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🧵 Terrence Howard PSYOP

Anonymous No. 16188962

Glowfags behind the green door are trying to soil the reputation of legitimate pathways to breakthroughs in physics by false asssociation with this retard in the the public's eye.

I'm talking about things like Conformal Field Theory, and specifically Topological Conformal Field Theory, areas that are critically understudied despite being extremely promising. It's the same psyop as the UAP/NHI garbage which is just cover for advanced black project magnetohydrodynamic propulsion tech, which is entirely mathematically conventional and has dramatically overstated flight characteristics (not FTL and not ayylmaos)

You can be Ed Witten and come out tomorrow with a complete unified (conformal) quantum-gravitational field theory developed via rigorous topological arguments and get immediately dismissed because the low IQ masses will go "DAS RITE" and see it as a vindication of uncle terry's terryology, while in response the mediocre sub <150 IQ tenured physicist (who doesn't stand a chance of understanding the new results either) will have his normgroid instincts kick in to defend the institution of the managerial midwit expert class while not even considering the possibility that there are new physicial insights warranting further investigation, seeing it merely as a threat to "muh scientific establishment".

In fact, if you want to get REALLY conspiratorial: the reason we don't have a theory of everything is because Andreas Floer didn't kill himself (he got Epsteined) and Maryam Mizrakhani was assassinated (CIA cancer weapon) because glowniggers/kikes/chinks/wops/whatever, above all else, want to STOP YOU from taking up your rightful place among the stars.

Anonymous No. 16188987

The fact that normies can't distinguish Terryology from modern physics is more an indictment of modern physics than Terry.

But who cares what retards think anyway?

Anonymous No. 16189042

Thanks, rabbi.

Anonymous No. 16189055

Why are there so many schitzo threads? Not complaining or anything as the substance is slightly higher quality (or at least more entertaining) than boring IQ/vax/eugenics stuff. Just wondering why there are so MANY.

Anonymous No. 16189064

News flash anon. 90% of posters on 4chan are brown and mentally ill.

Anonymous No. 16189164

I kinda agree with you, anything involving string theory is bullshit and takes away physicists from researching quantum gravity. I think string theory is just a way to get the smartest scientists to do research in something that leads nowhere, and the government wants it this way because they don't want the public to discover applied gravitational field technology which could be discovered faster if the string theorists were to be moved to do research in quantum gravity.

Anonymous No. 16189192


Anonymous No. 16189198

what about china, russia and europe?

r they all in on this conspiracy

Anonymous No. 16189199

>I think string theory is just a way to get the smartest scientists to do research in something that leads nowhere, and the government wants it this way because they don't want the public to discover applied gravitational field technology which could be discovered faster if the string theorists were to be moved to do research in quantum gravity.
Complete bullshit. It's the other way around.
Scientists want to be paid to muse about nothing with string theory forever. The less results they have to produce the better.
Same with quantum computing.
America and Russia both suffered greatly during the cold war with extremely wasteful projects purposely created by leeches.

Anonymous No. 16189204

>what about china, russia and europe?
>r they all in on this conspiracy
Science like fashion is full of stupid wasteful trends that lead nowhere.
America sets a dumb trend everyone else follows.
Russia under Stalin even set up its own UFO sighting agency just because America was doing it.

Anonymous No. 16189744

It’s more complicated than that. Another way to look at the worldsheet formulation in String Theory is as a 2D Conformal Field Theory. Then some of the natural machinery to consider when extending to higher dimensions would be things like Infinite dimensional pseudogroups, Floer Homology, Dynamics on Moduli Spaces, Topological foundations of Supersymmetry etc etc. These happen to be underdeveloped areas even in mathematics, let alone in their application to physics. It also doesn’t help that some of their pioneers like Floer and Mizrakhani are dead. String Theorist are not frauds or necessarily directionally incorrect, they are just incompetent. If Ed Witten will be remembered for anything, it’ll be for setting the foundation for Topological Quantum Field Theory. His genius has always been his unique ability to call both elite mathematicians and physicists his peers. But once he ventured out on his own, his lack of creativity/curiosity became clear and frankly deleterious for physics. It also highlights the immense influence of people like Atiyah, Bott, Donaldson etc on his success

Anonymous No. 16190493


Anonymous No. 16190524

The best you could ever hope for nowadays in term of truly unprecedented, groundbreaking, disruptive work every being accepted is a Mochizuki situation where people just go "uh, is it true? we don't know!" for several decades while nothing really moves one way or the other. Anything actually threatening that couldn't be explained away or slandered into irrelevance, as you said, would either result in the involved parties being killed, or slightly better, "killed" and then forced to continue their work under so many levels of classification that it will never even become the rumor of internet-addicted conspiratorial types.

Anonymous No. 16190530

pipe down little guy you're screaming and shaking and embarrassing yourself again.

Anonymous No. 16190671

Imagine being so soulless you don’t even know how to have fun on the internet. Almost as bad as being too dumb to engage with the substance of the post.

Anonymous No. 16190726

Hi Eric Weinstein, what are you doing here?

bodhi No. 16190745


Anonymous No. 16190750

this is just a distraction from Israel-Palestine.