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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต bodypart evolution

Anonymous No. 16189476

why cant evolution make more eyes?

1. spider: 6-8 eyes (pigment cup type which is fully evolved to form image)
2. any insect: 2 big compound eyes for images, + 0-3 pigment cup eyes that do not form image but only inform the brains about level of lightning
3. rag sea worm (4 binocular camera type)
4. octopus or cone-sea-snail (2 binocular camera type eyes for well formed hunting vision) and land snails have 2 pigment cup type which barely see, there are no land octopus at all
5. box jelly fish (16 binocular camera eyes, no brains, but yet good vision.. a real mystery)
6. descendants of fish that lived 500 million years ago:
-frogs, two binocular camera eyes
-lizards, two binocular camera eyes
-mammals incljuding human, two binocular camera eyes

seems like it just not possible for more eyes to appear on fish lineage?

>first fish separates from all other life forms on Earth, never mixing with them again, roughly 700 million years ago

Anonymous No. 16189487

>why does higher organ specialization lead to more consolidated bodyplan
truly a mistery

Anonymous No. 16189491

In order to successfully have a second pair of eyes form, you would need
1) A second orbit to store it in
2) A second pair of optic nerves
3) A second pair of oculomotor nerves
4) A second set of nuclei for the same
5) A second set of connections to vestibular and cerebellar tracks to allow for oculovestibular response
6) A second set of extraocular muscles to be innervated by the second set of oculomotor nerves
7) A new blood supply
8) Foramina for said blood supply in the skull
9) A second set of tear ducts
10) A second set of eyelids with palpebral muscles and innervations
11) A second set of innervations from V1 to allow for blink response, tearing in response to dryness, etcetera

and that's just what I can think up first thing in the morning.

On top of that, it would have to convey a fitness advantage.

Anonymous No. 16189492


Anonymous No. 16189567

In a hypothetical case, there is no law that not having a given trait is because it would be a disadvantage. Obviously, psychic powers would be a significant advantage, but nobody has evolved that.
All of your cost analysis is easily set aside: it is called evolution of the gaps.

Anonymous No. 16189612

>My counterargument: magic doesn't exist either

Anonymous No. 16189631

Nobody's evolved teleportation powers either, despite how useful they would be. Therefore evolution is a lie.

Anonymous No. 16189666

Conclusion does not follow. The point is that not every advantaged trait has come around, and not every trait around is advantaged over an alternative.
The reading comprehension of materialists is abysmal.

Anonymous No. 16189667

you're such a dumb fucking idiot holy shit lmao

Anonymous No. 16189681

>3) A second pair of oculomotor nerves
You would also need a second pair of trochlear and abducens nerves, because for some reason 2 eye moving muscles need separate nerves.

Anonymous No. 16189691

Yet another question that debunks evolution and shows why it has no merit intellectually. Keep em comin

Anonymous No. 16190128

Fish, frogs and some lizards also have non-imageforming parietal eye. In mammals, this parietal eye is within our skull and is known as the pineal gland.

It is also hypothesized that the first vertebrate was a predator animal. This favors the development of 3d vision with depth perception.

Our camera eyes also allow higher spatial resolution within a smaller space than insect compound eyes or octopus camera eyes.

Anonymous No. 16190143

It's benefit vs cost. Retina and visual processing consumes lot of energy. Fish can capture prey with just two eyes, so they dont need any extra.

All fish and their relatives are basically overdeveloped tunicate larvae, so that also puts some constrains

Anonymous No. 16190193

>-mammals incljuding human, two binocular camera eyes
We have more. really long story, will write it up tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16190195

>overdeveloped tunicate larva

there is no proof of that, at least genetics have not shown this connection

instead it looks more like it that tunicate are degenerated vertebrates that lost most of their advanced features for the benefit of conquering a sessile lifestyle where there is no true competition for them

(mass extinctions killed most crustaceans capable of doing the same what tunicates are doing, this happened 250 million years ago, while first fish is about 500 million years old so tunicates probably degenerated from primitive fish 400 million to 250 million years ago)

Anonymous No. 16190197

If you mention the pineal gland I'm gonna hunt you irl

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Anonymous No. 16190957


Anonymous No. 16191005

>We have more
Really looking forward to learning about this

Anonymous No. 16192227

Ok so, we really have this third eye INSIDE our heads. It's called the pineal gland. It secretes the hormone melatonin, which is a major driver for circadian rhythmicity!

Anonymous No. 16192577

Hilarious, but no.

It is not particularly effective in humans.

It is a kind of party trick that children love but it is working, honestly. Most humans can do this but strangely people have to learn or made ware of this.

Start by closing your eyes and pass your hand slowly across your face as close to your skin as possible but, importantly, not without touching. There must be no wind or draught and the air should be dry and not hot. You will sense thermal radiation from your hand (and to a lesser degree warm air convection) onto your face. Ask people exactly where they sense the hand the most, and they will discover that both depressions just outside the nasal wings are the most sensitive parts.

The reason is that these areas have very thin skin and are a bit moist, so that you get local cooling, which enhances the termal sensitivity. It is hardly on par with crygenically cooled thermal cameras favoured by the military, but this is sufficient to work and even provide angular sensitivity. And this is also how rattle snakes sense thermal sources. Next stage is to use a small candle, and by closing your eyes, concentrating on these pits, you can turn your head site to side and determine the angle fairly accurately with the candle 1 m away. Some can sense it even more distant.

Now ask your audience if there is another area and some will report that the upper lip is also sensitive, though not as sensitive as the pits. So the two pits provide azimuth angle and the upper lip provides elevantion angle. In my experience, small children are ectatic at this point!

Anonymous No. 16192580

Ok, so there are a few obvious questions about this, like just why do we have this sense, and why are so few aware of it? Yet it takes just 5 minutes to demonstrate this. More mysteriously, in Africa with hot and humid climate, this will not work. The humidity prevents evaporative cooling of the pits and sensitivity plummets. Our ancestors the primates, are far too hairy in the face that this can be expected to work, so this might be something that arose when humans left Africa. I am not sure it works with black Africans, their skin structure is subtly different, and lack the features that came with Neanderthal genes.

I have asked around and one hypothesis was that this is something that lets half blind babies find their mother's breasts, which is important for survival.

Anonymous No. 16192584

If it doesn't involve opsin proteins, it is not related to eyes and vision at all. Thermal sense is mediated by TRP channels

Anonymous No. 16192735

>for some reason
it just works

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Anonymous No. 16192844

>If it doesn't involve opsin proteins,
That is why I framed the statement rather carefully in >>16190193
>it is not related to eyes and vision at all.
That depends on your definition of vision. A rattlsnake uses what is essentially a single pixel sensor and moves its head back and forth to get a sense of both the distance and the size of the object. That is why drivers who stop the car to unload the bladder on a cool night is more likely to be seen by a rattlesnake as suitably sized snack.
>Thermal sense is mediated by TRP channels
The human brain is able to for a visual impression by many means, like pic. related.

Anonymous No. 16192868

evolution can't do anything because evolution is false

Dave No. 16193021

>Conclusion does not follow. The point is that not every advantaged trait has come around, and not every trait around is advantaged over an alternative.
>The reading comprehension of materialists is abysmal.

you are a joke

Anonymous No. 16193068

And you are fat with blue hair. Neither of these are an advantageous trait, and yet, you are also retarded. All of which confirming the sentiment, which you also failed to deny. Shietttt.

Anonymous No. 16193660

>muh troons everywhere

Anonymous No. 16193897

>>16192844And what is your definition of vision? If any sort of electromagnetic radiation causes a tingle?

Anonymous No. 16194843

Anything that can give you an impression of an image, at least a vague outline.

Anonymous No. 16195587

Perhaps time to continue with near infrared vision in humans? This one may satisify the opsin-anon.

Anonymous No. 16196609

I wonder

Anonymous No. 16197390

Based retard

Anonymous No. 16197449

>why cant evolution make more eyes?
Either you go the human route.
( gigantic complex super brain combined with simple eyes )
Or you go the mantis shrimp route -
( small stupid primitive nerve ganglia connected to eyes that can see ultraviolet, infrar-red and polarized light )

Anonymous No. 16197529

how the fuck is it possible to see if a spider is female or male lol?

Anonymous No. 16197611

>how the fuck is it possible to see if a spider is female or male lol?
Males 95% of the time are smaller than females.

Anonymous No. 16197618

You can check their genitalia under microscope

Anonymous No. 16197622

People have evolutioned themselves into somehow getting microplastics in their balls. The rules are out the window when it comes to natural selection and "what is advantageous". Just give me my fucking additional eyes so that I may closer look at the majesty of God and give me more eyes to cover at the shame of man.

Anonymous No. 16197701

humans probably descend from box jellyfish because box jellyfish has camera eyes (they are super small camera eyes) just like a human

jellyfish eyes have single optical nerve that travels to the medusa central nervous system

there are 16 eyes and 16 optical nerves

medusa doesnt have an actual brain but central nervous system is directly connected to the eyes

they do not have a sense of smell or touch, or hearing, only seeing

but the thing is, medusa eyes is more similar to human eye rather than to insect eye

its like insect eyes just appear out of nowhere being evolutionarily not connected to even lower life forms

Anonymous No. 16197791

>its like insect eyes just appear out of nowhere being evolutionarily not connected to even lower life forms

Yeah, trilobites independently evolved compound eyes.
You get one simple tube eye, Add another, then another etc
evolutionarily speaking it makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16197871

trilobites were the ancestors of the insects, they disappeared from the sea but lived on on the land

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Anonymous No. 16197876

>medusa central nervous system

Anonymous No. 16198873

>trilobites were the ancestors of the insects, they disappeared from the sea but lived on on the land

The only commonality between Insects and Trilobites is that they are both part of the Phylum anthropoda.
Trilobites are so ancient and primitive that they aren't even part of the clade Pancrustacea that includes Insects and crustaceans.
Rather unsurprisingly it looks like the closest living relatives of trilobites are horseshoe crabs.

Anonymous No. 16198948

Someone built them all.

Anonymous No. 16198949

Psychic powers could easily be detrimental to survival.
Scientists constantly assume tbey know what's advantageous and they have no clue.

Anonymous No. 16199010

Why cant evolution make more eyes ?
Because the human organism is fairly complex already.
Prototypical features only seem to evolve in very basic organisms. Aparently it's one thing for a lump of cells to mutate a few cells that are sensitive to light, from where all its descendants might evolve those into something as eyes. But a completely different thing for a species to develop additional specialized and complex copies of an organ.
On a sidenote: The girl with three eyes ? You would !?

Anonymous No. 16199737

>Psychic powers could easily be detrimental to survival.
Citation needed.

Anonymous No. 16200437

According to schizo logic, psychic powers = glow in the dark, which is detrimental for survival against predators

Anonymous No. 16201265

yeah even if having 3 eyes were of utmost importance, with somehow very strong and specific pressure, it still wouldn't happen because impossible at this stage.

Anonymous No. 16202023


Anonymous No. 16203662

>On a sidenote: The girl with three eyes ? You would !?
If she had big boobs

Anonymous No. 16203697

>girl with three eyes

lets cut to the chase, how many vaginas

Anonymous No. 16203707

probably not worth the load on the brain considering

Anonymous No. 16205216

>horseshoe crabs
And these seem to have a lot of eyes, also of different types.