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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16189120

>73% of US citizens are overweight or obese
How do we stop the obesity epidemic, anons?

Anonymous No. 16189121

ban seed oils?

Anonymous No. 16189131

Tax junk food
Restrict meat to 200 grams per day
Ban artificial sweeteners
More physical labor jobs
Ban body positivity

Anonymous No. 16189133


Anonymous No. 16189135

>Restrict meat to 200 grams per day
How does meat make you fat? we literally have a protein satiety response

Anonymous No. 16189137

Overweight people have broken satiety responses

Anonymous No. 16189146

Which isn't caused by meat faggot.
our protein and sat fat responses are pretty deep. it's not the meat

Anonymous No. 16189152

Anonymous No. 16189153

Then why do fatties munch chicken tendies like candy?

Anonymous No. 16189160

Time restricted eating seems to work for me. The human body was never designed to continuously consume high calorie foods during all waking hours.

Anonymous No. 16189163

what are they cooked in and coated with?

Anonymous No. 16189167

I lost 10lbs in 3 months from taking vitamin d3 10,000iu every morning

Anonymous No. 16189172

Stop poisoning people with iron, and return nutrients ("heavy metals" back to food)

Anonymous No. 16189173

It is meat, too much iron is toxic. No cuisine used so much meat before the WW2.

Anonymous No. 16189176

Holy fuck I want a woman who looks like this

Anonymous No. 16189236

Eat some veggies fatso

Anonymous No. 16189284

Ban soda

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Anonymous No. 16189294

You'd be surprised how much building narrow doors is effective.

Anonymous No. 16189299

>before ww2
wrong starting point

Anonymous No. 16189314

Why? I don't think so. Please explain.

Anonymous No. 16189352

Because we already had a wide number of problems with malnutrition due to the industrialised and mechanised food system.
Look for what diet humans perform best on, this is not the same as a diet that was just a little less poisonous than what they started eating in the past century.

Anonymous No. 16189356

by restricting access to food artificially

Anonymous No. 16189361

Crazy how I walk around uni and so many people not even properly in their 20s are total cows. It’s kind of depressing and a big reason why I stay in the gym.

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Anonymous No. 16189374

>No cuisine used so much meat before the WW2.
>>This bum splitting turd (coprolite) was found in 1972 beneath the site of what was to become the York branch of Lloyds Bank and may be the largest example of fossilised human faeces ever found, measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide! It dates back to approximately the 9th century and the person responsible is believed to be a Viking. Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread
>Analysis of the stool has indicated that its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread

Anonymous No. 16189377

No wonder he suffered from constipation

Anonymous No. 16189387

>>No cuisine used so much meat before the WW2.
Guess you were wrong about that

Anonymous No. 16189392

Imagine the rectal bleeding

Anonymous No. 16189405

>its producer subsisted largely on meat and bread
Imagine the constipation. At least eat a salad with dinner or something.

Anonymous No. 16189439

I was talking about the amount of meat.

Anonymous No. 16189441

what are you trying to mean by cuisine?

Anonymous No. 16189463

>not banging fat chicks from the campus
You're missing out bruh. It's divine

Anonymous No. 16189516

In Japan if you ask a kid what his favorite food is he may say broccoli. How does someone become such a retard in a smart way? Someone claimed it was due to basically brainwashing. That he was taught. While we sane people (fat retards) enjoy pizza and candy. What is the actual reason?

Anonymous No. 16189520


Anonymous No. 16189538

>another retard that fell for le carnivore diet grifters
kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16189548

FDA needs to do its job and ban or at least tighten regulations on a lot of the questionable ingredients they look the other way about. Other countries do this and don't have obesity issues. Various preservatives, additives, and lax manufacturing practices producing low-quality fattening foods is a big part of the problem.

They don't do this because it "hurts business" and food lobbyists pay Republicans heavily to maintain the status quo so the government/FDA will therefore never allow it. Republicans need to be voted out but voters are too stupid and continue to think they have their best interests at heart. We also need limits to corporate campaign contributions and regulation of PAC donations.

There is a small cultural component which also would need to be addressed. We're all just depressed from living in a corrupt late stage capitalist system that causes low wages and general stress. People comfort themselves with food, if we address cultural societal problems people would be happier and stress-eat less, or at least be able to think/care about their health more.

Anonymous No. 16189550

A purely economic solution - officially recognize the externalities excessive consumption of junk food and soda and candy have on the labor market, healthcare system, transportation costs,, and start taxing the shit out of companies that produce and sell and advertise the stuff.

Anonymous No. 16189569

I put "hurts business" in quotes because it's a false narrative. The multitude of health issues caused by the poison food the FDA allows on store shelves has a massive net cost for healthcare, insurance, and lost productivity of sick employees.

The net cost by far exceeds any minor cost savings for food companies to source cheaper, more toxic ingredients.

Anonymous No. 16189597

NTA but I feel like becoming one of those carnivore guys now just because of your comment out of spite of how fucking trash you are. People who say nothing at all of value, too lazy to even form a real sentence. People like you are killing this site.

Next time you're making a post, say why you disagree with it. Come with facts or anything of fucking value. Don't just say “kill yourself”.

Anonymous No. 16189628

You need to stop regulating heavy metals.

Anonymous No. 16189743

Three hours but worth the time for the dense info.

Anonymous No. 16189784

1) Make it a jailable offense to be over 23% body fat for men and over 33% for women. The jail is a fat camp that forces you to work towards being as fit as possible. Prisoners can work, but they cannot leave unless assisted by a dietition and personal trainer.
2) Make PE a hardcore course we all take in school. The goal is to be in top physical shape and educated about individual health and fitness.
3) Put surgeon general warnings on all food and drink with added sugar or large amounts of saturated fat.
4) Make commercials of people who got fat and regretted it like they do for smoking. Show the wounds they get from diabetes. Show what their lives lost out on by eating too much. Air them everywhere.
5) Change daily protein recommendations to at least 0.8g/lb body weight.
6) Make all known nutrition information, like all micronutrients, of any food sold at at least 10 locations available on a publically accessible database.

Anonymous No. 16189842


Anonymous No. 16189846

>2) Make PE a hardcore course we all take in school. The goal is to be in top physical shape and educated about individual health and fitness.
Look up the La Sierra high school system, it was popular in JFK's time. based on traditional fitness and gymnastics

Anonymous No. 16189849

Eugenics. Combo of dysgenics making people too impulsive to say no, and evironmental changes in the form of scientifically engineered addictive goyslop.

Both are solved by eugenics. Remove the genes that make you addicted to food, or make people less impulsive, and the problem is mitigated

Anonymous No. 16189955


Anonymous No. 16190030

It's good that most Americans are fat and stupid, as it means I have less competition to be successful in this country.

Anonymous No. 16190129

Thanks, good watch

Anonymous No. 16190140

I had a shit larger than that once. Why am I not famous?

Anonymous No. 16190658

You didn't preserve it

Anonymous No. 16190667

we wouldnt have this problem if people just ate the bugs, bigot.

Anonymous No. 16190713

Start giving out extra monthly rewards to skinny people

Anonymous No. 16190870

We need more salts and iodine

Anonymous No. 16190955

Offer liposuction for free and sell the lard

Anonymous No. 16191065

This. FDA even allows flame retardants in food and beverages.

Anonymous No. 16191070

I wish 73% of Americans looked like this

Anonymous No. 16191073

literally the most effective weight loss diet is just eating more animal products. For primarily hormonal reasons. A plant based diet is not satiating, not nutritious enough (contributing to overeating), and results in a hormonal profile that increases weight gain and overeating. Your hormones change by diet, and your hormones regulated all these things, including fat gain itself.

Anonymous No. 16191074

Write some bugs in the tractor AI software to cause 400 million people to fight over the last bags of doritos at their local grocery stores. Fighting and running is a great weight loss program.

Anonymous No. 16191083

Exercise itself has no relation to bodyfat or general health. You just eat more anyway. It's all about diet. That said, it has social benefits, as PE involves sports, which involve self-improvement, teamwork, collectivism, ambition, self-esteem from satisfaction in physical ability, useful body skills like hand-eye coordination, making friends, etc. All of these things lead to healthier people and better habits, even if exercise itself is obviously negative for health.

Anonymous No. 16191110

>muh seed oils
>muh GMOs
>muh corn syrup
You fucking NIGGERS stop looking for boogeymen, the simple fucking fact is that Americans consume more calories than other countries. That's it, that's the whole fucking story right there. A Large McDonald's in the UK or Japan is a medium in the US, a double cheeseburger there is basically a single here, it all comes down to caloric intake, not whatever buzzword of the year it is.

Anonymous No. 16191122

This is the ideal female body.

Anonymous No. 16191123

exercise boosts muscle function and improves metabolic rate it's good for you even if it won't directly change your weight
but anon, this is just wrong.

Anonymous No. 16191235

Who cares? Get fit and enjoy being the only non overweight person in the room 80% of the time. The rewards only increase as you get older

Anonymous No. 16191239

bread and such are way more likely to make people fat than meat lmao that's ridiculous

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16191303


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Anonymous No. 16191307

We dont

Anonymous No. 16191413

Insh'allah, brother

Anonymous No. 16191647

Meat was mainly used in holiday feasts

Anonymous No. 16191653

Sneed oils?

Anonymous No. 16191655

He thinks tendies are actual meat anon, so you think he understands that breading is literaly carb powder glued together with saturated fats?

Anonymous No. 16191660

I don't know about breading, but I know about breeding your mom

Anonymous No. 16191685

>glued together with saturated fats?
no, it'l be some sort of solidified seed oil or wax

Anonymous No. 16192175

Imagine the huffing and puffing

Anonymous No. 16192265

I want a fat lucoa gf

Anonymous No. 16192312

Ban corn. Literally made to fatten up cattle

Anonymous No. 16192399

*diet soda

Anonymous No. 16192403

Don't worry about it. It's not yours or gov't's responsibility to do something about it. Let nature take it's course. That's what it means to be an American, retards. Personal responsibility.

lol, but that's messed up
kys dupe
leave my country and then kys
pathetic, but true
learn how money works, retard. in the meantime, kys
hilariously capitalist. based.
after all, why not?

Anonymous No. 16192409

Simply tax income progressively based on BMI. If you're obese you pay 90% tax.

Anonymous No. 16192420

>you're fat so we'll steal all your earnings for your own good
kys, you disgusting fuck

Anonymous No. 16192427

Treat sugar like the dangerous addictive substance it is.

Anonymous No. 16192428

Make it illegal to be fat.

Anonymous No. 16192430

>FDA needs to do its job and ban or at least tighten regulations on a lot of the questionable ingredients they look the other way about
There's no magical ingredient or substance that makes you fat, retard. It's calories, nothing else can make you gain weight. It is physically impossible.

Anonymous No. 16192431

>noooo don't force people to be healthier nooo!111

Anonymous No. 16192489

>look mom, i replied to all xD

Anonymous No. 16192628

>there's no magical ingredient
insulin makes you fat

Anonymous No. 16192708

Die fattie scum

Anonymous No. 16193118


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Anonymous No. 16193122

Move more and refuse motorized transport ? Problem solved degenerate motorbrained americano.

Anonymous No. 16193159

National famine.

Nation-wide GLP drug administration would be a close second.

Anonymous No. 16193638

This. National famines and gulags

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Anonymous No. 16193644

>get your population addicted to insulin
>can now hold back insulin to control population if needed
land of the free

Anonymous No. 16193753

Take you meds

Anonymous No. 16193805

I won't oppose this trend if women will look like that

Anonymous No. 16193933

Maybe for you, but how do you enforce that to the entire nation?

Anonymous No. 16193974

kys slave
think again, I'm fit and always have been.

Anonymous No. 16194189

In your dreams lol

Anonymous No. 16194684


Anonymous No. 16194690

why was almost everyone skinny in the past?

Anonymous No. 16194694

grab a biochemistry textbook and look at what insulin makes cells do

Anonymous No. 16194704

>bind to a receptor
>receptor starts a secondary messenger cascade
>enhances glucose uptake
>starts gluconeogenesis
>more sugar in bloodstream
How does that make you fatter?

Anonymous No. 16194708

>look at what insulin makes cells do

Anonymous No. 16195263

Offer tasty healthy food premade and in convenient packaging for cheap in the places usually occupied by impulse buy foods. Look at Japan and compare to American grocery store. So many lower cal premade options for cheap. America is just candy fried chicken soda chips everywhere. Walmarts have donuts by the dozen next to checkout! Imagine if was instead sandwiches and fruit and veggie pasta ready to be eaten while you wait in line.

Anonymous No. 16195412


Anonymous No. 16196147

Start congatulating every fat woman for pregnancy. And every male for beating anorexia.

Anonymous No. 16196605

Yes? And?

Anonymous No. 16196675

>eugenics requires the government
at least i admire your hatred of the state

Anonymous No. 16196701

insulin makes cells store fat

You can find photos of people with fatty lumps where they regularly inject insulin

Anonymous No. 16197210


Anonymous No. 16197742


Anonymous No. 16198930

>muh carnivore diet
I see you've been watching Asmongold

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Anonymous No. 16200018

They should do squats on my dick until they're skinny! Oh and promote a diet containing fats.

Anonymous No. 16200136


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Anonymous No. 16200203

I dunno about all that but I want Lucoa to crush my head with her jumbo thighs.

Anonymous No. 16200337

>measuring a whopping 20cm (8 in) long and 5cm (2 in) wide!
rookie numbers

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Anonymous No. 16200349


Anonymous No. 16200369

Crack cocaine.

Anonymous No. 16200917

It's literally as easy as limiting your calorie intake. Set a limit and never go over it, treat it like a financial limit. Stop fucking thinking it's about willpower or whatever. Treat it as a physical limit, an impossibility to go over.
You can't buy a Ferrari when you have $200 left in your wallet, the same way you can't eat that pizza when you have 200 kcal left in your calorie [wallet].
>ok but I feel hungry
Okay and I feel great grief when I'm not driving in a Ferrari.

Anonymous No. 16201119

That's been done, doesn't work in a strict sense, initially you lose weight but then the body drops the metabolic rate and hordes energy and you feel lethargic and constantly hungry

You have to actively modify the metabolic pathways that your body is using which is curiously why fasting works better than calorie restriction even if they technically achieve a the same calorie restriction the mechanism the body interprets the metabolic signaling from all this is different.

You need to focus on management of the insulin response and other compensatory effects like toxin dilution or mineral deficiencies.

To borrow your analogy, your body wants that ferrari and your body will scrimp and save and cut all other costs and wasted financial outlays to achieve it.

Anonymous No. 16202017


Anonymous No. 16202049

Nice post. We've got to stop ignoring how financial incentives have influenced science.

Anonymous No. 16203665

They always have. No funding = no research

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Anonymous No. 16203683

Americans... Let's face it: We've been a spoiled country for a long time
Do you know what the number one health risk in America is?
Obesity. Obesity! They say we're in the middle of an obesity epidemic
An epidemic like it is polio. Like we'll be telling our grand kids about it one day
The Great Obesity Epidemic of 2004
"How'd you get through it grandpa?"
"Oh, it was horrible Johnny, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere."

Nobody knows why were getting fatter? Look at our lifestyles!
I'll sit at a drive thru
I'll sit there behind fifteen other cars instead of getting up to make the eight foot walk to the totally empty counter
Everything is mega meal, super sized
"Want biggie fries with that? Want a jumbo fry, wanna go large
Want a biggie fry, wanna have thirty burgers for a nickel, you fat motherfucker?"
"There's room in the bag. Take it!"
"Want a 55 gallon drum of Coke with that? It's only three more cents."

Anonymous No. 16203689

In America, the health of the people is just another commodity to be bought or sold.
Fewer people profit when the average American is fit and healthy, so interest groups lobby to keep the average American fat and uneducated.

Anonymous No. 16203720

Really? So why doesn't your body buy that Ferrari (IDK, let's say huge muscles) when it has a million kcal in its budget?

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Anonymous No. 16205592

refund the FDA

Anonymous No. 16205596

This proves nothing
Viking dude probably had a big ass feast and didn’t eat like this regularly

Anonymous No. 16206512

>In Japan if you ask a kid what his favorite food is he may say broccoli. How does someone become such a retard in a smart way? Someone claimed it was due to basically brainwashing.
I'm Jap but what the fuck. That's so random. What Japanese kids say wouldn't be much different from American kids. Kids are just kids just like women are just women anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16206516

>Other countries do this and don't have obesity issues.
LOL. Asian countries are still somewhat slender but everywhere else, including the third world, is porking up rapidly.

Anonymous No. 16206656

>Fewer people profit when the average American is fit and healthy
actually more people would profit from being fit and healthy but they aren't the ones with lobbying power

Anonymous No. 16206661

>They always have.
not true
the secret is having fuck you money or power

Anonymous No. 16206667


Anonymous No. 16206682

American Samoa is 70 percent. USA is 40 which is still a lot, but not 70. Best way is to stop subsidizing corn and focus resources on correcting shit eating habits and teach people to process their feelings in a healthier manner. Never going to happen. Hilarious to even suggest it.

Anonymous No. 16207233

Children will innately like foods high in heavy metals. Possibly in calories, if they are so starved that their mitochondria begin to fail.

Anonymous No. 16207337

Unironically what would cure obesity the most certainly would be that any women that is overweight is free sexual use, she literally can't say no to any man that is not overweight.
Every woman on the planet would stay underweight just out of sheer fear an incel would exploit the policy, and men would stay in shape for obvious reasons.

Anonymous No. 16207428

go back >>>/r9k/

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Anonymous No. 16207512