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๐Ÿงต On adderal Vyvanse and other stimulants.

Anonymous No. 16189211

Drugs are cool

Normies be like
>I drink 6 cups of coffe before 9AM im so quirky lelel
if you need 6 of anything when talking about substances, its clear the formula has failed and can only get you so far
Caffeine is said to be responsible for the Renaissance, you know how much time has passed since then and how complex the world has gotten?
There's a great filter in human cognition (we can not advance forever) that hard substances might overcome. Harder substances need to be legalized. Whole industries are already dependent on them under the table. Just ask a finance bro or a lawyer or a college student in engineering.
When they get legalized and after prolonged use, new neural pathways in front lobe (and the rest of the brain) might be created that will seriously change our abilities and would otherwise never grow.
Cell memory and natural selection will remember these changes.
It will be a new era for humanity

Anonymous No. 16189218

>its clear the formula has failed and can only get you so far

Jesus, relax mate, not everyone wants to trip their ass off so hard that they won't remember what planet they are for a week. Cofee is perfect for enchanting what is still productive day, not being a faggot closed in his own broken brain.

Anonymous No. 16189226

The more we discover the more new humans have to learn before they become contributors themselves.
Each human starts at zero (0) every time.
It already takes 30 years of education to produce a competent surgeon. Now imagine expecting them to know how to use AI and circuits and brain implants. All before they reach 55 and start showing tremors and early dementia symptoms and schizophrenia for studying so hard drying to fight their basic primal urge that were useful in a world long gone.

Anonymous No. 16189251

I don't know any junkie that even became surgeon in the first place. Mainly they were good for poetry.

Anonymous No. 16189280

>on stims
non-adhd people disgust me

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Anonymous No. 16189443
