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Anonymous No. 16190814

>CO2 is bad because it makes plants grow better and that leads to more wildfires
Why is science so incredibly stupid these days?

Anonymous No. 16190834

Presumably this is meant to be one reason and not the main one, but yes, changes positive or negative can still mess with nature in weird and unpredictable ways. This is also why a lot of forest growing efforts are huge messes- they plant higher density than is natural and make wildfires worse.

Anonymous No. 16191741

Thats not even true tho, plants use water more efficiently when they have access to greater levels of CO2, so they're less likely to dry out and become susceptible to fire

Anonymous No. 16191751

now say that again but slower
>increase water efficiency
>same water allows for more biomass
you'll get there one day!

Anonymous No. 16191758

Both can be true in different times and places. A lot of biomes go through cyclical/seasonal dry periods, even in otherwise wet, cooler, more temperate areas like northern Canada, Scotland, Scandinavia etc. Soaking wet most of the time but after cold dry winters, after all the snow melts and runs off, the dead vegetation from the last growing season oftne burns away. In varying levels of natural origin, it should be stated. Most wildfires are caused by human activity or negligence, whereas a lot of environmentalists try to use uncategorized data to claim that the natural risk of wildfires even outside of human intervention is rising intrinsically, not that we are simply getting worse at managing our environment.

Anonymous No. 16191761

That is not science, is academia hijacked by jews who are nothing but a bunch of imbecile morons.

Anonymous No. 16192296

>A lot of biomes go through cyclical/seasonal dry periods
those dry periods would be shortened by the way CO2 increases the plants' ability to retain water.

Anonymous No. 16193191

More green cover shading the ground would also in turn reduce the rate at which the ground dries out

Anonymous No. 16193199

rich people are subhumans retards

Anonymous No. 16193205

Imagine being a level of retarded where you confuse a lady journalists article with science.

Anonymous No. 16193704

I sure do hope you're not being sexist against (((Bernstein)))