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Anonymous No. 16191186

Why do people say mass and energy are equivalent because of Einsteins equation
>yea bro they’re the same man look after i add a bunch of these units on one side of the equation they’re equivalent
And why wouldnt KE = mv2 not imply this aswell?

Anonymous No. 16191213

Nigger we literally apply it in nuclear binding energy, on top of the fact that you can predict exactly how powerful a nuclear bomb is based on it.

Anonymous No. 16191221

he established the relationship when he made gen. rel. His goal was to incorporate gravity into his previously established special relativity. He finds that not only mass will curve space, but in fact all forms of energy do, including kinetic or electric - it is energy that curves space, and rest mass is one type.

Anonymous No. 16191234

Because c is constant but v is not

Anonymous No. 16191673

The Mass of protons is 99% not the proton itself but the energies of the photons it is exchanging between its quarks, the quarks mass is microscopic.
A proton has like 19 tons of force bound up inside itself.

Mass is just restistance to change in momentum, force carrier particles are packets of momentum. Trying to change the metric fuckton of the photons, the energy quarks are exchanging, takes alot of new photons being added, removed, or warped.

We use these shorthand measurements like mass at our scale for simplicity and utility, not accuracy or comprehension.

Anonymous No. 16191997

Mass and energy aren't equivalent, they are interchangeable. Mass can be converted into energy, and energy can manifest as mass. Even an object at rest possesses an enormous amount of energy by virtue of its mass. The kinetic energy equation, on the other hand, describes the energy associated with the motion of an object, which depends on its mass and velocity. It does not account for the intrinsic energy content of the object's mass itself.

Anonymous No. 16192253

Take some intro physics courses

Anonymous No. 16192500

They are not the same, they have the same units but still not the same.
They obviously behave extremely different, in fact theres several kinds of energy that behave differently so they are still different things.
Its like saying all animals are the same just because they are animals. Pretty dumb and midwit thing to say.

Anonymous No. 16192559

OP has real thaumazein

No thaumazein

Anonymous No. 16192592

>Why do people say mass and energy are equivalent because of Einsteins equation
Because of Einstein equation. Just a theoretical idea. Unable to convert the binding forces in any type of "energy" they state it must be because muuh. Academic fraud as always.

Anonymous No. 16192604

Mass does not exist except as congealed energy.

Anonymous No. 16192613

Good goy, praying the mantra well, Now show the "energy".

Anonymous No. 16192637

Flip on a light switch. There it is.

Anonymous No. 16192671

>Flip on a light switch. There it is.
That's not energy, please ignore me if you do not know that .

Anonymous No. 16192788

>as congealed energy.
Very scientific, wrap this up as theres nothing to wonder about, also arrest anyone disagreeing

Anonymous No. 16193720

Shouldn't photons have mass by this equation?