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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191357

What is the optimal equation for academic instutitions to produce safe and competent medical practitioners?

Anonymous No. 16191532

at what point do people get tired of it

Anonymous No. 16191753

exclude women, jews, negroes, latinoxes, asians of any variety and homosexuals

Anonymous No. 16191763

Why, the more diversity the better. Medicine is most safe when medical practitioners accurately reflect the diversity in Our Society!

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Anonymous No. 16191855

Anonymous No. 16192323

The fact that affirmative in school admissions was made illegal makes no difference in the process because school admissions are run by affirmative action hires.

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Anonymous No. 16192518

>What is the optimal equation for academic instutitions to produce safe and competent medical practitioners?

There is no optimal equation, you can set minimum standards but standards aren't universal. Most of the time the standards have to be balanced with the immediate/future needs of the population and human labor you have at your disposal. Ask yourself this, in a population with hundreds of millions people how "high" should you set the require minimum standard to be? It can't obviously be so high that it doesn't allow enough doctors to be trained to service the hundreds of millions of people your country host. And if your population is either growing and/ or getting older you may not necessarily have the luxury of time to run through enough candidates to get the best of the best like you desired.

Wrong, the reason it makes no difference is because fundamentally doctors are a service ultimately controlled and dictated by the government itself. Higher learning institutions are merely the contracted proxy of what is effectively a public service that's been designated as "privatized".

Pic related basically shows the government has it's thumb on the scale concerning when it sees fit to have less or more doctors in the field. So whatever methodology is created to adjudicate school admission procedures it will be because the government ultimately gives it the ok.

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Anonymous No. 16192605


Same thing happened in education. Schools went crazy to hire minority teachers that 'looked' like the student population. They could care less about the QUALITY of the teacher only that that they were of the 'correct' race.

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Anonymous No. 16192611

Is there a discipline unaffected by DEI? If there is I'd like to know. You'd think airline pilots (entrusted with hundreds of lives at a time). Astronauts maybe?

Anonymous No. 16192615

They can't make malpractice lawsuits go away so easily.

Anonymous No. 16192618

"Medicine" is largely pseudoscience anyway.

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Anonymous No. 16192647

>blocks your path
there is no other way forward

Anonymous No. 16192660

If the judges are blacks who scored in the 1st percentile on the LSAT and just side with their coethnics they very well may
>Your honor, this black surgeon left a scalpel in my client and now he has to shit in a bag

Anonymous No. 16192663

So, I'm a public education teacher and this isn't a failure of black and brown skinned kids, this is a failure of our public education system that overwhelmingly teaches black and brown skinned kids. If you feel so high and mighty that white people are god's gift to the universe and black and brown skinned kids are naturally too stupid for words then please, by all means, transfer your kids into a majority black school and prove me wrong.

But you won't, because you know the problem isn't black and brown skinned kids, the problem is our underfunded public schools.

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Anonymous No. 16192665

The UCLA subreddit is not happy.. why did they have to gift conservatards a free W like this?

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Anonymous No. 16192667

Succulent bait.
These schools are often very well funded. if throwing money at the problem worked we wouldn't be in this situation.

Anonymous No. 16192675


Anonymous No. 16192907

It's not pseudoscience but medicine is extremely malleable to the point of being almost an art. And like an art people's taste in presentation dictates their standards in medicine even though it compromises their life all the same.

A good example of this is when people go to foreign countries for vacation or work. Do you think these people ask for the gpa/ exam scores of the doctors from countries like Mexico, India, Japan, Brazil, Nigeria, Greece, South Korea, Chile, Jamaica, Spain, Philippines, Turkey, Germany or Thailand? Probably not, this is despite each of these countries having different standards that can be higher or lower than your own native country.

I can almost guarantee you that nearly every person bitching about the admission standards issue here in the US don't have that level of criticism for institutions/ doctors in other countries. You're not talking to people who have their own personal doctor traveling with them at the hip. You're talking to people who are actively putting their own lives in the hands of foreigners they have limited visibility or research on their standards.

I disagree, this is less a failure of public education and more a failure of government. The fact is while a lot of people will criticize blacks and other minorities for their lower aptitude at the end of the day I blame the government for that.

Because they were the ones who saw it fit to oversee the screwing over of their family units with welfare, feminism and other vices. Which help leads to their inability to perform better on exams. They're the ones who oversaw the lack of mandatory secondary programs to bring them up to speed in the past. If you want them to do better increase their hours of attendance at school and make it law (or heavily pressure them) to go into after-school cram programs. China does that with their students and it works.

This is classic "you get out what you put in" territory.

Anonymous No. 16193237


Anonymous No. 16193296

You didn't explain how a prestigious institution like UCLA drops 12 places in three years

Anonymous No. 16193334

racism from neonazi /pol/ chuds, duh

Hermes No. 16193544

Fuck UCLA. If you go to UCLA I hope you know you got there because of the blood and tears of the others who failed. FUCK UCLA, FUCK USC, AND FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT WHO DANGLES CARROTS INFRONT OF US LIKE WEโ€™RE STILL IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE AGES. FUCK UCLA, FUCK USC, AND FUCK THE USA

Anonymous No. 16193575

It's obviously not about education anymore all money making schemes truly dark times are ahead of us

Anonymous No. 16193905

George Floyd will get them for this

Anonymous No. 16195279

I admit, I'm a white male heterosexual Christian and I've devoted the past half decade of my life to getting into UCLA med school just do I could do poorly and make the med school look bad in the process

Anonymous No. 16196463

If they knew that then medical error wouldn't be the leading cause of death. Going to visit a doctor is akin to playing Russian roulette

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Anonymous No. 16196517

MD resident from a different state here. I simply think the conclusions here about the failure rates being related to applicant quality are bogus.

According to, UCLA Geffen is about 50th place of 155 MD granting schools in the US on MCAT scores (so around the top tertile). These have increased over the last decade, as they have across the country.

How do you square this with the quality of the admitted applicants being lower, as measured (per the article) in shelf scores? I mean, the MCAT should test similar skills (even if the subject matter is different) to a clerkship shelf exam. USMLE step 2 scores also keep rising nationally, and these use the same questions as shelf exams. And, if this is happening in the top tertile of US education, is the rest of the country just producing bunk? Why are USMLE step 2 fail scores rising and not declining?

I think the buried lede is that there is now a shitty 1-year curriculum with non-medical stuff. My former medical school did the same thing and it's absolute garbage, for which the fault lies on the institutions thinking med students will just anki their way through preclinicals and they don't need to teach lectures on useful medical content (what are students paying for then? social determinants of health class?) and on the LCME which requires these bunk courses.

Anonymous No. 16197321

they don't want to produce good doctors. bad doctors produce more unhealthy patients and unhealthy patients are what drives profits for the medical industry

Anonymous No. 16198348

>UCLA Geffen
Thats that jewish homosexual who runs the music industry

Anonymous No. 16198791

He gave them $200million to put his name on it

Anonymous No. 16199602

he got the $200 million by using his media empire to promote crime, drug addiction, prostitution, abortion and satanism

Anonymous No. 16200298

Then its appropriate that the place thats named after him is degenerating.

Anonymous No. 16200305

stop funding Israel that's teaching generations of doctors that's it's okay to mutilate the genitals of newborn boys

Anonymous No. 16201334

That would be a good start

Anonymous No. 16201548

Remember that they're doing this shit everywhere. even airplane pilots are hired for diversity instead of skill or experience.

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Anonymous No. 16202124


Anonymous No. 16203161

rip boing

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Anonymous No. 16204979

safe and competent medical practitioners don't make as much profits as DEI clowns do, the medical schools would have to pay higher interest rates if they didn't admit unqualified candidates

Anonymous No. 16205167

>underfunded schools
>jews don't just divert the taxpayer money to their schools
we can't forgive student loans for Americans, that money belongs to Israel!

Anonymous No. 16205237

return to pol, idiot. I get that we can be frustrated at minorities but blanket-banning them leaves you like Germany in WW2 where it got left behind in crucial developments like the atom bomb because they fired/killed anyone that wasn't racially pure enough. The reality is that there are plenty of talented minorities, whether you like it or not, and said talent can be used for good. What I will concede is that standards must be raised and 100% if they get hired it must be because they are talented and not for being minorities.

Anonymous No. 16205243

uhh i tjink you mean COULDN'T. Big difference in meaning.

Anonymous No. 16206739

>the history of ww2 is totally true!!
>I know because I read it from the same media sources that lie about everything else
zero critical thinking ability

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Anonymous No. 16207367


Anonymous No. 16208197

most people are low IQ

Anonymous No. 16209012

>Is there a discipline unaffected by DEI
Jobs that people don't want, the ones that involve doing real work

Anonymous No. 16210150

this, negros didn't want to be airline pilots in the days before there was smartphone to do all your flight planning for you because doing it all with paper and pencil was an arduous, time consuming task. i still do all mine the old fashioned way, but i don't fly professionally anymore so i don't fly too often. if i had to do it daily i would probably fall to relying on the software

Anonymous No. 16210232

>Do you think these people ask for the gpa/ exam scores of the doctors from countries like Mexico, India, Japan, Brazil, Nigeria, Greece, South Korea, Chile, Jamaica, Spain, Philippines, Turkey, Germany or Thailand? Probably not, this is despite each of these countries having different standards that can be higher or lower than your own native country.
To say nothing of merely not having a choice who treats you when you need emergency medical care, I think everyone has a baseline expectation for education and training standards that they simply assume are being followed by virtue of the people treating them possessing government-sanctioned licenses. I don't need to ask for every doctor's GPA or exam scores if I believe the requirements for graduating medical school and obtaining a medical license are high enough to weed out anyone truly incompetent. What's being brought to light is the erosion of those standards which may in fact be allowing a great number of truly incompetent people into the medical field, which is a massive betrayal of that implicit trust people have in the entire medical schooling and licensing system.

Anonymous No. 16211067

you should read up on hospital care in the USSR, their hospitals were deadly due to lack of standards

Anonymous No. 16212505

why do so many people want to trust doctors.
there has never been any period in history when doctors were trustworthy, doctors are all inherently greedy, devious people. they all go into that profession strictly to get money for themselves

Anonymous No. 16217177

see >>16208197

Anonymous No. 16218286

Trust is a neotenous feature that most people these days never grow out of, because nobody fucks them in the ass hard enough to wake them up. We need to increase the amount of childhood trauma in the general populace to improve this situation.

Anonymous No. 16218698

The FAA will find a way to blame it all on white males. Have you seen who works at the FAA these days?

Anonymous No. 16220156

Sorry to inform you but Hitler didn't like negroes and sterillised the mulatto Rhineland Bastards and said that the lynchings in the American south made America racially successful. He would not have had any tolerance for the groyperspic bbc worship movement.

Anonymous No. 16220159

You have no experience reading revisionist literature and don't know what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 16220167

The Free Arabian legion was also scoffed at by Hitler and Himmler btw.

Anonymous No. 16220200

>and calls you racist
That's the worst of it all

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Anonymous No. 16221306

its bad because it perpetuates the fallacy that racism is some sort of evil thought crime that needs to be wiped out.

Anonymous No. 16222765

They were both zionists

Anonymous No. 16223476

>but blanket-banning them leaves you like Germany in WW2
Germany emerged from being the asscrack of Europe into a Golden Age so prosperous and productive that it almost won a war against the entire rest of the world. I have met many Germans who were alive during that time and none of them are willing to repent of what they saw or did.

>where it got left behind in crucial developments like the atom bomb because they fired/killed anyone that wasn't racially pure enough.
They were ahead of America on the Atom bomb until several successful military operations by the west destroyed Deuterium facilities they needed. Meanwhile, Soviet and American space programs were stagnant until they were able to kidnap and extort German talent. The Russians still have a meritocratic (Read: Ethnically Slavic) space program, while America chose to prioritize non-white participation. Now NASA is trying to remember how to return to the moon while RosCosmos begins construction on their permanent joint lunar base with China.

>there are plenty of talented minorities, whether you like it or not, and said talent can be used for good.
This doesn't address the fact that ethnically homogenous teams perform better, and that the same talent can be acquired from the majority ethnicity with none of the downsides of race mixing. You are also disingenuously pretending that the race mixing is done for meritocratic reasons, when it is obviously a racial agenda against majority races in corresponding countries.

Anonymous No. 16224355


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Anonymous No. 16226025
