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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16191436

Does it bother you that we will never escape this planet?

Anonymous No. 16191444

No. I have my chicken tendies and fries here.

Anonymous No. 16191467

its worrying. we are clearly in a prison where the laws of physics prevent us from breaking out of our cell. this is evidence to me that we are lab rats

Anonymous No. 16191552

You forgot time dilation. A 50,000 year trip was only 3 months from your reference point since you were moving fast enough.

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Anonymous No. 16191695

But you still arrive there after 50000 years has passed
>mfw humanity has turned into galaxy-spanning enlightened ai hivemind during the trip
What is even the fucking point

Anonymous No. 16191706

there is a way out

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Anonymous No. 16191717

little bit yeah

Anonymous No. 16191718


Just use Von Neuman probes, instant intergalactic colonization.

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Anonymous No. 16191719


Anonymous No. 16191721

Anonymous No. 16192551

We escape the planet, and then what? Will we next escape our mortality? No matter where we call home, we are destined to suffer and die. Destined to the confines of the universe, how could we ever exist outside? It's as silly as a computer program escaping the computer and living in reality. It just can't be done - the program cannot make it so and neither can the programmer make it so. Heaven has rejected us, not necessarily to their own will.

What tragedy.

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Anonymous No. 16192710

>yfw it turns out none of these work, and we end up using something closer to the infinite improbability drive

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16192728

People in 2100 will escape the planet and go where? In a cold, deserted shithole?

Anonymous No. 16192747

All that scifi goyslop aside, until the year maybe 2500 your only option to escape earth will be living in a cold desert shithole, so no thanks I am staying.

Anonymous No. 16192762

Luv earth
'Ate space

Simple as.

Anonymous No. 16192848

Doesn't matter, it's just changing decorations, the problems each of us faces in their lives will be the same as 4000 years ago, only except of farming wheat and catching gonorrhea you're growing crystals and catching nano disease.

Anonymous No. 16192871

no, because earth is not a planet

Anonymous No. 16192876

Nah I will

Anonymous No. 16192956

It used to bother me but now its a relief.

I used to believe in that the power of reason and intelligence would lead Humanity to inevitably colonize the stars. I thought around the world there would be a core of pragmatic, smart, and educated people who would see the obvious environmental, social, and environmental problems that Humanity faced, solve them pragmatically, while also acknowledging that human effort should also be focused on escaping this gravity well.

As I grew older though I saw stupid people breeding while smart people had fewer children. Obviously this was counterproductive, and soon enough it would be reversed. I was wrong.

Furthermore I saw that many of the smarter people were not concerned with higher ideals and a better long term future for Humanity, but instead seemed content to use their talents on merely exploiting weaker and less intelligent humans for their own personal gain. At that point I began to have doubts.

Then as time went on I noticed that standards of education were falling, critical thinking was becoming more scarce, social manipulation was increasing, and a strange sort of mass hysteria was emerging where delusional thinking, outright lies, deceit, and authoritarianism was becoming greater. Imagine my surprise when I found myself living in a world that was closer to the fictional novel "1984" by George Orwell than to the world I had grown up in.

"1984, lol, that will never happen, we live in a technologically progressive society which is marching into a more enlightened and technology advanced future where intelligence, high art, and advanced science will be the focus of civilization."

Man, was I wrong. Instead I see now a world mostly populated by narrow minded individuals who squander our resources on wars, selfish pursuits, and consumerism, while continuing to pollute our land, seas, and air with toxic wastes.

I admit I was naive, but I have no wish to see any of these locusts spread among the stars.

Anonymous No. 16193652

>I admit I was naive, but I have no wish to see any of these locusts spread among the stars.
I think it would be nice for the 1% best of man to escape the locusts, but I'm not getting my hopes up for something so improbable.

Anonymous No. 16193668


We will. I guarantee you that. The moment a spacefaring civilization arises is the moment every single star unclaimed is in danger of extinction. No star will reclaim unclaimed. No solar system will not be turned into a dyson swarm.

Anonymous No. 16193674

Nah, I'm content on Earth.

>But that means the species dies out when Earth becomes uninhabitable!
Yep. We're all mortals and for most of us the end is a bitter one. It's all about having a good time before the end of your time.

Anonymous No. 16193675

Considering I have to stay on this gay ass rock with a fuck ass bitch like you nothing is gonna fucking stop me from escaping this shithole rock

Anonymous No. 16193910


Anonymous No. 16194655

how tf u slow down

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Anonymous No. 16194664

What an idiot. You are worried about deep space propulsion to cover the vast distances between star systems. Meanwhile you retards ignore the Tyranny of the Rocket Equation and forget you can't even lift a starship's worth of material out of the Gravity Well let alone fly it anywhere.

You have to walk before you can run and you children are still rolling around in your own shit on the floor.You won't explore space because you can't figure out a simple 100 year old math equation. KEK.

Anonymous No. 16194666

The only proper response, smart people recognize the jail house bars painted to look like trees for what they are. The entire system is perfectly crafted to keep you in place, on task, and a slave. But live in ignorance, see what I care.

Anonymous No. 16194719

>but I have no wish to see any of these locusts spread among the stars.

don't worry, they won't, the Kamala Harris types are taking over

Anonymous No. 16194785

Exactly how I feel , I used to think I hated change, but that's not accurate I just hate change for the worse, I miss getting hood news

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Anonymous No. 16194799

Kek, this sounds like something I would say but I'd expect to get called an edgelord and laughed off the thread. I think the solution is to reject humanity altogether, but I'd personally rather go the way of Pickle and live as a literal monkey wrestling bears and tigers for food once we evolve beyond our weak flesh.

I don't think there really is a 1% upper class, I think the flaws of man are impossible to escape, so it's better to escape humanity as it exists altogether

Anonymous No. 16194826

Earth is flat. If it was round we would all fall off of it!!!

Anonymous No. 16194831

Couldn't care less.
I would like some others off this planet, however.

Anonymous No. 16194840

Only relatively due to the amount of information you take in, your trip still takes 50k years

Anonymous No. 16194922

Gnosis loading...

Anonymous No. 16195304

The planet is so big, thinking about its massive scale and range of time zones is a nice reprieve from the realization that you will never escape your own body that is perpetually trapped in the here and the now.

Anonymous No. 16195309

>It's as silly as a computer program escaping the computer and living in reality. It just can't be done - the program cannot make it so and neither can the programmer make it so.
Literally just put the program in a sex doll and give it new sensations so it can navigate the social order.

Anonymous No. 16195314

>Earth is not sufficient to satisfy me because I am such a super special snowflake

Anonymous No. 16195330

Bottom left is kino