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Anonymous No. 16191483

>Only Nobel prize winners tested had 120s IQs
>Only US presidents tested (Bush and JFK) had ~119 IQs
Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?

Anonymous No. 16191491

You need to be 130+ iq to be a decent engineer or computer programmer, or have a decent rank (expert+) on codeforces

Anonymous No. 16191503

>source: my ass

Anonymous No. 16191507

IQs are overinflated. You can do a lot in life with just an IQ of 105

Anonymous No. 16191508

It's the only thing they have going on in their lives. Just memorize IQ tests, repeat until you get a high number out of it, and then boast on a Mongolian basket-weaving forum about it.

Anonymous No. 16191520

get a load of this compsci web developer lmao

Anonymous No. 16191521

Just google average iq of programmers and you’ll get your source
Do a lot of life like what? Survive in a shitty manual low paid job with no prospects living paycheck to paycheck? It’s obvious that if u want to have a good life where you can afford things you need to be either a businessman, a highly qualified specialist or a scientist and those professions require iq

Anonymous No. 16191525

Webshit please. Go read some upper level physics or mathematics to learn how dim you really shine.

Anonymous No. 16191530

Im talking about real computer science like algorithms and data structures or AI

Anonymous No. 16191537

Leave that to the math chads.

Anonymous No. 16191543

Well for that you need high iq though, cs like webdev is useless and any monkey can do it. Not everyone can do leetcode or codeforces which humble u quickly

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Anonymous No. 16191551

Many careers. People live paycheck to paycheck because they have poor discipline or want to live right in the "hustle and bustle" of the city. Maybe take some to learn about budgeting and investing

Anonymous No. 16191619

I was just shit posting, I have a comsci background so I know what you mean, but as I took more and more advanced courses I realized that I needed to become a mathfag. And sometime soon, I'll "transition" into physics.

Anonymous No. 16191650

>Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?
Because they understand statistics and probablilty unlike you.

Anonymous No. 16191657

Being popular or 'successful' requires being within range of general population.

>10 and 90 percentiles aren't marked
The question is *why* a persons profession, popularity, or acclaim is so weakly associated with intelligence

Anonymous No. 16191813

so everyone is pertty much below 130.

Anonymous No. 16191830

Do IQ people actually have any data on the IQs of all the Nobel prize winners, fields medallists. artists or it it all just conjecture?

Anonymous No. 16191856

>of all
Nope, only about 5 Nobel prize winners have tested

Anonymous No. 16192066

stupid jeet proud of hitting expert on codeforces, something every chinese and white kid does in 2 months during highschool.

Anonymous No. 16192229

Show them

Anonymous No. 16192373

>Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much?

Its very ovverrated in general. It doesn't say anything about your social skills, your values, your laziness, your beauty, your parents bank account, your average happiness levels and many more other factors that have huge impact on your life/career/performance.

Anonymous No. 16192383

>Why do incels circlejerk IQ so much? How many historical figures had tested above 130?
Almost nobody is an incel you fruitcake lol. You clearly have no idea what it even means.
MENSA isn't an incel club lol.
The stanford Binet test ( The original Intelligence Quotient test ) was developed for mass screening schools for intellectually challenged children.
It then found use by the military for once again, identifying retards.
It wasn't designed for measuring intelligence.
Also you shouldn't be able to improve your IQ score with practice. However many MENSA members have demonstrated that you can improve your score with practice.
A below average IQ is far more meaningful than an above average IQ.

Anonymous No. 16192408

It's just statistics.
All cognitive abilities are positively correlated to various degrees.
So given a large number of humans you get a certain expected result; that is that high IQ people are high earners, great musicians, great writers, etc.
However this person might not even exist and you almost always outliers, in fact outliers might be the majority of the population.

Anonymous No. 16192412

"Why are people so obsessed with IQ?" asks the man posting his 100th thread about IQ.

Anonymous No. 16192415

Why are you surprised? Neither Bush nor JFK was particularly intelligent, and they are appealing to the masses, who are average. Nobel prizes winners are chosen politically, and you need to specify Nobels in what, obviously.

You also absolutely can't do a lot in life with only 105. That's just how it is.

Anonymous No. 16192445

Yes. Some 150+ IQ genius is an anomaly. everyone on here thinks they're somehow 130+. It's hilarious

Anonymous No. 16192905

>a good life is buying shit
You probably dont plan on having children and suffer from mild depression

Anonymous No. 16192913

We need our own firewall to keep you fucking gooks out

The best presidents were high IQ, and JFK did not have 119 IQ

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Anonymous No. 16192915

Having children is unethical. Get educated

Anonymous No. 16192932

>Bill Gates has 156-160 IQ
>Elon Musk has 142 IQ
>Mark Zuckerberg has 152 IQ
>Thomas Pynchon has 139 IQ
>Kanye West has 133 IQ
I'm detecting a pattern here, but you might be too low IQ to figure it out.

Anonymous No. 16192937

>Bunch of made of numbers
>Let me include this antisemite too because I'm a chud and he agrees with me
The pattern is that you're a loser and a retard

Anonymous No. 16192952

>Bill Gates has 156-160 IQ
Parents were financially well off.
>Elon Musk has 142 IQ
Parents were financially well off.
>Mark Zuckerberg has 152 IQ
Parents were financially well off.
>Thomas Pynchon has 139 IQ
Parents were financially well off.
>Kanye West has 133 IQ
Parents were financially well off.

Are we really going to pretend that children of politicians, professors, dentists and lawyers aren't going to be positioned to succeed? We aren't talking about people born in poverty who got their wealth out of the mud here.

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Anonymous No. 16192967

130 is good enough to be a math or physics professor.

Anonymous No. 16192990

>Are we really going to pretend that children of politicians, professors, dentists and lawyers aren't going to be positioned to succeed?
Their high IQ ancestors succeeded and then perpetuated a cycle of success by having high IQ children who flexed their middle and upper middle class status to enter the billionaire class
IQ is still a deciding factor in success regardless of initial financial support

Anonymous No. 16193003

Also, to further my point that IQ is critical, just look at the children of rich people who end up having low IQ for whatever reason. They're not leveraging their parents wealth to create cultural touchstones or disruptive enterprises. They're just degenerates who party all the time and live lives of empty hedonism. Oftentimes, they even cause their families to lose all their wealth and fade into an obscure poverty.

Anonymous No. 16193462

Are these actual IQs, or estimates by random people or estimates calculated from school test results?

Anonymous No. 16193553

You mean the system requires you to have it in order to be allowed there.
But anybody who ever suceeded was a low IQ person who managed to get there anyway. But the watchdogs got too good at spotting it, and, you just won't get there anymore.

Anonymous No. 16193558

What do you mean that they succeeded?
You mean that you landed them the job, and kicked out everybody else.
You don't mean that they actually did a great job. You only push their shitty movie or a song as the great new hit, or their idiotic theiry as the new gospel.

Anonymous No. 16193615

Bill, Elon, Mark, and Thomas are calculated from SAT scores (Mark's may be inaccurate since the SAT was altered before he took it to be less of a test of g). Kanye had his IQ tested during one of his manic episodes in 2018 and publicly announced the results on periscope.

Anonymous No. 16193617

>You mean that you landed them the job, and kicked out everybody else.
You should take your Seroquel before posting on sci

Anonymous No. 16193690

>everybody who notices the blatant injustice needs to be kept under sedatives and pronounced mentaly ill.

Anonymous No. 16194212

No, but your use of "you" in your post implies I'm an agent of a conspiracy or something. I'm just a guy. You're having a paranoid episode.

Anonymous No. 16194235

>calculated from
>publicly announced the results

I never got my IQ tested, but from my SAT score I'm announcing that it is 200.

Anonymous No. 16194271

>I never got my IQ tested, but from my SAT score I'm announcing that it is 200.
I'm not surprised you never got your IQ tested bud. You probably wouldn't like the results.

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Anonymous No. 16195949

>How many historical figures had tested above 130?
I cannot answer that, but mine is 140 and I will never make history, lol.