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Anonymous No. 16189477

The universe is kinda flat, so what happens if we move vertically in space, instead of horizontally? Is there just nothing?

Anonymous No. 16189537

No you enter a mirror universe

Anonymous No. 16189635

>The universe is kinda flat
The universe is kind of locally-Minkowskian

Anonymous No. 16189641

>The universe is kinda flat
What makes you say that? Go outside on a clear night and have a look around. There are stars and galaxies in every direction, not just in a single plane.

Anonymous No. 16189665

The SOLAR SYSTEM is flatish, it exists mostly in a loose plane. This is because of conservation of angular momentum. But beyond the solar system stuff's oriented all sorts of ways until you get up to the galactic scale, when stuff starts looking like a sort of loose plane again.

Anonymous No. 16189679

OP is probably talking about the Axis of Evil (cosmology) which it seems he has grossly overrated in significance

Anonymous No. 16189732
