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Anonymous No. 16189806

If global warming is real then why did antarctic sea ice increase by 10% between the late 1970s & 2015?

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Anonymous No. 16189819

You see, basically, you just have to know that greater people than you are thinking harder than you. They spend more time and money than you, and 100% of them have told you exactly what you're supposed to believe so don't even bother trying to think just go back to sweeping floors so that you can be famous, wealthy, and powerful one day when you've given everything you have and your freedom and your personality and your youth to the actual people who are famous, wealthy, and powerful.

Anonymous No. 16189859

Because measuring on just one day (sep 15) is retarded

Anonymous No. 16189861

Gummy wummy

Anonymous No. 16189899

That nonsense is 100% scam.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16189914

What's the average temperature of the antarctic? What's the freezing point of water?

Anonymous No. 16190498

My guess would be the reduction in chlorofluorocarbons.

Anonymous No. 16190502

Oh shit, I didn't catch that. Also it looks like the graph was deliberately cut off at 2015, probably to hide the fact that the spike was transient.

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Anonymous No. 16190758

Not only is OP's date cherry picked, but there still is a net ice loss if you look at both Greenland and Antarctic.

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Anonymous No. 16191725

sure there is. lmao. everyone knows you global warming faggots just change the data so it fits the narrative you're trying to sell

Anonymous No. 16192024

Retard take

Anonymous No. 16192277

>i know how to measure better than the professionals do
you don't

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Anonymous No. 16192329


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Anonymous No. 16192336

The abhorrent vomit you call data is not convincing anyone who has a working brain. There is no such a thing as global warming.

Anonymous No. 16192434

>OP posts a cherry-picked slice of data
>Someone posts a wider data span from the exact same source
>"n-no you can't do that data is le bad"

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Anonymous No. 16193313

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Anonymous No. 16193724

Low IQ people will always tend to have stupid beliefs because they are low IQ

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Anonymous No. 16193785

>the area meme again
Is this a psyop to make me believe in AGW or are you chuds unironically this retarded?

Anonymous No. 16194825

Global warming is fake

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16194865

Retard takes

Anonymous No. 16195522

Its amazing how upset people who claim to be concerned about the environment become when someone posts good news about the environment. You'd think they'd be happy to see good news about the environment, but instead they fly into a rage

Anonymous No. 16195542

>Its amazing how upset people who claim to be concerned about the environment become when someone posts lies and misinformation about the environment. You'd think they'd be happy to see lies and misinformation about the environment, but instead they fly into a rage

Anonymous No. 16195849

>did antarctic sea ice increase by 10% between the late 1970s & 2015?
Yes, I remember following that well. The reasons for that increase are complex and involve a variety of factors.
You have to understand that due to the chaotic complexity of many interacting fluid dynamics factors and solar irradiance, albedo, cloud cover, etc, no one knows EXACTLY why it happened, but it is attributed to several combined factors, such as wind patterns (stronger westerly winds spread ice outward), ocean currents (upwelling of colder deep water promotes ice formation), atmospheric temperature (stable temperatures and cooling from ozone depletion), freshwater input (melting glaciers add cold, fresh water that freezes more easily), natural variability (climate phenomena like the Southern Annular Mode and El Niรฑo-Southern Oscillation influence ice patterns).

You combine all that mess into a salad bowl the size of an ocean around a frozen continent and, yeah, it's hard to determine the details.

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Anonymous No. 16195859

Anon, from your own chart, you can see that the OP is correct, the increase did occur.
My modest attempt at clarifying the OP with a simple answer to a very complex question:

Anonymous No. 16195958

Retard takes

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Anonymous No. 16196487


Anonymous No. 16197311

The rate at which the antarctic is gaining ice over the past 7 or 8 years is even greater than it was from 1978 to 2015

Anonymous No. 16198318

The current interglacial period is slowly coming to a close, the Antarctic will continue to gain ice for the next 10,000 years or so

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OSE Arctic Sea Ic....jpg

Anonymous No. 16198779

the arctic is also gaining ice currently

Anonymous No. 16199574

both of these are good news if you're concerned about global warming, looks like all of the scientists' doomsday predictions turned out to be completely wrong.

Anonymous No. 16200304

science is such a stupid religion

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Anonymous No. 16201393

>the next ice age is coming
<no, its global warming
>the next ice age is coming
<no, its global warming
>the next ice age is coming
<no, its global warming
>the next ice age is coming
<no, its global warming

Anonymous No. 16201398

Because it flows faster and more is inteoduced to the ocean, probably ? IDK, not a climate scientist.

Anonymous No. 16201785

But ozone decreases insolation, especially higher frequencies, so you would expect the opposite

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Muh climate change.jpg

Anonymous No. 16201800

Nobody believes in your cow-farts doomsday cult anymore.

Anonymous No. 16201806

Global warming is a scam. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16201810

yeah thats right, its the land ice of greenland and antarctica that are the ones to watch.
beware of data cherry picking people from either side. although i would say the deniers do it a whole lot more lol

Anonymous No. 16202781

>not a climate scientist.
thats why your retarded conjectures are so stupid

Anonymous No. 16203124

why are you deflecting?

Anonymous No. 16203128

>Why are you deflecting by proving that they fake their data?

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Anonymous No. 16204958

Anonymous No. 16205091

This top image is ai generated, the Statue of Liberty is green

Anonymous No. 16205097

>I have no argument: the image

Anonymous No. 16205991

They didn't even have AI in the 1800s

Anonymous No. 16206877

meanwhile the weather hasn't changed since the 1800s

Anonymous No. 16208036


Anonymous No. 16208320


Anonymous No. 16208400

so you're saying you have no explanation

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Anonymous No. 16209188

one day is as good as any other, they'll all tell the same tale, theres more ice in the antarctic and in the arctic now than there was decades ago

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Anonymous No. 16209368

Because there is no good reason to show 1/365 of the available data in this case. It makes sense if you, say, want to manipulate and hide the sea ice decline.

Anonymous No. 16209809


Anonymous No. 16210405

sourcing your information from government propaganda agencies will only get you falsified data. propaganda agencies exist explicitly for the purpose of circulating falsehoods.

Anonymous No. 16210465

See >>16192434

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Anonymous No. 16211081


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Anonymous No. 16211192

>a single paper
>the article mentions a low probability in the very next paragraph

Anonymous No. 16212513

everything in that rag is fake

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arctic sea ice 20....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217303


Anonymous No. 16217449

The negative trend is clearly labelled in the bottom right corner. Thanks for agreeing that the sea ice is indeed declining.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16217470

>polnigger is a lying retard
Color me shocked

Anonymous No. 16217619

This is SETTLED SCIENCE. That means it's not up for debate anymore.

Anonymous No. 16217628

>The negative trend is clearly labelled in the bottom right corner.
This! The green line makes it undeniable. And it's not like the time interval started at a higher ice level than it ended with, which would skew the average. That would be an incredibly dishonest procedure, and nobody would ever do that,

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16217677

Why are you such a dishonest nigger?

Anonymous No. 16217761

Indeed, a 2007-2024 time range is a weird choice. Thankfully, we have more than 4 decades worth of data showing a long-term decline. See >>16209368

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Anonymous No. 16218798

the n word is racist

Anonymous No. 16220803

Why was there a 400% gain in arctic sea ice between 1984 & 2012?
How is that possible if global warming is real?

Anonymous No. 16221459


Anonymous No. 16221599

>looks like all of the scientists' doomsday predictions turned out to be completely wrong.
no, it doesn't: noise within a larger pattern is natural variability.

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Anonymous No. 16222695

>muh doomsday

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designated shitti....png

Anonymous No. 16223729

That measured increase was really from the accumulation of jeet waste accumulating on Antarctic shores

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fake global warming.jpg

Anonymous No. 16225263

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Anonymous No. 16226281


Anonymous No. 16226400

>December 20
The remaining 364/365 of the data doesn't fit your narrative I presume? See >>16209368

Anonymous No. 16226967


Anonymous No. 16227927

>t. science denialist

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Anonymous No. 16229202


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Anonymous No. 16229871

Anonymous No. 16230871

global warming isn't real

Anonymous No. 16231052

The irony of denying 99.7% of the data and calling someone else a science denier is staggering.

Anonymous No. 16231910

>denying 99.7% of the data
that data is only collected on the winter solstice

Anonymous No. 16231922

Hello, sirs. Please do the needful and do not redeem global warming scam. It is trick to make you give money to your bhenchod government. Thank you kindly.

Anonymous No. 16232056

>you're cherry picking!
>here's my own cherries!
Climatetards are so obnoxious.

Anonymous No. 16232109

Anger and insults are all you've got - no surprise there.

Anonymous No. 16233354

>Showing all the data is cherrypicking
You might be the stupidest person in this thread.

Anonymous No. 16233778

both the arctic and the antarctic are accumulating ice

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Anonymous No. 16234157

Blatantly false.

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i maek graf.jpg

Anonymous No. 16234980

>omg i put words lines and dots on a jpeg!!!
>that means its true!!
try getting some real evidence, kid.
everyone knows you can't

Anonymous No. 16235855


Anonymous No. 16237261

Global warming isn't real

Anonymous No. 16237386

What are talking about?

Anonymous No. 16238310

>trust the priests!!! oooops, I mean scientists

Anonymous No. 16239083


Anonymous No. 16240425

>If global warming is real
false premise, its clearly fake

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16240444

>trust the priests!!! oooops, I mean brain damaged Twitter retards with noisy jpegs

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Anonymous No. 16242229

thats a politcal propaganda outlet, not a scientific organization

Anonymous No. 16243550


Anonymous No. 16245119

it isn't possible if global warming is real, thats how we know global warming is fake

Anonymous No. 16246837

can't be too cold out, he doesn't have a scarf or gloves on, no hat too. Maybe he just wears 4 layers of jackets in order to compensate for what must be substantial heat lost from his enormous nose and large, low set protruding ears. Looks like he is doing the merchant hand rub too, that probably not a coincidence

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Anonymous No. 16247891

>Maybe he just wears 4 layers of jackets in order to compensate for what must be substantial heat lost from his enormous nose and large, low set protruding ears

Anonymous No. 16248948

Wooly mammoths evolved small ears as an adaptation to their cold environment. The jew's large protruding ears are clearly evolved for a warm climate like African or the middle east.

Anonymous No. 16249828

Ah, I see they used Mike's Trickโ„ข.

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Phanerozoic Tempe....png

Anonymous No. 16249830

This wide enough for you? You faggots are always trying to "correct" your doubters by claiming they aren't looking at a big enough picture, then when someone reminds you you're actually retarded by showing you a picture that includes anything before 1850 you all shriek like the women who haven't been appropriately financially compensated for a sexual transaction you are.

Anonymous No. 16249853

Fuck of bastard, we do not bloody talk like that.

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Anonymous No. 16249860

Look at this absolute fucking nonsense. Now "climate change" apparently exclusively means "anthropogenic climate change". They're not even hiding their lies anymore. Also, water vapor almost certainly accounts for more like 75% or more of the greenhouse effect, not less than half.

Anonymous No. 16249867

>OP posts a cherry-picked slice of sea ice measurements
>someone posts a full available range of the same sea ice measurements
>"n-no you can't do that" posts a proxy temperature reconstruction

First steps in cognitive processing, eh? How about you try reading the very sources you post?
Royer et al (2004):

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Anonymous No. 16249888

Do you care this much about this little oopsie? Or is it just ones that you're "allowed" to care about?

Anonymous No. 16249898

>water vapor almost certainly accounts for more like 75% or more of the greenhouse effect, not less than half.
Based on what?

Anonymous No. 16249920

Based on the fact that it traps heat in a noticeable fashion.

Anonymous No. 16249933

Whatever happened to HAARP? Did that conspiracy theory become obsolete?

Anonymous No. 16249940

So your feelings? What data do you have to support the claim that water accounts for 75% or more of the greenhouse effect?

Anonymous No. 16249947

Yes, my feelings are more important than your lies.

Anonymous No. 16249972

Good post

Anonymous No. 16250000

So you don't have any data to back up your claim? What use is it then?

Anonymous No. 16250146

Because of global warming.

Anonymous No. 16251163


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Chud hates PNGs.png

Anonymous No. 16251216

Anonymous No. 16252320

the climate history of the holocene really seems to upset you, why is that?