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Anonymous No. 16190012

aging is still a thing, nothing to slow it down let alone reverse it

This is grim

Anonymous No. 16190344


Anonymous No. 16190355

tranny thread

Anonymous No. 16190828


Anonymous No. 16191160

Thyroid hormone and growth hormone maintain telomerase levels in the cells. When we age, thyroid and GH levels drop, leading to less telomerase activity, and thus leading to DNA loss.

Anonymous No. 16191510

it isn't so easy as injecting something right?

Anonymous No. 16191512

So just accept that you will age and die. No 4chan poster would ever get access to it even if it could exist so stop worrying about it.

Anonymous No. 16192094

Telomeres are lost from the lack of arsenic.

Anonymous No. 16192381

Well its 2024 and people still prefer bitching about it instead of trying to find the solution so what do you expect?

Although I think even if someone found a solution, he would very quickly disappear.

Anonymous No. 16192503

Is this programmatic?
We absorb pollution and we start to dysfunction as well.

Aging is caused by stem cell pools not being filled or mutations. This is what causes grey hair. It’s from lack of growth hormone and stem cell depletion.

Anonymous No. 16192526

I’ve been working on a protocol to increase stem cells.

Vitamin d
Nicotinamide Riboside
Onions Milk
Half cap taurine (10-200mg) I don’t know the real dose. Some say 4g.
Low Dose: 1 Turmeric Gummy, PQQ, AKG, Resveratrol, NAC.

The trick is to dose them super low. Or not at all. Don’t take anything that inhibits sirtuins, I think maybe too high of certain b vitamins.

To get proper dose you look for research where it peaks the stem cell survival. High dose antioxidants inhibits stem cell activation or kills cells usually. Then you upscale the dose for weight of a human and estimated blood volume (5 liters). You can ask ai to find you the answer. “Convert 1mmol of resveratrol to mg for a 70kg human using blood volume” it has to look up everything. You ask to recheck it. Usually you get a dose a half to 1/8th the size of a commercial supplement. Because the studies are all fucked. Different tissues respond differently to different dose. If we want growth we don’t want to shut off or damage stem cell activity, especially filling or management of the stem cell pool. We just want to activate it or protect it.

Nature gives us near the proper dose in food sometimes. There’s no benefit to mega dose.

Anonymous No. 16192529

Also you can increase your dose based on stomach bioavailability, a percentage.
If the study uses mice and mg/kg there is a mouse to human converter dose calculator online.

Anonymous No. 16192582

where do you buy your supplements from? i'v been told Amazon have problems with fake

Anonymous No. 16192852

You came from nothing you return to nothing. Embrace death.

Anonymous No. 16193723

Pollution causes permanent molecular level damage to cell structures. Some cells are meant to survive the lifespan of the animal once they have been formed, e.g. neurons and heart muscle. Permanent damage prevents eternal life

Anonymous No. 16193735

show me an *effective* fountain of youth, it's f the law RCs str8 outta Shenzhen, synth bounties at three competing labs

Anonymous No. 16193766

>create clone of human body
>transplant head or brain into new body
Of course this still limits human lifespan to the lifespan of the brain. However a brain implanted into a healthy genetically compatible body will likely live much longer than it would in its original aged body. Cloning and head transplants can be accomplished with current medical technology if ethical issues are disregarded. I wouldn't be surprised if something like this is tried in China eventually.

Anonymous No. 16193797

oh not this schizo shit again

Anonymous No. 16193934

you just know some billionaire will try the head transplant method sooner or later

Anonymous No. 16194019

I find your lack of paper reading disturbing. There are for sure ways how to slow it down.

Anonymous No. 16194024

IMO longevity is harmfull to a species. Life past what is needed to reproduce puts a strain on the group and it's ressources. Late reproduction makes for slow adaption to changing environments.

Anonymous No. 16194039

Any reason head transplantation wouldn't work as long as tissue rejection could be overcome? If an old person's head could be grafted onto a healthy person's body then the old person could probably survive much longer until full body replacement or better cryopreservation techniques become available.

Anonymous No. 16194113

You can use Amazon and get Now brand. There is nothing wrong with it. Dr best, life extension, jarrow, swanson, and brands available at the grocery store also ok. There is a chance some Chinese fake garbage gets to you, but never happened to me. I don’t buy anything from a “sports” nutrition company unless it’s well known.

Anonymous No. 16194735


Anonymous No. 16194762

>Although I think even if someone found a solution, he would very quickly disappear.

Anonymous No. 16194890

but what if we take evolution past just new babies being born, and into upgrading the DNA of living individuals? I see humanity going there in the coming decades.

Anonymous No. 16196190

You just pulled that list out of your ass

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houellebecq sulking.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196276

Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, partially occupied by scarcely absorbing studies, were able to devote themselves unlimitedly to the liberated exultation of their bodies. They could play, dance, love, and multiply their pleasures. They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen, and contemplate the dreary line of employees going to work. They were the salt of the earth, and everything was given to them, everything was permitted for them, everything was possible. Later on, having started a family, having entered the adult world, they would be introduced to worry, work, responsibility, and the difficulties of existence; they would have to pay taxes, submit themselves to administrative formalities while ceaselessly bearing witness—powerless and shame-filled—to the irreversible degradation of their own bodies, which would be slow at first, then increasingly rapid; above all, they would have to look after children, mortal enemies, in their own homes, they would have to pamper them, feed them, worry about their illnesses, provide the means for their education and their pleasure, and unlike in the world of animals, this would last not just for a season, they would remain slaves of their offspring always, the time of joy was well and truly over for them, they would have to continue to suffer until the end, in pain and with increasing health problems, until they were no longer good for anything and were definitively thrown onto the rubbish heap, cumbersome and useless. In return, their children would not be at all grateful, on the contrary their efforts, however strenuous, would never be considered enough, they would, until the bitter end, be considered guilty because of the simple fact of being parents. From this sad life, marked by shame, all joy would be pitilessly banished.

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Anonymous No. 16196278

When they wanted to draw near to young people’s bodies, they would be chased away, rejected, ridiculed, insulted, and, more and more often nowadays, imprisoned. The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced, were reserved for the exclusive use of the young, and the fate of the old was to work and to suffer.

Anonymous No. 16196341

Holy based and blackpilled, I’m still gonna try to get immortality though cuz FUCK THEM KIDS, really, eternal youth is the one thing that would make life worthwhile

Anonymous No. 16197662

AGI solves this