hotter.
Big Crunch and Rebirth:
>Universe might collapse into a singularity (Big Crunch).
>Singular point "bounces" back, triggering a new Big Bang.
>Points flow back into the space bucket, starting a new cycle.
Could the universe cycle through Big Bang and Big Freeze phases, creating new matter during contraction?
Are we part of an eternal cycle where time and space continually trade places?

Let’s hear your theories, /sci/. Is the universe destined to bounce back from a Big Freeze to a Big Bang, with new matter created in the process?

Anonymous No. 16188968

We would observe constant changes in time speed as space expansion accelerate. No such thing has been observed.

Anonymous No. 16189418

> a traveler nearing the speed of light would observe a constant change in time speed as he approaches that velocity

Anonymous No. 16189425

>let’s dive into some mind-bending speculation about the universe using a bucket analogy.
No, thanks. Bye.

Anonymous No. 16189500

Hey, no worries if it's not your thing. The bucket analogy is just a fun way to visualize complex ideas about the universe. If you change your mind, feel free to jump back in. Otherwise, enjoy the rest of the board!

Anonymous No. 16189561

Time is just space anon

Anonymous No. 16189623

nah, time is one dimension of the multi dimensional object that is spacetime

Anonymous No. 16189750

you can't measure time changes without another point of reference

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Anonymous No. 16189775

Kozyrev Mirrors. Doubt most people think of these devices. WHAT IS A CAPACITOR? However, let's review for a moment... ALUMINUM wrapped in a spiral, human sits in middle, gets psychic information transfer. A rolled capacitor is a bit of insulator sheet, a dielectric, and a conductive foil (cheap aluminum). Magic mirrors are known in psychic & magic societies. What is a MIRROR, physically, polished sheet of metal (conductor) or metal coated glass (glass is insulator), and a dielectric black backing (dielectric). Ever run an tunable electric or magnetic wavefront through a mirrors metal? Now are you getting it? In a directional space where time is merely another directional choice, DISTANCE may matter far more than time, like the old radio sets, the amount of distance can be tunable by pairing two sheets of spiraled material of this "mirror electronics" and creating a jumper point for the magnetic distance variables. Another property of math is AFFINITY transforms (sameness by scale), so if Kozyrev Temporal viewing occurs, displacing two identical affine states and altering one affinity for comparison would create indexing points (viewing locations and temporal coordinates) so a Kozyrev Mirror is basically a scaled up rolled capacitor device with a human sitting in the center, what about transistors, diodes, potentiometers, resistors, and so on. Think about it. There's a CHRONOSCOPE the Vatican owns and black budget time viewers, logically if they work they must be using existing physics, but unusual electronic layouts.

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Anonymous No. 16189785

Kozyrev Mirrors as Scaled Capacitor devices continued.

Because if fundamentally, all time was simultaneously happening, only DISTANCE and AFFINE transforms (scaling, rotation, displacement, distortions, duplications) would genuinely matter whereas distance math (additions and subtractions) could create viewable indexing coordinates think of Algebra-Space math versus Logarithmic-Space math.
2+5=7 (Algebra)
2*5=10 (Algebra)
2^3=8 (Algebra)

Logarithmic space is an Affine Transform math zone. Where certain basic Algebra-Space transforms (regular additions and subtractions) cannot easily happen.

Log(2)+Log(5)=Log(2*5)=Log(10) (LogSpace)

So think of certain electrical devices as Time-Factor Transform methods. Run a signal through a long wire? It becomes slightly time delayed. With resistance to signal speed? Signal strength is degraded with increased time delay. Ergo a distance to time transform. Logarithmic-Space transformation can happen on segments of a signal like discrete pixels on a TV screen then the altered signal can be reassembled into a wavefront. Or decomposed from a wavefront.

Anonymous No. 16189821

>dark energy solved
What is the nature of the energy that's moving points from one bucket to another?

Anonymous No. 16189825

imagine a giant mommy squeezing spacetime for all eternity

Anonymous No. 16189854

increasing entropy = creating more space

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Anonymous No. 16189878

Anonymous No. 16189897

Woaw! I'm not schooled past high school oriented towards science either BUT hear me out because I've SOLVED it ALL!

So black holes being infinite in density and matter going beyond a supercritical phase is absurd. They are wormholes out to theorized white holes.
White holes are not centric objects like black holes THOUGH. They are dispersed and appear as vacuum energy giving rise to particles forming from quantum fluctuations.
As this happens I guess Hawking radiation is what is replacing their energy (???) but the relation of energy between parallel universes does not have to be constant.
The compression of particles of course quantum couples them depending on the love shared between them and shows up in the universe suitable for their kind of love.

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Anonymous No. 16189917

>da obligatory inspiring picture from a popsci communicator king
I'm just glad to be a part of /sci/

Anonymous No. 16189980

pic related is 100% correct though, black holes are obviously a big crunch singularity from our perspective, and a big bang singularity for someone inside its universe, meaning we're probably inside a black hole as well.

if you think otherwise, you're just a midwit.

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Anonymous No. 16190233

Bending Time: The Successful Time Travel Experiments using Kozyrev Mirrors

Again, Kozyrev Mirrors = Large Scale Rolled Capacitor.

(Correction from last post)

Now imagine a ramp that's tilted, small soap marbles roll down the ramp surface. That ramp is a time direction, the marbles rolling are people's lifetimes. If you saw it in 4D, you'd see soap snakes. If you had a gyroscope on that ramp it would slide slower. Magnets would look like clear balls with the 3D magnet shadow inside of it. You could, if you could exert temporal force energy, distort these ramp surfaces and slow or stop the rolling or divert the marbles to other paths.

This is an improper example of conceptualizing time as a direction. But simple enough to let morons appreciate the concept.

So you want to build a TIME VIEWER.

Think SOLITONS, points in space (distance) where multiple frequencies focus and coalesce. Or basically LENSING MOMENTS. The lens of any eyeball, a curved spoon reflective surface, some of the multispectral fiber optic lines, cameras, telescopes, water droplets, and so on. These are the TEMPORAL SOLITON interest points to look for. Why? Because it's a focused zone most likely compatible with CHRONAL VIEWER DEVICES that aren't multiplex probe poke displacement units. Or in simpler terms, "most like that sucky TV you enjoy".

If you were to look at SOLITON POINTS in 5-directional space, they would be bright points of intersection in history. If you dumped a video signal as inductive energy into spinning flywheel, the flywheel would average the highs and lows of the signal, but like a temporal resistor, it would re-emit it as heat or vibration or radio signals. A phase change substance (cooled candle wax, liquid crystal, cooked egg yolk, paints, even a bunch of m&m candies poured into a jar, frozen water, hardening concrete, drying clay, glues) would also act as a type of lens recording a temporal signal.

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Anonymous No. 16190305

Why are OBSERVER MOMENTS so important per the Double Slit experiment? TEMPORAL SOLITON FOCUS POINTS.

Now again, imagine a giant box approximating DISTANCE AKA SPACE (DISPLACEMENT) the only scale in Displacement you note is that bright glowing dots leave long lines as they move through spacetime (these are the eye lenses of living things), your viewing targets for CHRONAL VIEWER devices. They will be bright frequency spikes for tracking events. A mirror (linear capacitor) is a wall of twinkling frequencies but isn't really activated usefully unless a lens (human, animal, insect, water droplets, spoon, etc) witnesses it. Remember that you cannot EASILY view temporal events unless a lens makes a trackable SOLITON point and mechanically, you can only use AFFINTY MATH, but you can also utilize FILTER DEVICES. For basic visuals, you don't require all frequencies, just some of them. Unlike TV signals, these frequencies are unpatterned, there is no NTSC or digital format wrapper (unless they directly come from a video projector). So you need to do filtration with matter abd electromagnetism and light projections. These are your BAND PASS filtration operations. The reason for this is signal amplification, noise reduction, and distortion reduction.

Again, the TIME DIRECTION is less important than distance as frequencies and energies are received by bigger affinity scaling as the "past" becomes more distant. Since most humans have eye lenses, you can synchronize your eye soliton point with your past/future lifetime. From there it gets easier to learn to track other soliton point lines (note that sleep and mostly dark times will create point breaks in those Temporal Soliton Lines as the frequency crossing points are far less intense to severing the view).

As frequencies spread and weaken they diffuse into lower energy states and wider frequency ranges. But at Soliton Points they are very strong. You can synchronize to camera lenses, but these only show what a camera sees.

Anonymous No. 16190335

schizo thread with longwinded self indulgent egotistical rants that nobody will bother reading

Anonymous No. 16190393

what is this shit?

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Anonymous No. 16190460

ARRAY EMITTERS utilize coded signal variations to allow MRI Quality imaging.

Think of a radiation imaging machine like an X-RAY box. The contrasts and filters are imaged on reactive film. The results are radiation resistant shadows.

Now imagine if you did the WHITE NOISE TEST wherein you emit white noise audio into a substance and consult a spectrogram of the received frequencies therein detecting resonance frequencies to emit and image (also using shadow images by absorption or emissive imagery by tuned resonance).

You have done the White Noise Test and found resonance frequencies, but what if you code for frequencies per pixel? If you emit coded frequency pulses that pass through with weak absorption, then in a room with pixel wall receiver arrays, you can detect reflection and reflection and absorption all at once. Think of something better than a MRI machine. Let's say the frequency is 2 Ghz, but your array of 256 emitter pixels has a time domain modulation per pixel following a Grey Coding. You emit 101010 as your "Zero Signal", 101011 for "One", 101111 as "Two" and so on. In your room, the wall tiles receive the 101010 and 101011 and 101111 but not in straight lines from the nearest receiver, but some a reflected, deflected, absorbed. Creating an image for that particular frequency over time. You can also code per frequency domain ranges as well as time coded ranges. This is the first step of coding Soliton Lens locations.

Magnetic fields exist in 4th directional spacetime, which is why they pass through matter and can exert force through solid matter without needing to influence that matter (example, normal paper isn't bothered by magnets, but you can attract metal or repel magnets). The magnetic field is a 4D shadow of the magnet pushed into 3D spacetime. The reason I bring this up is obvious, if you have no temporal force energy you cannot change temporal matter's directional path.

Anonymous No. 16190613

this thread was a mistake

Anonymous No. 16191358
