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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16190735

What experiments have you conducted that lead you to the conclusion that the earth is round?

Anonymous No. 16190736


Put a stick at a certain latitude. Mark the shadow at that latitude at one particular hour of the day. Do the at another latitude at the same hour. If the shadows are different with only difference being the latitude, the Earth is round. This is how the Greeks did it.

Anonymous No. 16190737

Taking my meds

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Anonymous No. 16190738


Anonymous No. 16190744

please don't reply to the thread unless you actually have some skin in the game

Anonymous No. 16190785

Inner product space says fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 16190789


Anonymous No. 16190847

>earth is round?
a disc is round

Anonymous No. 16191053

None. It has no significance whatsoever. I do not care.

Anonymous No. 16191178

none, i just trust second hand accounts

Anonymous No. 16191197

then do a better job or it's back to the shit mines for you, raj

Anonymous No. 16191201

Seen the moon and shadow of Earth on it, that's enough to me.

Anonymous No. 16191434

I've been on a round the world trip, I didnt fall off.

Anonymous No. 16192498

I've seen ships disappear under the horizon many times before in the sea.
You can also see the clouds disappear under it if you are in a tall mountain and the conditions are favorable.

Another proof that I've heard about but that I couldn't confirm for myself is getting a friend from the other hemisphere and asking them which way the stars rotate. It will be the oposite of the way you see them (Assuming both of you are significantly far away from the equator)

Anonymous No. 16192499

No experiment. I trust my jewish masters

Anonymous No. 16192630

>I've seen ships disappear under the horizon many times before in the sea.
Watchable with any lighthouse on a ship too. But OP asked for “round”, not a sphere.

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round def.png

Anonymous No. 16192640

But spheres are round, aren't they?
If he isn't asking for proof of the earth being a sphere, then what is he asking exactly?

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Anonymous No. 16192683

I talked with someone on the telephone who was overseas. It was the middle of the night over their, even tho it was mid-day where I was at.

Did you know they even divided the Earth into time zones??
If you can't "phone a friend" yourself, then the easiest way is to check out a random webcam from somewhere across the globe.

Anonymous No. 16192687

I'm assuming OP is American, so in case anyone cares, I can confirm it's 17:37 in Spain

Anonymous No. 16192869

there are none
earth is a stationary plane