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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189011

>Poisions the well of what could've been a potentially interesting branch of science
Why are schizophrenics like this?

Anonymous No. 16189015

lets just ignore the stuff he said about square root of 2 and 1x1 being 2. What, aside from those two things has he said that is incorrect

Anonymous No. 16189202

they wont tell u

terrance howard is on right track

Anonymous No. 16189243

bruh i started fearing for my own life after watching that podcast sheesh!

Anonymous No. 16189553

redpill me on this potentially interesting branch of science

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Anonymous No. 16190065

I'll do my best to summarize his points

Matter itself arises from complex interactions that spawn from subtle energy systems

These energy systems are the background fabric of the universe

The basic pattern of what these undisturbed energy systems look like in 2d can be seen in the flower of life

This would mean that there is no nothingness, since everything is tied to this energetic fabric that extends infinitely, creating everything

At the intersections of the spaces made when these energies interact, in the negative spaces, certain shapes are made

these shapes are matter, which is essentially just a complex set of condition formed around the matter that give the matter unique properties

These pieces of matter form everything as we know it. As more complex conditions are formed, more unique and complex pieces of matter come about.

You can accurately predict the existence of these shapes (matter) and expand upon them by drawing them out of a 2d representation of the flower of life pattern. picrel is one example of a shape that comes out of this process

all euclidean geometry drew shapes out of the flower of life such as the cube, by connecting various points along the pattern by using straight lines, but presumed that straight lines existed since the initial work was done on and with a 2d surface

when expanding the pattern to 3d, curved lines outline the shape of such objects, making them appear more pointed

All energy is expressed in motion. All motion is expressed in waves. This means that straight lines fundamentally don't exist anywhere in nature, meaning that for us to form mathematics fundamentally on the presumption of linearity, then mathematics wouldn't apply when talking about complex topics such as physics that don't have lines anywhere in them (small scale, not macro scale physics)

Will post more in a second

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Anonymous No. 16190084

>it made perfect sense to him...

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Anonymous No. 16190100

Since everything is expressed in motion and as waves, you can accurately predict various behaviors of different pieces of matter based on their vibrational frequency.

Reworking the periodic table of elements to instead show the elements as vibrations, shows a remarkably consistent explanation of how and why they interact with each other. (picrel is a frequency based periodic table)

The outward trajectory of energy traveling away from its center point creates vortices, which are formed by the energy moving away from the center point in a spiraling motion

These various shapes can be used in physics simulations to create various objects that accurately represent objects we see in the real world.

One such example was made and demonstrated by placing various "lynchpins", which are the point where 6 hexagons meet at one center, in a particular formation and then running the physics simulation to play out what would arise if these energy systems were placed in those locations. The result was a compelling version of the creation of Saturn, including the rings, atmospheric conditions, and the swirling hexagon storm at the pole.

Using these systems would allow us an enormous capability to control the creation of matter by simply creating electrically charged points in different kinds of mediums, most likely a vacuum, that would then form the matter needed to spawn an object.

Since this rectifies gravity, electromagnetism, and all other forces in the universe and wraps them up in a nice little package complete with a bow tie, this would represent the Grand unified theory of everything that would perfectly explain how everything could, should, and does work and would essentially spell the end of physics discoveries, as everything we needed to know from here on our would be able to be simulated with a perfect representation of this system which could be done in a computer withperect fidelity.

Anonymous No. 16190114

>ehrm, lemme demonstrate: exhibit ay
>as yall can probly see, one bitchin ass pimp (me) times one cheatin thievin worthless hoe be equal to two black eyes fr fr

Anonymous No. 16190130

okay prove it

Anonymous No. 16190135

>Obligatory "what is this timeline?!" post
Anyways, are there any books for this? I'm still a bit lost.

Anonymous No. 16190138

Not my job dude. Not capable of doing it either. If I had a fucking shitload of money and wanted to know if it was real or not I would fund a lab that would do various experiments with all of this as the fundamental assumption, but I'm not rich. I don't have tech. I don't have enough time or knowledge on experimental procedures to be able to even do a test. Go talk to some scientists whose job it is to do this stuff and maybe they will oblige you. Should be pretty easy for someone with access to a vacuum and enough electricity to pump a shitload of it in a tiny space in various configurations, which apparently has already been done before. The result was spontaneous generation of organic matter and even cellular life forms I think. Why don't you do it, faggot?

Anonymous No. 16190200

idk man. Terrence has a book but I haven't looked at it. Just looked at some of his presentations and pieces it together. Here's 2 physics simulations he did using lynchpins. Shows how Saturn and a galaxy can be created as a result of these forces acting on each other.

Anonymous No. 16190223

>Why don't you do it, faggot?
Terry is the one making these outrageous claims therefore the burden of proof lies upon him. He's rich and has a large following, he can link up with scientists to test this. Terry wants to be the next Einstein but isn't willing to predict anything in any meaningful manner. To test Einstein's theory people looked at a solar eclipse to see how the sun bends light. Terry isn't trying any of that, he's doing arts-and-crafts at home.

Unless Terry convinces people with small-scale tests and properly formulates his ideas, no scientist is going to waste time testing theories from someone who says the sun births planets, jupiter's red spot is another moon forming, nitrogen atoms expand on mars, venus is high pressure because of the aether, gravity is electricity, etc. From the podcast the only thing I remember him predicting is Saturn's structure but he doesn't actually go into how he came to that and he doesn't predict other planets. The periodic table thing was made by another man too.

Anonymous No. 16190231


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Anonymous No. 16190251


Anonymous No. 16190256

youre whole post is pic related

Anonymous No. 16190267

You gonna talk about when your 1*1=2 faggot said that that the sun births planets, jupiter's red spot is another moon forming, nitrogen atoms expand on mars, venus is high pressure because of the aether, gravity is electricity, etc?

Anonymous No. 16190269

hopefully you got money in the bank to take a nice trip this summer
i can tell you could use it

Anonymous No. 16190280

>no argument
what's the point of writing all that shit >>16190065
>>16190100 if you can't even back up what's he's saying?

bodhi No. 16190287

so he is spewing ghettoized Plato/Hindu with some incoherent nonsense and Larping like a gigabrain for kind of understanding it on a basic level?

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Anonymous No. 16190292

hello terrance how are the infinite energy hydrogen drones coming along

bodhi No. 16190296

Start with this one

Anonymous No. 16190303

wasn't me i'll have to check later
i'm working on teleportation rn

bodhi No. 16190307

I can back it up. I spent the last decade spoonfeeding you retards this shit

Anonymous No. 16190443

spoon-feed me

Anonymous No. 16190446

proof you not cia?

Anonymous No. 16190481

Can I see your penis?

Anonymous No. 16190761

Idk man, I'm just a dude. If you've spent years spilling the beans to everyone already, why stop now?

Anonymous No. 16190765

i've been seeing all kinds of shitheads laugh at the 1x1 = 2 but can you show me how 1x1 = 1, doesn't matter if what he thinks is retarded or not but to me the simplest way is to just explain why 1x1 = 1, all i see is retards trying to multiply apples by apples or someshit

Anonymous No. 16190766

>making these outrageous claims therefore the burden of proof lies upon him
why ?

Anonymous No. 16190796

Because C'est la vie

Anonymous No. 16190864

Nigga, if you have one apple and another apple and you try to multiply them, do you end with one or two apples?
Nigga, explain me where this type of multiplication can be observed in nature? Fucking nowhere. Mathematical Platonism is unironically right, but multiplications as are understood, as in x thing x times is just a language trick that doesn't belong in real mathematics. Terrance Howard is unironically right here. Personally I think it was a dumb move to try to redefine multiplications instead of explaining why our understanding of them is wrong though. He exposed to being attacked by midwits. He should have proposed a different symbol instead that expressed how multiplications truly work in nature.

Anonymous No. 16190865

Bros, why are there straight lines in his drones? Is the Terrence fucking with us?

Anonymous No. 16190873

Your feeling when this guy is unironically a genius. What the fuck. This all makes sense, at least in theory.

Anonymous No. 16190891

>Nigga, if you have one apple and another apple and you try to multiply them, do you end with one or two apples?
my friend, i gave that example as a joke of what not to do when trying to explain shit, meaning what the fuck is apple x apple, apple2?

Anonymous No. 16190902

He's a fucking grifter that's managed to influence a bunch of easily influenced retards.
Who knew.
About what exactly?
He comes across to me as being the same sorts of "niggaz" you'd get in a 1970's jail movie. Because everyone around him is too fucking stupid to question his shit, they see him as some kind of fucking genius. Guess what retard, he isn't. He's not even fucking close.

Anonymous No. 16190945

I hate how stupid this board has become. At least on /g/ people actually talk about technology. Here on /sci/ people are openly retarded and praise the dumbest niggerbrained ideas you can think of because they’re even more retarded so they think this brainlet is a genius by comparison.

Anonymous No. 16191233

>a bunch of pseudopoetic and philosophical bullshit dancing around physics concepts, and inserting jargon where necessary to give the illusion of credibility while actually doing nothing to ground these "theories" in any sort of reality
Yeah, didn't expect any different. Into the trash it goes.

Anonymous No. 16191291

Note: Not a single fucking person has said anything that Terrence has said is wrong and can offer no justification for why they feel that way despite saying all kinds of slavery about him

Anonymous No. 16191323

All kinds of slander. If he's such a crackpot, then why don't you geniuses offer reasons as to what he has said is wrong. Yet again, not touching the 1x1 or sqrt 2 stuff. Too easy of a target to focus on when he has talked about a bunch of other stuff that has far greater implications than some math semantics bullshit.

Someone tackle the objects created by the collision of electricity that manifest in the interference. Someone tackle the periodic table. Someone refute his simulation that was created without gravity as a fundamental force showing the creation of Saturn and the galaxy (that one should be easier than the others). Someone refute his assertion that all energy travels equally away from the point of origin in the form of waves in a perfect bubble. Someone refute that the pressures from these bubbles interacting with each other causes a high pressure condition that causes the energy from matter to travel outward in vortices (can't travel outward in a bubble due to the bubbles from the fabric rerouting the energy with their own force). Someone refute that these vortices are caused by the energy going out in a spiral pattern making pointed edges. Something. Anything. Point me to a resource or video that breaks this down with math or something.

Anonymous No. 16191374

You are of no use to me simpleton

Anonymous No. 16191390

replace the "x" in 1x1=1 with the words "groups of". 1 group of 1 is equal to 1. That's all there is to it. Nothing more.

Anonymous No. 16191392

you're a major faggot that is just as useless as everyone else on this board

Anonymous No. 16191403

I make the meta

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Anonymous No. 16191409


Anonymous No. 16191421

Nature is actually trying to kill us all because of the gays and jews

Anonymous No. 16191663

>He's unironically smarter than witten
What the actual fuk is going on

Anonymous No. 16191666

Why not apply that same skepticism to string theorists? They've made no predictions and yet get hundreds of millions in funding (factor in the year salary of every string theorist from post doc and up for every year they work, as well as conferences etc).

Anonymous No. 16191794

There's nothing to debunk because he didn't prove anything. However, everything he said was incorrect lol. Just type it into youtube and there's a 48 minute video pointing out everything he said that was wrong.

Anonymous No. 16191797

>recreating Saturn no gravity :
Without gravity, Saturn as we know it would not exist. The planet's gaseous and ring structures, its moons, and its atmospheric dynamics are all products of gravitational forces. Removing gravity would mean disassembling the planet and dispersing its components into space, leaving nothing but a diffuse cloud of gas and debris. This thought experiment highlights the indispensable role of gravity in shaping the cosmos.

Anonymous No. 16191898

you're so full of shit lmao

Anonymous No. 16191903

I like the part where he says the Greeks were stupid for believing in Platonic solids because of straight lines, then tries to cobble them together again to make his "linchpin" (after ignoring the fact that dodecahedra can't tessellate and distorting the beautiful geometry)

Anonymous No. 16191933

String theory at least makes mathematical sense and if it can be used to make predictions despite being wrong it'll still be an invaluable framework to base other models on. It does seem people are moving away from it though due to the lack of evidence, so they are applying that level of skepticism. Terryology doesn't even make it past 1st grade maths

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Anonymous No. 16191951

the elements in that diagram that 'resonate' are each found in the same periodic group. mendeleev knew a thing or two

Anonymous No. 16192255

Wtf Bruce Willis was interested in Terrence theories? Source?

Anonymous No. 16192522

>Just type it into youtube and there's a 48 minute video pointing out everything he said that was wrong.
link? there's multiple of them

Anonymous No. 16192616

No, it's 2. One group, one member. Two things. Learn to count.

Anonymous No. 16192758

People are getting caught up between mathematics and philosophy. It's like this:

>1 apple x [1 as a concept]:
>aka 1 group of 1 = 1

>1 apple x 1 apple:
>aka 2 apples exist

Terrence Howard seems to have accidentally tripped over something like the concept of mathematical fictionalism, has failed to see this as merely a philosophical stance, and is now trying to "fix it" with nonsense.

1x1 is a retarded example though. I think to help understand what he is saying, a more clear way to put this would be something like: "I give you 3 half eaten apples".

If you take this purely as math, then you have 1.5 apples.
If you take the "Terrance Howard route", you have 3 apples x 0.5 eaten

Anonymous No. 16192919

>>1 apple x [1 as a concept]:
1*1=one box with one toy in it=one toy
4*5=five boxes with four toys each=twenty toys
5*4=four boxes with five toys each=twenty toys
>aka 2 apples exist
we have something for that, it's called sum, we notate it with this + fucker, or if you are a hyper-hebrew or a supernatural being that can't into crosses then you'd use this ﬩

Anonymous No. 16193269

This guy gets it.

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Anonymous No. 16193279

>, if you have one apple and another apple and you try to multiply them, do you end with one or two apples?
You don't have one apple and another apple, you have one of one apple

Anonymous No. 16193409

>you have one of one apple
Terrence Howard understands this, but what he's saying, admittedly in a rather clumsy way, is that this is not a multiplication, but a form of categorization. When you say you have x thing y amount of times you are not multiplying, but categorizing. You're making an observation, a description. And while this is useful, it doesn't have as much to do with multiplication as with language. When you say two pencils two times are four pencils you aren't actually multiplying anything. You're simply inferring an hypothetical scenario, but no actual multiplication is taking part. This is not how multiplication works in nature. It's only useful to us, humans, as a way of categorizing quantities. But if you forget about humans and language and just observe how things multiply in nature you will see that Terrence Howard is into something. If you have one cell and another cell and they multiply, you won't end up with one cell, will you?

Anonymous No. 16193411

Low IQ survival mechanism

Anonymous No. 16193425

Okay. It clicked now. I guess he could be into something, yeah, but instead of trying to change multiplications as they are, which you admitted are useful, he should have come up with a new operation.

Anonymous No. 16193439

This is an excellent gist of spiral dynamics and tordial metaphysics. People who get it, get it, people who don't are always going to be dumb and ignorant and criticize what they don't understand. Geometry and energetic vibration are better at explaining things, but people are simple minded so we are always going to be held back as a society because people deny spiral dynamics and tordial metaphysics.

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Anonymous No. 16193450

This reads like something my brain would dribble to me in my dreams
>When you say two pencils two times are four pencils you aren't actually multiplying anything. You're simply inferring an hypothetical scenario, but no actual multiplication is taking part.
Yes there is, you're taking an object and saying how many times it multiplies, in your example a pencil which has multiplied four times.
>If you have one cell and another cell and they multiply, you won't end up with one cell, will you?
No, you won't, because you already started with two cells, you also forgot the multiplication operator to say how many times they multiply.

Anonymous No. 16193474

Anon, you're still trying to impose language over nature. Pencils don't multiply. When you multiply like this you're simply inferring a hypothetical scenario where you have more pencils, but nothing is being actually multiplied. Let's say you have two loaves of bread and a friend comes to visit you so you go to the store and buy another four loaves. You wouldn't say you multiplied the bread, would you?
>you also forgot the multiplication operator to say how many times they multiply.
You're stuck with the same mentality that made people shit themselves when Zeno came up with the turtle paradox. In nature time is continuum. The idea of multiplying something by "many times" is an abstraction that only makes sense to us because of language, but, again, it's not how multiplication works in nature.

Anon, you thought you learned mathematics, but you are only reasoning with language. You think it's mathematics because you use the same words that are used for numbers.

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Anonymous No. 16193495

>Anon, you're still trying to impose language over nature. Pencils don't multiply.
Not relevant to the argument
>When you multiply like this you're simply inferring a hypothetical scenario where you have more pencils
And when cells multiply you're inferring a hypothetical scenario where you have more cells
Hey, guess what, when one cell multiplies once the output number of cells is one

Anonymous No. 16193509

If this guy had come up with all this shit during the Floyd era he would be universally regarded as a visionary. He fucked up waiting so long. The same cucks like Professor Dave Explains who are mocking him now would have sucked his cock back then. I don't know much about math, but I'm inclined to believe in him, because all the people criticizing him are massive soi cucks, jews and shabbos goys.

Anonymous No. 16193541

Anon, you're still trying to impose logic on a schizo. Schizos don't reason. When you reason like this you're simply inferring a hypothetical scenario where symbolic language implies semantic meaning, but no thought is actually happening.

Anon, you thought you learned logic, but you are merely anthropomorphizing the speaker. You think it's thinking because it uses the same words that you are using.

Anonymous No. 16193552

To understand Terryology you first need to be Spengler pilled. Only when you understand that mathematics are not one thing, but each culture develops its own version of it based on their own mindset and beliefs, then you can accept Terryology for what it is and judge it as its own thing, instead of saying "b-but t-that's not how mathematics work!" like a midwit. There's no such thing as "how mathematics works". There are infinite possible forms of mathematics, depending of the culture that develops them. They only need to be consistent. The retard leftists who call our mathematics white supremacy are unironically right, even if they only say it as a cope for being bad at it.

Anonymous No. 16193629

If the jews are trying to ruin his image so badly, then he must be doing something right.

Anonymous No. 16194118

>Terryology doesn't even make it past 1st grade maths
And yet Terryology explains the shape of Saturn and how Earth got its moon. Does string theory explain that, with its precious math?

Anonymous No. 16194137

>Terryology explains the shape of Saturn
Uh …round?

Anonymous No. 16194176

The rings. And Terryology did it without gravity.

Anonymous No. 16194188

Nigger tier mental gymnastics

Anonymous No. 16194209

>The rings.
Uh … circular?

Anonymous No. 16194221

The same influx of schizos that infected /pol/ during the 2016 election ultimately spread to other boards, and they mostly congregate on those forums where they're convinced they can do the most damage in fighting the "soulless minions of orthodoxy" or whatever.

It's clearly not a large group of people, just a very motivated group of total fucking retards with seemingly limitless free time on their hands who seem determined to drown out any semblance of productive discussion with endless rambling spam.

Anonymous No. 16194251

Luckily all these retards will die soon from long covid, because they also refuse to get vaccinated.

Anonymous No. 16194276

Pol should be killed already with the exception of threads about ongoing wars and conflicts

Anonymous No. 16194295

It doesn't need to be killed, it just need to actually be fucking moderated for a change to cut back on the endless samethread spam from retards and bots.

Simplest solution would be to enforce the r9k algorithm on all the boards - basic cooldown on sameposting. I'd be willing to bet you'd see a tenfold improvement in board discussion quality across the whole site.

bodhi No. 16194341

you dont "have another apple" moron. You have 1 apple 1 time. That is 1 apple

Anonymous No. 16194407

>This means that straight lines fundamentally don't exist anywhere in nature

Things like almost perfect right angles sometime appear in nature. It’s kind of jarring when you do see it though.

But it makes sense - there are areas in the Mandelbrot set (which seems to coincide with the flower of life in its relationship to patterns found in nature) have a section in it that resembles a checkerboard pattern

bodhi No. 16194438

I am pretty sure Terrance Howard doesnt have anywhere near this level of understanding. Why are you giving him credit for your knowledge?

Anonymous No. 16194465

When I'm right, I'm right. When I'm wrong, I could have been right, so I'm still right because I could have been wrong (about being right).

Anonymous No. 16194543

>Using these systems would allow us an enormous capability to control the creation of matter by simply creating electrically charged points in different kinds of mediums, most likely a vacuum, that would then form the matter needed to spawn an object.
If this is true then he should be able to easily demonstrate his theory instead of just talking about it forever.
So why is he talking about it instead of just creating matter in front of universities and saying "you can't explain that!"

Anonymous No. 16194674

>undergrads seething an american negro is smarter than them

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Anonymous No. 16194692

>This means that straight lines fundamentally don't exist anywhere in nature,
What did he mean by this?

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he's a joke.png

Anonymous No. 16194813

>what he's saying
is pic related, straight from his book(page 18), he's a fucking schizo

Anonymous No. 16195114

The confusion here is semantic. Is you multiply 1 by 1 then you get one, but if you multiply 1 for 1 you get 2. Terryology is correct, but it complements multiplications. It doesn't replace them.

Anonymous No. 16195123

>have an apple
>multiply it by time
>now the apple has worms
>this jew wants to convince us the apple hasn't changed at all and we should pay full price for it
The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that terryology is right.

Anonymous No. 16195624

He is a bit of a schizo when it comes to explain himself, but most of the things he say make perfect sense. This guy explains it much better and quicker.

Anonymous No. 16195647

Did he also say 2+2=5 in the process?

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Anonymous No. 16195989

>Terrence Howard