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๐Ÿงต Scientific computing

Anonymous No. 16189010

Are you doing simulations, modeling, ML or deep learning for your project? Tell what you are working on

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Anonymous No. 16189014

Anonymous No. 16189029

Now the hard part: find a field where something like this doesn't happen. The entire physics works like this

Anonymous No. 16189057

>40 years of legacy code
Maintaining it must be a nightmare

Anonymous No. 16189103

I am using Python and openCV to automatically analyze the behavior of mice in a maze. The video is analyzed in real-time and the data is sent to my Grafana server and backed up on another server. Currently adding more behavioral features to analyse from the video.

Anonymous No. 16189853

I'm doing Monte Carlo simulations in animal ecology

Anonymous No. 16189857

Just fine tuning LLM's so they are meaner and more degrading for my erp.

Anonymous No. 16190117

Quite sad

Anonymous No. 16190274

Explain please

Anonymous No. 16190294

I was taught Scala by Odersky (creator of Scala) himself.
The only two classes I've ever failed in the entirety of my university experience were his.
Never used functional programming in research nor in industry, so this shit was nothing but a stain on my otherwise great transcript.
Ever since, I resent the functional paradigm as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16190304

>Never used functional programming in research nor in industry
OOP faggot detected. I hate OOP faggots so much. they're the worst programmers. I swear OOP faggots usually have sub 120 IQ.

Anonymous No. 16190312

Every time I start learning about functional programming there is always a functional programming fag trying to explain why OOP sucks instead of explaining how functional programming works. At this point, I am convinced these people don't even know what they're trying to sell

Anonymous No. 16190752

>filtered by FP
Hoo boy

Anonymous No. 16190756

What is the logo with the M that looks like a cherry?

Anonymous No. 16190767


Anonymous No. 16190769

Yes. I have produced millions of anime girls.

Anonymous No. 16190966

Where do I get a big booba C++ gf?

Anonymous No. 16190967

i'm working on a game and it involves physics so this counts as simulation

Anonymous No. 16190989

Why is Erlang on fire?

Anonymous No. 16190992

It'll overheat your pc if you try to do any number crunching. Not designed for heavy computational work

Anonymous No. 16191021

The only thing I know about Erlang is that it uses the actor concurrency model, are people seriously trying to compute with that on single-core processors?

Anonymous No. 16191032

I'm pretty sure it's because of the whole "let it crash" approach to error handling in Erlang
That applies to most of the languages shown there

Anonymous No. 16191144

Does it have jiggle physics?

Anonymous No. 16192044

Finishing a computational paper looking at particle dynamics, then clearing the next few months to rewrite the entire code in Python so I don't have to keep pirating software.

Anonymous No. 16192049

Chicken scheme gets a mention, but not Ada. It's over.

Anonymous No. 16192178

That's it, I'm learning Go now

Anonymous No. 16192393

What is it written in originally?

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Anonymous No. 16193080

I will never get over how fucking Golang and Rust are the two that fit best with their 2hus in this image.

Anonymous No. 16193346


Anonymous No. 16193367

Is it the actual dynamics code or just for post processing. Why would anyone write a particle dynamics code in Mathematica?????

Anonymous No. 16193405

I took a comp sci course doing basic stuff in C, but Mathematica was the language I learned to do actual computational physics with as an undergrad and the one I used for the bulk of grad school (since our lab had access to it), and continued using it while doing some computational and analysis work in support of my dissertation.

I'm now learning Python and it's going well and the plan is to basically rewrite the whole thing from scratch (there's a lot of things I've been meaning to optimize and some new theoretical models to incorporate into it anyways).

Anonymous No. 16193427

Fair enough. I've had to write a PIC code in python and it can be painfully slow if you're not careful, even when using numpy and avoiding loops.
A few tips:
The default garbage collection settings are really bad and you should change the threshold so it runs less often.
The built in math functions are significantly faster than bumpy when bot operating in large arrays.

Honestly it might be better to try to use LAMMPS since it isn't too hard to write plugins for it, and it probably already has most features you need.

Anonymous No. 16193507

My Monte Carlo bro. I use it for CRISPR dynamical modelling.

Anonymous No. 16193533

For the moment it's purely single particle dynamics (most of the current effort has been on developing the theoretical models the simulation is based on). PIC or MBD is a potential upgrade in the mid-term though, so good to know.

Anonymous No. 16193760

Have a look at Julia. It's nice

Anonymous No. 16193765

Seconded. And unlike Python, Julia can actually go fast. Mathematica is my favourite language for experimenting with anything, but it's not usually suitable for deploying deliverable programs. I think the people at Wolfram have known this for a while which is why they're trying to build up their web infrastructure, so maybe this will change someday when everything "runs in the cloud" but in any case, I'd pick Julia over Python any day.

Anonymous No. 16193770

I also like Julia's syntax. It's like sane version of Matlab and Python. The metaprogramming capabilities are also nice

Anonymous No. 16193772

Haven't tried that much yet, I wish I had more time to play with Julia. One of the things I'm most impressed with is the pace at which the language and eco system is developed at. It almost puts rusttrannies to shame.

As a side note, thought it was interesting that Stephen Wolfram was the keynote speaker for JuliaCon 23

Anonymous No. 16193777

Yeah bro I'm doing le heckin monte carlo simulation to predict le heckin markets and stuff and make rich fags richer looool i am so le fricken smarty butt

Anonymous No. 16193794

Trips wasted by a drooling sperglord.

Anonymous No. 16193930


Anonymous No. 16194699

I'm modeling animal population dynamics over time based on animal fitness, the animal fitness having certain variability.

Anonymous No. 16194868

Yes all the developers at Jane Street will make sure to wipe their crocodile tears with their 300 grand/year salary + bonus after reading your post.

Anonymous No. 16195675

Teach yourself c++ from, get a thick gf, and then teach it to her

Anonymous No. 16196607

Juliabros keep winning

Anonymous No. 16196698

The code is good enough to allow politicans to shut up those critical of government expansion under the excuse of climate change. Therefore the code fits most use cases.

Anonymous No. 16197147

Show us the data to back up your claims

Anonymous No. 16197406

Any materials to teach myself how to do Hidden Markov Models?

Anonymous No. 16198745

I have been testing out deep learning with Flux.jl. I really like how easy the syntax is when creating the neural networks