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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190610

I didn't go to college. I'm an autodidact.

Anonymous No. 16190617

While he studied the blade, I studied math.

Anonymous No. 16190619

Guess which skill will be more valuable when shtf

Anonymous No. 16190620

That guy is very tall and physically imposing, if he wasn't so retarded and brain rotted he would have been a very desirable male to both men and woman.
Also good for you but now your job opportunities are bagging groceries.
Not that college guarantees a job anymore, usually it's luck these days.
But uhhhh maybe algorithmic trading isn't a meme (it is) and you can make a good living (less than a mc donalds worker).
Personally I chose the academia route because I know I don't conform well with "natural" society. I wouldn't recommend it to any especially not anyone smart.
You can learn anything from a book or basic self discovery. Maybe you will reinvent integral calculus like that one medical researcher.
If you come from a good family that actually set itself up to be economically healthy instead of wage slaves then go for it. Unfortunately I got a bad spawn. I was the offspring of some filthy mexicans. Very unfortunate for me.

Anonymous No. 16190621

Math because it won't go to shit for another few generations meaning your blade skills are pointless for your life span.

Anonymous No. 16190760

You can model the blade with linkage and pendulum in your mind.

Anonymous No. 16190775

he thinks the peace will continue

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Anonymous No. 16190798

I unironically learned more on /sci/ than in 5 years of university. University means studying how to satisfy your professor in the next exam. Autodidactic learning means acquisition of knowledge for your own satisfaction.

Anonymous No. 16190881

You're not missing out on that much. A reasonably bright person with a good work ethic could learn my 5 year math/compsci/physics minor degree in less than 2 years, less if you focus on the important/fundamental stuff

Anonymous No. 16190883

What are you learning on your own?

Anonymous No. 16191016

>pulls out sword
>gets shot in the head and eaten
That is how SHTF will go for those who studied the blade

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Anonymous No. 16191018


Anonymous No. 16191019

Wtf. These cops are psychopaths

Anonymous No. 16191023

If shooting a nigger running at you with a sword is psychopathic, what's normal?

Anonymous No. 16191030

It is still zero and always will be you utter brainlet.

Anonymous No. 16191044

I don't consider psychopaths like you human. You should be treated like a cockroach.

Anonymous No. 16191118

The kid running at them is retarded for doing so and they're right to shoot him for it, but also the cops just shouldn't have responded to this call or tried to make him go inside. There's nothing illegal about carrying or even swinging a sword around outside when no one is being harmed. If they HAD to respond to the call, they should have just made sure no one was in danger and let him go.

Anonymous No. 16191131

>There's nothing illegal about carrying or even swinging a sword around outside when no one is being harmed.
lol, thats assault bro. could i carry and swing a machete around people as long as i dont hurt anyone? could i point a gun at people as long as i dont fire?

Anonymous No. 16191138

Where did I say "around people"? I said "outside." There are no people near him. He's not swinging a sword around in a mall or on a crowded sidewalk. He's outside, alone, at night, and the cops were most likely called by some retard who looked out their window and saw him rather than anyone who was in any sort of real danger.

Anonymous No. 16191184

aight, so if you look outside your motel room and see a dude randomly swinging a sword around at night, whats your next move?

Anonymous No. 16191187

>There's nothing illegal about carrying or even swinging a sword around outside when no one is being harmed.
But his roastie neighbor got the ick. Not from him swinging the sword though but from him being an unattractive male. That's a reason to call the cops.

Anonymous No. 16191189

NTA, but where else is he supposed to work on his sword skills? There's not enough space in his living pod.

Anonymous No. 16191195


Anonymous No. 16191207

Nothing. If it's late enough I'd go to bed, I guess. Why would I call the cops?

Anonymous No. 16191231

im not saying he’s not allowed to do it, im just saying that its reasonable for someone to call the cops, and its unreasonable to charge them when they show up.
what if you have to leave your room to go somewhere? what if your wife is arriving in half an hour and has to walk by this guy to get to your room? you have nothing to lose by calling the cops, normal well-adjusted people dont get shot by cops, and by not calling them youre potentially putting other peoples lives in danger.

Anonymous No. 16191281

>what if you have to leave your room to go somewhere?
I'd go and give the man with a sword a wide berth.
>what if your wife is arriving in half an hour and has to walk by this guy to get to your room?
I'd let her know and meet her out there to escort her, then give the man with a sword a wide berth.

He's not actually blocking access to anything, you can just walk to your room on the other side of the cars from him.

Anonymous No. 16191378

You didn't answer my question.

Anonymous No. 16191381

He's brandishing a lethal weapon. That's against the law. Good try though.

Anonymous No. 16191389

>What Is the Legal Definition of Brandishing?
>In strict legal terms, brandishing a weapon means displaying or exposing it in a threatening manner.
>Most jurisdictions define it as showing a weapon in order to cause fear or intimidate someone else.
>Simply put, brandishing goes beyond just carrying or possessing a weapon - it involves actively menacing another person through the weapon's display.

Tell me, who was he actively menacing while standing alone at night in a parking lot? At which individual was he directing the display of his weapon?

Anonymous No. 16192479
