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๐Ÿงต a 148 IQ take on mental illness (not autistic)

Chad Hominem No. 16189836

>be you
>"mentally ill"
>flunks school on purpose
>"im such a lazy fuck im literally autistic"
>is accomodated for willingly being lazy by getting accomodations to make you even more lazy
>"im not coddled im sigma"
>continues to believe you are a special snowflake despite everyone on here having the same world view
>"2/3rd of the population has learning impediments"
>how is this handicapped at that point if everyone has it?
if your parents could afford to get you into accomodations while everyone else who has it does not get accomodation it is coddling, bench 280 fuckin lazy snowflake faggots

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Anonymous No. 16189851

Real blackpill on mental illness: Most so called "mental illnesses" can be reduced to lack of attractiveness. Autism and depression are just results of being socially excluded which in itself is a consequence of being unattractive. This is why narcissists and psychopaths have no awareness of being allegedly "mentally ill". Because they successfully get laid.

Anonymous No. 16189855

>that book

psychiatry's blatantly obvious shortcomings and malpractice aside, the reason psychiatry has been expanding its definitions of mental illness is more a byproduct of the cultural zeitgeist surrounding mental issues, and a genuine attempt to get more insurance coverage for more issues that potentially would benefit from psychiatric intervention.

This is at once a problem with our health insurance system, which is totally bonkers, as well as our cultural propensity to desire a quick fix. However the latter can be overlooked when you take into account the grueling working conditions being imposed on the public in conjunction with systemic health issues that are a product of corrupt and lackadaisica health regulations as much as anything.

The severity of mental illnesses also varies. I don't anyone thinks they are a special snowflake for something like having a little depression or anxiety, but these things can have a genuine impact on people's outlook and wellbeing, and it's easy for children and immature people to fall into the trap of blaming other things for their issues. That itself is a complicated thing to address as well, considering people do have different baselines for performance in pretty much every way, and while not all of it is genetic, the remainder after it being genetic is also mostly upbringing, both things which are beyond your control. So it's easy to see why people would fall into this trap, especially when they are not blessed by the same blunted emotional response as you.

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Anonymous No. 16189870

Chad Hominem No. 16189930

if you are egocentric over qualities that are about individuality rather than endeavor you are weak sperm