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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190043

Why aren't we forming alliances with gorillas and orangutans to prevent a potential chimpanzee uprising?

Anonymous No. 16190550

There are 8 billion humans on the planet but only 300,000 chimpanzees.
Even if we didn't have an obvious technological advantage, we could take them ourselves easily.

Anonymous No. 16190968

I wouldn't give an assault rifle to most humans, so why would I give one to a gorilla?

Anonymous No. 16190979

>Einstein was a human
Lel fuck off. If he was a human he was communicating with our alien overlords which I doubt. It's more likely he was one of the chosen other species that graced us with knowledge. Divine knowledge

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Anonymous No. 16190997

homocels insecure about gorilla chads taking their women.
>Shabani was the subject of further media attention in 2015, described as "handsome", "sexy", "photogenic",[3] and "metrosexual".[4] This led to significant news coverage,[5][6][7] and an appearance on the season 2 premiere of the TV series Not Safe with Nikki Glaser.

>The coverage caused an increase in younger female visitors to his zoo.[8][9] Shabani was also the subject of a DVD film,[10] and became the mascot for a brand of candy.[11] He was also used in a worker recruitment campaign by the city of Nagoya in January 2016.[12][13]

Anonymous No. 16191261

chimps are chumps. Everyone thinks they're those unstoppable killing machines with super strength, but it's not true. Yeah they're stronger pound for pound, but we're bigger and a fit adult human male is stronger than them. Their advantage is that they have no decency or respect and will go straight to 100% in a fight, biting faces and ripping off genitals. But humans can do that too, then the chump has nothing.

Anonymous No. 16191329

>It's more likely he was one of the chosen other species that graced us with knowledge.
You mean the Jews?

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Anonymous No. 16191363

Why are gorillas so strong, bros?

Anonymous No. 16191372

No, austria-hungarians, or, more broadly, Germanoids. Obviously.

Anonymous No. 16192929

Was koba a bonobo?

Anonymous No. 16192997

I am outraged. How can we humies stand for this?

Anonymous No. 16193019

Bonobos and Chimpanzes are the same if you're going to group all humans together.

Anonymous No. 16193876

Lol no

Anonymous No. 16193881

Homonkeys BTFO by gorilla bvlls