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Anonymous No. 16190842

Scientifically speaking, how do I cure a 20+ years long depression?

Anonymous No. 16191042

Ulimate dexamphetamine Goon session

Anonymous No. 16191043

Low-dose ketamine, psilocybine mushrooms or electrotherapy. Also changing habits while going through treatment

Anonymous No. 16191150

The Weston A Price diet.

Anonymous No. 16191161

change your diet the brain is heavily impacted by foot sensitivities
there is a lot of research around the ketogenic diet on such conditions as epilepsy, and schizophrenia

look up dr gerorgia ede

Anonymous No. 16191224

go outside and change your behavioral habits that clearly aren't working for you

Anonymous No. 16191438

you realize that depression doesnt exist and its the natural human state, there is nothing to "cure" this is how it is.

Anonymous No. 16191462

Get /fit/

Anonymous No. 16192251

Find a new skill that you want to learn. Something that takes years to master.

Anonymous No. 16192305

1. Depression is not a disease that can be cured. Depression is the natural physiological reaction to an inhuman society, to social exclusion, and to the realization of one's own unattractiveness.
2. After 20 years of such a state your brain has suffered so many scars that even if your life turned around 360 degrees to the better you'd be literally unable to become happy.

Anonymous No. 16192317

>Scientifically speaking, how do I cure a 20+ years long depression?
You stop posting Hitler memes on 4chan and go outside to get IRL friends autistic idiot anon.

Anonymous No. 16192320

>Depression is not a disease that can be cured. Depression is the natural physiological reaction to an inhuman society, to social exclusion, and to the realization of one's own unattractiveness.
That's exactly what a depressed person would say lol. It's not true either because it came from the delusional mouth of a depressed person.
>After 20 years of such a state your brain has suffered so many scars that even if your life turned around 360 degrees to the better you'd be literally unable to become happy.
Not even remotely close to being true.

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curing mental ill....png

Anonymous No. 16192432

Learn about Complex psychology.

Anonymous No. 16192435

>t. psychiatrist who sees himself only as a pharma salesman
Which antidepressants do you want to prescribe to me? Which pill do you think will make me indifferent to loneliness, rejection and discrimination?

Anonymous No. 16192510

Take ze pills und get back in ze cage, wagie.
Yoo are haffing ze defective brain. Medizine vill cure zis.

Anonymous No. 16192514

It depends if you have money and time to follow a program. Common slaves just work or die.

Anonymous No. 16192525

Depression / anxiety is chronic stress. You need to sleep a lot, relax, do no effort, have innocent legit fun. A depressed person is used to being irrational, annoying, pointless, victimized, FAKE, and in a degenerate society this gets attention. Look how useless the other comments are, they really reflect how self-destructive this society is, I will cum from seeing bad useless people suffer and die, mark my words. Because the answer to your question is merely sleep, relaxation, laid down muscle release with eyes rolling up (yoga nidra), and your body is already asking you to do it. No need for SSRIs, avoid coffee/caffeine, you can try a little phenibut, the way it works is it gets absorbed by neurons and then released for a long period of time. But remember, even on phenibut you still have to make the right choice: to rest, to recover, not spend your early energy points.

Anonymous No. 16192527

Little alcohol for the soul

Anonymous No. 16192593

Scientifically speaking, you would go to a psychiatrist and go through the SSRI rodeo and try the atypical treatments like SNRIs and amphetamines while attending therapy that focuses on CBT. Then you go outside and start running, doing any kind of exercise really, and probably lifting weights. Any physical hobby would suffice but a mix of cardio and anaerobic exercise and a stimulating complex physical activity would be ideal.

Then you go find a non-physical hobby, that you actually enjoy doing. Then you do that, until it gets boring. Then you find something else you like to do. Do it and learn about it and get better at it until it gets boring or stressful. Then find another. Rinse repeat.

Depression is closely linked to low activity and hippocampal neurogenesis/activity. If you want depression to go away, you have to start telling your brain it's time to learn things, and time to start focusing its limited resources for stem cell recruitment on learning new things. People who are depressed or anxious suffer brain damage or use their finite mental resources to continue feeling bad. The only way to stop being depressed is to break the cycle, which requires work.

and also drugs.

Anonymous No. 16192594

just don't be ugly.

Anonymous No. 16192597

OP already said that it's a 20+ year depression, so most likely he has already tried the conventional treatments.

Anonymous No. 16192698

if he did he probably wouldn't be depressed. There is no "try" with depression, unless there is an underlying personality disorder or mental illness that needs constant psychiatric treatment.

Anonymous No. 16192706

Says the what? Doctor? Who incorrectly believed depression was a chemical imbalance and then that was BTFO?

Anonymous No. 16192720

an assumption that was made because neurotransmitter regulators clearly work for modifying depressed moods

there's a reason you get depressed, and if you don't address the reason you are depressed you will stay depressed. It's as simple as that.

If it's not an internal biological mechanism like in bipolar or something, then it's because you aren't doing enough fulfilling things and not getting enough exercise. It's as simple as that.

Anonymous No. 16192741

oh and nutrition is obviously a factor. Make sure you get your vitamins, especially d, and don't have any health issues.

Anonymous No. 16192817

Honestly it's simple shit that you know but are too lazy to follow:
1. Eat red meat and quit seed oils and processed foods
2. Sleep 8 hours a day with no screen time before bed, read instead
3. Go outside daily
4. Exercise
5. Stop watching porn
There. Shit you already knew but don't have the agency to follow

Anonymous No. 16192823

>Sleep 8 hours a day with no screen time before bed, read instead
I've always hated this tip because I can't fall asleep with a light on and I can't read without a light unless it's an ebook. I fall asleep reading every night but it has to be via screen time. I dunno what sort of madman can fall asleep reading a paperback with their light or a lamp on but I'm definitely not one of them.

Anonymous No. 16192825

Spoken like a true retard

Anonymous No. 16192836

This + learn programming + drink 2 gallons of water a day

Anonymous No. 16192838

+ take a cold shower daily + just be yourself bro

Anonymous No. 16192839

>learn programming
That'll worsen the depression

Anonymous No. 16192994

Okay be miserable like I said that's your choice

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Anonymous No. 16193030

Apparently the answer is to go for a walk.

Anonymous No. 16193086

>Eat red meat and quit seed oils and processed foods
Red meat isn't good for you, seed oils aren't as bad as you think, and probably fine. Processed food may or may not have issues.
Shit advice.

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Anonymous No. 16193123

Become astronaut

Anonymous No. 16193718

top kek

Anonymous No. 16193858

try L-methylfolate

Anonymous No. 16194038

Have you ever tried an ACID? It helps. Also shrooms are now proven even by psychiatry, to work.

Also it''s hard to be depressed while high on meth.

Anonymous No. 16194104

open window, touch grass, lift weights, stop being a faggot

Anonymous No. 16194360

Listen to Alan Watt's

Anonymous No. 16194534

Why is there a blurry dog penis at the bottom of the screenshot?

Anonymous No. 16194546

It's a hand clapping

Anonymous No. 16195507

Thats not a hand

Anonymous No. 16195585

You don't. You don't cure depression. You'll probably be able to diagnose everyone who has gone down there at any time afterwards, even if they dont seem affected by it anymore.
You learn to deal with it. First step is a strict daily routine that includes a job or working towards one.

Anonymous No. 16195665

That's a hand I literally took the screenshot.

Anonymous No. 16195758

Why is there a hand clapping in your web browser?

Anonymous No. 16195919

It was a video that i took a screenshot of, some faggot thought it would be funny to add greenscreen hands clapping at a picture.

Anonymous No. 16195936

Thank you for explaining, I was genuinely curious.

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Anonymous No. 16196279

Three things.

First of all, get your diet in order. That means, eating wild-caught canned fish once a day. Also eat some vegetables and fruits. This way you will get all your basic nutrients. Eating fish is so extremely important for your brain health.

Second, ayauhuasca. Research it a lot. It is legal and dirt-cheap and a naturally occurring anti-depressant with a success rate of 64% for severe depression.

Third, get your spiritual outlook on life in order so that you know what matters and can work on that. That is kindness, love, and compassion, and growing as a person. So study NDEs since NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it:

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

Anonymous No. 16196676


Anonymous No. 16197394

Why won't you run a blinded controlled study and publish your results to show whether your treatments are superior to current standard?

Anonymous No. 16198738

He can't

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Anonymous No. 16199766

Try cuddling with a girl for once. A bit of oxytocin and a bit of vasopressin will fix that shit right up.

Anonymous No. 16199780

12 gauge 00 buck

Anonymous No. 16199964

This, unironically. It won't 100 percent cure you, but you will enjoy things again. Basically, this will restore your soul- making your soul happy is step 2.

Anonymous No. 16200307

win the lottery

Anonymous No. 16200344

10,000iu vitamin d3 + 18mg iron byglycinate with water, 1 hour prior to eating food, every morning. Depression gone within 1 year, they both permanently restore dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and striatum.

Anonymous No. 16200350

scroll more on /r9k/ /b/ /gif/ /soc/ /adv/

Anonymous No. 16200891

>scroll more on some of the worst boards on this entire site

Anonymous No. 16202005

That'll make him commit sudoku

Anonymous No. 16202441

What about /pol/ and /sci/?

Anonymous No. 16202446

They make him a turbo mode autist

Anonymous No. 16202663

>boards filled to the brim with retards acting like they know everything
I fail to see the logic here.

Anonymous No. 16202677

There is no cure

Anonymous No. 16203870

Finding meaning in life is the cure

Anonymous No. 16204004


Anonymous No. 16205942

Based and blackpilled